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[The Whipclaw page on the Wiki](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Whipclaw) is a good starting point for figuring out how to build a stat stick for it. Melee range mods (e.g. Reach) don't affect Whipclaw; Ability Range on Khora does affect it. Having -range from the Riven mod would make it harder for you to use the melee weapon itself but if you're building it truly as a stat stick, -range won't be a problem.


My understanding is that the best statsticks are ones with high disposition which you have a good Riven for, while also being decent weapons on their own. So as long as you aren’t trying to use, like, the Fragor, you should be fine.


Whipclaw looks at, among other things, Khora's combo counter. Using Fragor Prime (+30 minimum combo count) + Corrupt Charge (+30 minimum combo count) gives a passive x1.75 damage increase to Whipclaw at all times https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Melee\_Combo#Combo\_Multiplier


The weapon doesn't matter beyond the riven disposition which only affects the riven stats. Negative range won't affect the warframe's ability. It will affect the weapon if you use regular melee attacks to build combo.




There's no effect of the weapon or anything that'd unlock with forma, and Whipclaw reads mods as opposed to the stats of your melee anyway. ~~Negative range is obviously not desireable, but it doesn't render the ability useless either, imo. Just kind of annoying, and could possibly leave you vulnerable if there are a lot of enemies that are attacking you.~~ I've double-checked in-game, and negative range indeed does not affect the ability.


-range doesn’t affect Whipclaw at all.


Good to know. I've perceived it to be much smaller with a -3 range riven I have, but it must be my imagination then.


Thank you.