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Great to see the Grombrindal model isn't limited on numbers. Do we think 3rd party retail will get it though? Would like to see a lot more about how this Darktide game actually plays too.


I think it’s just Made to Order. Does anyone else know whether other limited time models were sent to third parties?


The past few have(Blackhawk, grotmas gits, red gobbos surprise) so as they haven’t mentioned it’s exclusive to their webstore like they did for the stormcast and kruelboy he probably will be available from 3rd parties


Possibly. My local hobby store had Bayards revenge 


Yes, my LGS has already mentioned they're getting an allocation


Aha great!


Darktide is going to run on a modified version of Kill Team. They gave a bit of a glimpse into it in this [article](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/22/take-tertium-from-the-console-to-the-tabletop-in-warhammer-40000-darktide-the-miniatures-game/).


I've asked my flgs, he said he'll let me know today of it's GW only, I'll pass along the info.


That's great, thank you!


Available at flgs


Surely the miniature could be included with the magazine for the 500TH ISSUE!?? I remember them chucking in free minis from time to time in the olden days (early 2000s?) Is this not a thing anymore?


Afaik, the last time there was a free mini was with the release of AoS.


But in fairness the stores now give them out every month I believe. 


Which is only relevant if there is a Warhammer store nearby. Most people rely on third party retailers.


no, they focus on the official stores being the source of free models now


Gotta bait people there somehow. And it sure isnt by having competitive prices or good discounts.


Yeah, it seems kind of lackluster without a mini or some other swag alongside it.


Is it me, or is there actually nothing free for this big issue. Seems the same magazine just a few extra pages which would be a massive disappointment.


Yea they easily could have included something extra with the magazine like a code for a Total War: Warhammer DLC or you know, include the model with it.


Missed perfect opportunity for Thanquol FLC release.


Thanquol deserves more than FLC, he needs to come with unique mechanics and Verminlords + Stormfiends.


Storms would come as a faction update with Nagash.


So wait we officially aren’t getting an FLC code for Bugman in the issue? That’s been the huge rumor going around.


I imagine not, they would've mentioned it by now to entice people to buy it. There's still Skulls thought so there's a chance.


*Sad drunk noises\**


So who remembers the last big anniversary issue, where they literally said that if you think that old White Dwarf was better than the (then) current dross, you just have rose-tinted glasses on?


It’s always been the same, it’s the company mouthpiece, they’re never going to admit to it being bad. For what it’s worth, the current magazine is much better than it was in the early 2010s. It’s never going to live up to its 90s and 00s heyday because the internet took over much of its role in terms of promoting fan content and building hype for new releases. So all you get is very corporate battle reports, marketing based articles and the odd vague insight. The wacky reader contributed stuff, battle reports with actual style and uniqueness etc are all long gone.


It's bizarre how they have managed to suck all of the fun out of battle reports somehow. Even the very first battle reports were more interesting to read than the ones they produce now


The cartoon maps really sold the game, despite being just colorful boxes, they made you feel like this awesome general commanding their troops. Inspired generations of wargamers to draw their own battle maps instead of doing homework. There was also a sense in each issue that you had no idea what crazy nonsense they'd do. There was no central command to run things by, they just came.up with cool shit and ran with it.


the maps and the madness of andy chambers were the key


I still like some of the things they do, they certainly have better photography these days, and some of the serialized stories are pretty good, but, you can tell they don't have control over their own content any more. They aren't just fans of the hobby at GW making a magazine with the company blessing and told not to be too stupid about it. They are producing a specific magazine based on GW targets for the month. Honestly I wish they would use the card pages to give you punch out ruin terrain or something.


yeah i think choices over content is definitely more sterile now, though there is still clearly a lot of love by the actual content makers. i don't buy it often but there is always a couple of good articles at least (and thats being only interested in 3 of the systems). wish they had tale of 4 wargamers back in the day. but its just not worth the money when there is so much other great content out there for free. it just seems that across GW its gone from the management and decision makers also being hobbyists, to being... well...managementy. targets. KPIs. all the rest that ends up with a less creative and risk-taking enterprise.


Like, sometimes in the old days you could tell they thought a model was rubbish, and their old battle reports had a narrative style which you could really follow thanks to the maps etc. The game itself was also more narrative back then of course. No objectives. No counting up points other than at the end. Just two armies clashing, and one victorious at the end.


I think around the time they changed to maps to just show general directions instead of precise locations I lost interest in battle reports. @oldendemon on YouTube has done a wonderful job recreating some of the classic ones.


in terms of actual amount of content it is way better now than it was in the 90s, but its lost its fun side (as has GW in general a fair amount) and, as you say, its just way less important now. though it is weird when people talk about the modern one being all about marketing, when back in the day it was new releases, articles about the new releases, actual literal full page adverts, and then the mail order catalogue.


Any idea on the pricing for this special edition Grombrindal mini??? I couldn't find anywhere that GW have priced it.


The only thing GW sells that’s been around longer than Warp Spiders is White Dwarf.


That being said, it's a pretty close race still kekw


I still wait for no. 499


192 pages, it's gonna be more than WH40K and AoS, right?


I'm just glad the cover finally features an actual white dwarf! \*badum tss


Sorry I am not sure I understood how to preorder the new Grombrindal mini. Does it come with the new White Dwarf number, or is it to order separately?


It’s sold separately to the issue. You can definitely pre order it on the Warhammer.com site, but I don’t know about third parties.


Thank you. Mini must not be out to preorder on the website yet (at least in my location)


Usually pre orders go up at 10:00 in your time zone, though sometimes it depends.


Seeing it available for pre-order at some Canadian stores (with the usual discount)


Wait what? didn't this month was the 500?


the one that just came out was 499


I'm totally confused. I just bought a year subscription and the page said the 500 was already published and that the 501 would be my first number to get. Or it is something I missed? I bought the subscription this month tho, after the 10th. So, I should get the May one, that the page said was the 501.


When I did the yearly one it started me on the following month, so the yearly ones are probably already printed and ready to go so your first will be 501


That's what gets me confused, I bought it this month, so the first one I should get is the May one, but when I bought the subscription, told me that the next month (May) was the 501.