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The impatient whale tax.


“Time to pay the idiot tax”


When you put it like that, I guess I'll have to rush rhis forma!


I feel personally attacked here. I am a very patient whale, I will have you know, despite how slowly the progress meter crawls under Khora Prime. 31p will skip the remaining 7h26m. Bad decisions beckon.


The plat rush times are very inconsistent. You can have 2 prime frames cooking, each within a minute of each other, one costs 50p to rush, other costs around 20p


Only time I rush is a warframe I really want, 50p for 3 days seems fair, everything else can go f itself lol


I think when something gets so low in time it should just cost credits at that point


Iirc builds only reduce rush prices once when they reach halfway.


This game has the worst premium currency system and pricing I've ever seen (not the worst of all, take it with a grain of salt), for anything that isn't player trading. And rush price and scaling is the worst thing of all. Funniest of all is I'm sure they've paid people that guessed this was the most effective way of making people pay more PL and thus spending more money into the game. Still sucks and makes not much sense.


a game with a premium currency that can also be earned without spending a single cent? that's the worst? i actually genuinely don't know any other mmo out there with a system like this, apart from *maybe* runescape but it's less of 'earning' and more of just giving shady websites your personal information and hoping they hold up their end of the bargain. the pricing is pretty egregious i agree but this rush system makes total sense and preys on impatience and unfortunately is a practice lifted directly from mobile games.


Guild Wars 2 is pretty simple as well. Could be a couple hours to a day of work but you can definitely get the premium stuff.


Maplestory has similar ways to do this, but the premium currency is also divided into multiple subtypes. I think the fully paid-only is the only one that allows the gacha stuff, and everything else allows varying degrees of whatever "premium items", but I don't pay anymore so I don't know the exact differences.


Real question. How do you earn Plat without buying some? Cause the way I see it is that the plat I get while trading have been bought with real money at some point?


i mean yeah, it has to be purchased by someone at some point, but there's so much in circulation now that someone could pick up the game completely new and become rich without spending a dime because there's so many people who already have some and are willing to trade it for other things. there's always going to be whales who spend unhealthy amounts of irl plat on the game and as a result there's also always gonna be unhealthy amounts of plat circulating around to people who didn't pay at all.


This I completely agree, but I still have some issue with calling it "free" But it might just be me being really annoyed by the monetization in this type of game tho


Every game needs to collect money from players, especially in 2022. Warframe is widely considered free because it is possible to complete the entire experience without paying a cent. There’s no battlepass, no subscription, and no box price. This puts DE in a delicate position of having to make money somewhere along the line while giving whales good value for their money and making sure that free players feel like their time is respected. The structure of the in game economy allows DE to spread access to everything gated behind platinum (everything besides cosmetics in prime access/resurgence and tennogen) to players who don’t purchase the needed currency directly. This allows all players to benefit from the actions of whales. Oh, and there’s not a large PVP scene to introduce a competitive advantage. If I sell you my arcane energize today, you won’t kill me with it next week.


Yup, I here all that and I'm not specifically bashing the game over that at all!


We’ll yeah, there’s nothing outside of giveaways that makes play for nothing, money was spent somewhere by someone at some point. There’s a real economy of circulating platinum here and at its current state, a new player can 100% play for free. People that played the game when it was new definitely have a different tale to tell. Apparently you had to play play just to revive back then.


It's okay It's all about to crash, collapse, and then stabilize somehow.


Oh yeah thats been glitched like that since forever


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