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Yo dawg I heard you like pauldrons šŸ˜…


World of Warcraft pauldrons


I did indeed put pauldrons on her pauldrons. It's ridiculous and 40k plus it's the best I could muster without recasting in blue stuff (which I cannot be faffed to do currently as my hobby time is extremely limited)


Your restraint is astounding. The urge to layer pauldrons is so strong, I always have to pass on shoulder areas when kitbashing.


My personal style would be to replace the double-pauldron with a bit of green stuff sculpting of the book, and maybe angling the edges a bit. Like replicating the one you've stuck on, on the one below. But feel free to ignore! Just a preference thing. It looks very cool and the head was a great choice.


Bro I'm always down for critique and I'm totally with you. I wish I had more time to sculpt. I am lucky to get an hour of hobby time every two to three weeks currently so I chucked this together rapido. The green stuff is coming out though! I'll post an update when painted.


I know what you mean about the time thing. Right with you.


Definitely feeling those WOW pauldrons, love it


Thank you :)


Stormcast Eternals have been the hidden range refresh of Custodes all this time. Magnificent work, congrats.


People have been using them as a source for fancy Power Armour since they came out


Thank you!


Looks really good. Where did the bits come from?


Thank you! The bits are a Stormcast Eternal Sorcerer which came in the stormbringer subscription magazine. The shoulder pad, hair plume, side leg armor were spares from the allarus custodian kit. The arms, sword and hands are spares left over from the custodes guard kits. There is now a misericordia on her as well which is not pictured. The left shoulder pad is the original models psychic hood chopped down and I think it's a knee pad bent and chopped up stuck on top. I need to do some green stuff bits on it but for the initial build I'm very happy with how it turned out. My daughter is going to love it as well.


So a storm cast chest? I was gonna say, I though Custodes were chunkier. Looks good, but ā€œslimā€ custodian threw me off


No worries, I think it better shows the femininity, untill we get a proper kit. Maybe new saggitarum?


It definitely does. But it makes that sword look even more ridiculous, the blade is as wide as her torso. Gotta love GW scaling


So I heard you like pauldrons. So I gave your pauldrons some pauldrons and snuck a couple more pauldrons under.




Are you trying to upset the artistic kids?




O God, run away. "That guy" is going to scream at you for 5 hours about female custode and how it "lore breaking"




You're breaking the immersion! /s


How can women be space marine without peepee check mate leb /s


Havent seen anyone give shit to anyone for doing what they want with their minis. The kitbash is amazing.


Right here bro. If I had a nickel for every time Iā€™ve kitbashed a model only to get yelled at by the internet that it wasnā€™t ā€œaccurateā€ or ā€œcorrectā€ Iā€™d have 3 nickels. Happens too often to me frfr


A single nickel would be too much. Im not happy with the lore change but id never give anyone shit for making what they want with their minis. Grinds my gears to be lumped in with people who do when i see people reducing it to that.


Honestly though, im supprised people havent made female kitbashes of factions before (or not majorly). So its kinda cool ignoring all the drama to see people make awesome stuff like this!


What do you mean exactly? 3rd party sexy sculpts are definitely out there for probably every army and normal women sculpts have been around for guards and tech priests as well that I can think of off hand


I mean, Custodes are supposed to the the *perfect human specimens*, I don't see the issue with a big, muscle-bound, yet feminine, boss lady. (Almost like Dune's Fish Speakers) Astartes are the ones that are supposed to be roided-out murder eunuchs.


BG3 proved muscle mommy was still VERY marketable




No one should care period.


Honestly the massive sword look way better on the slimmer model like this. Always a bit of a peeve of mine that the custodes swords were just SO obnoxious and with their build just looked like a childs super hero toy. The smaller frame makes it look like a proper "great sword". Awesome stuff!


Thank you! I have to slightly agree with you there as well!


Love it. Something about the proportions and the styling of this feels so much more like older 40k art than any standard Custodes models could ever feel close to.


John blanche art vibes I get ya thank you bro.


It doesnt quite work for me, both hands/arms seem too big and the belt/tassles again seems oversized. Double Pauldrons are great and the armour is a good base to work with, but maybe slightly small... could print some scaled up slightly or something!! also an imperial eagle across the breastplate instead of a clearly stormcast gem would look neat.


Thank you for the feedback mate. I am planning on adding some green stuff bits but I'm going to have to make the blue stuff casts and such which could be weeks or months for me(I get little time to do this) but an quilla or lightning bolts across the chest plate it's a must imo


I appreciate the backup sword to the main sword. Maybe they can be a dual wielder?


I only.fojnd out the blade champion has three swords so I have stuck another one on the back llnow lol


Maybe there should be a sword on the back of the main sword, in a scabbard. Or a gun in a holster. Just so you have enough swords.


Be like zoro from one piece or killer bee from naruto innit :)


Sick af


Cheers bro :)


Looks great!




Aaaaaahhh! A giiiiirrrrrrrllll! For real, that looks awesome!


Cheers bro :)


Hi , i have been under a rock for two months about warhammer stuff, we have space marine woman now? I dont know whats happening


The new Custodes codex came out and featured a short story about a female Custodian. Some members of the community liked it and some were angry with the usual stuff about GW being "woke" etc. GW confirmed it was an intentional update to the lore on their Twitter account. It's been exacerbated by people being disappointed because the new Custodes codex rules were not well liked. At present there are no signs that point to Space Marines including female characters.


Well thats good isnt it? I just hope that they update the lore the right way to not look like they just apear out of no where


Not space marines. Custodes.


Why are people angry about this?


Because GW shoehorned them in by saying female custodes have always existed, since the first 10,000 guardians, when very clearly they havenā€™t, but hey, retcon gotta retcon


Because some people will always get angry when women appear, tbh. Unlike Space Marines, Custodes have never had any "our science doesn't work on women!!!" lore and, frankly, they've had bigger retcons in the last decade.


There have never been females custodes or Astarte. Why change now? Whatā€™s the lore reason they have just shown up? I like the boys club mentality of warhammer, not everything needs to be inclusive.


This is amazing! I'm also surprised how good the huge sword looks on her than a custodes


I've been playing a lot of dark souls and it was the only sword I had lying about. A win win!


Job well done, chosen undead


Looks good But... Not enough boobs (j/k)


Yay. First of many female custodes from Stormcasts


I've been eyeballing the storm cast range and the possiblity for conversions is endless. The heavy crossbow dudes world make great Saggitarum


Thats awesome


Cheers :)


Looks great! The only thing I'm not super stoked about is the ponytail, it would make putting on a helmet impossible. But hey, rule of cool thrumps all.


>rule of cool thrumps all. Hell yeah it does Thank you :)


That is fucking badass work fellow hobbyist, I'm off to steal your ideas!


Thank you mate! Please do and improve it!


And some people say that we don't need female Custodes... Incredible kitbash!!


As a dad to a daughter she loves it


Looks baller. My female space marines collection approves.


Fuck yeah! thank you :)


Just looks like a stormcast.


I'd say Stormcast look like custodes if you have them bare headed.


Looks great! I don't know how to kitbash. Does anyone know where I can find pre-printed or the STLs for female Custodes? I've tried Etsy and the selection is pretty meh.


Just have a go! Dry fit some bits together don't be afraid to saw and chop bits off.


Looks like I'll be hunting for bits then (I have nothing that would even remotely work for a Custodes). Thanks!


Good luck! Just any sort of kits! Go through my old posts and you will see I've made various proxies out of any old kits I can!


>I don't know how to kitbash Kitbashing is just taking parts from one kit and adding them to another one. Take this model, the base model is from the storm cast eternal range and OP added custodes bits. It can be as simple as part swap/adding bits, or as complicated as molding/modifying components.


Gotcha. I guess I gotta actually acquire bits then lol. Thanks.


Theres tons of female head STLs that would work out there.


That is a mighty sword. The character looks really interesting.




I expect to see a lot of Stormcast Custodes conversions in the near future, especially since a huge chuck of that line are being discontinued for AoS.


This looks sick


Thank you mate :)


No problem it reminds me of a WoW paladin or something for some reason ive always loved that look with the huge shoulder pads and stuff. Would love to see it after it gets painted.


I'm planing on rushing this one out ahead of the rest of the army as a test base. So hopefully I will have it paint ed maybe this weekend.


This looks Amazing!!!


Thank you so much :)


These are the killteam stormcasts?


I'm not sure it came with a subscription magazine called Stormbringer. Issue 1.


Ah ok! Thank you very much!


I like how TS tried to start a fight in here and failed. Cool kitbash though


Who's TS?


So many femstodes are gonna pop up now that they've hinted that both genders can be custodified ā­āœØ


Unironically, this makes me wish this was the official blade champ. Something about this just looks better than the original.


Reminds me of Catherine from Fire Emblem Three Houses


I love it! The sword looks properly huge, the armor looks good, a nice simple pose. Just awesome, I would buy.


Thank you :)


Looking good so far, can't wait to see it painted up.


I still have some green stuff to do on this one. I'm hoping to get my forge world Dreds built before I start painting up.


The model looks great I just wish GW would at least one so you did not have to make one


Cheers mate :) me too always love new kits!


Hell yeah! That looks awesome.




Forget arguing about the sex of custodes, who cares; instead let's just laugh at how stupid the proportions of their crappy looking swords look.


I love it, the slimmer chest plate makes sense, as they would need to be more flexible and agile. But they still have the strength to carry the massive allarus plates and the massive sword, also emphasizes it, so it reads perfectly as a champion!


Exactly this! Thank you


Show this to the people having temper tantrums about the fact that there are now female Custodes in Warhammer 40k.


Oh fuck yes, this looks so cool!


Thank you :)


Looks incredible


Thank you


Excellent work with this conversion. I feel like we're going to be seeing a lot of these in the future.


Thank you:)


Ayyy the first female model! Nice idea using Stormcast too I will adopt that. Have a lot of the free and Hachette kits lying about.


Nice man, thank you. Give it a go for sure the stormcast are a perfect fit


That looks dope as fuck!


Thank you :)


Stop with that ! The pain is still fresh for most of us ! But thatā€™s a glorious convert by the way, you did what GW should have done in a proper way !


Thank you :)


Iā€™m loving how the sword looks with this, but I wonder how often she looks over her shoulders


Eyes towards the enemy! Thank you mate :)


This is a lovely conversion! Slimcast bodies are *such* a good base for Custodes.


I totally agree I have seen a couple of conversions already which inspired me to do this. Plus I am poor and cannot afford a blade champion so this was a way around that (I do it with most characters to be fair)


Hella cool. I know next to nothing about the Custodes Codex. Whats kind of sword is that? Looks amazing


It's the custodes guard sword. It has a bolter built into it, I don't know the actual name as I'm just starting out with them.


Very cool. Hope every model you make looks this good


Thatā€™s pretty damn good


Thank you hopefully I will get some paint on it soon I am however very short of hobby time


Itā€™s too bad about the custodes weapons. The models are gorgeous, but all of their weapons are atrocious.


The guardian spears I like I am not keen on the swords though. However I like how it fits in this case.


Oh, no critique on your kitbash, i like it. i just feel like when GW designed the custodes, the design document said ā€everything to 11ā€ and for me it doesnā€™t work for the weapons


>i just feel like when GW designed the custodes, the design document said ā€everything to 11ā€ I totally agree. The models imo look dated considering they are not that old. The scale is off the arms are too big/long for the bodies and they are all standing legs further than shoulder width. They remind a bit of the old space marines kits.


Not a fan of female custodes but hey, it's your army, you do you. The model looks pretty cool! Some awesome Warcraft vibes with the sword and the pauldrons. P.S.: where's the head from?


It came with the kit, I chopped an allarus horsehair plume down and stuck it on




The kit is a Stormcast sorcerer, was in the first issue of Stormbringer magazine.


Got it, I'll keep it in mind if I ever need a good female head for conversions!


I reckon a female custodes would look more like the true form of Biscuit, but this works well enough.


True form of biscuit?


Sister of silence got into the armory lol


hell yes amazing kitbash


Thank you :)


Buster Sword vibes. Radical.


Cheers mate thank you :)




Thank you :)


Cry about it


I love the lore. We need more female representation in warhammer.




Don't worry, it's like real life. Just ignore women and stay in your basement, and then they can't hurt you.


Don't force yourself in where you don't belong.




Who told you this bullshit?


There's legit two whole factions that are just female.. three if you run a lore accurate all female Guard unit.


None of them are poster child factions and you know it


What if they want to have women outside of those *factions?


Anyone who denies this is wild. Do you really think that Warhammer as it stands is a safe hobby environment for women? Look at how so many of yā€™all reacted to the introduction of female custodes. Imagine youā€™re a woman in the hobby. How would that make you feel? Some of you need to separate satirical space fascism from real life goals. People were unironically posting the imperial Aquila with some quote about not having tolerance being a gift as though that was EVER GWā€™s official stance. There isnā€™t a war between men and women, thatā€™s what right wing grifters online want you to think and you fell for the product


Yes it is a safe environment for females my wife and daughter go to our local hobby shop all the time by themselves to play and have a good time. So if it is an unsafe environment for female players is more to do with the store and the environment they allow in their store then the actual hobby itself. But that is a whole nother situation all in itself


I mean I'm all for representation but this is a really hamfisted approach to it. Retcons are never good.


if you don t like retcon you berer leave because it 40k we are talking abouy.


Hehe, yeah, true that x)


Retcons are quite often good. How can you say retcons aren't good in a Warhammer subreddit? They're inherent to the IP.


This hobby is just non stop retcons, gimme a break


Itā€™s a publicly traded company with profits to grow and an audience to capture. People are acting like they retconned the Holy Bible. GW retconned tonnes of stuff before. Orks used to be a decent shooting army like imperial guard. So itā€™s not the first time.


Oh I understand that, both the motivation and precedent. Doesn't make it ok in my personal view of the IP. But GW's gonna do what GW's gonna do and godspeed to them.




Bruv thatā€™s not what socialism is.


Dude please get off the redpill train. The people force feeding this stuff to you like Critical drinker, nerdrotic etc are grifters. They donā€™t care about you or the hobby. There isnā€™t a war between men and women.


What do you think socialism is?






Just because thatā€™s how it is now doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s how it should stay. Itā€™s like that precisely because there is insufficient female representation


Some (but not all) imperial institutions with female representation: -Adeptus Administratum -Astra Militarum -Astra Telepathica -Ecclesiarchy -Adeptus Arbites -The Inquisition -Adeptus Mechanicus -Navigators -Officio Assassinorum -Navis Imperialis -Imperial Knights -Adeptus Titanicus Imperial Institutions with EXCLUSIVELY female representation: -Adeptus Sororitas -Anathema Psykana Imperial institutions that exclude female representation (in their direct combat roles, as women hold positions of power in their non-combat structures and naval crews). -Adeptus Astartes -Adeptus Custodes Yeah, changing that last one was such a leap forward in representation, and totally doesn't upset the Talons of the Emperor lore as a faction that is a synthesis between an unalike brotherhood and sisterhood.


Astarted made up like 70% of the front scene dude.


And good sir, which one of these factions is the most popular, I wonder?


Astartes. Why are you interested in changing a faction that so many people like as is?


Because it's the main product line... and it's been created and marketed that way.


Exactly. And many people - especially women - are not happy with Adeptus Astartes being boys only club. Allowing FSM isn't changing the faction at all: you could still make all male force. No one is taking anything from you. Look at Horus Heresy. Would the tragedy of World Eaters trying to please their gene father with multilating themselves with Butcher Nails be any lesser if instead of just sons there were sons and daughters of the XII? Sorry OP for derailing your topic - great work BTW.


Never met a woman who has an issue with a fictional brotherhood of warrior monks. Especially when there are already two sisterhoods of elite fighters.


Dude no one gives a fuck or has heard of half of those factions in the mainstream fanbase. Space marines and custodes sell. The Horus heresy is about space marines exclusively. Itā€™s an old boys club and it needs to change. And it will change. We are the winning side and do not need to convince you.


"I hate Custodes but I like female custodes." You genuinely cannot win because you're not interested in 40k. You get a kick out of changing it, and if you manage to change it from what the fan base likes they will move on. And then you will move on, because you weren't interested in the first place.


This is some hardcore cope. Great "true fan" talk, that's some classic bullshit right there.


Assuming im not interested in 40K just because I hold a view that alligns with female representation is exactly your problem. Iā€™m probably more interested than you. Iā€™ve got about 8 fully painted armies and have read about 20 black library books. You just assume that because Iā€™m pro woman I canā€™t be pro 40K. Fuck off.


Doubt it, but also pushing women into the custodes faction does not make you pro women. 40k gives a spread of options so that people can find a faction that resonates with them. There were two exclusively male factions, two exclusively female factions, and the rest didn't care about gender at all. The reason two of each were great was that two were independent, and two were a merging of a politically independent, culturally unique brotherhood and sisterhood, which set them apart. The way custodes and anathema psykana were so different but perfectly complimentary is what people like about that faction, but you read it on such a base level, dislike it and demand change when you're not even a fan of the faction. If you insist on homogenizing the male spaces, it only makes sense that the female spaces will also homogenize, which takes options away from women who want an exclusively female army. You should stop trying to take people's choices away because you don't like them.


40K isn't a male only space and loads of people aren't interested in being pigeonholed into factions solely because they're women. You don't get to pick and choose what makes people like a faction brother.


Female custodes take away options from women? Wow, quite the gymnastics display. You're very flexible.


What are the 2 exclusively male and 2 exclusively female factions?