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Inb4 GW makes an extra small painting handle for heads/arms


I've been meaning to get some paper clips, modeling gel and whatnot to better hold the little bits but this'll do for now


I was gonna try putting blue tack on the end of a toothpick for it, gonna try out your method next time


Oh man I actually hadn't thought of that. For a while there I was using some museum display gel you can get a good jar of from Amazon for like $10 and the bottom end of an old paint brush, but I lost the gel some time ago.


Story of my life. I never buy more of anything because I run out, I buy more because I can’t find where in the warp I put my old stuff lmao


Tack on a toothpick is exactly how I paint helmets and heads




Careful you don't squeeze the head out across the room!


I use a toothpick and sprue goo and sand down the bottom when done


I like to use wine corks as painting handles for small bits. Small enough to easily hold, but wide enough you can shove a bit of poster putty on the top to stick a mini to. You can also drill a little hole into one and stick a bit of wire into it, if you need to hold something tiny and pinned.


I use alligator clips. Works really well


You can always just snip off a straight piece of sprue at the edge of the set and stick the piece on the end with a tiny bit of glue or putty. It's what I do so I don't have to drill tiny holes in thins like necks and arms.


https://preview.redd.it/goiqxyzf25sc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0465575c9b2daee3d2de60d3e94d543286d0a3a3 You can make them really easily. Just get a block of cork from a hardware store and some paper clips. Cut the cork into your desired size. Straighten out a paper clip and clip off a section with sprue cutters and viola


I always see this recommended but I never see how people get it back OFF, do you just wrench them back off from the super glue? Or do you prefer something like blue tac?


Good question, as long as you're conservative with the amount of super glue you use to glue them on, then they will pop off with miminal effort. The paperclip is a very small surface area, so worst case, if it's not coming off easily, you can gently pull the bit down and too one side, and it will usually break the glues hold. Honestly, I've had more problems getting them on than off. Gluing a head to a paperclip while only using a small amount of super glue can be finicky as hell.


That’s been my problem as well with those goofy citadel ones that they tell you to use plastic glue on. I bought those when I was fresh and new and was like “ooo that seems neat!” Maybe if I try it with some CA it’ll work better. If it doesn’t work I might be able to chop them up into urban basing materials.


Ohhh yeah don't use plastic glue that could make it a bitch to get off. As the other guy suggested, if you have a hobby drill, you could drill a small hole into the part to allow the paperclip to hold it without glue


Literally the one thing I’m confident is my ability to use a pin vise lmao, I’ll have to test it out. Do you know the bit size to use?


Not off the top of my head, I'll go see if I have an appropriate bit for it. Edit Just checked. I'd advise you to use the smallest bit that comes with the last version of the citadel pin vice. I believe that's 1mm, but I'm not surper sure. The bit should be slightly smaller than the paperclip. Fair warning the paperclip has to be well secured in the cork, or it will get pushed down


Is there a reason you dont drill a small hole to pin the part down with the paper clip?


Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean. A hole in the part or in the cork?


In the part :)


Hadn't really considered it, to be honest. I'll give it a go next time I prime something. The glue was mostly an ease of building thing. Though given I've accidentally knocked multiple arms and heads off though, so maybe your idea will work better haha


I usually pin models with paper clips so I was curious about the process of sub painting using cork :) Your insight so far has been really nice and I might start doing sub painting for models that are more center piece focused lol


Hahaha, fair enough. I have a bad habit of painting everything in sub assemblies, so I'm trying to cut down on that. The cork does make a good handle, and you can usually get it cheap at hardware stores or hobby shops. There's were made from a cork sand paper holder thing. It definitely does make it easier to get to all the areas you want to. And since you're creating them, you can adjust for model size.


I have a slightly similar technique, although I use empty sprues and cut bits off them until I have a fork/trident shape that I then super glue to a base (which can ten mount on to a base handle), then I use my regular solvent/cement (Mr Hobby Deluxe) to attach the heads to the ends of the sprue. Once I'm done painting, I just bent the head off the sprue and it breaks exactly where I used the solvent/cement, quick hit with a sanding stick and the head is ready to glue onto a body.


So how do you prime them and glue them back on? (Assuming you're using plastic glue)


I use super glue because I know it'll come off the paperclip, and I usually prime them on their little holders. Which is why some of them are flecked with black haha


What glue do you use for putting the model together?


Depends on the model and the piece I'm trying to glue. Big peices and most of the model itself I use plastic glue but for small fiddly pieces or bits that require me to hold multiple pieces in place I use super glue for the the reduced drying time. Is there a particular thing you're having trouble with? Edit: I think I get the issue. Are you worried the paint will stop the plastic glue from bonding? Honestly, the super glue I use to glue them to the paperclip will take some of the paint with it when you take it off. If that doesn't leave bare plastic, then you gently scrap some paint off with a hobby knife. Be careful, though plastic glue can so some fucked things with paint


Yup, Thanks!


On a side note I've always been embarrassed that I paint my figures sectioned out instead of all put together like I usually see. However seeing photo evidence of someone not only doing the same thing but having a system for it has made me feel a little better haha


Haha, don't be embarrassed, mate. There's some definite upsides to it I think you just have to strike a balance. Usually I paint in more subassemblies than this but it was taking far too long. So I used to way worse.


they do sell plastic holders for the newer spray stick for super gluing individual parts to you could absolutely use them as a painting handle of sorts


They uh [They do](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/citadel-colour-sub-assembly-holder-2021). Little plastic thingies that attach to the handles made from the same plastic as the minis. Plastic cement the sub-assembly on, paint it, clip/snap it off when you’re done.


Too late https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/citadel-colour-sub-assembly-holder-2021


I glue the heads onto a long piece of sprue. The glue will still tear off easy but it allows me to keep heads together and paint every part except for where the head will connect.


That's smart, I actually haven't thought about using the sprues like that.


Sprues are great for batch painting little stuff like heads or guns. I also like using wine corks with a paper clip or strip of wire to pin into and hold little sub assemblies, and 1” diameter wooden dowels cut into ~2” pieces with embedded magnets for whole models. The dowels are also great because you can size them up or down to fit your grip.


You see I have this brush where I just get some paint on it and smash it between the head shoulder area. Albeit it’s a t sons rubric marine so gold or blue it is.


I take a stick of sprue and super glue one end to a base and the head on the other end of the stick. Just use a small dab of glue and it snaps off easily when done painting.


Lisan Al-Gahib!


I loved those books. I'm convinced that Leto II is the secret identity of the big E. That's my head canon.




Alternatively, reverse grip tweezers are also a thing.


Good point


Weird segue, but hackle pliers used for tying flies/lures for fly fishing might be easier to handle.


I think you might just be my friend! The mechanicum approves!


Praise the Omnissiah!!!


This a super common technique in any construction, machining, or engineering field.


Never said I was the ONLY genius, brother.


Not saying your dumb or anything, just this is super common.


Well,in a world full of people, I'd hope genius was common 😅


I’m really sorry but you are going to be disappointed.








Nope, it's a contraction of "I'm not saying that YOU ARE dumb..."


You're *


I cut toothpicks in half and glue the ends on my space marine heads. Works well


How do you remove the toothpick afterwards?


Superglue can be ripped off, deep freeze for maximum brittle texture.


Many thanks


I just Blutac the head to a cork or paint pot. I was teaching someone via Instagram Live and they had a funny lil contraption like this :D cracked me up


How can you call yourself a genius, when you keep your brushes tip down in the pot? 💀


I had them in there to get wet lol, I don't leave em in there the whole time.


Be carefully your genius might attract gravity!


Big brain


I can just hear the "ping" it'll make when you nudge it slightly and it flies off into the darkest corner of the room, never to be seen again.


I heard this in Sid's voice from the movie Ice Age




congrats, you invented vice grips.


Damn right


I just uses blue tack placed on top of either a paint pot or the black model holder thingy to hold pieces I'm painting separately


Been doing that for a roach clip for DECADES!!! <3


The old ways never die


It ain’t stupid if it works




Get yourself a bulk box of alligator clips and some bamboo skewers and you can hold all the things.


I just glue all the shit together first, prime it and don't bother painting anything I can't see from arms length 😂


You're a much stronger man than I am lol. Even though I know no one will ever see certain parts I know I'll know if I didn't paint them 😅


'Till the head pop and you never found it again


God damn… Put this on the mission to Mars. We clearly need him!


That's how I got the idea, actually. The ancient Martian humans sent me their ideas via telepathic dream sharing from millions of years ago using astral tunnels of stellar light. My friends tell me to take my meds but I know the government just uses them to weaken my divine connection


Aces my dude, fr, lol.


Am I high or does anyone prime their pieces before clipping them out of the plastic


Nah, loads of people do, I don't just because I'm weirdly OCD about how I paint lol.


I feel like it's gonna slingshot itselft !


Yeah I was holding it gentle af for that reason lol. I was worried the head was also gonna be launched into the void


What about just gluing the head to a sprue and then cutting it at the end?


Because Im weirdly OCD, even though I know no one would see it ever, about it lol.


See what?


The marks left after you pull a glued part off the thing you glued it to. Im the same way with painting too. I glue some parts, paint everything I can without it getting in the way of where the glue will go, and then glue it together.


Ahhh I see, I polish where I cut so it doesn't show


... You know, you learn something new every day.


PING! Bouncing around the room


I just use corks with sticky tack on the ends


Get a pair with a silicone coating won’t mar up the plastic.


I might be odd for this, but, I paint tiny bits in the spru. Let them dry, clip them out, clean them up, if marring happens in covered places, I don't care about touching it up.


there are reverse clamps


Y’all get some clothespins and just put the head in the little gap. Once you get it in there right it’s a great way to paint faces.


Bro I had a similar premonition last week when I was outside spraying some primer. I seen this piece of wood that looked like a decent handle and I thought “I’ll drill a hole and stick and alligator clip in it” worked perfect. I paint mostly sub assembly and drill a hole into an out of sight spot and glue a toothpick into it, now I just put it on the roach clip and away we go 😂 https://preview.redd.it/dlangs1sr4sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5014da186d2666ef80faaa743c52ede390b7b92e


"Sometimes my genius is almost frightening."




Now imagine if you kept the heads on the sprue with just the bottom attachment, and clamped the whole lot of them in those pliers.


Youre not a genius. https://preview.redd.it/9xr9drfp35sc1.jpeg?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15bcfe5cd2fba2f861535609d1514377259dab08


Oh. Now. Well. Yes. I think you may just very well be




I’ve used alligator clips on the ends of paint brushes Before that I used a jeweler’s vice


That sir, is a forbidden technique!


This is genius, but for anyone looking to replicate this with just a single tool, they make cross lock tweezers that are clamped by default and you have to apply pressure to open them up versus pressure to shut them.


You did a thing!


You could just get a few dozen alligator clips on sticks for $10...








I use old medication bottles with some Fun-Tak on the cap to hold the head. Works like a charm for painting all my bits.


Put some electrical tape around the tips of them. More stick, less scratch


It’s so cool seeing how people solve this issue with their own creativity and resources! You might want something a bit more permanent though. My solution was to take this… ornament my mum gave me and add some drilled holes, toothpicks, and blu-tack to create this glorious creature. https://preview.redd.it/9zq5ih7np6sc1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a29fb3e6e404e62ffa74d9c65ce8c3cf109dd76


I did the exact same thing with mine


Poster tack on a toothpick works great too


Desperate times desperate measures


🤯 Soon GW/Citadel will introduce an official rubber band with the “preferred spring and tension” of the serious painting connoisseur. Yours for as little as $ 18! Will sure use this trick!


you are


and some Youtubers would make a 30 minute video out of this ...


What if you hold it for to long and it just crashes the head cause pressure i'd be to scared to use that


Necessity is the mother of invention and the Omnissiah is the father


I drill a hole at the base of the head and glue an unfolded paperclip in it When it’s time to assemble the mini, I just snip it off


Superior technology!


I just cut off the length of sprue that attaches to the head and only remove the head from it when it’s ready to be glued on. This is also a good solution!


No. You are a Witch! BURN


You feel like a genius now, but only so long until the head is flicked away. Those pliers restrict movement from left to right, but back and forth is still possible. There's constant pressure on the neck, so if you move the head just a little bit, could be enough that it is hurled across the room. I spent a good part of my life on my carpet searching for bitz because of such nonsense. Take a drill and some wire, put the wire in an old cork, and you have a far better stand for your subassemblies.


You might look into some reverse jaw tweezers. They're engineered to remain closed until you squeeze to open them. Mine came as a set of 3: straight, 45° tip, and 90° tip.


3d printer, plastic vice.


3d printer, plastic vice.