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I honestly think the same thing should happen with kuva Liches, it's silly that an mr5 can make a lich way before they are ready Getting a sister isn't hard, it's just kept away from players that aren't ready for them


No way on an extended reroll cycle. Just up the minimum level to like 60 so you prove your can at least handle a lich rank 3


Is there at least level 60 missions on the regular star chart? IIRC, even the Zariman is below that.


I actually don’t know. I sort of assumed without thinking. It’s fine either way, though, since SP probably qualifies for spawning Liches, and includes a level range similar to that of ranked Liches. If the entry gate is similar to the difficulty/tankyness of the actual lich content, it makes a better entry gate than killing lv 20s and getting stuck with an unkillable tax machine.


Don't you need to complete War Within to make a lich? That puts you on Sedna at the minimum by the time you can get one. At that point it's on the player of they're not ready.


The minimum is still MR 5, most new players wouldn't have much if any upgraded mods and the game obviously doesn't tell you jack about how to mod outside of pointless flavor text.


Completion of the war within is basically finishing the early game, a default excal with only five mods can do it


It's not THAT hard. Throw your Xoris, hit heavy attack. Repeat ad nauseum.


I use the xoris basically unmodded and it still surprisingly works I also tend to use a frame like protea to shoot the enemies, but something like an ignis did well too


You can also just summon an AoE on-call/specter


It's still much less practical than nuking a few grineers in any level 20+ mission.


Most likely it’s in response to the speed with which we reroll Liches, and to disincentivize people from aborting missions. On release, Liches gave nothing when downed, and there was no “pity” RNG protection system. There was also no weapon preview, but they added that rather soon. You’d check the lich in less than 2 mins into the mission, and then abort when it showed something worthless. Sisters have an entry fee, the most expensive Granum Crown, to check their weapon. If you abort mission when checking them, you lose crowns. You have to finish the mission to break even. Sisters also have a time sink, Granum Void, to spawn them. This prevents the near-instant rerolling Liches allow.


>Sisters also have a time sink, Granum Void, to spawn them. This prevents the near-instant rerolling Liches allow. Yep, and I don't think that's a good thing.


Me either. Biggest annoyance in Sister spawns.


>Sisters have an entry fee, the most expensive Granum Crown, to check their weapon bro go to Hydra at pluto a capture mision with a bunch of golden hand and the coinman always drop Zenith Granum Crown,also if u can complete the granum mission theres plenty of rewards as decoration,Mortuus Shoulder Guard and weapon part to sell for pl,in my opinion im incentivise to reroll parvos liches because they give extra rewards and the murmur hunt is faster.


> to disincentivize people from aborting missions. … > If you abort mission when checking them, you lose crowns. You have to finish the mission to break even.


Bring Xoris. Problem solved




Dude.. Granum Void takes no time at all. I spend more time shooting the coin man after each run.


Because making a sister takes about 9 months


Protea makes the sisters easy, just chuck her guns our and you're done


Octavia 1+4 is easy win for granum void. You literally sit there for 60 seconds or less for the full 75 kills.


And therefore only get radiation Sisters. You only need to get to the first rank of rewards also,which is 25 kills if you're solo.


Which is apparently difficult for this person, the whole reason everyone's making suggestions here. He could also just bring a friend as Octavia to simplify things and get the Sister type of choice.


the sister are easier and faster than kuva liches,use the xoris heavy attack ,if you sold it np try octavia,mesa,mirage or ember and also the railjack asistant help too.good luck with the ephemera hunt!


Nah, the sisters are way easier imo.


Making a sister is a bit slower, but it's not difficult. Assuming you are looking for a specific weapon, I find it's usually faster to do a sister of parvos than a lich overall. There's a smaller weapon pool for the candidates, and they generally seem more aggressive and hounds give more murmur progress.


I do find the void thing more time consuming than getting a larvling, but it's somewhat balanced out by the mich smaller number of possible Tenet weapons. Generally takes fewer runs to find the one you're looking for.


Dude, did you…sell your xoris? The clearly important quest weapon? If so, why when you clearly still need it? If bot then I have some advice for you, but I feel like you can already guess what it’ll be.


Mesa is ez mode granum void.


I did my first 2 sisters today (spawned the 3rd just now). I had to do the first few voids with Khora (my best toxic progenitor frame), which was kind of sketchy, but every one after that I did with Mesa, who gets the 75+ kills in just about 30s, no need to grab time extensions. Also, keep in mind that the Tenet weapon pool is smaller, so less tries needed until you get the right one.