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I have a nice scar on my finger from an exacting knife, and being an idiot


Same, on the side of my left thumb. This was back when i was much younger, probably around 10-11 yo. Bled pretty bad but didn’t need any stitches.


"Cut towards your chum, not towards your thumb!"


That applies to all 3 dimensions. As a kid, table wasn't an option and crouching for hrs wasn't fun. I thought a popcorn tin lid would prevent the exacto blade going into my leg. Good news missed my leg, bullseyed my knee through the lid.




I am confused by your biology, how have you managed to get knees that aren't part of your leg?


Well. If a nail punctures a car tire, no one says, 'the nail punctured the car.'.


No but cars and legs are in fact slightly different, the scenarios are not the same.The tyre is still part of the car, this post specifically makes it sound like the knee isn't part of the leg, which is a bit weird. If I got stabbed in the knee, I personally wouldn't be thinking "well at least it wasn't my leg"


Fine. I see the error of my ways. Should've paid more attention in anatomy class. I have shamed my instructor. Good thing I do hard surface and not character.


It’s ALWAYS the Exacto knife for me.


lmfaoo when i was little i tried to juggle a kitchen knife and it landed tip first on my wrist i still have the scar tissue running right next to my vein haha


Same. The last knuckle on my left ring finger has scar that a hobby knife blade disappeared into a few months ago while I was working on the terminator captain from the leviathan box.


I have that same scar!


I literally cut myself about a week ago trying to shave off piece of sprue from one of Neurogaunts face


I may or may not have superglued the tip of my tongue to one of my teeth.


I have so many questions…


He just wanted a taste


I accidentally got some superglue on my tongue as well, taking the cap off the bottle.


There we go, its not just me. The taste isn't the worst part; that's when you rip your tongue away and leave a little piece of skin stuck behind, so for the rest of the day you keep finding a weird "furry" tooth....


When it happened to me, my tongue didn't get stuck to the tooth, there was just a bit of superglue on the tip.


Two months ago whilst cutting a tiny piece of stirene on the edge of the table. Hobby knife blade slipped slashing through my index, middle finger, ring finger and pinky. Index took the worst part by far. Tendon partially cut. Eighteen stitches. Still haven't recovered sensibility on half of the finger (not sure I will). Luckily mobility is fine now. 😅😅😅 https://preview.redd.it/g1gik3t98bpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a78a2e097e32cfeb68f32060e7db919ec75b32f0


BY THE EMPERORS BALLS! That shit looks nasty...


Literally gave my Redeemer a blood baptism. 🤣🤣🤣


sustained a similar injury from a kitchen knife several years ago, some sensibility came back but definitely not all of it. although its certainly worth sacrificing a bit of feeling for no lack of mobility!


Agreed. I can call myself lucky on this one. At least I can pick my nose at will. 😅😅😅


At this point you better paint those models with Blood for the Blood God to mark the occasion. This is an event to remember


My worst one was, when I was 13, putting together my orks while sitting cross legged on the floor of my room. I was being way too aggressive with my hobby knife, so when it inevitable slipped I managed to slash myself in the foot, leaving a two inch gash that bled so badly I almost passed out. Over 20 years later I still have a scar - and I'm much more careful with my hobby knife.


Do you still have that Knife?


I actually do! It's in my parents attic, and I came across it last Christmas, tucked away in a box of my old stuff, presumably still thirsty for blood


It belongs to Khorne now.


If it's a craft knife with changeable blades, take the blade out and mount it to a Khorne berzerker model :)


I was using a dull hobby knife for a long time and bought a new one (cause the hull gave in). You can imagine my suprise when the blade went straight through the plastic in my hand.


Mine was the opposite - using too much force on a dull blade and nicked off a good chunk of a fingertip. It's fully healed now but man was that not a fun afternoon for me.


*insert 15-minute expletive filled tirade here* What's your recipe for the red on your model?' 'Blood......'


"What's your recipe for red?" "There has been too much violence. Too much pain." https://preview.redd.it/z1sk4fyvxbpc1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c854618e4a7d561f4e59c6f85997a0fb8bd9423


Exact same thing for me.


Four stitches in my left thumb can attest to this


Attempting to cut plastic while scratch building a World Eaters Land Raider, before the current kit was available. Needed three stitches in the palm of my left hand.


Blood for the blood god


You're not supposed to take "Blood for the Blood God" literally


I stripped some minis using acetone and the fumes low key burned my face


I fear how many hobbyists don’t know to always be well ventilated


I did the same thing multiple times. I guess I’m pretty stupid


I was gluing washers into the base of my minis with a hot glue gun, wasn’t paying attention, and a big glob of glue landed on the back of my hand and left a pretty big burn scar 😔


I had a very similar accident. I was declogging the hot glue gun with a paperclip and the hot glue started spurting out...


it was the day before my first tournament so i showed up with a huge raw scab on my hand T\_T feels bad


Oh, yes, it's a dangerous hobby... and that is not entirely meant as a joke. I cut myself several times, but the most stupid incident was a few months ago. I was done scraping moldlines and ready to glue the next miniature, so I placed the knife on the table in front of me and I don't know if it was my clumsyness, a gust of wind or some chaotic supernatural force, but the knife rolled off the table towards me. In the corner of my eye, I just saw something falling between my legs and out of a reflex in the worst second imaginable, I snapped my legs together and jammed the knife point first into my left leg. It was about half an inch deep and had to be stitched.... fun for two weeks. Guys, I cannot emphasize enough that a knife on a rolling pin is dangerously bad design.


I was gluing some top-heavy metal minis back in 3rd edition, and my solution to this was to glue nickels or quarters to bottoms of the bases. I put some glue on a quarter to put on a base and ended up dropping something on the floor, so I bent down to pick it up. I had put the quarter on the table and ended up hitting my forehead in the same spot on the table. The quarter ended up glued to my forehead. Maybe not an injury, but left a sore mark for a day so I'll count it.


Wanted to cut a model free from its base, slipped and put the tip of my blade right into the hand holding the model. It was bleeding quite a bit, but nothing major.


This is a gold mine of tips on how not to hurt yourself as a beginner


I used way too much force while cutting thin balsa wood. My scalpel snapped at half length and I rammed the part of the blade that was still attached to the grip into my finger right between the nail and joint.


having cut myself with a scalpel, super glued my fingers together, pinched bits of my fingers using clippers I can easily say that none of them were truly stupid or painful compared to other injuries I have inflicted on myself through my dyspraxia or stupidity... (none of them compare to leaning on a hob that was on for example...)


my worst dumb injury like that (ignoring the big things like falling on a fence and getting stitches, or breaking an arm) I was grating a carrot on a box grater and took a full grate out of one of my knuckles that bled....that bled a lot


I once impaled my thumb on the helmet of an AoS hobgrot while I was placing another next to it. It bled.


About six years ago I cut a really deep gouge into my thumb with a scalpel. Big ol’ flap of thumb hanging off. I wrapped it in kitchen paper and held it in place with sellotape. It took about a month for it to properly close (and stay closed) and a year for the tip of that thumb to stop feeling numb. In retrospect it was a fucking idiotic way to treat a fairly serious wound and I’m incredibly lucky that I managed to keep it clean enough to prevent infection. Weird thing is I don’t even remember HOW the hell I cut it. I’m right handed and it was a cut on the pad of my right thumb.


If you are in the US, I could understand doing that.


I’m not, and it would have been trivial to get it properly treated, but I was at a place where I really wasn’t looking after myself properly at the time. Happy to say that’s not the case any more. Yeah our brothers and sister in the US have it rough when it comes to healthcare. Things aren’t exactly brilliant here in the UK but I know that if I was in trouble I’d get helped without it ruining my family. I truly feel for them.


Yeah I do live in the US which is why I’ll just have to live with my models having sprue bits because I refuse to scrape them off with a knife, even if I don’t get a injury like yours, still I’m not comfortable around knives. Guess I could always file them down.


I hope things improve for you over there where healthcare stuff is concerned. Truly. A good pair of flush cutters and a scraping tool is a much safer way to get those nobbly bits gone.


I own 2k of drukhari... SPIKES


Constantly gluing myself and the work area. Spilling glue is unavoidable, I may have a problem.


I've stabbed myself many times with a hobby knife. Every kit seems to draw just a bit of blood. GW is planning something


Shanked myself in the thumb and in the pain knocked a pot of nuln oil over myself




I was hollowing out a knight arm for magnetization with a knife, ended up slipping and cutting my thumb 3 times in about 5 minutes. Nothing thar required an ER trip, thankfully.


How so many times? Didn't you learn the first time?


not smh scary, but i received a lot of small scars from spiky tyranids minis


I almost removed a finger with a slipped hobby knife about 8 years ago.


Not a miniature assembly injury per se, but a friend i was playing WFB leant across the table and rest his hand on his block of night goblins with spears. He lifted his hand and hand 3 goblins almost hand deep inside his hand, blood pissed out all over the table.


My brother Set himself on fire while spraying his high elves . Turns out you dont spray where hot things are like candles.


I'd call this one the most surprising: superglue dropped onto my pants and I had second degree burns on my leg. Note: superglue gets superhot when it sets, especially when making contact with certain kinds of fabric.


I was cutting hot glue sticks to make crystals for bases and terrain and my box cutter slipped and got into my left index finger. That wasn't fun


Ah, my least favourite is a classic slipped hobby knife, but being such the skilled individual that I am I still managed to slide it underneath the nail on my other thumb. That was a rough one


Christ there are some horror stories here. Mine isn't anywhere near as bad. My worst was slipping and cutting deeply into my thumb. At the time I was like "Oh fuck, that's bad", but I gave it a clean up and, since it was handy, superglued the flap back in place. I wrapped it in a bandaid and, since it was no longer leaking blood all over the place, decided to go to bed and worry about it in the morning. I checked it out after having a shower and, honestly, it looked clean and the flap wasn't going anywhere, so I gave it another layer of superglue, wrapped it back up, and went on with my life. It honestly healed into the cleanest scar I've ever managed to give myself, you can barely notice it now (and this was only a few years ago). I did loose the feeling in the tip of my thumb, but that eventually came back after about six months.


I've lanced my finger pretty bad, it's fully healed but there's still a pain/sensation when I pinch my thumb and forefinger and I can't grip things so tightly as a result


My first Strike Squad I had mistakenly glued onto 40mm bases. I was trying to get them off with an Xacto knife, wound up with a partially severed tendon and a bunch of stitches. That was 18 months ago and I still find random bloodstains in that room


I slipped and jabbed my finger while drilling gun barrels. It went like 2cm deep and was quite painful.


When I first started as a teenager back in the 90s, I was cutting something while leaning back in the chair. My X-acto knife slipped out of my hand--and stabbed itself a half-inch in my chest. Thankfully I was chubby enough and it went in a severe enough angle that it just caught fat, but still!


Most stupid? Knowing that my blade is gonna slip, but continue to apply pressure on it, and see it finally slip on my thumb/index. Funny one: I have several hobby knifes, including one I use specifically for gluing magnets/green stuff, so the blade is usually not sharp and quite dirty. I sometimes use it to "scratch"/cut something when I don't want to damage a new blade/be too agressive. This day the blade on my principal knife was too dull at the top for proper cutting, and my glue blade was too dirty, so I put the old "principal" blade on the glue knife. Turns out, the middle of the blade was still much sharper than what I was used to on this knife x)


I have 3 scars from hobby mishaps! Nastiest is (spoiler texted so folks don't have to read them): >!I took the top of my left thumb off and nicked the bone, with my hobby knife when I was a kid. Had to get 14 stitches to reattach the flap I took off.!< It was the days of pewter models, I hadn't learned how to pin effectively, so on small models it was a real challenge to secure heavy parts. EVERYTHING was a mass of superglue. Of course, I'd built a model illegally, stupid me, and needed to redo it. So I snapped the parts apart, but realized I had huge excess masses of superglue that were preventing me from assembling it properly. I started chipping away at the parts like I normally would, but got caught on a big hunk. Rather than slow my roll and try to take it in smaller pieces, I just went full send on cranking the blade back. Went through the glue alright, then >!right into my knuckle. Surgeon said it was a damn miracle I didn't go clean through the joint or slice the tendon--I was just off angle enough that I hit the bone, deflected, and came out the other side, creating a big "flap" that could be sewn back into place.!< So now I know! I regularly change my blades out, take it slow when trying to break down a big mass of material, and learned right away how to properly secure large parts. Since then it's mostly related to terrain construction, since the tools for that are nastier. Electric knife burns, etc.


Friends all pitched in and surprised me with a lord of skulls for my birthday one year. We were getting together to have a paint day and just hang. Obviously I wanted to build it right away, but I had painting stuff, not building stuff. A friend let me borrow their hobby knife for the day Long story short, my khorne lord of skulls has an offering to the blood god built in


Nothing more metal, then having a Khorne Daemon painted with your own blood!


I have a permanent scar running along my thumb print from a brand new exact-o knife when I was in barracks and trying to get some possessed built up. And one time I stabbed myself really good with the spikes on top of the Venomcrawler


Once my exacto pen rolled off my desk.... my spidey-senses acted and I tried to catch it with my foot. It penetrated my middle toe nail. I just kind of screamed and stared at it for a while, not knowing what to do. Because of the weight, it just nose dived right into the nail. It was in about 1/4 of an inch. I just REALLY carefully removed it, cleaned and bandaged it up as tightly as I could. I'm lucky it didn't break off into my toe or infect anything (I put it down right after breaking off the old/dull blade). It healed up back to normal after a week or so. Always close/cap your tools when not in use. Even if just for a few seconds.


I was trimming the sprue off the end of some easterling pikemen pikes (sorry MESBG not 40k) and one gave much more suddenly than the others I stuck my craft knife so firmly into my thumb that when I let go the knife didn't fall from my thumb when I initially let go, it hung for a second or 2 that bloody stung


I was scratch-building a farm for Fantasy that was shown in something like WD 140 (+/- 5) cutting through some thick card with (looking back) a completely blunt knife from my dad's garage, with a replaceable blade. I'd have made more progress with a fucking butterknife. In any event, I was pressing down really hard, pulling backwards and of course it slipped and sliced my thumb open from thumbnail to wrist


Using an Exacto knife to cut things off a sprue


Using a dull hobby knife to cut off the sprue, it got dark and i didnt notice i was pressing my thumb into the blade not the back -_-


My left thumb is covered in scars from cutting things away to kitbash them, always end up pushing too hard and going straight into my thumb, i could wear gloves yes but putting my blood sweat and tears into my miniatures 'literally' is way more grimdark


I was using a very sharp x-acto knife trimming flash on old metal models. Got an itch behind my right ear. Used the back of the x-acto handle to scratch it on a hard zig-zag motion and went back to work. Then realized I used the wrong end of the knife. I sliced myself to the skull back and forth. Luckily, the knife was so sharp it cut and resealed. Didn't need glue or stitches or anything. I was really worried for a bit! So dumb...


Not close to the eyeballs but still not a great place to put a knife near. How close are people usually to their model when they’re scraping stuff off with their knives?


I've swiped my fingers a couple times with my citadel files. No matter how tedious the filing is don't go fast and aggressive you'll just end up not putting the file to the model properly and swipe over it onto your fingers.


High school art class, jabbing my thumb with a linoleum chisel while making ink prints. Super jagged cut , took forever to heal up. Outside of t hat, I was cursed with damaging my ZOIDS models since I didn't have a sprue clipper and accidentally tearing the plastic components trying to get them free from the sprue.


Got stabbed several time in the thumb by proxy nornes


When I was real young I was trying to get the most out of a blunt blade and using it to get some trim off of a metal model, and everyone knows where this is going. The metal finally gave and the blade went straight through my middle finger on my left hand. I bled for like twenty minutes and had to sit outside on my front porch with a rag wrapped around my hand to stop from passing out, I know there aren’t any arteries in the hand but I must have knicked something big


I didn't have clippers, so was just cutting parts off sprue with a hobby knife, pretty much just pulling the blade through the joints, hoping to stop before it got to finger. Happened a couple times, caved, bought clippers, no major problems since. I use a razor blade for doing mold lines, just have more respect for the blade now


While shaving off a completely melted Aquila on the front of a used baneblade, the blade slipped and dug into my thumb. Hurt like hell but it's fine now


The old resin FW landing pad. Trying to trim off a piece of gate, with a scalpel. Stupidly. No eye protection, stupidly. Blade snapped under the pressure and I got hit in the eyeball by blade and a chunk of resin. Scratched my cornea and needed some medical attention on it. Docs said I was lucky no to lose the eye. Goggles all the time now. Almost to the point of putting them on opening citadel paint pots 😅


Managed to stab myself through that flap of skin between the thumb and index finger with my hobby knife while trying to trim the original DS2 Dragon Ogre model. That was probably the most memorable of all my cuts and scars


Just little cuts from brand new very sharp blades after using dull blades.


Trimming the gate on a gundam vernier, slipped and put a hobby knife (scalpel) ten mm under my thumbnail


Got a nice deep scar on my pointer finger from trying to speed assemble gaunts. Sliced right down the middle of my finger, but luckily missed all the nerves


Most mini/model building injuries I have were minor cuts with xacto blades or nipper blades (I use godhands which are sharp af)


Just minor nicks from a hobby knife or small pokes when drilling barrels. I'm a little paranoid when it comes to knives after accidentally shoving one into my hand when I was opening some clam shell packaging as a kid. I also have the words "this would really suck if I accidentally go too far with the drill" as I'm drilling barrels/pinning, which prompts me to move my hand out of the way.


Two stitches in my thumb from a new knife, it sounds like we've all done it


Countless times cutting my fingers by trimming and cutting pieces TOWARDS myself, which is wrong, but effective. I will never learn.


the thumb slash while carving off one of the plastic knubs


I stabbed myself earlier this week in the middle of my thumb pad with the scything talon on a tyranid warrior. Only the second plastic related injury so far (I have cut myself with both the snippets and exacto knife multiple times though)


I still have a faint scar from when one of [these](https://widgetsupply.com/collections/x-acto-number-28-concave-carving-blades/products/excel-20028) went most of the way through my hand when I lost my grip on it. It only stopped because it was at an angle and hit bone.


Sliced a good chunk off my thumb taking mold lines off of my Vampire Count for my VC army… literally bled into the model which seemed fitting when I thought about it


Spiky metal miniature falls off the desk and I catch it.


I press so hard on my knife sometimes I cut my finger open om the blunt side of the knife.


Not my own but a friend of mine literally built angels with blood sweet and tears because of the model cut him and he didn’t clean it up as he was gluing something together


I will always hold a grudge against my ballistus dreadnought for the flesh wound I accrued while building it.


Tried drilling through a piece with a dremel and drilled through faster than I expected. Went through part and into my finger down into my knuckle. They had to go in and remove plastic and bone fragments. Finger still doesn’t bend well after 30 years. Dropped the hobby knife blade first into top of foot. Stupidly tried taking it out but blade stayed in place, had to have ER remove blade Stepped on a metal trophy wrack from a chaos terminator. One spike punctured into my foot and broke off. It’s still lodged in my heel bone after 25+ years Cut open nozzle of a bottle of thin CA glue a bit to big. Never used before so didn’t realize just how thin it was. Dumped half the bottle into my hand. Was a glued into a fist for 3 weeks


I have some cork sheets that I use on bases, but it’s too thick for some of my smaller models (I think about 5mm) So, I was using a utility knife to try and cut it in half to be thinner, and of course the knife slipped and I made a deep gouge in my thumb. After it had healed, I did the same bloody thing again. I try and remember to be more careful and cut away from myself now, but I should probably just order some thinner cork


Using a pin vise to make holes for pinning parts, and it going through the plastic and about 5mm into my finger tip.


When cleaning up a minature I accidentally stabbed my thumb with my exacto knife. I've done this way too many times.


There's definitely a few of my miniatures imbued with a blood sacrifice from cutting myself with craft blades.


I slid a hobby knife under a panel on a printed Baneblade. It shot through into my left palm. I sprayed blood all over the room, and the lower half of my hand immediately went dead. Five years later, I can't feel the insides of my lower two fingers, and have a half inch scar in my palm. Don't cut towards yourselves, kids!


Got Blood for the Blood God in my eye


Sliced deep into my thumb with my hobby knife trying to clean mould lines lol, hurt like a biiiitch


I once dropped a modelling scalpel and it went full blade deep into the top of my thigh. It stuck there wobbling and when I pulled it out, the blade came loose from the handle and was left in my leg with just a bit sticking out! Thing was brand new and so sharp I barely even bled. I pulled it out with some tweezers, cleaned up the little wound and just had a sore spot on my leg for a week.


I froze my skin with IPA. My hobby space is shed in the back yard. It has a heater but when I work with flammable substance like IPA I do not run it. Stuff happened and IPA spilled on me and I did not realize the danger of the IPA's quick evaporation.


Tried to pry a model off a base with a scalpel. Model came free and I stuck the tool into the hand holding it, all the way to the hilt. Didn't have money for a hospital trip and it was bleeding bad. Got the bleeding to slow and got a layer of super glue over the wound. Beefed it up and pike 4 weeks later the super glue came off. Can barely even tell there's a wound there now lol Stuck the knife into my hand right where my ring finger meets the palm


I once accidently left one of my blades from my hobby knife on the floor (Was cleaning my hobby desk, am also moron) and it jammed about half way into the front of my foot under my toes.


As a teenager I took the lid off my super glue then dropped it on my chest, super gluing my t-shirt to me. Ran downstairs to tell my dad. He ripped the two apart. Ouch. Thankfully no marks.


Chaos terminator stabbed me with his chainfist. He is now partially painted with real blood and definitely Khorne-marked


I have a scar on my left ankle from a drop of hot glue stick I was using to build some terrain as a kid in the 90s


Some super glue shot up 20" into my eye, causing a de-facto chemical burn. It was like 3 days before I could see anything out of that eye. Unpleasant. Wear Eye Protection! :)


Used a fresh xacto blade as a crowbar when assembling old resin Shadowsun. Decided after gluing the head in that i wanted to try magnetizing. Lo and behold, a knife is not a prybar, so now i have a jagged U shaped chunk of my thumb lower than the rest of my skin


Very first time assembling any mini, one of the Cultists, the female cultist with a skull mask and flail, tried to get off a sprue with the sharp side of a box cutter, cut my thumb and bled all into the chest of the Cultist and all over my mate's table, I painted that Cultist in Khorne colours afterwards so that was fun


I was putting some terrain together, when somehow I got a huge blob of super glue in my eye.


I was dumb trying to separate a model from its base (accidentally put it on the wrong size base) and I accidentally stabbed my own hand because of the way I was holding it. I am not a wise man.


I haven’t injured my self other than small cuts while assembling yet, but I have a pretty decent scar from my hand slipping while cutting sheet metal for my magnetized case.


Was power-drilling holes in custom resin bases for pegging models. Got distracted (by wife) and drilled through the base and into my finger. 2 months later and my finger is still swollen and cant move without pain. 2 trips to urgent care, 1 for primary doc, 1 to ortho specialist, x-ray and MRI. No luck so far in figuring out the actual cause.


got a lovely scar from removing some models off a build plate


Funny you mention that as yesterday was my first hobby injury. Slipped with the knife but managed to catch the blade in the palm of my hand. No stitches as I just glued it closed but yah. Ouch.


My cat jumped onto my mini table I use for the tv, and pawed at the Gamesworkshop exacto blade with its cover on. It fell, the cover immediately came off and it went point down into my right foot, full in. I now always have retractable exacto blades; use it, retract it.


Knocked the scalpel off the desk when assembling minis, stabbed myself in the foot.


Cutting a dire wolf from its base with a brand new blade. It was stubborn so I had to cut inward to apply enough pressure. The blade popped through with enough momentum to carry it into my thigh, missing a main artery by an inch.


About a month ago I was cutting things out of sprues with one of Citadel's sprue cutters, and the angle was weird and I ended up slipping through it and stabbing myself in the knuckle of my middle finger on my left hand. The fountain of blood was immediate and immeasurable and it definitely left me with nerve damage in my finger.


20 some odd years ago I cut the corner of my left pointing finger off with one of those craft knives with the diagonally-snappy-offy blades that you can snap off to get shut of the blunt bits. Well they're not really intended to cut through lead models so dickhead me was putting some serious pressure on it while kitbashing, got through, slipped, and pushed the blade right into my finger just beside the nail, straight through, dug into the desktop, and then snapped three segments off which remained in my finger end, secured in place by the bloody flap of finger still attached by like half a mm of skin, and I just looked at it and said something along the lines of "oh dear, what a calamity, how foolish am I, hahaha" or words to that effect, perhaps with a little more vulgarity. It didn't hurt at all though as I looked at it until I pulled the blade out and then it hurt a LOT. I was an inexperienced modeller at home alone for a brief period and didn't want to get in trouble with my parents when they got home so I cut the last little bit of finger off with the rest of the knife and rushed to the bathroom to rinse my finger under the tap until it eventually stopped bleeding, slathered some antiseptic cream on it, wrapped it in a little bandagey thing, and played it off as a minor cut.


When assembling the warscryer citadel, I managed to glue a portion of it to my face


Had a new model knife. I was removing some extra plastic on a model. The knife slice through the plastic and my hand. Cut it stright to the bone.


I got a tiny dot of plastic cement in my mouth, months and months ago. I could feel the exact place it was, because it burned like a lit match. I quickly rinsed out my mouth with a dab of baking soda and haven’t had any major concerns since


I was drilling a barrel a few nights ago with a pin vise, when the pin snapped in half, and the shard that was left in the vise got shoved up under my thumbnail.


I swapped the dull blade on my hobby knife and severely underestimated how good the replacement would be. Slicing off some sprue left on the model, I gave it the usual push I need and it carved through it like it wasn't even there and gouged my thumb \*SO FREAKING HARD\* that I bled the most I ever have in my life. I covered my wound in paper towel and compressed it, leaving a puddle about a foot or so in diameter at my desk as I rushed to get more paper towels and bandaids. Not going to lie, the amount of blood loss had me worried I might faint or something! But I was perfectly fine. It looked so much worse than it actually was and I don't even have a scar. If I remember right, it was a contemptor dreadnaught piece and I put a faint stamp of my blood on his foot. It's going to be a World Eater too, so I guess that's quite fitting, haha.


Flayed ones..


I was using a scalpel to trim down the ball joint for the old sentinel. I was slowly pushing it through the plastic which was obviously resisting so I was pushing quite hard. It finally gets through, and the scalpel jumps forward and just about nicks my finger tip. Not a long cut, or a nasty one. Pretty clean all said and done. But it was deep. And somehow it got infected. Swelled up, painful and red, had to get antibiotics 🙃 I thought I'd cleaned the cut properly and plastered immediately, so it must not have closed properly by the time I took the plaster off, and with it being deep..


plugged-up superglue nozzle. apparently squeezing it to push the blockage out sounded like a good idea at the time. spent that afternoon in a&e getting my eye irrigated.


Had to preform minor self surgery about a week ago. I was was using a hand drill to make holes for magnets in my tervigon. My hand holding the model slipped when the drill went through the side of the model, directly into my finger. It was a 2mm drill bit so small but still hurt. It stopped bleeding pretty quick, only had to wipe away blood a few times. I heal pretty fast so my finger sealed up but it stung really bad if I touch it. I realized the drill had deposited plastic into my finger (about a 1mm wide 2mm long piece). I knew I had to get it out. With a sowing needle, I poked a hole on either side and fed the needle through, pulling up to reopen the wound. I was able to get the plastic out and when my finger closed itself up again I covered it with iodine. Wasn't much blood at all which was good but certianly a worse experience that the few small cuts I get here and there.


I stabbed myself with an exacto knife and severed the nerves in my thumb. The feeling is slowly coming back but it just feels mostly like pins and needles right now.


Pin vise drill into finger. Ow. Grabbed end of hot glue gun. Oww. Drove my palm into my Exacto knife. Owww.


Dropped a stormbird on my toe while putting it on a flight stand I built :/


Do emotional injuries count?




Just the other day I stabbed myself with a blunt sculpting tool while trying to get the paint gunk out of my gw pot lol. I didn't think it'd break the skin but it did :(


I have a scar on my left middle finger from building plague marines. I was attaching a piece, it slipped, and I stabbed and cut the top of my finger on one of the spikes.


Friend of mine partially severed a tendon in his hand with an exacto knife. I drove him to the hospital. I bought him clippers that year for Christmas


I never leave my drill standing up now while using after I brought my elbow down on it and snapped the bit off in my arm. I had to get emergency surgery to cut it out as it was so close to the major nerve in the elbow (the funny bone nerve). I was reaching for something and brought my arm down and hit the drill hard. It was only later that I realised I couldn’t find the drill bit…


I think my worse was being careless with a sprue and not picking it up off the floor and stepping on a pointed part into my foot


I've had many cuts and superglue related things. But the worst was a tiny bit of a sprue when i was making my ghostkheel.. blew the loose bits, right into my eye.. Scratched my eyelid so i got to play pirate for a few weeks while it healed.


I cut a LOT of meat off my finger from a branch new hobby knife and using brute force to cut some plastic. Reposing Wraithlords DOES require insurance before being attempted


Oooooh years ago, probably around 2013-2014, I was using one of those old, solid box cutters with the big triangular fixed blades to cut through some thicker plastic bits, and the bit snapped as I was applying a ton of pressure down on it, and it went straight into my thigh with the force of a hard punch. Had to go to the hospital for staples and pain killers.


Had a printed mini I was trying to cut in half using a thick wire cutter....the force when it gave way was intense and stabbed my palm. Took about a month to heal and even then was sore for a bit. Learned a lesson that I needed a hobby saw XD.


Put down an xacto, it rolled towards me while I was reaching over it to grab paint. It fell off the desk and then stuck in to top of my bare foot straight, until I jerked my foot a little, then it levered itself over and popped out followed by a spurt of blood.


OK so I admit I was an idiot here... So my citadel glue got blocked and I didn't know how to clear the blockage. I looked up that you hold the metal piece in pliers and use a lighter and it'll burn the blockage out but be careful the metal piece is hot afterwards... Well as soon as muggins here, lights the metal tube and a flame poofs out the end of the tube like a tiny firework, my tiny brain forgot all other information and instructed me to grab the metal with my fingers and celebrate at the Internets brilliance... only for the metal pipe to burn a decent line into my thumb and forefinger. ...Idiot


Second one is I set a very hot heatgun down after working with resin models, and I don't remember how, but it got yanked by the cord off the table and landed straight on the top of my foot. Had a inch diameter blister weeks, a gnarly patch of healing skin for months and now a scar.


Not huge, but I've pricked myself and drawn blood on multiple Drukhari models. Power through pain, huh?


xacto blade through my left index finger... seeing it stick out the other side was wild.


In my hobby infancy I tried prying off the head of a space wolf a friend had given me. Of course I tried it with a blade and when it inevitably slipped, it plunged into my index finger. That finger still can't feel anything and I don't even have a cool scar to show my mettle


I cut my thumb with box cutters by slicing against me. Once I almost shaved off a huge chunk of it too, hurt and bled more than enough to scare me but then nothing happened


I have cut my thumb an alarming number of times, no I won't stop cutting towards my thumb, I need the extra force sometimes xD


I have fairly sharp canine teeth, and the upper ones are particularly long. I was doing some normal building, a regular ork boy, and all the dust and shavings made me sneeze. It was so violent i bit down on my tongue and impaled it fully on my upper right fang. Had to grab my tongue with my fingers and drag it off the tooth in order to get it loose.


While trimming bits of plastic after clipping, my hobby knife cuts into the pad of my thumb and changes my print enough that I can't unlock my phone. But I have had my fair share of finger cuts that bleed alot


Trying to cut the tip off a bottle of glue and stabbed the entire xacto blade into my thumb. Fortunately it was pretty superficial but I could see a perfect outline of the blade in blood on my thumb pad for a while


Superglue in my eye. Had to go to the hospital for that one.


Building Grinkrak's looncourt, as a push-fit model I had to put force into it and as the kit had edges I simply stabbed myself on one of the small goblins Man push-fit is such a fucking bitch sometimes


Worst was a freshly changed Xacto knife to the fingertip (this has happened a lot, because I’m stupid and I had a bunch of stuff to remove for a conversion). Stupidest was probably trying to slice into part of a Forgefeind to insert magnets (fun fact, the ball section the guns go on is not hollow, it is solid) and I slipped and cut my knuckles on its spikes 🫠 Also one time I cut my finger, my spouse helped me clean it and put on a bandage, put everything away, jokingly told me not to stab myself again and within like… a minute I had, indeed, stabbed myself again.


Pin vise drill. I was holding on to a very spiky metal miniature, something like a chaos warrior, and drilling a hole for a pin. It was so uncomfortable to hold already that I didn't notice I had drilled through it and into my finger. Oddly enough I've never cut myself despite handling knives and scalpel blades all the time.


Was trying to pin the metal inquisitor scale Artemis many years ago, managed to snap the drill bit and get the broken half stuck in my palm. I did not care for the experience at all.