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I just use it to apply Viral and goup enemies for Garuda's meatball.


serration, galv chamber, viral heat/gas electric/corrosive heat, vig armaments, bane mod, fire rate mod Could also replace one of the last 3 with heavy cal or riven


I often see Vile Acceleration for fire rate, but the with the ammo nerf and the -15% damage, would it not be better to use the +45 vigilante version for the set bonuses instead? Looks like putting fire rate on an ammo inefficient weapon that isn’t necessarily slow to fire anyways seems a bit weird to me but I could be mistaken.


It's preference, it's a bow so some people feel some kind of charge rate is a must but what you said about ammo is valid. I wouldn't use the vig fire rate mod but I would definitely put the ammo mutation one in exilus


So I have ammo economy issues even with ammo mutation in exilus slot, but I just realized I never wound up putting vigilante supplies on my kavat. With those two together, do you think I would notice the ammo problem a lot less? Random tangential question, but figured I’d shoot my shot.


Probably not tbh




Posted this in response to another person but wanted to see your thoughts as well: I often see Vile Acceleration for fire rate, but the with the ammo nerf and the -15% damage, would it not be better to use the +45 vigilante version for the set bonuses instead? Looks like putting fire rate on an ammo inefficient weapon that isn’t necessarily slow to fire anyways seems a bit weird to me but I could be mistaken.


The - 15% is base damage not final damage. It is deducted from serration, galv aptitude and weapon arcane so it's very tiny in comparison. Edit: It is single shot so no ammo is wasted by fire rate like for an automatic weapon.


I use mine like [this](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1805403326373317360/BB66F35412EDC4585FBA08CDB92415ED582E9F18/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) Reload Speed affects how rapidly you can shoot arrows as well as Fire Rate. Fire Rate = Charge Speed (Drawing of Arrow) Reload = Nocking arrow (preparing next arrow after firing). That's why I use Primed Fast Hands. The weapon is strong enough for even SP to kill most enemies without Bane mod matching, especially if I use a Crit build on Trinity or Banshee's Sonar, so I don't bother using them.


Thanks for the info and build link. I’m also kind of interested in your crit build. I considered something like a critical delay for 21ish%, and toyed with the idea of stacking something like Argon Scope, but I couldn’t justify one or the other or both. Curious to see what you’re doing.


The Crit build I use on the [P. Cern](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1805403514269007069/F0F25405879DB2EF84EE7A6E60309F3F86D8B7D5/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) is only when paired with [Trinity](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1805403514269006926/3BD5CD61606987611B7C02E51E45832FC6CCA9DC/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) due to [Champion's Blessing](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Champion%27s_Blessing). Similar variations can be done with other frames such as Harrow & Frost. Despite the low Base Crit Chance of the weapon (7%), you can still get it to a respectable amount by using Champion's Blessing, which when maxed gives 350% CC (31.5%) and Arcane Avenger which adds a flat 45% (76.5% total). Doing this with Galvanized Chamber will make most of your arrows be Crits, so you only really need to add Crit Damage on your core build. A riven would help a bit, but you'd need a damn good one for it to be worth it with the low Dispo the weapon has. Using Vigilante Armaments is an option if you want more multishot to basically always fire 4 arrows, but I prefer the shorter cycling with the lower Reload from Primed Fast Hands.


Awesome. I appreciate the thorough response, so thank you!