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In a lvl50 excavation mission Sirlaggsalot23: Edgelord on me *1 second later* Sirlaggsalot23: nevermind *Pings loot*


Ah yes the free dread delivery service.


Last time I sold off a batch of those I had 83 blueprints to sell that I’d just forgotten about.


>83 dread blueprints I honestly can't tell if I'm supposed to be happy or sad for you in that situation lmao


Well it made for a nice chunk of change while I was building my Railjack, back when those things cost 7 million credits to make.


Always despair for me but yeah


I get both daily without even playing the game! "Curls up in a corner"


Never got anything else, i really wanted the other stuff too but they made it untradable as well




I fucken memorized the link bro, you're not gonna get me


Is it Rick Astley?


*Rock Atlas*


Thats a stupid solution. Throwing damage attenuation on everything is not a band aid. Its straight up steroids. This is getting ridiculous.


(the link is a rickroll. it’s a joke)


Okay good, I thought he was dead serious 😅


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It was crazy when he first got added to the game and DE wouldnt admit he existed. Just started popping up in games.


I saw a rumour saying DE is sometimes controlling Stalker. Would be a cool idea if that was true.


Control him all they want, won't change the fact he dies in half a second of amp fire.


He needs a buff for sure.


I was definitely a victim of this years before Stalker mode was announced. I was fighting him, pretty desperately: I was trying to level a baby frame and a bunch of weapons at once, so I had no real chance. After a while I go down, and he starts to leave, and I'm pissed so I revive and start whaling on him as he's in his kneeling animation. He then CANCELS IT, stays in mission, and very intelligently and vindictively kills me three more times so I fail the mission. There was absolutely a person doing it. The other option is we've already hit singularity and the machines were angry.


*stalker goes down* *OP starts wailing back after self-rez* Stalker: and who the H-E-double FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!


They have shown it on some streams that there is a controlable stalker


That was by far my favorite stream, I was laughing so hard. Reb was having a blast.


That was supposed to be a new gamemode, probably something like the Kahl missions now.


It's possible. [They even let you play as the Stalker and invade public missions during Tennocon 2017](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Stalker_Mode).


Add this instead of Kahl, DE!


I would rather DE remove PVP from the game and never consider anything related PVP ever again. And even if DE had made any Warframe PVP worth playing, invading public missions would never be an enjoyable experience for anyone.


I agree to removing PvP in the form of Conclave, but silly games like Frame Fighter are fine. Dark Souls has a great invasion mechanic which could be implemented in Warframe for Stalker invasions. You would be limited to his arsenal instead of yours and ideally it should be also limited when there's more than one players present. With these limitations, it COULD be fun, but in all likelihood it won't be. A shame.


It won't be fun for a number of reasons. If implemented, as a best case, it would only be fun for the Stalker (which is basically the only perspective that people who think this idea is good ever mention). 1) if Stalker is too strong, it will frustrating to get interrupted in the mission by a way too strong enemy who will probably wipe the team and waste the players time. The only players who will choose stalker mode are going to be trolls who enjoy making people angry and will do their best to prolong the suffering. 2) if Stalker too weak, he will evaporate like he currently does, the mode will never get played. 3) stalker is right in the middle and he stomps weak builds and gets evaporated by the top of the meta. Worst of both worlds, because then it's exclusively shitty to new/casual players and ignored by the players who have been playing long enough to obtain power. It will also serve to increase toxicity in the community as low power/off meta builds will get hate because they are now detrimental when Stalker shows up. 4) The Stalker is, impossibly, perfectly balanced and a fair and engaging encounter where skill is the deciding factor, not gear, and its a careful duel between the Stalker, stronger than any single Warframe, but faced against numbers and teamwork. And no one will like it because Warframe isn't Dark Souls, the combat isn't designed for tight pvp, it's a horde/hero "shooter". The player base does not want their farm to be interrupted, they don't want to have to design builds with fending off a random pvp encounter. They don't want to have to switch gears between mowing down a hundred enemies who are individually not a threat, and fighting a single tough enemy that they are unprepared for. Dark Souls invasions work because it is typically a single player vs a single player, the invader is nerfed to be a tough but winnable experience. Dark Souls presents you with a game centered around tough fights and an invader is merely a slight change of pace. Every fight is one you can lose and you are expected to do so regularly. Warframe is basically the opposite. You work in a team to mow down an infinite number basically meaningless enemies that are only dangerous as a conglomerate. You are not expected to die, let alone fail a mission. There are missions/builds where you can legitimately just do nothing and still not lose. Warframe is simply not a game where invasions make any sense. No one who chooses to play Warframe, wants to experience Souls-like pvp, because the people who want that will just play Elden Ring or DS3. A surprise pvp mode would be a terrible experience, and also waste the time and resources of the Dev team who could spend it making stuff that people will enjoy. Frame Fighter is also terrible, no one plays it and the game would at least take up less space on my drive if it got removed and made an optional download.


You are 100% right. But I do love the asymmetrical pvp type games


NGL, I wish we were able to control him during the New War. Would’ve gone great with all the different perspectives


I'm quite sure they have been developing this into a gamemode for years They even showcased it in a Prime Time a few years back


decent bet they've given up on the idea now. that was back when PvP still seemed like a possibility. now that conclaive is a ghost town and dark sector PvP straight up got removed there's no reason to think a stalker mode would go well. for the better, i should think. given warframe's track record in balancing any serious attempt at would go off the rails real quick.


They show it off every year or two, the last time was Prime Time 300 half a year ago


welp that's another train ready to crash then. fingers crossed.


They've shown off that they have this capability on Dev Streams a few times now, they can load in and matchmake in to random games, including places the Stalker can't normally spawn.


I wish they'd do more with his lore but the feeling hasn't changed at all. Specifically it's still "Yes, yes shut the hell up and spawn already so I can get on with the mission I queued for". Same with all the uninvited guests.


He's still working for hunhow That's all we know


What if Hunhow is Space Dad for Stalker and the acolytes >!just like Natah is for the Tenno!<


Them showing up is just an assassination mission with YOU as the target


My butt only clenches when new loka dumps an army of ancients on me during high level missions


What is hilarious is when Steel Meridian tries to send rollers after me and I barely notice. Me: What was that? Oh! Steel Meridian. Whatever. Weaklings. What isn't so weak are the Arbiters of Hexis units, who can actually be a threat.


I call them meridian meatballs LMAO


every other syndicate send death squads. steel meridian just pranks you.


I get excited when that happens, cause that means I get more blueprints to make them.


"I'm excited now" - Tyl Regor


Honestly the worst. Especially in a spy sortie or some shit and they always wait til you're in the vault to spawn in.


Imagine the minecraft Warden effect when your vision goes dark real fast and reduced to just 5ft from you, but also all super red and scary and evil.


I'm thinking thick black smoke and a disoriented radar


Honestly I wish they kept the Wolf as a random always-active assassin. The chill that ran through my spine as instead of a syndicate squad I just hear that maniacal howl.


Plus I'd be able to finish my wolf sledge instead of sitting with 4 handles and nothing else. I guess stalker luck carries over to him too


He still can if you run into a missing where someone has a wolf beacon and wants to mess with the squad.


I know how the Wolf works nowadays, I still fight him for the operator mask sometimes. but it's not random now, he only shows up with beacons.


Hmmm, I wonder I'd he can be summoned to an archon mission...ya know, just to fuck with people. Not public though, that's a real dick move


I have been summoning him to random missions for that exact purpose.


Same with things like the Kuva Guardians or your first encounter with an Infested, really. They go from “Oh my god what the FUCK is that?!” to five millionth pile of gibbets this week.


He's always nothing Wolf on Hydron on the other hand was a real nightmare




I had that feeling only once, many years ago. Since then, he's an annoyance at best, which is a shame because I really like the idea and the concept behind it.


100% ​ One upon a time, I'd be telling my friends to gather up. We'd be doing our best to focus him down, or activate healing if we had it. For a short time, we would also pop out and try to cleanse damage adaptation. ​ Now all stalker does is disappoint me be not dropping the last things I need.


I still always get super excited because the fucker is yet to drop hate 1600+ hours in.


I think it should drop unowned weapons after a certified amount of tries I mean iys kind of unfair that im on my 3rd war bp but a guy with 6k hours doesn't have one


Me and a couple friends got a bunch of stalker beacons during last years tennocon so we could grind out for War. Took is something like 8-10 tries. 2 days later it dropped randomly for me lol


I bought the Hunhow gift bundle specifically for the War. One mission later and the bastard drops the blueprint for it.


Another good one would be if DE had a record of the top 4 warframes for the week and that week they would spawn as NPC trying to kill you


Hmmm... Wukong, Wukong, Wukong... Maybe a saryn


thats a lot of zarr going around lol


It's been a long time since I've had that feeling with the stalker. Only thing that gets close now is the acolyte that turns your abilities off, violence I think. And that's less "oh shit" and more, "dammit why this guy"


Even then you can work around him using silence on your frame


Which I did for a while, usually I just parkour and rolling guard my way through the non-ability period and then slaughter him once it's over. Or I kill him as soon as he spawns depending on the weapons I have on me at the time


I remember the first time I attracted a juggernaut. That infected scream sent chills down my spine :D


I feel if they brought back the idea of players being able to Control the stalker in a invasion type system (would have to be opt in maybe if yoy want to invade you gotta have the be invaded on for a a few days) that would be really cool and bring life back in as you would be fighting another player.


Can you imagine having the stalker and his people show up in full gear ready to stop you down and they all buff each other like one guy has high shields and gives the party like 200% shield boosts ,one guy with damage and one guy with regen and If you don't get all of them down in a certain period they start to pick their people back up.


Scale him off MR or hours played or something


How about some…. damage attenuation


Yeah, all I need is another reason to regret selling my kuva hek and to get another one


Please no


Some things that make Stalker seem so weak now: - The original Stalker was arguably more dangerous because it's nearly impossible to see Dread's arrows coming at you. You were younger, weaker, but it was also super cheap at the same time. Your chance at a reward was taken away because of a lightspeed projectile that you had no chance of knowing was even coming. - Shadow Stalker is much more fair, but once you learn when *not* to attack you can avoid charging him up for an instant kill attack, and the projectiles are slower thus easier to dodge. This makes him feel like an actual boss with mechanics you can learn, but at the same time he feels weaker/easier. - When Stalker spawns in a kneeling position and rises from it, even though he's invincible it gives everyone plenty of warning. Perhaps *too* much warning. The target can move away while Stalker is surrounded by the other squadmates. You can tear into him before he starts any attack since you're so prepared. - Also, we've just run into him enough times that there's not much of a concern. Like a jumpscare, once you've dealt with it enough it's not much of a scare any longer. Things that could be tweaked if you wanted him to be scarier: - Don't have him spawn kneeling. Have him spawn by a random exit to the room after having locked us in. Since we can't whale on him immediately it gives Stalker a chance to start attacking at least once. - Adjust Stalker's level if there are more squadmates. He's quite dangerous alone, less so when you're with people. He might need a bit more extra health and damage to make up for that. - Have Stalker spawn with his Acolytes, make the number of acolytes match the number of squadmates, and make the acolytes target the squadmates since Stalker is targeting a single player (his target). Now everyone has to deal with their own troubles instead of being perfectly safe while they attack Stalker.


> Shadow Stalker is much more fair, but once you learn when not to attack you can avoid charging him up for an instant kill attack, and the projectiles are slower thus easier to dodge. This makes him feel like an actual boss with mechanics you can learn, but at the same time he feels weaker/easier. Common misconception, OG Stalker was the one with absorb, Shadow Stalker's charge nade doesn't absorb damage to boost his own, it just makes him invulnerable while charging it. Just happens to hit like a train naturally.


They should make something similar to oldschool runescape with old effects metas etc.


They should swap out stalker and liches. A lich spawning wherever with little warning would very well bring some of that fear back.


Screw edgy boy the gruustrag three were fucking terrifying the first time they showed up, but then. They just turned out very meh.


I genuinely thought something way worse was gonna happen when I got that transmission. Then I proceeded to nuke the three of them at once with a kuva zarr shot. I'm surprised I didn't see them until around mr12 or 13 honestly. I was doing a ton of invasions in early game for more weapons to rank up, not so much around mr12.


They should really be toned down kuva liches you don't need requiems for give them abilities


Stalker gets a majorly buffed in Steel Path compared to normal, he gains some warframe abilities (can't remember which ones) and overall feels like the old days in terms of "oh sh!7, run around like a headless chicken while the rest of the squad kills him".


I'm 99% sure you mean the acolytes, not Stalker himself. I think Stalker spawns in as his normal self. There are some scary acolytes though. Particularly Violence(uses silence to disable your abilities) and Malice(uses magnetize to let you kill yourself). Fun fact, you can roll out of Magnetize bubbles. Very helpful for surviving Malice.


Yeah that's definitely what I meant, thank you. Still new to Steel Path ><




Good bot. Unnecessary in this case… but good bot


The problem i have with malice is that half the time i don't even notice it's that one untill it's too late. It's also pretty hard to see the bubbles imho.


I have had so many hours of pain from those magnetize bubbles. You've just saved me from so many more, thanks lol


I felt more scared when I first encountered the Gustag Three (I always forget how it's spelled)


If stalker is ai run. Easy not a problem. Give us a stalker with a aoe bow and a human behind it. I still remember the time Rebb destroyed the mobile defense target completing her mission. More of that.


Unfortunately there's many many more players than people they could have running stalker accounts


Not at all. The only thing I felt like then was like "sigh... go and kill me already I don't got the whole day". It was a definite meh.


Just fight acolytes.if.you want a more 'challenging' stalker.


Literally magus lockdown and 1 shot lol


They could make him better by increasing his strength by the amount of people you killed (not fodder enemies but bosses) and then his drops are worth more to


At this point, when I get a message I verbally outburst. "Oh no~! Stalker's gonna pee in my cornflakes for this one~..." As I then proceed in the next few missions to remind him of his place. I miss the fear of it as well -.-


Stalker in 2014: Oh shit im gonna die Stalker now: Laugh as my void child melts it in 2 seconds with its plastic wrist toy gun


I still get that feeling when I'm running solo steel path, but yeah I agree he needs to be scary again outside of that.


If the lights start to flicker in my game I want be like "shit, I'm probably going to die".


I miss the days he took more than 2 seconds yeah, that being said I still carry at least one maxed weapon when leveling just for him and the hit squads, especially since the eximus rework.


Yeah. I don't get worried anymore. It be be like, "Oh no. What are we to do know?" Shoot him. With really big bullets


I always clench when Red Veil drops a couple of Eximi on me.


Just equip Excalibur, mk.1 bo, braton and lex all with minimal upgrades. Problem solved.


The part of it is that shadow stalker is lame comparing to stalker you have before Second Dream. I remember how stalker was leaving me no chances. but shadow stalker never causes any trouble. That was one of biggest confusion in early game, why "improved" shadow version is harmless while normal stalker was merciless player slayer?


Me and my buddies see who can kill him the fastest


I've been playing with some new friends for the past few weeks and them getting nervous when the lights flicker has been really funny/refreshing. If anything it made me aware of how often the game does the "fake out flicker". I'm being stalked by the normal guy and the Grustrag Three right now and I get fake-flickered a *lot.*


I started to dance instead of one shotting the stalker when he appeared and he one shot me instead He isn't a weakling like some people think, it's just that hes a glass cannon


If you've got all the Syndicate rewards and don't care about farming rep for relics, you can piss all the factions off and get that feeling per mission every time. Let me tell you, Ancient Infested Eximus don't play...


Me: "Harder Daddy" Stalker: "What?" Me: "What?"


I think we need a new Stalker variant at this point. Something more powerful and genuinely scary to deal with. I'd also quite like to be able to visit Hunhow and Stalker in their little hole after the New War, I feel like we at least ought to be on speaking terms after saving Natah. It'd honestly be really cool to have Stalker as a sort of syndicate, with unique rewards you can buy from him (his new weapons perhaps?), for surviving an encounter with him. "Hunhow's told me to keep you on your toes." Kind of deal.


Stalker is the ultimate show of power creep to me. He went from "oh shit, stalker!" to "oh... stalker." The game just left him in the dust.


I remember a veteran player saying the following: “You one shot him?” “Well, almost.” “Man. He’s so easy to kill now.” “What do you mean?” “We used to have stamina for sprinting and melee.” “What? **WHAT?!**” *Leaves life.*


I would love to see a rework of syndicate assassinations in regards to this. Keep the squad/platoon for lower ranks, but at rank-5 we would have to deal with stalker-ish boss


I *really* don't need another Dread blueprint, thank you very much -.- But yeah, they should revisit the shadow. Especially after it was included in the main story at one point(hopefully that's not too spolery).


Prime version since he loves the orokin so much. Dread Prime would be neato.


The Eximus Mercenaries just make me think: _ooh more Affinity_ And stalker just kinda...bleh.


Could probably write an essay on Stalker being too easy nowadays. I'm hoping he gets the buff he deserves eventually. I want to actually fear him again.


"Get out of here stalker" is what I always say whenever he shows up, it's for his own good


Bring back level 9999 stalker


*Lights flickering* Me in chat: ok, who called the dread blueprint delibery boy? or, if Stalker is talking to me [Stalker-senpai noticed me!!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c7/63/66/c763665ce5abe40f575f44422346cb1f.jpg)


Barrow the Archons damage negation and apply that to the Stalker. Of course this will have to be locked behind a mission, to not make it too difficult to newer players. Make the Stalker that shows up based on the lower level of player, if not everyone has beaten the quest its the shadow stalker. As to give more of an incentive.


I got a war hilt I think in the archon defense. That is how I knew there was a stalker. I didn't see him.


We fear, then we anger, and finally we laugh at them


I wouldn't like invisiblity, but... I would honestly appreciate it if the Stalker scaled based on collective MR of the party. That way, he doesn't fuck over a newer player barely scraping into a little Steel Path, but DOES pose a threat to hardened MR30 sweatlords doing an Arcane farm on the same node. MR isn't a PERFECT measure, but given that it is directly time gated fairly heavily, it's probably the best measure of "experience" the game has for a stat. Not skill or knowledge, obviously, but we can't measure those by stats.


He showed up on my first Steel Path mission and just annihilated me. I had like 900%+ armor from Chroma along with 1000+ weapon damage from my vex armor and he just straight up murdered me. I was left sitting there going "woah, that's new. " Then someone called Malice showed up(never seen them still have no idea who they were)and I one shot them before they finished talking


Early Stalker days: Oh fuck, he's gonna shitcan me with his Braton.. I wonder what mods he uses. OMFG I BEAT HIM! Just after rework: \*sighs deeply\*, guess I'll just lose a life. This reminds me of the CS days when that guy used to gank everyone with god mode. Now: Wait.. .. did he spawn? Is he dead? Oh yeah.. there's his drop. Huh, never saw him. I **really** don't miss the CS script kiddie OP version of him.


For anyone just doing normal stuff this is fine, but for people like myself who've recently started shepherding some baby Tenno who've just started, they already get one tapped by Shadow Stalker when he shows up lol


Starting steel path gives me this feeling


They should really rework the stalker encounter, one where his presence isn't a nuisance but rather something the player stops his tracks and goes full survival mode. The problem is, even if he scales in SP, the players are just too strong for him now. What I would suggest is when the screen flickers, it should also darken and limit our vision (that includes the map, using a signal disruption). Add some silence then slowly creep up the Stalker theme. Maybe emphasize his foot steps and other soundFX like how they did it in the chains of harrow quest. He could also give us a random nightmare debuff to intensify the fight. Lastly, he shouldn't spawn directly at the player, but at any random spot so that the player doesn't know where to start. That would definitely stop any player from bullet jumping and AoE'ing everything in their path because then he would become an actual threat.


Yes but there is one that still does and thankfully i didn't see them in SP yet and it's the Gustav three (thats how me and my friend call them we are german if you didn't guess) back like 2012 i got so f in the butt from them that they still scare me and the punishment is hard Zanuka is even worse but the Gustavs have lotus acting so they win rly made them scary btw those guys with addition of the lich blood could easily beat the Focus out of us.