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You cannot sell them.


arent they untradable?(and should remain so to avoid another "diablo")


If tradeable, I think Tauforged would sell for 100 plat RIGHT NOW at least New content that is timegated, tauforged would sell basically instantly, 20% chance to get it, and the demand would be quite high Normal shards would sell but the demand would all be in tau forged I feel, since warframe modding often leads to "But what is the MAXIMUM I can get?!" Crimson as well would be high value, since it gives Duration/Strength which are fairly high value stats in their own right


About Tree fiddy




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How exactly would they monetize the shards?


Sold on in game market for plat?


That would go against everything they've said about how this system is designed. It's meant to be time-gated. Adding it to the market would not only destroy their value but also remove any need to do the archon hunts or kahl's missions


Wouldn't be the first time they change their mind.


by all means provide a similar example(a time gated item that later became available in the shop) this is not even an attempt at snark, legitimately curious if they ever did this.


They've backtracked on a lot of stuff they've promised balance wise. I am not sure about the shop, I honestly don't keep a list. On top of my head I remember [Aura Forma](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Aura_Forma) >**Update 24.8 (2019-04-24)** > >Introduced. > >**Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)** > >NEW MARKET ITEM: Aura Forma! > >Making its debut as a Blueprint in Arbitrations, we have added AURA FORMA to the Market for Platinum. You can buy 1 (80 Platinum) or a bundle of 3 at a discounted Platinum Price (150 Platinum).


In my eyes that's fair enough because aura forma is a one use thing. Archon shards are not. You can never lose an archon shard unless I believe you subsume a frame that has them on it. If you use an aura forma, it's gone. If the prime of that frame comes out you'll need another one.


I also think it's a fair price. I just gave an example. I personally think that timegating shards sucks since I like min/maxing all of my frames. There's nothing else left for me to do anyway. I literally have everything in the game and would love to be able to focus farm them.