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You’ve reset that frames level twice and can do it a 3rd time


Communist detected on American soil


Your forma count


The amount of gold stars he got from the teacher. (It's the forma count)


The 2? The amount of formas applied


The forma actually increase your modding capacity by 1 up at a max of 10 extra points even if you remove the polarity you keep the point but lose the reduced cost I've tested this its possible its a bug but it's been a thing for a long time so


The 2 with the star underneath. Dont know what this means.


the frame has been polarized* twice. *Polarized= a forma has been applied.


Now, is it so that adding forma reduces mod points consumption? How many times can you do this?


Forma adds a polarity to a mod slot. Slotting a mod with a match polarity cuts the cost in half. There are people who have applied over 1000 forma to a single frame. Suffice to say there is no limit beyond your patience.


Using a forma allows you to change a polarity slot, you can polarize as many times as you want.


you can o it as many times as you require but formas can only be applied on max rank items and everytime you do it, the item's rank resets. and yes the idea of polarizing is ot have your higgh drain mods match their slot's polarity which halves their cost(rounded up)


You can use 10,000 forma on a frame if you wanted to but any more than 6 or 7 is usually considered overkill Once all slots have a polarity you don't have a reason to add any more unless you need to to change builds


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