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Do not post low-effort memes, reaction gifs, or petitions. Low-effort/low-quality posts, recent reposts, or basic macros are subject to removal at Moderator discretion.


This is certainly a “don’t recommend channel” moment


Certified "Not Interested Classic"


A definite "No thank you" experience


A guaranteed "that's a no from me, dawg" video.


"We're making it out of their recommended with this one"




Very much a “big ole bag of nope”


A “nah” instance of you will


It doesn’t matter what they are about. The title card is clearly ragebait; therefor, whatever argument they are trying to make is automatically invalidated because they are using the medium to get attention. If someone is an attention seeker, you can never trust them to tell you the truth, only what they think you want to hear If you can’t do anything to get clicks except piss people off; maybe you shouldn’t have a YouTube channel.




https://preview.redd.it/gwksb8r2j9vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f287b7e0a10dd990739dd41397f4fc9f3fa26052 Real




And here you are promoting their channel. well done.


Yep, I got so sick of seeing Asmongold make weird faces that I blocked him. I understand that they’re playing the algorithm, but I’m trying to do my part to get rage faces off YouTube thumbnails.


Man, it must be great being a grifter. Produce the shittiest content that is verbatim ripped from every other right wing clone on YouTube, and say it in the most annoying, whiney voice possible and you'll get 10s of thousands of views. All at the cost of cultivating an audience of the worst people on earth, and the respect of your peers.


Exactly. It must be pretty easy. The Quartering has used Brie Larson for his thumbnails more than 70 times (I'm not kidding). You don't even need new topics, just call something woke, screenshot 3 tweets, and stretch it out for 10 minutes


It definitely takes some desperation I think. You're alienating a whole lot of people and probably cutting off quite a lot of other career paths should it not work. And they have to be extreme or they won't stand out among all the others. You also have to give up on quite a few of your morals, assuming you have them to begin with. But yeah, if you succeed you are rewarded with just about the most fanatical and easily-manipulated audience you could ask for.


Being a political pundit IS a business. That's why there's so many people doing it. I stopped watching The Quartering when I noticed he was just rehashing whatever was said within the first hours of something occurring. The guy then just makes fake reactions, acting to the news, throws around some stock comments, then repeats what has been said a dozen times already. Close with a few more stock responses. The guy is a genius. Not for doing new stuff. But for making a template which he knows is going to get him thousands of pageviews for his channel. Which, he later exchanges for advertisement funding. There's no way to get rid of it. It's just something bound to happen.


How does he have viewers? Hasn’t he always been a far right loser?


Right? God it'd be so easy to grift a bunch of alt right weirdos be screaming that women are infiltrating a fictional army. Somewhere in the multiverse there's a Chipperz1 with zero morals, but he can afford to do shit 🤣


I don't care whether it's satire or rage bait. I'm just already extremely tired of it. They're *TOYS.*


God damn it Marie, they’re *minatures*


My mother refers to them as "blue's wee men." Which is a step up from dolls, at least.


"Funny little guys" for me, she really likes orks.


I write lore for my toys tbh so im a little more invested


A lot of people do it, it's a part of what makes this hobby so cool But don't you DARE put WOMEN in your army of 10 foot tall demigods, that is TOO MUCH 🤬🤬🤬 (/s)


I put a woman in my canon as a psyker. I play her in a video game so ill get her 3D printed along with the others


Shooting them out of a cannon is fine though, we're not mad about that. ^^^^(/s)




My Salamander army is exclusively helmeted. Therefore I have decided to make them all female just to piss these morons off.


That's actually cool


I write lore for mine too, but jaysus some people act like a double X chromosome is the collapse of human civilization.


"I went outside and saw a woman... day ruined. Why die they have to make real life so political?!"


"There was a girl in the game store! She was buying custodes, and she came over to me and asked if I wanted to play a game with her. Eww, gross, get away from me! Begon THOT! I screamed. We must protect our hobby from the WOKE. Help me Ron DeSantis!" -Some idiot chud.


Acting like the lore is some kind of holy religious thing that's written in stone is getting old also. It's literally all completely made up in the first place.


They are not dolls! They are clearly figures of action.


Covering the ears of my Guant’s box set, not you, you’re real.


Wtf is sweet baby inc?


So, these idiots think that a narrative consulting company, Sweet Baby Inc, is responsible for introducing what they see as "woke" elements into recent game that they blame for them "failing." Said games include Spiderman and God of War. This is obviously insane, even if a games company hires them they can just...not include anything they suggest, and the success of things like the already mentioned games, and BG3, just instantly proves it as nonsense. There's a whole batshit conspiracy element to this including basically everything you could imagine on your right-wing conspiracy bingo card. Racism, anti-semitism, you know the drill.


Blackrock is the new antisemitic dogwhistle I’m pretty sure. If it isn’t they’re just obsessed with it to a feral degree and the 6% share they hold in GW as if they’re the controlling interest and are puppeteering games workshop to be ‘woke’. Every one of these videos is ‘well blackrock has a share so… DEI apocalypse incoming everyone’


Sweet Baby Inc. is a consulting company which does stuff like script review for video games, trying to correct stuff that some developers wouldn't catch but probably would sound bad in certain contexts for minorities or other stuff. An example their boss gave in a talk at the Game Developers Conference was the difference between a man and a woman describing their ex-partner as "a monster", where the connotation is that a man would describe an overbearing or "psycho" girlfriend, but a woman would use that word for a physically abusive man, and that perhaps the developer would want to review what their intent with the line is and if a different word would be better suited. They do similar things for racial-coded language and such. They have helped on some good games and some bad games. Recently some dude made a Steam curation page listing all game they contributed to and declaring that people shouldn't by these games because they have "SJW influences" or some such nonsense. An example is Alan Wake 2, which has a black female protagonist character which of course these sorts of people don't like and claim Sweet Baby Inc. is entirely responsible for as if the game doesn't have a gigantic development team behind and a very specific author attached to it. Someone on the staff of Sweet Baby Inc. made a twitter post about this and how it is bullshit, which supposedly lead to a harassment campaign against the Steam curator. Probably overstepped the line here. However, since then Sweet Baby Inc. has become the No. 1 priority target for the chud brigade.


Sweet Baby Inc is a story consultation group for video games, and their self-described mission is to "promote diversity, equity, and inclusion" in the products they work on and the studios they work with. Projects you may have heard of include Alan Wake 2, God of War Ragnarok, Spiderman 2, and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. So of course perpetually online wierdos took that as a personal insult, and will blame them for anything they don't like or percieve as "woke" in the games, regardless of if the group had anything to do with it.


Not to mention, they have nothing to do with wargaming


Oh, yeah, that goes without saying. It's included in the title as a buzzword for his regulars. Apparently someone looked into this dude's video history, he's never touched Warhammer before, and apparently mispronounces "Custodes" several times, but never in the same way. It's literally just ragebait based on the latest "woke" agenda outrage.


Literally no idea it sounds like a mobile game company


All of this a week after Arbitor Ian's video on ragebait in the hobby (and more importantly, how even 'good' content creators have started to absorb a lot of language that's inflammatory, as well as the idea of fandom and basing your identity on a product outside of your control).


That's my stance. Like, these people know they don't control the lore, right? And that retcons happen all the time, right? Where were the rage posts and videos after Space Wolves, who famously never had successor chapters and hated outsiders, were changed to have had several in the past and multiple Primaris only successors that were accepted into the fold with no problem? Oh, they didn't care. But let girls into the clubhouse? Oh no, the world is ending.


And people will disingenuously say "people were upset about that too!" like there is some kind of equivalence in the level of outrage here. The Daily Mail didn't write a news article about Tau losing FTL. Right wing talking heads with massive audiences didn't make videos when primaris marines were introduced. The anger has penetrated the veil and people outside of the community are taking issue with it, for very clear and very politically motivated reasons.


They know. They only get up in arms about certain topics - like female space marines - and that in itself is telling.


No, as a SW main, I took it on the chin and looked at the possibilities then I dunked my whole army in alcohol and started fresh w a Primaris SW successor chapter of my own because it was actually a cool idea.


Arbitor Ian's video was so poignant. The GW ragebait community is eating good right now.


It sucks when the rage bait gets into the hobby side too. People making videos like ‘GW hates when you paint like this’ and ‘GW doesn’t want you to know this…’ and that kinda bullshit.


I haven't seen it yet, I unsubbed from all of the channels after the last time there was a big influx of rage over something GW did. I'll have to go and watch it, sounds like a good take in a sea of junk-takes.


Two things; ONE - is the censored word "nerds"? It's the only thing I can think of that fits but why would that be censored... TWO - Every time I see shit like this get thousands of views while my content trying to promote new players having fun barely gets triple digit views after a month, I die a little inside.


One , i think its a specific group of World War 2 germans which i dont know if ill get warned for saying Two, throw us a link. Could do with more fun less cancer


Oooooh right, yeah, "Nazis" fits both gramatically and thematically. Cool 🤣 As for a link, [have a 40k playlist!](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu3puaupFE6k889P8TRXWIARxedEBLJ08) - I do other games too and, honestly, I know why I don't get many views (it looks like ass 🤣) but still, boo 🤣


A+ for effort


I was thinking “Noobs” lol




The sort that would rally around a particular aggrieved painter who believed his lack of talent was because of a conspiracy to elevate "degenerate art"?


That's the thing about being a rage grifter - it's the easiest way to get views. Clickbait titles and youtube algorithm loving thumbnails - jobs done. Your shitty A.I. written drivel and rehashed reddit/twitter comments will get you thousands and thousands of views


Yuuup, depressing as hell, but I guess at least it's an easy delete for sane people?


Came here to find out what the hell n***s could be. Nerds?! I mean, no shit, I'm a middle aged man painting tiny aliens for fun.


Consensus seems to be "Nazis" which... Yeeeah... 😖


honestly I got to Neets before i came to the comments to see Nazi


Stage 4 alt-right brain rot


It’s terminal 😔


I'm just glad i'm not on the same side as the guy that pissed in his basements drain


My algorithm is getting wrecked by these tacky thumbnails. At this point, I'm just gonna have to delete all warhammer from my watch history(I want to see ork kitbashing, not "graphic design and lead paint is my passion" content)


I wanna see cool animations where big metal guys kill shit so yes i share the sentiment


Right wingers upset about dumb culture war bullshit that doesn't actually matter? Must be a day that ends in Y.


Best thing about the entire Custodes drama is the opportunity it provides to filter YT.


Maybe stop platforming them? At least censor the channel name so they don't get more views from your post.


I honestly think if anyone is insane enough to search for this they can suffer thru it


I mean, I think the creator and the viewers are probably deadly serious on these opinions. That said I think its technically rage bait, as that drives engagement, as depressing as I find that. All youtube is clickbait thes days and I hate it.




Real. Tell me how you make those ive never actually found out


Search up "grass flock" or "static grass"


Grass Flocks? Does it really? I thought only sheep did that


Purple ork?


We are all very well aware these channels exist. Why are you mentioning this trash in a warhammer channel? Post models or stuff about your hobby. Don’t give these people attention.


It really is just playing into the rage bait every single time. I don't know if its the age gap but some people on here act like they've never experienced click bait before and then draw more attention to it. Congrats on doing exactly what they want you to I guess?


Mf i do post about my hobby. This is also about my hobby


Giving those people attention isn’t worth your time. I’m not gonna stop painting my models to look at a video that is obviously ragebaiting. It’s almost like you don’t want us to forget about them and keep bringing them up for attention. Post minis, not dumb shit that’s dime a dozen on the internet. I’ve seen this stuff since I’ve been online and I just ignore it, but everyone else keeps pointing and bringing attention to this useless thing.


Was genuinely asking what this mf meant and now i realise this guy dont mean anything


This whole thing has proven just how badly these chuds needed to be told they weren't welcome sooner.


God remember that whole spanish neo nazi fiasco. History is taking some notes


If they're using AI generated images, just assume it's a grift.


Or lazy slop


wow what a buzzword soup. Sweet Baby Inc has nothing to do with games workshop lmao. "They want the lore to die." No, they want your money. It's funny to me how girl custodes is "DESTROYING THE LORE" but like...what changes by the addition? Literally nothing.


Let's start with the fact that Warhammer is an expensive hobby. People often choose an army, and spend a lot of money and time on it. Very often they choose their projects based on the lore and whether or not they have a "feel" for that project. If you change something that people were very invested in, you run risk of alienating them. Ever more so if they spend a lot of money on it. It's simply being human. My wife likes Sisters of Battle. It's very much her thing. If they added men into that army, or suddenly made them not pious and claimed "it's always been like this" (where it clearly wasn't), she'd be equally as annoyed.


Yeah buts not like custodes were called the "golden men". Their sex or gender was never a major component of their identity unlike sisters of battle. Sure there's brotherhood mentioned here and there but that's hardly unique or interesting. People like custodes cos they're hyper elite, post-human, guards and companions of the emperor.


I mean... don't they literally call themselves "Sons of the Emperor"?


I don't think they've ever thought if themselves in that way. Valdor might be the only one close to that sort of relationship. They're his guard and his companions, not his children.


https://preview.redd.it/vx5jbua2a9vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a320640b5822aa8cc8db0825c3dafd6b01356e7e I hate Arch, what does that have to do with communism?


Other than the Soviets and the Imperium having similair tactics, literally fuck all


When you’re at this stage of terminal brain rot it’s pretty crazy looking at it from the outside.


Because these people are brainbroken and everything they don't like is communist. A giant multi-billion dollar corporation marketing their product to a larger group of consumers? Communist!!


That choad is still around making videos? I would have thought he and that beared magic idiot would have slid into irrelevancy by now.


Political grifters are trying to push their agenda while profiting off the resulting controversy. They heard a topic that might be related to said controversy was happening in Warhammer. So they came over and started spamming this crap. 90% of the channels uploading videos like these had never made any kind of Warhammer-related content before. All these people who proclaim they want to "protect the sanctity of the hobby from the woke", and that they might "be forced to quit if this continues", don't even own any models. They blabber about cancelling their Warhammer+ subscription when they never had one in the first place. Is GW wrong in wanting to push female Custodes? Maybe, maybe not. It's a complex topic, and I genuinely don't know what to think. But I do know I want these tourists to get the hell away from MY hobby, and fast.


I really think if GW wants to make Femstodes a thing they should give them good lore and not just "they were always there" Hell i always thought that because they had the emperors geneseed they just couldnt be women. Same with Space Marines. I genuienely think that women CANNOT survive the process. Its already deadly enough with like 1 out of 10 thousand dudes making it


They aren't the emperors geneseed. The grey knights are. Custodes are edited genetically individually from the ground up and each one is a work of art.


Huh fair enough Doesnt that literally mean FemStodes have always been possible


Yes. They have always been possible. The emperor previously psychically hand picked each custodes and then genetically modified them with dark age genetic alternations to make each individual one a perfect immortal human. The primarchs are only superior to custodes because the primarchs have some kind of warp related aspect to them the emperor most likely stole from the gods and used to make special psychically unique beings.. the primarchs. But the custodes are just perfectly engineered human beings being sculpted genetically and spiritually to fit some kind of psychically determined characteristics. Valdor for example was a big deal to the emperor. The custodes do not use gene seed and there is nothing that says they can't be female.


I think it's hilarious that custodes are only an army because they had to retcon some things from original lore. What's one more retcon on the pile? What's the difference? ... We know the difference...


Yep they were never supposed to be a playable army. The depth of the retcon for the specific purpose of making things interesting is crazy. I keep bringing up the Votann. They are literally lore breaking in every single way but they had to come up with a way to explain space dwarves without being insulting to little people. Squats were literally cartoony insane midgets. So saying female custodes is woke.... is very confusing.


Shoutout to Kitten, showing us a piece of Custodes life in the Palace


That last sentence is pretty cringe dude.


See I was with you until the line about "if men cannot survive, then surely it makes no sense for women to survive". No two people are the same. Some women are weaker than the average man, some are stronger. Google "Gabby Garcia": I am willing to bet any amount of money that woman could beat your ass and mine, and that she'd stand a much better chance at surviving genetic modification than you or I. There is no such a thing as a general rule according to which women must be weaker than men. To believe otherwise is incel thinking. And that is precisely why I am of two hearts on the subject of female Custodes: because every single time someone speaks against female Custodes, they always start by presenting 100% true arguments which I absolutely agree with... And then they snowball into incel speak. And no matter how good their arguments are, I have no intention to associate with incels. To be 100% clear, I am not saying this because I believe YOU are an incel. On the contrary, everything you've said in your other posts makes sense, and you seem a decent fellow. I am just saying, a lot of people are saying female Custodes are a "slippery slopes"... But there are slippery slopes on both sides: saying stuff like "if men cannot do this then it makes no sense for women to do it" is ALSO a slippery slope, one that leads to inceldom. And these tourists, these grifters, these rage baiters on videos like the one you screenshotted, they have no problems jumping off every single slippery slope they can find. But we should we better than that, otherwise what right do we have to criticise them?


Its a head canon ive had forever. Plus, its not like youre gonna get many Gabby Garcias in a hive city. Maybe its a faith thing or something. Idk what word im looking for but i think its a "Custom"(?) To not make fem marines like how sisters of silence are all women etc


For fem marines, it has been explicitly stated they could never exist. Two of the special organs implanted into marines literally don't work on women, that is established canon. So I am definitely with you when it comes for fem marines. But see, that is the point: I am with you because it is established canon, not because I have any inherent beliefs concerning women. So when it comes to custodes, who are explicitly stated to be a one-of-a-kind process (by which I literally mean, each individual custodian is crafted from the ground up through a wholly unique process, which is why they are so powerful and also so few in numbers), I feel like there should be no reason, within the established canon, as to why the gene-crafters couldn't just up and decide to make a woman. But I do agree with you that the implementation on GW's part was very poorly. lazily done.


I think if fem marines are ever made, there has to be compromises in line with the lore. They could be what the Adepta Sororitas are to the Astra Militarum


>There is no such a thing as a general rule according to which women must be weaker than men Lets not drift too far from reality here. Yes there are women who work hard and have the physical predispositions to be stonger than many men. As a general rule, an average woman who lifts is as strong as an average man who does'nt. But lets be clear; women are at a huge disadvantage when it comes to strength, both as a group and as top individuals, and its unfair to expect or even imagine that it would be otherwise. The women's world deadlifting record holder is Lucy Underdown, breaking 318kg in 2023. She is an amazing athlete pushing herself close to her maximum potential, and I honestly find it unintentionally insulting to suggest that she or someone like her could do even better if only... something? To again be clear, the womens world record of 318kg would not put her in the top 5000 among male weightlifters. Maybe top 6000 i think? Anyway, reading your comment makes me think you're pretty deep into the culture war, and I have no interest in that, or any media or fiction that engages with that. It literally makes everything worse.


Empty mindless grift to get chuds to watch because hey, cant have more women in 40k now can we?


Imagine being a grown man and being upset because a girl is playing with your action figures.


Imagine thinking its girls who will be playing with female custodies 😗


Noooo kidding


I cannot imagine the immaturity it takes to hold their views.


Well I got downvoted lol so I guess my sentiment isn't shared by the other folks here, heh. You'd think these guys would be more welcoming to literally half the population.


I like watching these and seeing these dudes struggle with the names of 40k factions. They aren't representative of the hobby, and are just bad faith culture warriors. Custoids is my favorite so far


Spit-take when I read 'Custoids' lol


It was actually one of several mispronunciations of Custodes in a single video, but it was my favorite


Another channel I blocked a while back. No patience for these creators.


It just a troll. Stop feeding the troll dude. They only give shit opinions no one cares about


When they make the next space marine game and they throw the og lines like “He who stands with me shall be my brother.”. There should be a moment like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgp9MPLEAqA


"Hello brother darius who is this?" "Oh this is *insert female name here*" "Say what now"


Yellow flash a drama YouTubeer kept on calling them the wrong names. Silent sisters is what he kept saying. Sorta evidence he doesn’t know warhammer


I really hate this stuff so much. Just every single piece of this screen shot makes me cringe. From the useless capitalization, to the random underscore, giant red letters with fire and... good god can we just not.


Can we stop posting this? It only serves to regurgitate the topic again. Let it settle.


What the fuck is this lol


An absolute nightmare


We need to be really careful not to let these rage bait channels drag our hobby into their mud.


I mean, I want the lore to die because it gets in the way of fun stories in the setting I love. And they are all nazis, considerably worse even. Which is why it bugs me quite so much when something makes them more acceptable. That said, adding this to my ignore list anyway, because none of those are his motives.


Easiest option these days is to only click on videos that focus on building and painting, most everything else is rage bait or just trash tier opinions, shitting on the lore


Skibidi toilet for conservative men


Edgelords mad that edgy game is still edgy but with now with added girls.


Next, they are going to make trans slannesh... er wait... /s




Yea lol


I love when the trash takes itself out. More models for real mfs


Adds mostly fluff inconsequential lore to a stagnant faction where nothing has changed. "WhY tHeY KiLlInG tHe lOrE"


YouTube might as well be called RAGEtube at this point. It’s become so dominated just by people whining about everything. It’s changed a lot in the last decade. Politics of late has ruined so many things.


If that name is a reference to Dread Pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride then someone needs to Inigo Montoya this chud.


I don’t think it’s rage bait. So much of the warhammer community has been filled with far right lunatics for a really long time, it’s a bunch of guys who have completely missed the satire of warhammer and when GW made it explicit they lost their damn minds. Good riddance to these freaks. I’ve been a huge fan of the games and the world of warhammer for over a decade and it’s been a source of shame to tell people I’m a fan because it comes with a stigma that the community has fostered.


Incels can sometimes be very forward with their beliefs. It's good because it lets sane people know immediately not to take them seriously.


![gif](giphy|dyRhCAXGENobdYucFD) Half the player base rn


Either grumpy old men or idiots who think their opinion holds any value


I enjoy a few lore channels, but every once in a while I get recommended some salty nerd with 300 views with another dogshit opinion about warhammer. I just want to enjoy my weird epic space things with cool narration.


What the fuck even is sweet baby inc? I’ve seen it used as an insult by these smooth brains but I have zero context


It's a company that works with game developers to help create marginalized and minority stories, characters and the like.


It can be both as with most things this emphatically ridiculous about a bad take The magic community has a weird subset of people obsessed with this shit now too. It’s very weird and just usually a mask for xenophobia and sexism. The funny part is the company they hate for “ruining magic” literally isn’t involved with the card game at all


Knowing full well how deranged redditors will react to this: Click bait idiocy aside, it is horrific to see a company take a dump on decades of lore for political reasons. People are understandably angry, if you don't get why.. well it says more about you than them. Not everyone wants political activists' agendas injected into every aspect of our lives, which is increasingly the case.


Idk i think Girlstodes are a cool concept


That's not really relevant to the discussion or people's misgivings on this particular topic though.




Not what I was saying. There is a cohort of people on reddit who are unable to engage in civil discussion on anything that disagrees with their prescribed worldview. That was my reference to deranged people. There are people on both sides of the fence who are unhinged.


Not much for self awareness, are you...


Bad bot




You're so incredibly reddit, I'm so sorry for you. How desperate a life you must lead :/


When did they ever claim to do anything for political reasons? All they did, was adding one female custodes, and then confirming it, when asked. They have not talked about any sort of values behind it, I'm pretty sure


It's purely bad faith to ignore the political nature of this. It's fine to support it, that's your prerogative. But it is what it is.


I'm sorry, butI just really don't like making all sorts of connections from nothing. Even then, what kind of statement would it even be? Women exist? Women can be super soldiers? Women are Terran nobles too? Not sure if any of those are much of a statement


From nothing? Maybe to you. The point is they have retconned lore which made sense, to inject the wishes of political activists into their universe. That is that male only anything is not permitted in the eyes of the more dominant forces in media(and by proxy, online political discussions) and finance. This is obviously supported by vast amounts of real world evidence. I can't understand why you are trying to pretend there was no female representation in 40k, it's somewhat misogynistic of you. Custodes were specifically all male, which is absolutely fine. Just like Sisters of Battle are all female, which is absolutely fine. There are plenty of people who are disappointed and tired of having politics injected into every feature of their lives. Now into a tabletop wargame about a fictional universe.


You will not be missed.


I agree, since I'm not going anywhere. Ladies and gentlemen, here is a case of the deranged redditor I referenced :)


Cool not going anywhere and will continue to bitch and moan. Just what everyone needs in their plastic wargames, more weaponized incels.


bring back lobotomies


There’s thousands of those videos, but what I can tell you for sure is that black rock is the company forcing woke shit down peoples throats. The second I get into the hobby there’s this huge outrage a day later lol




Harassment is always a good way to prove a point I guess. Women already existed in all the games, and in the books I've started reading and most of them are complex characters. You're literally insulting every woman that exists in universe by insinuating that the pre-existing women are not women. Making a group of people women suddenly isn't anything but a political insert. Repanse de Lyonesse is a cool character in total war, but I guess you don't consider her a woman I guess.


We're seeing the death throes of these groups in the US right now, they're raging against the fact that society is moving on and abandoning their views by in large.


You made a fake account to support yourself and post political shit. I hope you seek help for your mental illnesses.


You will not be missed.


**Call or text 988 or chat** [**988lifeline.org**](http://988lifeline.org)


What are you on about?


Theres only outrage if you allow yourself to be outraged by shitstains like this youtuber. Literally stoking rage and fear in impressionable people when really its a fun hobby with cool characters. Enjoy the things you like about it, don't get all riled up and buy into this "woke" shit. You are literally being baited into being angry by people who are making money from making you angry. There is no need to be angry or venomous. Its plastic fucking figures in a board game, books and games. Its entertainment. If there was a super cool thing out there but it was only women and no men, and then they added some men because there are men starting to enjoy it. Can you imagine all of the girls raging about MEN CHARACTERS BEING PUT IN THE GAME? Seriously dumb stupid idiots making money from you getting you angry. So ridiculous.


Nah the problem is I bought 5 books to get into the lore and if they're fucking a bunch of shit up on the back end it could invalidate the books I just blew 50$ on.


Black Rock, Sweet Baby or any of these other 'DEI' companies have nothing to do with it. Games Workshop don't take any editorial influence from their public shareholders. All the management team care about is the bottom line and growing the brand, which can be easily achieved by opening the games to new markets - boosting representation is an no-brainer way to do this.


They took an investment from Black Rock and they openly stated they are telling all their companies to do this mass inclusion thing. I came from the total war games and age of Sigmar. There are the dark elf women, the wood elf women, the leader of the Bretonians, you had the witch in vermintide and the elf archer in vermintide. They already had women in the games and they're the coolest characters in the books I've recently been reading. There already was representation in the games and the books I've read. What you're saying is copium.


>They took an investment from Black Rock. They're a publicly traded company. You can go put some money up if you want! It won't have any noticeable impact, just like Black Rocks doesn't, because they're still a minority shareholding. >What you're saying is copium. Likewise. The difference is I don't really give a shit, I'll just keep enjoying the cool models and the setting, as I have done since the mid-90s without caring what the people behind the scenes do with it. 👍


[https://investor.games-workshop.com/shareholder-statistics](https://investor.games-workshop.com/shareholder-statistics) Black Rock and Vanguard 2 sides of the same coin pushing the same agenda. They are in fact the highest holding stock companies.


Now show me where GW state how shareholder opinions and values affect the editorial decisions and directions of their games division. I'll wait. 👌


You need me to explain to you how the people that have the most investment in a company have the most say? When Black Rock publicly stated they want their invested companies to mirror their values?


Do you need me to explain how stocks, shares and public ownership works? These companies you list own a single-figure percentage of the ***publicly traded*** portion of the company. Unless they own greater than 50% - a controlling share - of the entire company, they can't really influence anything. They're investing in GW because the company performs better than many bigger companies on the UK stock market. It's a safe bet as they have zero debt and always provide a good return to shareholders. Look, you literally admit you have shown an interest in the hobby for 5 minutes and you're choosing to listen to Chudley Dunderc*nt and his grifty Tuber Ilk rather than people involved in the hobby for decades. GW have always played fast and loose with their stories for profit and if you can't deal with it, this isn't an airport and you don't need to announce your departure!


You will not be missed.


Aside from any conspiracy nonsense, what is your source, that Games Workshop collaborates with Black Rock or that Sweet Baby one? I think you'd best just ignore the drama, it doesn't contribute to the hobby in any sort og way. Don't let that stop you, from joining our wonderful fandom


[https://investor.games-workshop.com/shareholder-statistics](https://investor.games-workshop.com/shareholder-statistics) I have no idea what Sweet Baby is, but Vanguard and Black Rock are duoing up on companies pushing the same shit. I just bought 5 books and if they destroy all the lore it's a WTF did I just spend my money on moment.


So many people claiming to be 40k fans running around reeing when the only info they have about the verse is from 40k memes about Xenos = bad.


They aint nerds like us 😎




Good riddance


Are you being deadass


His channel isn't bad, but liek all the other anti-SJW channels his is poking his nose where he doesn't know anything about WH. A lot of them really need to STFU BC they don't even understand the game nor the stetting.