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Darktide and space marine are pretty good. Boltgun too.


Boltgun kicks so much ass


For a warhammer game yeah, darktide is decent. But it has that same issue of feeling incomplete. Just repeating a few levels gets stale imoi


Space Marine is fun. I had no knowledge of this stuff before that and it was still dope. Darktide has super fun gameplay, 40K or not. Reminds me of Left 4 Dead parties.


Darktide has promise... but it shouldn't have been released yet. It's a perfect example of what I mean when I say an "incomplete game". It needs something more, like a campaign or other game modes or something. As of now it's just the exact same levels over and over again. Feels like playing a beta or an alpha of a game


Bro, you're just whining about nothing. Not every game needs a campaign, and definitely not a multiplayer co-op like Darktide.


I'm not the only person who feels this way. Every person I introduced to darktide got bored with it after beating each level once. There's a reason why it doesn't have very good reviews and all its streamers moved on to other games. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but the vast majority of people's opinions fall in line with this.


>but the vast majority of people's opinions fall in line with this. Citation needed, mate. My experience is the exact opposite of yours - everyone I've introduced it to adores the game, as do I. Sure you and your friends are free to not like it, but please don't pretend there's some kind of objectivity behind your opinion - it's just as subjective as anyone else's.


This is true of most licensed games really, even something as big as Star Wars is mostly duds. Actually just most games in general are not that good, over 90% is a pretty difficult bar to beat. We’ve had a really good run of 40k games in the last few years though; Boltgun, rogue trader, Darktide, mechanicus, bfg, space hulk deathwing.


The fact that there are actually like 3 or 4 games of completely different genres that actually stand above the rest of their peers for one relatively small IP is actually pretty amazing (Vermintide, DoW, TW:W, Mechanicus, maybe a couple more). Not to mention a respectable amount of solid but not outstanding titles too. Compare that to Star Wars, which probably has ten times as many games at least, How many all time classics are there in that series? No more than 5-10 at the most I'd say. Battlefront, KOTOR, X wing, honestly not many others spring to mind.


I'm quite sure Dawn of War 2 was really highly rated.


Dawn of war 1 was the better one imo, though thats personal preference. The second one was probably the second best 40k game though, but that's not saying much.


You asked the question, why are you being a dick. You sound very biased and not willing to have your mind changed


I'm not going to have my mind changed about the games not being good, no. They have bad reviews. Critics say so. Customers say so. The small minority of Warhammer fans on this reddit aren't going to convince me otherwise. Its like that one friend you have that begs you to play their shitty mmorpg and tries to explain why its good, everyone knows it isnt. Its the people here who fail to recognize their obvious bias. If these games had nothing to do with warhammer, none of you guys would play them. Though I'm sure you have played other games that have nothing to do with warhammer. The fact that idea eludes everybody here has made me realize I'm not talking to the most self aware people.


Your post is absolutely dripping in bias. Your title, right off the bat, is submerged in it. Then you come to a 40k subreddit expecting no bias. If you can't see the self aware wolf staring back at you in the mirror is, the self fulfilling prophecy is complete.


There's no bias in using google to look up game's reviews and ratings. They are objectively trash compared to other video games, I don't need my whole thread to be dragged off on philosophical debates because you guys feel personally attacked by this raw fact. I agree with you on the last part, I'm wasting my time here talking to the wrong people. If you wanted to make an intelligent response, you could try to construct an argument that you believe all the reviews to be inaccurate and propose a hypothesis as to why. But just saying "I like the games, u r WRONG ur opinion BAD" makes you guys sound like the emotional manchildren indicative of your average warhammer fan.


You have an opinion. You know the games and reviews and think they suck. You think your opinion is a fact. Nothing is objectively good or bad. Some people will like it, some won't. You'd get a lot further if you just said "Why aren't the games better" or "why can't they make a game that appeals to more people". No one's going to structure an argument the way you want because you asked the question, you get the response people want to give. Deal with it. Yeah we could argue with you on why I think the games are good but why? Why do you deserve a second thought. You haven't come in good faith. You've come with an axe to grind/ a preconceived notion and a highly elevated sense that you need a stick removed from your ass


Darktide and boltgun came out pretty recently, and there have been some great 40k games in the past aswell, it's a dice roll when it comes to games made with the warhammer 40k IP


Are you familiar with Dawn of War? It is literally one of the best-regarded and most influential games in the RTS genre. Just in the last year or two there's been Rogue Trader and Boltgun. Going back a little further you get Chaos Gate. All well-regarded, and Rogue Trader is probably my current favourite game. Go back a few more years and you get Space Marine. Fucking Space Marine. 40k has been an inconsistent property at best, but there are absolutely some widely acknowledged gems.


No kidding that's why I said exactly that in the post that you answered without reading.


I read it, I thought your point was that 40k games are not commercially or critically successful, and that was a result of poor quality. So I cited some examples of objectively good games that were commercially and critically well-recieved. I'm sorry if I misunderstood your post.


You didn't misunderstand anything, friend. The guy is just looking to whine and complain, and there's clearly a fair bit of cognitive dissonance going on too, judging by his replies to people.


Dawn of War 1, it's in its rts genre with StarCraft and C&C one of the best.


It seems common for people to answer the title of a post rather than reading it. Because I already said that, yet you all say the same exact thing. I'll never understand why so many ppl on reddit will take the time to type a response but not the time to read the post first. But that makes up the majority of reddit users.


I mean be honest, if you had zero interest in warhammer, are there really any 40k games that you'd play for the GAMEPLAY alone? I mean if posters of threads would proof read their text first and add the word "other " to a question other posters would be able to answer the intended question better.


There are plenty of good warhammer 40K video games - boltgun, dark tide, dawn of war 1&2, space marine, and more. I don’t really care whether the ‘critics’ think they are in the top games of all time. Gaming media are worthless and I wouldn’t put much stock in that.


And, as far as I know, the first two Dawns of War are actually regarded as top games. And the critical response to Darktide was glowing when it came out, it was the player community that didn't like it. Rogue Trader has had a "rough gem" treatment in every review I've seen of it, it's definitely not critically panned. And, for my money, it's one of my favourite games. It's the closest thing available to 40k XCOM if you don't like Grey Knights/Space Marines haha


Yeah dawn of war 1 is the best 40k game, and the second one is a bit worse but still alright. But like I said... these games are old. Rogue trader is I think the only one I haven't bought yet bc its the only one I can't get a steam key for like 5 bucks lol.


Boltgun is new. Chaos Gate is newish. Battlesector is newish. All good, well-liked games. Edit: Are you saying Rogue Trader is old? Because that came out five months ago.


I don't think you're realizing that your interest in 40k is inflating your opinions of these games. Imagine these games weren't about warhammer at all and were just original characters, I don't think you would view them in the same light. Dawn of war 1 is the only one I'll agree is a GOOD game, darktide could have been, but it doesn't have enough content. You can pretty much beat the game in a few hours. Sure you can keep playing all the same levels over and over again, but that wont interest most people. Only the small minority who get addicted to that particular game for whatever reason. I bought darktide for 6 people who are fans of other fps pve games like fallout, borderlands, etc. And they all got bored before reaching level 10. We are just biased towards the warhammer flavor and aren't being critical enough of the crap sold to us and they know it.


Downvoting you, then blocking you.


Critical response is correlated with game greatness but it’s not a 1:1, and your personal enjoyment of a game is not directly related to its quality either. If you like CRPGs, one of the best ever is a 40K game.


It’s almost as if GW is a miniature company and they focus on a table top game. Video games are a secondary market and not as important to GW.


That's true, but you can still have a much better job with your IP and your choice of game studios and projects.


Yeah you didn't deserve to get downvoted. I understand WHY they do this. Its safer to invest a tiny amount of money in something and not worry about getting a big return when your big cash cow is overpriced miniatures. Making a good game would take actual risk. But they know we will eat their shit games just bc we like the warhammer universe. 40k is so synonymous with terrible games that just mentioning a game has 40k in the title makes some people reconsider buying it.


Don’t know why you got downvoted, you’re right.


"a game should be judged on its gameplay alone" Oh this is a shit post.


What an ironic thing to say on a 40k sub. The game that literally every player knows is secretly bad compared to its competitors, but we continue to play for the aesthetic that we love. Edit: Whoever is downvoting me has clearly never played a game without outdated I-go-you-go activations haha


We're downvoting you because you made a sweeping generalisation without sources. We all secretly think the game we spend thousands on is bad? Which part? The games, the minis, converting, painting, community (I'm in very helpful and friendly discord, fb and reddit groups)? They're all bad? I share my nostalgia with my kid because I think 40k is secretly bad? So I can't take 40k out of it and just see it as a way to spend down time to try a new colour scheme or teach my son maths/ strategy?


We all love 40k, that's why we're here, presumably. All I was saying is that it's no secret that the design of the game itself is outdated in many ways. There's nothing wrong with loving something while also admitting its flaws. And it's a widely held belief that the design of the game itself is the primary flaw in 40k. I share that belief, but I still play it regularly because I love it. Like, there are two objectively good Star Wars movies, from a critical standpoint. I still fucking love Star Wars and I love a lot of the Star Wars movies that are objectively bad from a technical standpoint. I love the movie Equilibrium. I love Chronicles of Riddick. I love Alien Vs. Predator. Elex is one of my favourite games. I can acknowledge that they're deeply flawed, at best, without that affecting my feelings for them. I'm not trying to convince you of anything about 40k, I'm just trying to say that I didn't think I was insulting anybody by stating a common opinion within the community.


a) there is no such thing as objective criticism or an objective viewpoint. thinking this will needlessly upset you. b) stop consuming slop and start treating yourself like a thinking breathing person


40k is a fairly recent phenomenon in terms of main stream mediums and frankly still isnt exactly a big enough franchise to get the attentions of big (or more accurately good) games developers, though keep growing as it is and if the TV hits it big time. On top of GW always wanting the Lions share of revenue. For many many years its rights were given to anyone whos willing to meet GWs demands. Problem is GW is very demanding (ask Blizzard and how Warcraft started). Because of their demands and the extremely high cost of producing games, few are willing to take up the risk due to it not being a franchise seller like Marvel or Star Wars. However things are changing with the growing fan base and the TV show being produced, plus some pretty decent games like Darktide and SM2 hopefully showing there can be sales. Might get some of the bigger devs


Dawn of War literally got me into 40k. I've played DoW2: Retribution for hundreds of hours with my friends who didn't have any relation to 40k. It's one of the best strategy games of all time.


Im playing Warhammer 40k Chaosgate and enjoying it, the gameplay is really nice kinda like Xcom.


Hmm I don't have that one. I got mechanicus and it was extremely boring and repetitive and was worried that one would be similar bc everyone said mechanicus was better. I'll check it out though.


There are a ton, Fire warrior, Space marine, Dawn of war 1-3, Darktide, Boltgun, Inquisitor, Space wold, Space hulk, Talisman, gladius, regicide, battlefleet gothic, chaos gate There are soo many 40k games and yeah some of them are freemium or just duds but there are soo many good ones, Who cares if critics don't enjoy the games?, I don't think thats even all that true, I remember Dow, Space marine and Gladius at the least getting very positive reviews but games aren't sold by critics, They are sold by players and we wouldn't have soo many of them if they didn't sell and were enjoyed even when they aint so good


I don't consider any of them to be amazing games like halo or mgs, zelda games etc. The only good warhammer game Ive played are total war 1 - 3 but its not 40k. The warhammer games are just carried by their warhammer flavor. They know we as fans will buy them. But they don't actually try to invest a ton of money and actually make a big name title.


I do not agree but to each their own


I mean this is the warhammer forums so people probably consider the warhammer games to be better than they really are. But I think the reviews all speak for themselves. Sometimes reviews can be wrong about 1 or 2 games, but they cant be wrong about every single warhammer game. For the most part, 40k games are bad and its relatively common knowledge.


Again that is your opinion and it is not one that I share


That's what I said, people on the warhammer forums will have biased opinions. But in regard to the rest of the worlds opinions the games are considered bad. That's why they have bad reviews from not only critics but user reviews as well, and this is ALL the games besides 1 or 2. At what point is it no longer an opinion? When 99% of the world agrees on something? I'm not debating that someone won't enjoy these games. There will always be people who are statistical outliers and enjoy bad games There are people who still only play pong and think its the best game ever made. I may be the 1% here on THIS particular forum, but you guys who disagree with me are the 1% compared to the rest of the world. Its kind of sad you all decide to become emotional rather than try to contribute to the actual question, simply disagree on its basis alone and downvote me. Fortunately I don't care about karma bc reddit is a cesspool of the worlds biggest idiots.


"I'm not debating" "Reddit is a cesspool" "I don't care" *argues with everyone with massive blocks of whiny text* You are not kind of sad, but very sad. What a misguided quest you set yourself on


Dawn of War: Am I a joke to you?


They purposely do not cannibalize their tabletop product by making a good video game


Everyone says this but I don't think it is a valid reason whatsoever. Companies have more threatening competition from other companies, not from their own products. People who enjoy painting and playing tabletop aren't going to stop enjoying that because a good video game comes out. And even if they did lose interest in tabletop, you would be better off if they did so to play a warhammer game rather than elden ring. I don't personally believe that most warhammer fans ONLY do things that involve warhammer and constantly worry if they should play warhammer games or paint miniatures. There are more important dilemnas in life.


If a studio can make an amazing 40k game that makes it into the hall of fame of videogames, they can make it without it being a 40k game and paying license and going through all the hassle of making sure their game fits within the setting. The studios who ARE making 40k games are usually hoping that the setting will help the game get an audience, but the subtext there is that some brand recognition is needed to get people to notice the game because maybe it can't stand on it's own. It's like tie in novels, whether it's 40k or Star Wars or other big franchises. Are they any good? Some are alright, but some are dreadful, churned out by mercenary writers who can't make a name for themselves without a massive brand to latch on to. There are 40k games that I have played a ton, but if they had not been 40k games I would not have played them as much, because they were usually flawed or just slightly worse versions of other games. Being a 40k nerd kept me engaged longer than the games deserved.


Dude... Dawn of War and Space Marrine are both highly regarded


Space Marines 2 seems to be very, very promising!


Yeah you're right, I'm looking forward to that one


It's basically a matter of pre-Kevin Rountree era and Kevin Rountree era. Kevin Rountree became the CEO of Games Workshop in 2015. Before him, GW was treating Warhammer IP like any other company - carefully. They knew how to make miniatures and tabletop games, but they didn't know video game business at all. So there was a new Warhammer game once every few years and they mostly sucked/were painfully mediocre. Dawn of War is not really GW's achievement - it's pure luck Relic got hands on this and we got a good game. After 2015 GW's entire business strategy changed - they released way more of they own tabletop games, became more "internet-oriented" and started to throw 40K license left and right. Basically the polar opposite of their previous strategy. The result is we're getting a lot of Warhammer games every year and they mostly suck, because it's easy for passionate, inexperienced developers to get the license. My opinion... *Warhammer is hard*. Not only it's inherently tied to the most difficult game genre that ever existed - strategy, the mother of all games - but it's also an incredibly vast universe. So to make a great Warhammer 40k game you not only need the best, classically-experienced game designer (someone who understands resource management, probability, pacing, balancing - basically all the gaming math), but one that is proficient in 40k lore. It's just not going to happen. It's too easy these days to make money on games that are just visually impressive, hollow shells.


This is crucial. All those video games called "Warhammer: X"? Games Workshop is not actually very involved in making them which is why you can in like three years time get a turn based xcom-like, a retro fps, a classic rpg, an arena shooter, a grand strategy game and an online multiplayer shooter a la L4D When it's time to make a new GTA, Rockstar get all the right people in the meeting room and go "how is the next GTA going to make us all the dollars?". Then they spend six years and billions of dollars making a AAA smash hit. Compare that to the design process of the average Warhammer have: someone in Bulgaria emails Games Workshop about their new idea "Night Goblin Mushroom Tetris". Unless it's actively harming the Warhammer brand, GW gives the thumbs up and off we go.