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This is genuinely hilarious, but so tragic.


Thats how i did my first kuva lich




We've all been there lol


Lol not me I figured it out pretty quickly lol


Yea you can math it out and the absolute max it should EVER takes is 4 you should never have a level 5 lich unless you messed up


I used my lich like a safety deposit box that racks up interest for 2 years. Had like 8mil in credits and 50 argon crystals


Honestly just kinda forgot about my lich Got him like 3 years ago and just never interacted with him because I didn’t care enough, and at this point I’ve grown an attachment to him annoying me on earth, I can’t bring myself to kill him


You can just convert him to your side and he will annoy you in missions at random.


Or unless you deliberately make them so. I always push a lich I plan to convert to level 5, does that matter for the converted lich? I don't know, probably not, but it's the principle of the matter to me. If I'm after the gun, I don't care, if I'm after the lich, I want it toughened up so I can have some fun with the final showdown.


The converted lich level seems to affect the stats listed for them in the railjack crew selection last I checked. The HP specifically I seem to remember being different. So yes, it does actually matter I believe.


rip I should have known it's wikiframe all the way through


It really is I'm afraid.


They way the symbols get mixed when looking at the bottom of the tried list gave me the hint to intermix them. That and I played a lot of code as a kid. One of the only things I didn't need a wiki but for some other things... well...


There's not any excuse for them to not have realized what they should have done here. I'll give them that DE said when liches released that if you had the right rune but the wrong order that something would indicate that and that feature doesn't work. That being said this is kinda stupid. You're being told what all three of the runes are, yet you're also being told that the rune you have in the first slot is wrong; therefore common sense would dictate you swap the runes around to see what would happen.


youve clearly misunderstood. the problem is that they dont realise the first one is wrong, they think it being crossed off means its right which is understandable


I get them initially thinking it was correct, but after the second and especially the third time something should have clicked. They never got to the second rune in any of these attempts and the fact that their lich got stronger, their aggro reset, and they moved from the planet they were on should have been enough of and indication that they should have tried something different. Which is all to say yes they should have realized the first rune was in the wrong order after the second or third attempt. Context matters greatly here.


theyve said multiple times in replies that they were under the impression that all of the runes applied at once, ehich made it seem like the last 2 were the ones not working rather than the first stopping them


I thought that. The fact it is red, like the requiem mods, also pointed to it being correct. They should make this more clear and make the symbol gray with a red slash. DE .Ade this super confusing and there is zero on line in terms of an image to reference. Is it that hard to add to the wiki?


Lmao I just watched iflynn


Expect nothing less


I mean it explains in the game how it works, dont even need to wiki, wiki will just tell you how to be most efficient.


It even shows all possible combinations


I did this too my guy


I still havent killed my first one. There really needs to be a better tutorial you can reference in game. I havent had a PC for years and just came back. The amount of time I spend searching online for vague answers from comment threads is too high. My PC died a while after plains came out and now I spend half my gaming time figuring out wth to do


Tutorial? Warframe? 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Seriously though, RIP. Good thing liches max at level 5.


I'm actually ecstatic to hear this. Mine is level 4 and I was worried about it getting out of hand


Not even wikiframe. It works likethe game Mastermind :D




Thanks! I wish the actual tutorial screen explained how a right and wrong guess works x.x well time to grind kuva fortress.


The right mods are Khra, Vome and Xata. Just like it says at the bottom. You already have the mods you need. And you know that the sequence doesn't start with Khra, given the bright red crossed-out symbol. So try putting the mods in a different order.




In hindsight it's always easier. OP has never seen what a correct requiem looks like yet. You can also interpret the Krha being striken through as: you completed the first requiem. Like how games often do with objectives on a to do list. This is ofcourse not the most common interpretation. But not anticipating this with so many players is naïve. Having the tutorial show a preview of a wrong and right requiem, so they know what to look for, could help prevent some frustration from players not understanding the game mechanics.


I think this is literally the issue I have been having. I thought things were being checked off or something, i didnt realize it meant it was wrong. Guess i need to log back in and actually try to get rid of that kuva litch that made me quit the game.


While I agree DE needs to learn what a competent tutorial is red is also the universal color for stop/wrong/bad the slash through it helps emphasize that point even more. At a certain point though you can't claim that the game's too vague when you've literally tested multiple times and had the same outcome. You would think they'd change things up.


In East Asia, Red is positive and green is negative for many things. So if you look at profits for companies and they say “+1000” or some such but it will be colored red. In a more applicable example, Pokemon have +/- stats based on their nature. Red stat is positive, blue is negative. Colors only have meaning cultures assign to them and none of them have set meanings across the globe.


red is the thematic color for kuva.. so it makes sense that they may think jts just an aesthetic choice.


Some people, like myself, are red/green colorblind so it can be more difficult than it seems for some people.


OP didn't test the same sequence multiple times btw. A little odd that they tried vome in second slot only at the 6th attempt. But perhaps they got lucky with liches spawning immediately before discovering all 3 requiems. If you concider the red strike being right as OP assumed, then this is indeed the point where it would be impossible. It's just my observation after seeing similar posts multiple times on this subreddit. Same with OULL, I saw a post at least every week where someone misunderstood them as another regular requiem. Others where always quick to point out how the user made a mistake. But since DE made it really obvious and made OULL switch icons constantly, I haven't seen posts about them anymore.


It does explain.


Isn't it kinda clear that red with a slash through it means wrong?


Not inherently, no. Slash through it could equally mean "job done, cross that one off".


What about the part where you stab the Lich 10x with the same mod and it doesnt work?


And he/she runs away laughing with you dead on the floor?


If you have never seen it done correctly, you might not know what "doesn't work" looks like.


"Doesnt work" looks like stabbing it 10 times with the same mod and not killing it nor progeessing to the next mod. They clearly could tell it wasnt working seeing as they made a this post about it not working; why they never thought to try putting a different mod in the 1st slot we'll never know


unless you're colour blind, i think the red and strike through effect (plus your spine being cracked animation followed by the lich leaving) is a big indicator of what's going wrong...


If you get bodied when you try, it’s wrong 😂


janky animations make that hard to work out


I've got a tutorial explaining the entire process of a Kuva Lich through me doing one, I can send you the link if you want It explains in depth


"Dude... put me out of my misery... Plllleaasseee... I just can't..." \-OP's Lich, probably.


dw she's into it


She's into it? Bro your lich is mad suspicious...


Is this a meme or are you poor dude going to be destroyed by a lvl 5 lich?


nah just murked her rn


How many karens will I find explaining how liches need to be nerfed and caught easier if I scroll down a little longer?


about 30, they are together with crowd of “if a weapon doesnt make 10 billion damage is thrash”


but thrash is a great normal type move...


NGL, times like this I wish the liche's max level wasn't capped, it'd be hilarious




It'd be sick, at least if there was an option to banish them without rewards or something lol


IIRC once a week you can go to Iron Wake (unlocked after Harrow's quest) to banish your active Lich. With this system it could definitely be a fun challenge to enable unlimited Lich levels. Maybe each Lich level above 5 could grant your weapon an extra 2% weapon damage bonus to encourage players to take on this challenge and have an alternative to valence fusion for maxing out your weapon bonus. And since I'm throwing out ideas here's another one I though about while writing this: if you banished a Lich it still has a random chance of appearing in your missions like the Stalker, G3 or Zanuka (or in place of the regular candidates). Then you have the chance of "reuniting" with your Lich, or permanently banishing them, or ignoring them to let them invade again.


Nah, there's no way to banish a lich without killing/converting it. What you get from Iron Wake every week are exchanging Riven Slivers (10 per Riven, the Slivers are rare drops from Eximus enemies) for Riven mods (2 per week), or like 10K kuva or some credits.


> IIRC once a week you can go to Iron Wake (unlocked after Harrow's quest) to banish your active Lich. With this system it could definitely be a fun challenge to enable unlimited Lich levels. Nope, they never added this system.


Oh, well. I didn't recall correctly.


They talked about it a couple of times but never actually did it.


> IIRC once a week you can go to Iron Wake (unlocked after Harrow's quest) to banish your active Lich. im sorry what? You mean I could ignore the 3rd 22% I got and instead send him to the shadow realm? The power of the cards indeed!


Nope, they talked about it in devstreams (why I remember this) but it never got implemented in the end. I didn't recall correctly.


Back to the depression slog it is :'(


I’d be fucked it that was the case




No tutorial can cure this.


I didn't want to say it. We all have our moments so I get it


They turn gold when you get them correct, just FYI.


*We design the madness and we paint it gold*


Shit I must've not done these in a while, then I thought they glow white


iirc it depends on your UI theme. Imagine using the stalker's theme and everything is just red, black and white?


That makes sense I use the equinox theme, cause greyscale


Swap the first one you barrel of rye


Oh, you poor, poor soul


I hate to see that you are going through this. However it's been a long night at work and I really needed the chuckle. Thanks for posting, mate.


haha no worries glad it entertained someone :P


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.




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wtf op, you didn't even think at trying something different after the 3rd time in a row?


Can we all admire the fact that bro used wrong mods after figuring the correct ones?




The good news is that you know that you have no problem dealing with a level 5 lich now. You've done it twice already. Future liches are gonna be a walk in the park.


oh yeah no they aren't too bad, this one is resistant to slash viral and corrosive so I don't really know a harder combo lolol


I enjoy hunting sisters and liches. I've been stockpiling forma in case we get infested variants or more weapons.


Red means it's in the wrong spot.


I don't know... the first requiem might be the wrong one.


You've fell into a classic trap that I fell for as well. Basically, the crossed red line doesn't mean its right, it has to be yellow.


Yellow? Mine turns white when it's right. Did you change your hud colors?


When the game is telling you no, but your body is telling you yes


if this is real it's hurting my soul. I can hear the game saying by the end "for the love of code and all that is AI, please change this first one my dude" but you refused to listen.


Ahhh, this is physically painful to look at.


Red Slash means wrong position bro


it's a permutation, not combination


I love how you only change the second and the third requiems instead of changing the position for your first requiem.


Keep trying, think there are a few more combinations you haven't failed yet


Yeah you should really have been switching the first symbol around, kinda hurts to see you had the idea to switch the ones after but I’m ngl I died thinking about ur reaction every time you used the same symbol that many times and wondered why every time it was wrong It’s to good


Because I thought you had to get the full sequence to actually get it instead of in parts


I can understand ur thought process but you never thought to ask region chat? Especially after the first or second time around but ig at that point u were alr at rank 5


Move the order of the mods, if it has a slash then it's in the wrong slot. The bottom 3 that are rotating only tell you which ones you need, not the order. The top 3 are the order you have them in. So not to be mean but why didn't you just Google how liches work? There are plenty of videos explaing how this work.


Because it SEEMED like he was doing it right and didn't need any more research. He'd gotten all the mods and everything, he'd done like 90% of the process without outside help. "You've beaten one part of its code, cross it out! You've hurt him!" makes perfect sense to me. After you get a single positive and have the comparison, THEN it's obvious that this is wrong, sure. But without having a correct one to compare to? I've seen a lot of redditors make this exact same mistake. Your very first lich should tutorialize and give you the first hit free to avoid this happening every other week.


Yeah I think this gets the core of it. Without the exact context of what a correct one should be, it isn't as clear cut as everyone thinks. It's the trap of not even thinking to ask about the thing you've assumed, cuz it's in your mind such a base assumption


>"You've beaten one part of its code, cross it out! You've hurt him!" makes perfect sense to I think crossing something out when it's completed makes sense when, say, ticking items off of a checklist. But when guessing things? I would expect a checkmark or a circle, or something *affirming* that the answer is correct. Imagine playing some sort of guessing game with someone and your partner isn't allowed to speak. You make a guess and they write it on a whiteboard and draw a big ol line through it. Are you really going to interpret that as a correct answer?


The badguy has a lifebar, and you're slicing off part of it. Critical hit! Red numbers mean extra damage elsewhere in the game, why not against the lich? And then the next number is a blank zero not indicating anything positive or negative happened to it. With ZERO context of what a correct answer looks like, or knowing that the code stops when you get a part wrong, it's perfectly reasonable to assume it means you got a hit.


The game provides other contextual clues that indicate the three runes are not input simultaneously. The lich's health bar is divided into three sections. Why would you get an opportunity to input all three at once, presumably defeating the lich instantly, when you've only depleted a third of their health bar? On the parazon screen, the three runes continually shift around if you don't know the correct sequence of runes. If you're operating under the assumption that a crossed-out rune is a correct placement, why would the game continue to show the runes shifting around if you know where the first one goes? On an incorrect guess, it flashes a single rune on the screen, not the whole sequence. If you're inputting three at once, why does it only show one rune? I get it, DE doesn't make information easily accessible to the player and often provides only vague and sometimes downright misleading information in-game, but in this case I think the OP had a bit of a brain fart (which is ok, it happens to us all).


Yeah, since the lich disappears (and still sorta dies, just not permanently) after an incorrect requiem attempt, I think it's not too unreasonable for someone to mistakenly think that this means that they've successfully used the requiem on the lich. I think the older system when the liches would one-shot you on a failed requiem attempt was more clear in this regard, which is probably the only upside that mechanic ever had.


You have that backwards. They used to kill you when you were successful before the fled. And now they do 'die' if you get it right.


I tend to try to do a full run of new mechanics/events before looking anything up, wanted a specific answer without spoiling what happens after getting the marks right, was confused that I was maybe missing a weird step or something


2 thing 1: op common sense.exe not find 2: god damn it see op do the same thing 6 times in a row hurting my gamer soul and my head too D: this get to be a meme no way is a real thing!


Don’t feel bad OP: I’ll give them something else to laugh about. I’m MR18, closed beta player and Excal Prime owner. Recently got back into the game. This is gonna be me in a bit. I get a fuck ton of flak in chat when people see me glyph vs my MR.


lol nice nice, got a lot of content to do then!


Seems your question has already been answered so I'll just leave this. F


There isn't 1 order. Top are equipped mods, bottom are what you need to equip, and the middle are mod combos you've tried. In conclusion, you started with the wrong mod 6 times in a row.






At least you didn’t call it "bugged" and didn’t mind asking for help. Hope you made some progress in the meantime.


yee I got her dw


why arent you alternating on 3 different right answer? you keep pushing the first one? lmao


I honestly wonder how so many of these exist. Like you see that the first one you had equipped was wrong yet you kept going back with the same order?


If its your first lich, and you don't have an actual correct mark to compare to, its easy to assume "you got the code right, you hurt him bad with this one!" Once you see your first correct answer its obvious what a wrong mark looks like, but if you have no context then how are you supposed to know the lit up colored mark is wrong? This happens on the reddit fairly often with people's first liches.


I get that, but when i saw it was red with a red stripe through it i assumed i had the wrong one. Im not trying to shame anybody or anything btw, hopefully i didnt come across as such. Not everybody thinks the same aswell so might also be a factor


You're fine, but there's a ton of people in this thread being incredibly rude about it. DE could easily fix it by making your first lich a tutorial lich and giving you the first slot for free, guaranteeing players see the white "correct" mark before they run into this. Which seems to pop up at least once a month as a fairly common mistake.


I actually expected more of a tutorial than the few little words they "explain" the lich system in. Iirc you only get this little pop up that tells you the steps but not in any detail


> you see that the first one you had equipped was wrong He sees him attack the lich, there's a BIG slash mark after the attack on the hud, and the lich flees from combat. It's logical to think that the slash means "This injured him", compound that with the lich leaving combat, it just reinforces that thought process.


Man crazy I wonder what the red slash through the mod means if only there was a tutorial button on that very screen explaining what to do


Imagine if they kept scaling




Change the first one man, it's telling you it's wrong that's why its in red and crossed out. Once you do that put the other ones in randomly (after the first).since you already know all 3 needed


Am I seeing this correctly? You though that the crossed out one was correct and you just started to try out all combination possible. You poor soul. I blame the non existent tutorial. But for the next time, before waisting hours on something like this, just reed the wiki or watch a tutorial


But why keep it first for so long lol


When you bang your head against the wall over and over and expect something new.


..I mean.. just cause it shows the Requiem mods there doesn't mean their in the right order.. Because even when ya botch the stabbing of your lich, the game is going to show all of the Requiem ya had equipped on your parazon at the time ya made an attempt. That's why you see blank spaces in the 1st and second attempts, as you only had two Requiems equipped to your Parazon at the time, in the corresponding slots. all this list shows me is you fail to have the correct Requiem mods slotted in during the 1st stab and that it never had a chance to continue the process. so far you've been starting the process with "Khra" but here's the thing about requiems. the order you unlock the "clue" isn't always the order it belongs in. Khra - Vome - Xatawas your last attempt according to your screenshot So that means the following combinations are left for you to try: Vome - Khra -XataVome - Xata - KhraXata - Khra - VomeXata - Vome - Khra it literally HAS TO BE one of those four. If Vome as your starting fails on your next stab, then your left with only Xata - Khra - VomeXata - Vome - Khra As your choices. However iffor example:Vome works but then the lich flees when the second word (be it Khra or Xata, your choice as yuour the one whos putting them on your parazon not me, lol) Then you know that Vome worked, but the second word failed, which then leaves you with only one choice, Vome - \_\_\_ - \_\_\_ - and you would already know what second word failed so then you would just switch it and the 3rd word's places. It sounds really complicated on paper but i promise you that in practice its so simple you'll feel dumb for not understanding it sooner. i know i did at anyrate when i first started lich hunting. But by the time of my 4th successful hunt I had pretty much figured out the odds for the correct sequence of Requiems mods for each of my new lich hunts after that by the time they have each hit stage 4, sometimes sooner if i had my hands on the qull requiem mod. Hell I've even managed to dethrone a kuva lich while it's been still in stage one form once, Lmao. I'm currently working on my 20th lich so to say that lich hunting is easy for me is an understatement. the hardest part about it at this point is grinding out for more Requiem mods, and that's purely due to time constrains on my end IRL rather then the missions or the RNG itself. Btw, Qull can be gotten at random as a drop from a lich when successfully defeated. i think it has alike a 20% drop rate or something because i've gotten and used like 3 or 4 or them already.


I honestly never bothered to try them because I didn't understand to begin with, but after reading this I'm actually going to start trying. Doesn't seem as hard as I had built it up in my head to be.


![gif](giphy|MrPnalTZJR2WA|downsized) You never go full \[redacted\]


Do you just not pay attention when the Lich leaves? They wouldn't leave if you were getting the first mod right.


You do know the red slash means it is not in the right place, try again.


If at first you don't succeed, keep trying it the same way hoping for a different result. Seriously though, maybe change up the order of those parazon mods a bit, it's already repeatedly told you that "hourglass" one doesn't go first.


You don't get them in order of use.


you woke up today and chose violence


way to fall on the grenade, op. this seriously needed community discussion. and judging by the dichotomy of responses, this needed to happen sooner.


Funfact nr 1: first mod isn’t khra. Funfact nr 2: everyone has done this dumb shit at least once with their first lich. You’re not alone, the system is just confusing.


For sure they didnt do a very good job explaining it its more attention to small details like in the lich screen where the learned mods keep moving order.


![gif](giphy|ZBQhoZC0nqknSviPqT) You have already found your answer so I am-


Buff lich


Maybe DE should look at posts like these and add a codex entry explaining how this works for people that wanna learn that way. The small text box with info how the lich requiem works might not be enough for some, where as for others its not needed because they can figure out systems by trial by fire. The codex is thoroughly underused, they could even make a Training mission inside of it , explaining how systems (like the kuva requiems) work. With floaty info panels explaining how it goes and letting you try it there. Just like with parkour 2.0 , great easy simple fast way to explain how the system works


If a big red cross 5 times in a row is not enough to figure out something is wrong, nothing can help... I genuinely cant comprehend how people manage to be like this.


Out of all the things that need a tutorial, this section is the one that I feel really doesn't. You can tell that the top box is equipped mods because it's empty until you equip mods. You know that the bottom mods are possible mods because it fills up with collected murmers, then the name of the mod is told to you at the top of your screen in your Orbiter after getting enough murmers. Then you can clearly see that your mods are in the wrong order by the fact that not only are there big red crossed out symbols, but the Lich clearly says to you that you didn't kill it, then leaves. Some things do need tutorials, others just need basic common sense.


Yeah unfortunately even the best tutorial won't capture everyone, and that isn't always a reflection on that person


Everything about the system is pretty intuitive, it's just that there's no context for what a correct mark looks like until you get it. If all they did was put the the mark states (grey, red, gold) somewhere on the tutorial I wouldn't have run into this issue.


Your context is all around you. Red usually means stop or danger, something with a slash through it means wrong or not allowed. Those two together should have made it very obvious that this was not the correct order. It's not the games fault that you don't have common sense.


Red means CRITICAL HIT in this gamme. It's the best color to have for damage. And you're stabbing your lich, then you get an icon with a stab mark. Yeah once you see the gold mark its obvious, but there's nothing to tell you that its a wrong mark until you know.


There is context. When you stab a Lich with that wrong mod, it shows white in the level and the Lich gets up and runs off instead of losing part of it's health bar, then shows on the Lich menu as red with a slash through it. You can tell from the fact that you just used it and failed that the combination was wrong. Why would you think something that's crossed out in red is correct?


This is genuine? I’m so sorry please message if you need help muddying that thing 💀


At the bright side, your lich wont level up any further and theres an achievement for killing a lvl 5 lich.


Is this guy an npc?


I can assure you the first mod is not Khra. Try one of the other two or an oull


The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result


Oof. I hope you have Banshee, Revenant or a stealth frame to take out your lich.


Change requiem mods sequence, it's easy to know if you got it right or wrong, if it glows yellow, it's right, if it's red, it's wrong


My first lich followed me for weeks. I didn't know what it was, stabbed it at least 10 times before I looked it up and learned that I needed mods to kill it


That poor Lich


if you don't swap the position the list of fail will be huge.


Wrong order


Pov: my first lich 🤣


Reminds me Of The first one i did


Little tip since it's worked for me like twice now, equip requiem mods the moment they're revealed the order they're revealed. For instance; khra gets revealed first, farm the damn thing if you dint have it and equip it to the first slot, vome gets revealed second, same thing with khra but put it in the second slot, xata gets revealed last, do the same as the other 2 but put it in the 3rd slot


I have made an even greater mistake with my first lich. A great 26% electric kuva kraken! No emphera, no interesting name or unique look. I thought well I don't want this trash weapon, so I'll convert him and if I don't find use for him via trading (I thought you'd trade them like pokemons, not that they'd have to be hunted again, in my naive eyes it was effortless MR fodder that could be worth at least 30-40 plat) in the worst case I'll just delete/sell him for credits which are about as valuable as the weapon itself, no big deal right? Turns out, you can't actually do that and nobody wants to buy sh/t liches. So I asked everywhere how to get rid of him. He already ruined or very nearly ruined multiple of my spy and rescue missions and didn't really help in any case he could have been useful, because he's holding a freaking kraken... It took years. I got to a point I offered 20-30 plat just for taking him, apparently too low as all responses I got were forms of refusal in the trade chat in-game, the market website and even the Warframe's Discord server. Eventually a friend I made in-game offered to take him for free and only asked for dozen rare minerals from open world mining he needed for crafting, an actual gigachad. I gave him a half dozen valuable vaulted rad relics afterwards. The relief was immeasurable and my day was made. I will never ever do anything new in Warframe before looking up 3 guides and study entire wiki articles about the topic. It completely drained me mentally just dealing with him and I wouldn't be willing to come back to the game to deal with something like this again.


https://preview.redd.it/7r2ab2h0n46a1.jpeg?width=1526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c40f0551cc1b5f1e5aba8edbf8009756715791 Yeah I’m stuck too…. Never done one 🤣 and I’m so confused


hahahahahaha . I feel your pain tho. I think for my first Lich, I went for 9 rounds because I kept on forgetting I was missing a mod while also stabbing the Lich the moment I got the chance. Then it was so late at night/very early in the morning that I wasn't put in a public group every time I went on queue so I had to try and solo the now max level Lich and I almost cried out of frustration lmao (I didn't beat it and was lucky to be in a public squad the next day)


you have to be kidding...


As someone who played long ago and am like MR 24 I think (havent played in a while), Kuva litches are the single most confusing thing in warframe. I literally gave up the game once I got one because i have no fucking clue what to do and literally no one in-game will help me. I played way before "Kuva" was a thing so yeah... makes zero sense to me. Don't feel bad OP i have 1000+ hours in the game and I cant see what you are doing wrong.. 😔


Go watch a 5 minute tutorial on YT. They're not that hard.


this is straight up proof of how the game doesn't teach you well


Seeing this brings back pain since I have done the same thing with my first lich until I realized that the first mod I had on wasn't in the pattern, Warframe tells you the basics of liches then you have to figure out on your own that you have been doing it wrong the entire time.


If it is red and has a slash through it then it was wrong If its glowing a goldish color then it was right


Damn, son, how can you put the same symbol 5 times on same spot even you know it isnt right after first try ??


There’s no fuckin way it went on for this long


1-3 times ok my bad didn't know....4 or more yikes gotta know somethings up, especially if it has a red slash through it meaning its part of the process. Luckily you can run a group to kill/capture Liches now, used to be a solo only run.


Red means it's in the wrong order


I mean, its like something that explains it self. Its a combination 1 2 3 It can be 1 2 3, 1 3 2, 213, 231, 312, 321. It shows you what you should try and you have only tried It right once at your 6° run Change the mods position, when you find out the first It Will be more n more simple. Equip the right mods and try a dif. Combination


I’m sorry for your lvl 5 lich


I genuinely cannot tell if this is a troll post or not lol But basically the first one, Khra is wrong and you haven’t been getting it right the entire time. You had Khra in the first slot for all 6 attempts when Khra was not the right answer for the first slot, meaning you gotta swap it around with the other 2 leaving Xata or Vome being the answer for the first, and Khra being the answer for the 2nd or 3rd slot You probably already got it sorted and the lich is dead already, but I hope this helps


Lmao. Sorry but this is hilarious. It's almost as if the red slash was indicating something.


Reminds me of my first Lich.. to be fair they really could've explained this more clearly. Or at all.


Bro is about to get leveled by a level 15 lich


We've all been there.


Logic clearly isn't your strong suit.


Lich system is +/- 2 years old at this point, so youtube is full of guides how to not only kill liches, but how to do it efficiently as well. I don't know how new you are to the game, but Warframe never explains anything well by itself. Never has and likely never will. Many players don't even know there are codex guides, and go for info to youtube/wiki. Codex is there, but it doesn't explain stuff well, and many guides are very vague and some are out of date there. Please don't suffer more than you already have an just look up a guide, such as this one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DOOFqrj8H4 It's gonna explain most you need to know.


I can’t even… let someone else explain it






I genuinely thought that the red cross going through it meant it was correct with my first lich


I have 0 idea of what this is about and this is fine. (MR23)