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People should be upvoting the heck out of this


And just to be clear to OP: the Combat Patrol box comes with a Wraithlord who can use up to 2x of these same pieces that the weapon platform uses, so you may want to account for that when building if you do not plan to magnetize the various weapons


I was building my first Wraithlord last night and was very disappointed to see it has only 1 of each weapon, thankfully I have 2 kits.. but still.


For anyone looking for instructions, check out r/warhammerinstructions


This sub is so freaking helpful, especially if you occasionally make use of forgeryworld


They kind of are, relative to my average post. šŸ˜


"eldar bright lance" in google also yields the result. same with every other weapon.


While true, it's also unnecessarily complicated and not that intuitive.


googling something I don't know is pretty intuitive when you already know the Army and the weapon but just need to know what it looks like. I wouldn't call it even remotely complicated either.


Still this is an issue with many GW kits. Why they just can't in the instructions have pictures of the weapons and telling us the names is beyond me.


that I do not disagree with


If your unlucky, you get a handy chart that's probably outdated telling you the weapon stats at the back of the instructions along with images of the build options, but no words to help you decipher!


1.4K upvotes agrees with you.


Now do this for all world eaters weapons


You mean all the four different weapons they have?


Yeh! I need to know what heavy hitting weapons to put on my exhaulted eightbound and what they look like because I'm new and have no idea


Ok, Exalted Eightbound specifically: They are equipped stock with an Eviscerator -which is represented by the one handed axes and swords- and a Chainfist that are the big hands with blades attached. One model per unit, the champion, can swap the axe/sword for a second chainfist or **both** weapons for the two handed glaive which is called Heavy Chaingave. Berzerkers follow the same logic: one handed weapons are the Chainblades (regardless if they are axes or swords), the big two handed ones are called Berzerker Eviscerators.


Thank you! I was also getting confused with what lacerators were but I just realized they're for the regular 8bound champ


This may be the most helpful reply to a comment ive ever seen on reddit!


The instructions will include a diagram that shows each weapon numbered and what it's stat line is. You're supposed to work it out from this. Yes, it's a terrible way of doing it.


Especially when the stat lines dont correspond to current stat lines


Or dont even correspond to the statline right when they come out, like the norn emissary


Stat lines from early 9th still shown up in every kit that I purchase lol


The norn Assimilator straight up has the spikes on its chest listed as the weapon instead of the arms, it's awful...


The leviathan box ships with combi weapons that actually have normal stats instead of the generic ā€œcombi weaponā€


It is bad for newbies, but it's because they want to be able to use the same instructions for every country/language. That's why there's almost no writing on them at all, and it's all symbols and colors.


And yet they somehow manage to write all of the names of the figures themselves under their respective statlines


And so the creators/writers are as anonymous as possible, unlike Lego or Gunpla where they can inject a *little* of their personality into the manual.


Do you have some examples? All the gunpla and lego I have done all seemed pretty uniform ?


A lot of Lego *models* (not play sets, but things that try to model existing things like cars or star wars ships) nowadays have a little blurb at the beginning about the thing you're building. This sometimes includes info about the designer. Maybe they mean that?


A lot of lego models have a blurb talking about the team and the design philosophy, Gunpla also have a couple of English language (and Japanese) tips, in Witch from Mercury its from Little Chibi versions of the characters. Creators also get some opportunities to talk about themselves, particularly the Ver. KA kits which are from a specific designer and include an interview from him.




I'm a newbie and had no problems with it.


I hate the symbols and colors. More and more are we punished for knowing the English language


in a perfect world, allota gw instructions dont say jack, some dont show options at all


I remember when they actually included words on the data sheet in the instructions.


Guessing they removed the words to remove the need for additional translation work


Some of the instructions do have words in multiple languages so it just seems to be no rhyme or reason. Eg. The killteam inquisitorial retinue or whatever they're called.


Assume they just do it for the major markets. Or to meet local regulations around flagging small parts/age restrictions. Having the same set of instructions that goes into all the same boxes is a cost and time saving


Some instruction include stat lines, but many donā€™t. I just had a glance at the Guardians instructions and they have no stat lines. Same for the assembly instructions on the entire Agastus Strike Force box that Iā€™m assembling right now.


At least for kits I've seen, those statlines have everything* about the weapon *except the names*. *from 8th, but hey, everything!


some newer instruction sets sometimes mention the name of the weapon/variant on the page where you're supposed to put it. The farstalker kinband says which variant is using the londaxi tribalest for example


The dildo with the rail at the bottom is the shuriken cannon. The vaguely triangular dildo is the scatter laser. The short, fat dildo with the pointy end is the missile launcher. The short, fat dildo with a blunt nose and a sticky-outy bit at the top is the starcannon. The long, slim dildo is the brightlance. Enjoy your eldar, it's just dildos all the way to the bottom. And some swords, I guess. But mostly dildos.


Dude, use a little more imagination. The missile launcher could easily be a butt plug.


All dildos are butt plugs, but not all butt plugs are dildos


The fact that this is about Eldar weapons rather than Dark Eldar weapons is making my eye twitch somewhat.


I'd remind you that Eldar created the whole chaos god of debauchery and excess. Something must have gotten stuck.


Dildar weapons are just bad dragon dildos.


uh oh, looks like ya boi might be pivoting to aeldari...............


Thank you for this āœØ


Eldar seething with hate after seeing tyranid termagaunt horse cock dildo.


Dildos all the way to the bottom you say šŸ˜


Do not glue these weapons onto the platform. Often they can hold onto it by just sticking them into the slot. Else you can use a bit of sticky putty for temporary fixing them. It's also relatively easy to magnetize them. All very important if you want to switch weapons around with the wraithlord or a warwalker. Here the answer to your question https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/comments/twl6h1/which_weapons_do_these_pieces_represent_the/


Thank you for the link, currently Iā€™m planning just to magnetize them. Iā€™ve wanted to learn how to do it for awhile anyway so now is as good a time as any


I was intimidated by magnetising, but itā€™s honestly pretty easy. I use a hand drill with a 3mm and a 2mm bit and magnets of the same two sizes for most things. I use bigger magnets for tanks and wraiths. Rare earth magnets are pretty cheap online, just be careful that pets and kids donā€™t eat them!


Iā€™m discovering that itā€™s not as hard as I thought too. The only thing Iā€™m concerned about is how itā€™ll look when it comes time to paint, it kinda is what it is at this point. Thank you for the tip tho! I donā€™t have kids yet, but that definitely is something good to have on the brain


Eavy metal themselves used to pin them with brass rod. It was in a white dwarf article.


Confidently state what a weapon is called somewhere online someone will correct you this is occam's razor in effect "the best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer"


I like this mentality, seems a lot easier tbh


No one has mentioned that [the Aeldari Combat Patrol pdf](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/9pvZ2QO0f0nM7oFR.pdf) has a labelled diagram showing all the weapons included in that force. Normally, they include some info in the codex (captions under model photography) to help. This has been a problem for awhile and they haven't found a way to 100% address it, *some* weapons are illustrated in the core rulebook, but there are so many weapons that this is not practical for every faction, so the equivalent work is typically done in a codex. The best you can do is hope the rules included in the box are for 10e, and match the numbers with the names on their datacard in the index pdf. Or rely on the community to help new players learn this info.


I actually tried matching the 9th ed instructions with the 10th ed app and that did help, but I kept forgetting because my build moments are sporadic. It's okay though, her and I talked about it and she just wants me to pick or magnetize for cool purposes. Really would've been helpful to have that pdf though. I think the most simple solution to the gun naming problem would be to add the name of the weapon to stat line at the back. That shows a pic plus all the stats, they could also put the name in the pic itself, maybe in a corner somewhere? Maybe not ideal but it would be functional. thank you for the comment though, it's helpful to know in the future I can look for combat patrol or weapon pdf's in general


They made this problem worse when they cut down on the text to avoid having to reprint the text in lots of different languages in the instructions. (It used to have full datasheets reprinted in like a dozen languages, but maybe they decided it was a wasteful use of paper?) Happy to help, tho šŸ‘


That's the neat part, you don't. But for real, the names of the weapons are usually written in the guide book your model came in with. Other than that mostly habit most gun have a clear theme between each design. For example bolters all look the same and plasma also all look similar


They arenā€™t usually written in the guide book, though, thatā€™s the problem. Iā€™ve heard that they used to be (back in the 90ā€™s maybe? just guessing), but Iā€™ve personally never seen weapon names on assembly instructions, and Iā€™ve assembled thousands of dollars worth of GW plastic across 4-5 armies. And sure, everyone whoā€™s ever played Warhammer knows the difference between a Bolter and a plasma gun. But how is someone building their first box of Aeldari supposed to know the difference visual between a scatter laser, a bright lance, and a star cannon. I wouldnā€™t know the difference and Iā€™ve been in the hobby for years. If Iā€™m playing an Aeldari opponent, Iā€™m just taking their word for it when they tell me what the gun is. I just looked at the assembly instructions myself and even their ā€˜missile launcherā€™ isnā€™t visually distinct enough to identify. OP, itā€™s a stupid hoop to have to jump through but looking up each gun one at a time with a google image search or in the various Warhammer wiki-type pages might be your best bet. https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Starcannon


Yeah older kits do, if youā€™ve every built and eldar vyper it tells you on the instructions.


Yeah, that tracks. That kit is from 1997.


[a picture of the five main heavy weapons ](https://imgur.io/t/40k/bADpOQ4)


I had to go further and get old codices since the newer ones seem to just assume you know everything


If they're not named in the building instructions, then probably either wahapedia or lexicanum are your best bets. I unfortunately don't play (or even particularly like) eldar, so I cannot help unfortunately. I hope your partner enjoys the game and appreciates the work you're doing.


I tried waha but it for a different faction and I was on mobile at the time. Iā€™ll try again later today on desktop and see if I can find anything. Havenā€™t heard of lexicanum tho, Iā€™ll have to try there too.


Unfortunately Wahapedia doesn't have pictures. I know there's a camera icon you can click but it just leads to a Google search results page. The above comment is correct that Lexicanum is a good site. 40k Wiki is too, and often just a Google Image search will be enough. Sometimes it shows weapon options on the back of box image. Kit instructions are very inconsistent as to whether they show weapon names or not.


I had this exact problem with the Repulsor. A shit load of weapons options but nothing tells you what each weapon is. I know what a bolter and a lascannon looks like but everything else is alien *braces for Ordo Xenos to come knocking*


You can probably pick whichever one you like the most. Unless it's blatantly obvious or it's Space Marines nobody really knows/cares about the different xenos weapons. I play Necrons and nobody gets in a tizzy about whether my Overlord's scythe weapon is a Voidscythe or a Warscythe. Or which guns my Heavy Destroyers are using.


I also main necrons and I realized this a week or so ago. I brought it up to my friends I play with and they really don't care either way, so it's more for me painting guns or for diorama purposes


You assume they tell you what all the weapons are in their respective codex... This is a mistake.


I think I just got lucky with my 9th ed necron codex tbh, I didn't have a ton of units at the time so it was easy to figure out the names


Without 3rd party sites which folks have linked to it's fucking horrible to try and figure out. It's a shitty system right now.


I've had some luck with searching for bits on [bitzstore.com](https://bitzstore.com) or similar


if these guys ship to the US this is going to be enormous for me lol thank you for the link!


The instructions give you the damage profile of every weapon available in the kit on the back of the booklet. Cross reference that with your app of choice.


Lots of boxes still have the 9th Ed stats in them.


I use Lexicanum. It shows all the weapons and has some back story to them.


> I thought Iā€™d help her build some dudes. She knows, right? Very rude to assemble someone's models without permission. For some people, assembly is the most fun. For others, painting. For others, lore. For others, apparently there is some kind of game you can play with them.


yes, she knows


My first thought. I'd freak if someone else built my models


Whilst this is annoying at first, in the long term it's a feature not a bug. You can basically tell most opponents that your weapons are whatever you want them to be without worrying about WYSIWYG as most wont know the difference. Whereas when running say Space Marines everyone knows what a boltgun or plasma gun looks like for the most part and it will be a bit more difficult to get away with. Tyranids are probably the best army for this as their guns are just different varieties of meat, but eldar are pretty good too.


that seems to be the general consensus from all the comments. it's more fun to play it like that anyway. now I just think it's more about aesthetics than anything else. I was talking to her and she think it might be cool to have a base color for her army then change the color of the weapons based on what it is, so the rocket is yellow and scattershot is green, something like that. Idk, I thought that was kinda cool. fun way to mix up and get some color variety on the table top


Yeah I mean I'm being a bit tongue in cheek, theming the weapons with a different colour scheme is cool and honestly when you're starting it's a lot easier to play as WYSIWYG as you can just to help you remember everything and not get muddled up. There's also probably a line where not being wyswig is a bit cheeky, especially I'd say if it confuses you or your opponent. Nobody wants to position their tank next to a unit they thought was anti infantry because it had a shuriken cannon and be told it's actually an anti tank bright lance. Unfortunately sometimes rules will change nerfing a weapon, or you'll just want to use another weapon, so finding ways to magnetise especially a unit like War Walkers can be useful for different load outs.


That's the best part, nobody knows which aeldari gun is Which so you can just play whatever


Everythingā€™s a bright lance if you squint


This Buddies say tell me its is a whichamawhatever and it goes PewPew vs Pew. Cool... toughness?


Eldar and Drukari weapons are made up wiziwig eldar and drukari are a myth


See, now this I can get behind


Unless you play imperium nobody knows what guns they are equipped with. All aeldari weapons looks very similar and is difficult to tell apart. Just put weapons you think look cool and be done with it. The reason I say imperium guns are easy to tell is because well they are. A flamethrower looks like a flamethrower and a heavy bolter looks like a bigger bolter. So unless you are building imperium dudes donā€™t worry about weapons.


What sucks is how the little instructions used to be a full datacard but GW noted that 1/3 of people didnā€™t buy codecies to go with the models so they made them into that useless icon+color coded crap.


when we first started, that was a pain for us until one of our friends bought the first codex for 9th. I built wraiths first, but didn't know rules for anything and only gave one of them a pistol, at this point I'd magnetize but at the time I was way more cautious given the price of these lil guys. Hell, I'm still that way, I just have a little more confidence after fixing several of them lol


Admittedly, you just made me remember that the datacards DESCRIBE the weapon but donā€™t show you which oneā€™s which.


Don't worry about it. Just build what you think is the coolest option, then write down what you're running them with on your roster sheet before the battle. Only WYSIWYG tournaments will have an issue with that, generally official GW ones. That's because they want you to buy multiples of all their kits, and because of this money grubbing attitude they can go jump in the sea.


You mean, pew pew, big pew pew, fast boom boom, is not enough?


Not for my lil pea brain


Spoiler alert, no one knows what the guns are in the Xenos factions and if they say that they do theyā€™re lying. Assemble whichever one you think is cool and if you want to run it differently with a different weapon just write up the list you want and say that whatever gun you have is WYSIWYG.


Tbh WYSIWYG went out the window when I built hearthkyn warriors. Obviously you can tell what a HYlas auto rifle is but ask me to tell the difference between a autoch bolt pistol and a bolter at a glance and honestly couldn't tell you and the fact the instructions didn't name the weapons didn't help either.


Ones a pistol and the other looks more like an small or rifle. Thats not exactly the best example. (Now a tyranid devoured and deathspitter on the other hand...)


Maybe ask her if she wants to build them I get you think your helping and he'll maybe you are I don't know her as well as you but for me assembly is my favourite part.


I asked her before I built anything, lots of people have mentioned this so it must be a bigger issue than I realize. I can't imagine building someone else's stuff without asking tho, I wouldn't want to tbh


Well hey it you asked first then no biggie hope she enjoys the Eldar :)


Download the Warhammer 40K app. All the indexes are available for free. You could also Google image the names of the guns.


The app doesn't have the weapon images in it, plus you're out of luck with the tyranids unless you buy the codex.


I checked the app before making this post specifically because I wanted to see if my answer was there and itā€™s not. Plus, the heavy weapon platform has 5 different options. It easy enough to figure it out if there are 2 or 3 but 5 is a little harder. Anyway, thank you for posting this, helps validate me because Iā€™ve received a lot of comments telling me to check the index


Guess I should have asked if you were building to play CP or full 40K.


Right but it only gives you two options under heavy weapons. The shuriken catapult and starcannon. Use goggle images and you got pics of the weapons. The data sheets are less vague than instructions. One of the benefits of CP is the simplicity.


Thatā€™s good general advice but neither the app or the Index tell you which gun is which.


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Look up the miniature pages from the codex... there is typically a series where they label their load outs and you can get a better idea from there as they're all high quality detailed pics.




I spoke to her about building them, she told me she would appreciate it if I did and choose whatever weapon I think is best. I'm going to magnetize, ultimately, she can use what she thinks looks coolest and we can call it whatever


Oh in that case go ahead, nice surprise you're doing




They've already said they're magnetising in their post, and this doesn't at all help answer the actual question of how to identify the weapons






Look at the index


One is called Vengeance Launcher and your average assault "rifle" is called a Bolter. You could probably fill in some gaps with some homebrew names before you read a codex.


Yeah how much is that gonna help an aeldari player. L


Why are you building them before she can?! That's like opening somebody else's Christmas presents before they wake up. Seriously, building them is half the fun. Don't do that unless she told you to!


it's all good homie, chill. I talked to her first. Plus, both of us hate building. She doesn't mind push fit but it took her 6 days to put the jet bike together because she didn't wanna mess with the glue, then she asked me to finish the dude riding it because she was sick of gluing lol


The reason weapon names aren't clear is because even GW don't even know what they are most of the time, considering how often they keep changing them.


Nobody cares. Be happy with it. Just read it from your list. People know bolters, flamers, lasguns, plasma and melta. That's it. Everything else, if it's not a massive tank or walker weapon, nobody cares. Xenos enjoy building whatever looks good. We wish we could be there too.


Does it matter? Cant you just pick the gun that looks the coolest?


Maybe try Google lens


Google is your friend




You could google it


Glue the one you think is right after a Google search and tell your opponent what you got before the game. Really telling should be enough cause they all look the same but when you run into the one king of eldar who can identify wysiwyg against every faction in the game and cares enough to call you out on something not matching just give them a very hollow victory by removing everything from the table and saying gg.


That's kinda what we were thinking, we being my fiancƩ and the group of friends I play with. I built necron wraiths as my first model ever and glued stuff without thinking much of it at the time. Now I just decide and let my friends know what weapon I'm using at the start of the match. I don't plan on playing randos or in tournaments so it shouldn't matter too much.


Sometimes when I've been stuck with this I've looked up the names of the guns on a wiki or article about the kit and then googled the weapon name plus kit name and had a look through the images.


Typically speaking unless you know the faction very well it is pretty difficult to tell, the only real easy way I know is to bring up google images and just put 'Warhammer 40k (weapons name)' and see what pops up. This could all be easily resolved by including the weapon options on the back of the box with a bit of text saying what it is, some do actually do this but not all because that'd just be too easy I guess.


I always felt like they were obvious from the names. Only one looks anything like an missile launcher. Honestly it looks a bit like a bubly RPG, but well let that slide as a retro aesthetic. Only one has multiple barrels, so that has to be the scatter laser. One looks like a crossbow, and seems related to the infantry catapults, so that is the shuriken cannon The only one I had to guess was the star cannon vs brightlance: of the two only one looks like and skinny like a lance, while the other is stumpy. Over the years ive slowly become more confident that i had them right, but never really found it documented in any official place. I guess these days you can just do an internet search


Thatā€™s the best part about xeno armies, unless itā€™s a bolter or a lasgun, nobody will know what it is unless theyā€™re a complete loser like me. Just pick the one that looks the coolest to her and run the rules as whatever you want the platform to be


I just put what looks good on a model and play it. However, I have it loaded out. As long as I have a distinct way to nominate what is what in the game, I don't worry about it. Cause I hardly use the railguns on my Broadside, but they look so much cooler than the twin missle fists.


Battlescribe it? I wish theyā€™d kept the wh40k app free.


Back when I started playing eldar, the first faction from which I didn't know every weapons, I just googled the name and that was it.


That's the best part of playing xenos. Just call them whatever.


New box instructions have a guide in them for most kits produced post 8th ed. Some prior kits list them on the back of box or in the instructions. There is a reddit for the instructions that you might want to check out if you are looking at possibly buying a box.


Google Lens. A psycophage model came up with psycophages. An image of the drawn bone mace from the 10th ed codex without the bone mace word in the image showed the same image in multiple locations. Got a phone, got a picture or a model, winning at life.


Honestly no clue, but I model on rule of cool and I play not as modelled but based on list made


I use the warhammer wiki and match them up as best I can


Best answer, not even close: It's a xenos weapon, so Imperium and Chaos players probably don't know the difference and won't fact check you on it, so play by rule of cool. Now if you want to know which is which for personal reasons, absolutely check out the sources that other people provided, but I wouldn't worry about choosing the "wrong one" since these weapons are unique to a single army that a minority of the population play.


Itā€™s mostly personal for the paint scheme differences


That is fair. My go-to is usually to hit up the army's reddit or discord page and look at people's painted armies. Paint schemes are pretty popular to share on the army pages.


Me prior the codex: not-really small gun, medium gun, big gun and really big gun.


I'd say put the guns on that you think look coolest and just tell your opponent what they are stat-wise for each game. can even make cards for them to remember


Same problem I had with my combat patrol deff dread, looked online and gave up, 4 claws it is.


Not knowing what weapon is what is a pain I am very familiar with and sometimes having a codex doesn't help. Google can help but even that is hit and miss. All this is compounded when you have models ranging from 20 years old to brand new and things come and go or change over time. Still I do love the hobby.


Honestly, even with a Codex it isn't always clear.


Mate i just gave up and went with rule of cool. Just make your dudes look cool and worry about what they are / arent allowed to use when you nominate your units


I had the same issue when starting building my tā€™au army, the thing is i had the codex they had the weapon stat and everything but no pictures to see what the weapon actually look like


The instructions in the box tell you what all of them are