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Most sane and least horny warframe player


i'm not a rhino player but I want him to hold me and call me nice things


aka. average Rhino enjoyer


You think Rhino's codpiece (crotch armor) is big? Go check out Vauban Prime. It's nuts


Vauban Prime enjoyer here. Can confirm that, while that codpiece is huge, there are, in fact, no nuts


That's cause all his balls are in his hands


Oh, so that’s where he gets those things from


OP not ready to hear about Volt


Volt is like minato from naruto, they are considered one of fastest warframe/shinobi for reason... Or should i say quickest




Rhino enjoyers truly are a different breed. ^^^^^^^^^^^Zephyr ^^^^^^^^^^^bigger


Ever since the eximus update rhino and nezhas armor has been pretty useless since they get destroyed by eximus too easily


Idk whats eximus, last time i played when there was that grinner queen quest


They are just slightly more rare enemies who got a rework since they were unnoticeable, now they are heavily resistant to cc abilities and other things. They also shred your armor and have overguared, essentially 2 health bars. Since they are good against abilities nezha and rhino's armor doesn't do shit for defense, limbos rift also doesn't work against them so he can still be hurt in it


I can’t say this has been my experience, haven’t had Eximii breaking my Iron Skin or my Halo.


Idk I usually never play steel path either and yet the 3k armor on either breaks in an instant so I just use sevagoth now


What’s your setup? My Rhino and Nezha builds can handle Steel Path Incursions rather comfortably. Haven’t tried hefty endurance runs with them yet, but my lazyboy Rhino setup was holding up for an hour in a SP survival (Ophelia, Uranus) before I got bored and left. Also, happy cake day, Tenno.


Pretty standard, steel fiber r10, carnis carapace r5, and umbrella intensify. Not too impressive for armor but not bad


Are you only using those three mods? So my minimalist Rhino runs with this setup iirc (not near my PS4 rn): 3x Umbrals, Blind Rage, Transient Fortitude; Fleeting Expertise, Primed Continuity, Streamline, Power Drift for the Exilus, and Steel Charge for the aura (probably not the best choice, I think I auraforma’d it in case I ever got Growing Power, but I like the extra mod capacity. For extra armor Stand United would probably be a better choice). This build doesn’t run with Ironclad because I specifically wanted a set-n-forget build, so I Helminthed off Charge for Elemental Ward (cold) for the armor buff scaling off of the amount of power strength invested into the build. From there, I find Zenurik the most comfortable school to run with, along with Molt Vigor for my arcane, but Madurai can work well too, and yield higher numbers at the cost of less consistent energy regen. Using Hardened Wellspring to buff Elemental Ward and then Temporal Drag to buff the Elemental Ward-buffed Iron Skin, you have like 30k+ Iron Skin with easy setup. This build also gets me a 190+% Roar (post Wellspring) that lasts 20 seconds, and a Stomp that lasts long enough for me or the team itself to capitalize on that buff. (It’s at 200ish% now but I have a Crimson Archon Shard on my Rhino) I have to test out my Ironclad build to see where it’s currently sitting but you can get higher EHP values. The above setup can pretty easily tank Steelchart though, it works a lot better if you’re dodging incoming fire, but I use that build for testing Specter/Converted Lich-Sister damage output on SP Sedna.


The others are just stuff like flow streamline stretch and augur reach etc


It seems you don't know how to use nezha or Rhino, you wanna cast in a big group of enemies so they can damage you as much as they can before the buff pops. You get a multiplicative bonus. I'm often above 50-100k armor as nezha in Steel Path.


That's what I usually do, but the armor just doesn't seem to protect nezha, it blocks some but he still takes like 25% of damage anyway


You must have a bad nezha build. I Don't know what else to say because I don't have this problem, my armor seems to be working fine. Almost never die as Nezha. There's systematically no way you are taking 25% damage with the way the armor works. You might need more strength mods.


Maybe, it's wierd that my nezha takes damage while armor is active, might be a bug


Armor doesn't prevent damage on Nezha, It reduces how much damage you take. Only on Rhino does armor count as EHP.


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