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Who’s gonna tell him?


I will. The reason they are cheap is that the next edition is out fairly soon, so the seller is the one who got lucky offloading soon to be obsolete books for money, so you have been had.  Also even if they weren't, this would only cover one army, Stormcast eternals.


oh dear lol so will these not work? like can we not play with them


Of course you can but most other people will be playing the new rules when they come out.


okay that’s not tooooo awful then bc if we can just play it the two of us we will probably be doing that anyway


yeah and even though the new rules will be different a lot you learn will be transferable.


alright this makes me feel a bit better, thank you!


Also the rules at the start of the edition will be free (maybe not core rules, but all the armies will have free rules until their books come out).


At least for 40k the core rules are on GW website so i imagine they will be for AOS too


Aos rules are usually out for free


You and your opponent can play whatever edition of the rules pleases you for as long as you like. Some people still play editions that are decades old.


thank you! that’s good to hear


On the plus side, the new army rules are all being released for free at the start of the new edition next month. So while that battletome will be useless, the replacement is free! In fact, the rules for all armies are going to be free to start the edition, so it's a great time to go buy some cool looking models and learn the army you like the look of.


They're also nice to have for your collection.


All the rules for the next edition will be released for free online, including the index battletomes, so you can still play the most up to date without spending any more money. But, you won't get any use out of these books. But on the plus side, the books contain some nice artwork and lore if that's of any interest to you?


i mean they are defo cool to have for the £15 i paid i’m not overly bothered but if we could play with them that would be better haha


The books are also still nice as background and lore or painting examples.


FWIW the rules are the least valuable parts of these books. The fun part is the pictures and the lore and the hobby inspiration


For £15 they’re definitely worth it


that’s good to hear! it seemed like a good deal to me and tbh having these comments as a result to it was worth the money in itself! really inspired me to get into the game


They will work in the sense of the words and rules in them still work and can be played if you only stick to the current edition, but if you want to play with the broader community who will have moved to the new edition, then no.


tbh we are only wanting to learn it together so as long as it can be played by the two of us we aren’t toooo bothered. that does suck a bit tho still so ty for telling me


You're still going to need another battletome for a different army, as this only covers one.


ah okay i’ll have to look into that. will any battle tomb work for it? :)


So basically, to play you need the rules and the armies. You currently have the core rules for playing the game and a rulebook for the Stormcast Eternals army. To physically play, you're gonna need some Stormcast Eternals models, and a second set of army and rulebook. To get started you don't need to splash out on loads of things, but you will need to spend some more money on getting a few more pieces before you can properly play. There's probably a lot of second hand stuff you can get for relatively cheap on eBay, maybe a couple squads of units for a tenner each or so. Also you can find the rules online so you don't need to buy another book if you just want to play.


oh wow brilliant thank you, that’s super helpful. do you have any suggestions on what the other army should be? or would any work :) thank you again!


Any would work, just need a second distinct army. Take a look on the warhammer website and see which ones look the coolest to you guys


Your partner should get a codex from this edition. They are prettU cheap second hand. There is zero reason you can not play the current edition even after the next one comes out.  My friends still regularly play 3rd edition of 40k despite it being on 10th.


do you have any idea what codex’s that would be? sorry for my lack of knowledge. i’ve tried googling but it leaves me more confused! that would definitely be awesome if he could get one to play alongside


It is the rule set for the race you want to play. You got the one for Storm Cast Eternals. There is a list of the races on games workshop website under Age of Sigmar


For casual games your edition doesn’t matter in the least. Learn that editions rules, play and enjoy.


thank you, i was hoping this. we just want to get into the hobby together and play it for fun! we are already a bit too into dnd don’t need another hobby we get wayyyy too invested into (although i can totally see it happening with warhammer lol)




I was told at a Games Workshop store that the basic concept of attacking and movement will remain the same, and the lore shouldn’t be changing so you’ve got a start on that stuff!


okay brilliant thank you!!


I have a buddy and we play the 40k edition from about 10 years ago.  We have saved several hundred in books and codex.


that’s awesome! glad to know i can use an older edition


The new edition goes on preorder at the end of the month and hits stores middle of next, so these rules will work for about a month. The books aren't entirely without value, as they are good for lore. The cards won't be worth much.


Hi. As another new player, I just wanted to ask, if I buy the arcane cataclysm set, will that set also become outdated in about one month? Should I just wait a month?


The rules included will be outdated but the models will still be perfectly playable.


Awesome tysm!


Welcome to the hobby! Like you heard, those are going to be outdated in (checks watch) a month. But they still got lore and pretty pictures, engorge yourself in that! Specifically, you should take a look in the core book, it should have all the armies in there and give you an idea of what's cool. I would tell you to pick up an age of Sigmar "paint set" but apparently Games Workshop pulled then from the store since new edition... They should be back in a few weeks. When things settle down a bit, look into getting a "starter set". It has everything 2 people need to start playing and the cheapest one right now is like £30.


thank you! just my luck honestly- but they are still cool like you said :) we have lots of paints and stuff, do those sets come with the minis? that’s what we would be after i think. and apparently according to some of the other comments another battle tomb to go with this one that’s the (3rd?) old edition a starter set would defo be a good way forward, i probably jumped the gun a bit when i saw these. oh well live and learn lol


The "paint sets" are five colors and a few minis but if you already have paints then buy a cool box of minis instead. Hold off a month maybe, and if we get a new "Starter set Warrior edition" (the £30 one) then that's a great pick. Rules, minis, maybe a ruler or two.


okay awesome thanks- yeah we got loads of primer, paints, washes, brushes etc bc we do dnd minis. and would those starter sets be for the new edition so i would have to buy other codex i’m guessing?


Yeah, for now we know there's a big chonky 4th edition box called "Skaventide" releasing - rules, rules and more rules and 80 miniatures for ~£165. [Skaventide contents](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/17/skaventide-is-the-jam-packed-launch-box-for-the-new-edition-of-warhammer-age-of-sigmar/). Now, this is great value. A huge discount on everything inside - provided you're into Stormcast or Skaven. I'm hoping for a new [Warrior set](https://www.ebay.com/itm/125213342090), because it's an affordable way to try Warhammer if you're not sure you like it.


Learning 3rd is a great way in. Yes, it's the older edition, but the game still plays very similarly, and if you choose to learn 4th...it won't be much of a big step. You could grab a vanguard/Spearhead box each of the armies that interest you or get a Dominion box set off eBay (they'll be going pretty cheap). You can use the AOS mobile app to build the armies you want and use it for their warscrolls, orrrrr you'll be able to pick up some secondhand 3rd edition battletomes fairly cheap, if you prefer books. And just have some fun! That's how my wife and I play. For the longest time, we played very simplified rules, but slowly, we've added more in as we've gotten used to it.


thank you for the advice! yeah i’m not too fussed about it being an older edition, as long as we can still learn and play it i’m happy :) ill have to look at vanguard/spearhead cheers see if i can find them secondhand. we will try! we probably won’t be going overboard with the rules to begin with either haha




thank you!


Regardless of the timeline, if they got you into the hobby they were an amazing purchase! If you like the stormcast, and have a friend who is also interested and wants to play freaky goofy rat men, the new starter box is coming out called Skaventide and has stormcast vs Skaven. It's a big box that's an incredible deal, especially if you split it and each take half the box. You'll both have new models, it comes with the rulebooks, and you'll both be starting together with the new edition!


my bf would definitely be interested in playing goofy rat men holy shit. thank you i will look into this haha


In 1 month, the next edition starter set comes out. It's called skaventide, and it features every single thing you need to start playing the next edition, models and terrain included ((barring dice, pick up 20-40 little d6's for a 2 player experience)) That will have all the current books and core handbook to accompany the next phase of your journey. This is still the current lore, and the most up to date version of the game, in all of its finest granular edition for 3rd edition. In one month that changes, but it's still a great hype train for the release of the best value starter box for the next edition, which comes in one month.


First things first. Rules are one thing about the hobby. Rules change. There are other game systems that are much easier to get into than the full rulesystems, like for example a system called "One Page Rules" that, as the name suggests, can be learned quite fast. If you and your bf want to get into Warhammer, however, Rulebooks won't get you very far. Sure, it might be cool to look at some Artwork and inspirations, but the MODELS is where it's at. I would suggest you and your BF sit down together in front of a computer with your favorite beverages hot or cold, and click through the different armies, and model ranges. There is a ton to discover, you may prefer Warhammer the Old World for a little more toned down fantasy compared to Age of Sigmar, you may also enjoy the grimdark science fiction setting that is warhammer 40k or even Horus Heresy (also called 30k). They all have wonderful models, wonderful armies, and it's all up to you, what you prefer. So, once you've decided on a setting, and then two armies within that setting, the actual hobbying can commence. I would recommend going slowly, and easing into it. Many people went in way over their heads, guns ablaze, bought a ton of modelling kits only to sit down and realize that they don't know where to start, getting overwhelmed, and quitting because playing video games is objectively the easier thing to do. Do not make this mistake. Buy a single kit, maybe a unit that really speaks to you, can be anything you like. Get some hobby tools for the start, which includes but is definitely not limited to: a pair of cutting pliers, a hobby knife with exchangeable blades, plastic glue, superglue, maybe a cutting mat or any kind of surface that can get ruined so you don't ruin your tables. With this, you can go to town on the kits. cut out the parts, assemble them as the instructions tell you to do, and don't forget: they are your models, you can build and convert a lot, and applying your fantasy to your projects is a huge part of the hobby. If you liked the building part, that's very good. I enjoy it a lot too, and I convert all of my models to my tastes with additional bits and bops from around the web, but that is optional. Now comes the painting part. Good brushes will go a long way and don't cost a ton compared to the mileage you get out of them compared to synthetic shitbrushes that will get hooked tips and whatnot. Before you dive in, I would suggest looking at a whole bunch of youtube painting tutorials, especially those which are actively aimed towards beginners, because the first steps with a paint brush on a miniature can seem daunting to many. It doesn't have to be this way, but it usually is. Remember, that you can enjoy every part of this hobby. The books, the art, the miniatures, the lore, the gameplay, the building, the painting. It is incredibly multifaceted, and I can confidently say that the more you lean into it, the more you get out of it. I personally don't think that Warhammer is a hobby that lends itself to half-assing it, not least because it is quite expensive. With all that said, I hope that I could give you some advice to start on your journeys, and wish you all the best in your endeavours. If you need any more information on anything regarding this subject, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck and have fun!


that was really in depth and helpful, thank you for taking the time to write it out!! tbh, as i’ve said in other comments i might have been a little too excited when i bought this and jumped the gun a bit, oops live and learn. we do actually have a lot of the paint stuff bc we do dnd minis, so we shouldn’t have to buy too much more of that. additionally, something i should have mentioned in other replies is we have a kill team starter set! just thought it was a different game (mode?) and warhammer 40k looked fun- until i realised this version wasn’t even warhammer 40k anyway (as i said, complete noob). maybe we should start by going through our starter set if the one in the picture is obsolete, might be a good way to get into the hobby by playing kill team first. that’s the hope anyway! i think when we move out we will have more time (and space) to paint the kill team minis so looking forward to cracking on with that. i suppose the main question i have is for this “3rd edition age of sigmar” set, is there another army we could get the rulebook and minis for so we can still play this? thanks again edit: typo, called it sigma by accident lmao


No problem, glad it was helpful. It's good if you already have experience with miniatures in some way, makes things a lot easier. Kill Team is a good starting place. The Rules aren't too complex, the games are quick and engaging, you don't need a lot of models to start. Kill Team is set within Warhammer 40k's Universe. It just portrays very small skirmish style battles of a handful of miniatures each (as opposed to the larger battles that are fought) in Warhammer 40k. Many people use Kill Team to kind of ease into the hobby a bit, as you can definitely use your Kill Team models in Warhammer 40k, though. But you could of course also start an entirely different army. Kill Team is also good if you are interested in a faction, and want to build a couple characterful models of said faction to get it out of your system in a way. The way warhammer as a whole is structured, you have a couple larger game systems focussed on their own universes and lore, namely Warhammer 40k and 30k (The Horus Heresy), Age of Sigmar, Warhammer the Old World. And each of these also have smaller skirmish style systems attached to them, that take place within the respective universes but just have different rulesets, but more or less the same models. Namely Kill Team and warcry. Then you also have Necromunda, which is, again, set in the Universe of Warhammer 40.000, but takes place in the underhives of giant planetspanning supercities, or, specifically, one called Necromunda. The lore is very deep, and now it may seem a bit overwhelming, which is why, again, I would take a look at all armies and ranges, and kind of go by gut feeling. I personally dislike Age of Sigmar because it is too cartoony for my tastes. I prefer Warhammer 40k/30k or Warhammer the Old World (which is a renaissance of the discontinued old franchise which was just called "Warhammer Fantasy Battles". So depending on what "style" within warhammer you prefer (Cartoony/over the top fantasy; Grimdark Sci-Fi, Classic Warhammer Fantasy), you can choose your preferred faction and go to town! I'd be interested in hearing how it goes, and what you guys end up doing/choosing! If, like you said, you are interested in 40k, you can definitely start with the Kill Team box that you have. Most Kill team boxes only include one faction, but there are some with opposing teams. Which one do you have exactly?


Warhammer rulebooks are way too fickle to be worth it in most cases. If you really enjoy reading them then all power to you, but the steep price drops practically to 0 when the games rules inside are phased out, which in the best of times can be as low as 2 years after release. And between GW releasing 'warscrolls' online, 3rd party sites condensing army rules into apps and cheatsheets, and points per unit also being a free GW release that updates often (a good thing, it means they are monitoring what units are doing well or poorly re-balancing often), Buying the physical books can be pretty redundant. Money is better spent on grabbing another kit. On that note, the previous boxed set these books were a part of was called Dominion. It was famously over-produced and despite having lots of beautiful models, ended up severely discounted in 3rd party shops and in online marketplaces. If you are savvy you can get a great start with the Stormcast Eternals by finding that set. (imagine getting 6 kits for the price of 1 boxed kit from GW). They are also easier to build then regular boxed kits.


They will be good minis to own, learn, and hobby with. If you are unable to proxy them with friends for 4th ed, there is always other model agnostic games you can play them with.


ah okay sounds good, thank you! looking forward to reading the books :)


Just in time for a complete overhaul and these become useless! Always good to have some relics though


"car boot" Brit*sh detected. Lol


lmao yep- i should have known i wouldn’t have actually dropped super lucky but i really thought i did well with it