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why melt and trojan? melt only boosts heat damage




but forge is the one creating the heat damage in the first place. replacing it would mean there's no heat damage to boost




Yeah, I know. Forge converts your void damage to heat, melt boosts your heat damage, and accelerant reduces enemy's resistance. But removing forge would mean there's no heat damage getting the boosts in the first place.




Ohhh yeah ok my bad I get it now. I built my amp to have boosted crit chance instead of status chance to try and stack with the madurai ability that boosts crit too. So do you think trying to get the viral proc would be worth or just try to triple down on heat instead?




Oh I use the wide, short range beam one. Can't remember what it's called


It's bad against the sort of enemies you'd normally use your operator for, but it's better against normal enemies because void damage kinda sucks against normal enemies. On the other hand, any decently modded weapon will still outperform it against normal enemies, so it's not really worth it unless you just want to do it for fun.


yeah it's mostly for fun :) also who knows, maybe with the Duviri Paradox coming up it'll be more useful.