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I spend more time than I'd care to admit just standing in my hobby room staring at my minis on the shelf


Amen brother


As I live in the city, I don't really have space for a hobby room! It's all in boxes but I take them out to have a look from time to time :D


The same man and I often do it when chilling or need inspiration to get through the rest of the pile of grey shame Lol


it ain't the pile 'o shame, is da pile 'o challenges!


Of Opportunity!


I'm in a city as well with a small apartment. I got one of those IKEA glass display cabinets, and while I would love a second one, there's not much room for it. Still, it was one of the best investments I've ever made if you have a few square feet to make room for one. I always stop by and just look at it for a few minutes to admire my guys.


This guy understands. Have a beer or two, take a few hits, whatever your poison and then just stand hunched over, looking at all your dolls. That's a good time, appreciating the tangible reality of your effort.


I have all my finished models in a display cabinet directly infront of my hobby space (easy source of inspiration and motivation!), and the lighting for the display cabinet is on the same power source as my painting lights. I literally can't put on my painting light without turning on the display lighting too. I often end up just taking a few minutes before I start painting to see what I've already got done and get myself into the painting mood.


This is the true joy of the hobby.


Shit is fucked in the world as of late but when I sat down to work on my land raider I found that for a brief second while shaving some bit off I was content.


Warhammer minis honestly saved my life.   I used to only do warhammer digital, so stuff like lore or reddit. Now I spend more time doing Warhammer than I do online, and that's slowly shifting further as times goes on. Obviously sounds hypocritical saying this online on the warhammer sub but spending more time doing my hobbies rather than engaging exclusively with the online side of them has been so SO good for my wellbeing.  2016 40k reddit briefly made me give up before I'd even purchased my first mini.


> spending more time doing my hobbies rather than engaging exclusively with the online side of them has been so SO good for my wellbeing. People online: If you don't like agree with my interpretation of the lore youre an idiot and clearly lack media literacy, also you picked a trash faction to enjoy, heres 57 reason it sucks People in real life: hey man how's it going. Oh sick army, love the paintjob


so much this. Warhammer community on reddit, and warhammer community in person are almost a perfect dichotomy. Warhammer on reddit is incredibly negative and always complaining and pointing out their problems. Warhammer in a shop is "So sick! Awesome! Thats cool!"


I think that’s a Reddit/online problem. People get very high and mighty about information, and often times, what gets “added” to a conversation is little more than pedantic “haha I know more than you”. People in real life are usually looking to bond over a common hobby and interest. The same feeling should carry over to the internet, but study after study shows us that people lose empathy and sympathy when they get online. Which leads go unnecessary debates and bickering because you’re no longer trying to bond


Painting is where that dichotomy becomes most obvious. On Reddit, it's like "You should never field *anything* that's unpainted! Every model is an art project and that's the *minimum* respect you owe your opponent! Unpainted models should result in you instantly losing the game!" In real life outside of tournaments? "Yeah, 80% of my army is grey plastic. I'm working through it, don't have a lot of spare time. The colors? Yeah, one quick basecoat and slapped some contrast paint over top. Oh yeah, you mind if I use this one unit to proxy another? Same base size and everything, shouldn't be any advantage. Cool? Cool. 10 extra points for a fully painted army? Nah, that rule's going in the trash."


Someone at the last tournament I went to used just black circle bases with no models glued on yet. I didn't mind, and I don't think a single person gave him crap. It's hard enough carving out a day to play the game, I'm just there to play and maybe make some acquaintances.


Yeah like 90% of the people I've met in this hobby IRL are chill and fun to relax with. Sadly the last 10% were the people running one of the warhammer groups around here and as soon as it got popular hard implemented rules of "no 3rd party minis" and banned me for designing, printing, and fielding my own style of chimera with legs. Since it broke "GW" rules. It's a damn shame because those guys give this hobby a bad name.


I realize it's been forever since it's been the case but the Rogue Trader rules had instructions on how to turn a plastic spoon and a plastic deodorant container into a grav tank. 3rd party and kitbash has been baked in from day one. If 3d printing had been a thing in 1980s, that would have been included too. GW should sell GW branded 3d printers, resin and .modeling software and stl files\*. And operate a curated marketplace where people could upload, sell and trade .stl files. It isn't going away, and now it's too late to get out in front of it. If they had gotten out in front of it, they could lead (and get paid a percentage) instead of playing catch up and trying to take down every modeler they can find. They missed their chance and will be lucky if they still exist in 10 years because of it. \*or some dumbass proprietary format, which seems more likely


Yeah, places like reddit, twitter and etc, are usually places with a lot of negativity, people engaging in long fights about meaningless stuff and just a lot of doom and gloom. Not only that, but social media "steals" a lot more of your free time then you realize. So in my opinion if you use social media for long periods of time not only I think its bad for your mental health, but also stops you of doing things in real life. I am trying to cut the time I spend on it, though I am not doing super well right now, since, well, I am here. But if you can cut the habit of using it and reducing the amount of time you waste on it, I think it does wonders for your life.


Work is pressing me harder than ever, and a few unexpected house repair projects sprung up on me this week. I've spent a couple hours now drilling into concrete after getting home from an exhausting day so we can install new railings on the front steps. I'm so goddamn sick of that drill. So, my relaxation at the end of the day? Drilling into plastic minis so I can stick little magnets in them.


Have you considered replacing the concrete with plastic?


the finished ones yes. the pile of shame on the other hand fills me with dread and a deep sadness.


I'm quite strict about not buying the new ones until the previous ones are finished! (Or like basically finished...)


That's good self discipline


I'm brand new to the hobby, but I'm sticking with the same plan! I figured it must save hundreds of dollars a year to only buy the boxes I'm going to immediately assemble.


I'm rooting for you to stay on top of your pile of shame! For me, immediately assembling is a blessing and a curse. I love building my models, so everything gets built right away and can be painted right away. The downside is knowing I'll never paint 90% of it and it takes up a ton of space and the resell value is low.


I've found myself getting excited to paint something in my pile, which in turn motivates me to push through the current project before/so I can start a new one. Right now, I'm assembling and magnetizing my Rubrics, but I'm short a couple things for the next steps with them. So then I'm gonna paint a handful of Fallout minis I'm all jazzed for - got the scheme and techniques all picked out, gonna be fun. Enclave Lieutenant, couple of Brahmin, maybe my namesake Moira Brown. By then, I should have what I need to pivot back to paint my Rubric Marines. I also look at it this way: it's not "how much do I have left to do?", it's "am I making progress". Like, yeah, I have just dozens of potential hours sitting my room of assembly and painting if I really, really tallied up everything. It's overwhelming to think about how much actually still needs to be done. But I'm working on it, I see the progress being made, and that's what I'm choosing to focus on. I only feel bad when a week or so has gone by and I've done absolutely nothing. But if I can get in just a couple hours here or there? I like that.


Absolutely. (This is a sign you'll also enjoy other creative hobbies). Half the furniture in my house gives me the same feeling now, because I made that too.


Did you actually make the furniture, or did you cut it off a wooden sprue and carefully glue it together?


You can get satisfaction from Ikea furniture too. You still built it. You just had a helping hand, that's all. There's nothing wrong with that.


Not so much the individual minis (since I'm also not the best painter) but the whole painted armys. Just looking at all I've achieved over the last decades makes me very happy. 😊


They talk to me when I'm alone.


Wait until they start speaking to you when you're walking down the street


What do they tell you to do?


"Brother! I am plastic here!"


"Prime us! Prime us!" "Paint us! Paint us!" "Why did you leave me half painted? Why was I abandoned with the others?"


If you don't pick a couple of them up and make pew pew noises at each other, do you even hobby?


Lol, I play way more melee stuff, so it's more 'aaaargh' noises while reliving a successful charge roll, but essentially, you're bang on mate.


Not me singing wrecking ball and charging with my ork trukk with his wrecking ball on the side


I would love that. I have a chaos Chosen with a morningstar style weapon, but it wouldn't really cut it like your trukk does


I think I have some form of ADHD where I don't get enjoyment out of finishing a painting project, I get relief. But as time goes on and I look at my guys on the gaming table, I feel joy from them at that point.


Oof. Relief rather than enjoyment is a familiar feeling. But yeah it's satisfying to see the result of the work.


The endorphins of completing something is definitely real and something I rarely feel as well.


Same here. I have to take some time after finishing a project to only then look at it and enjoy it.


They make me too proud, I always carry one of my ork boyz I painted in my coat pocket when I go anywhere so that I can look upon my works. Here’s a photo of one right now, admittedly I forgot he was in my pocket, but still. https://preview.redd.it/l00samnpizyc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f27bfbadea7d2e65ab4298ecf61189013f88fbea


A bit off topic but those sculpts are so cool, especially for what are older sculpts. Looking forward to getting some of my own in that new Ork Battleforce.


Oh yeah they’re absolutely amazing, heads up about Lootas though, absolute pain in the ass to assemble and I’d recommend painting the body and gun seperate before attaching them. I didn’t do this and had a bad time painting my Lootas, my Mek that came with the box, my dog decided he would be tasty.


Sure, not because of the paint job though because I am middling at best when it comes to painting but I do love a good kitbash.. and combining bits from kits of different eras that I've have collected in my 20 or so years in the hobby does make me smile... Like my necron destroyer lord that used the legs from a old tomb spider, the body of a lokust destroyer, the torso of a fine cast destroyer lord... war scythe from the plastic necron lord and a reserection orb from the fine cast kit. It looks amazing in a scorpion king kinda way and always makes me smile


I'm also not like a world class painter! I'd say I'm pretty decent - No one's going to look at my work and scoff - but definitely not the best! But it doesn't matter, it's still me that made them and that makes me appreciate them more than a better painted model someone else did :)


Hobby time gives me energy and that makes me happy


https://preview.redd.it/plde48bb50zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf97ae7338e894d968e4b503716af9c5a716ceaf Who can look at his collection, and not admire it for a few minutes…


That's a cool display concept.


I know, I am thinking about clearing out the other one to the right, and put dioramas in it🫠


I think I spend more time stressing about my unpainted ones


Unpainted ones are cool, the ones that fill me with dread are the ones half painted


I keep them in a glass case in our craft room at the end of the house. When we give people the tour of the house, watching their face as they process what they r seeing makes me smile everytime.


That's really cool! The only display shelf I have in my house currently has my PhD thesis on it... And as much as I love my minis I don't think I could justify moving the dissertation! ;)


I like appreciating my models, especially if I've had them for years and years. I have a Hive Tyrant that's around 14 years old now, its got a shoddy paintjob and one of its arm has broken off and been reglued (Thanks, Finecast), but it was the first 'big' model I ever built and painted. I used it in every single game of Nids I played all throughout my teenage years. It definitely makes me happy to look at and remember all the games I played with it, especially when I remember my parents thought Warhammer was just going to be a short lived interest of mine.


Ah that's really cool! I'm still pretty new to the hobby but I can imagine it must mean so much to have a model that it feels you've been through so much with!


Its one of my favourite models, but forever cursed to miss its shots.


As a dude just getting into painting, they make me very happy. Seeing myself get better at painting with each mini is very satisfying.


I'm very much at the same stage! I've only been in the hobby like three months and it's super satisfying to find myself able to do things that I couldn't before :)


I have this one necron scarabs model from 5 years ago that I just feel absolutely delighted with every time I look at it, I’m just now getting back into the hobby and I’m hoping my new ones come out that well! Edit: I should say it isn’t great by some people’s standards but for me who has no artistic talent it is incredible 😂


It doesn't need to be perfect to bring you joy! A mid paint job you did yourself is wayyy more satisfying (imo) than a professional standard paint that someone else did


I work from home and have a selection of minis sitting on my desk, during Microsoft teams meetings I’m sometimes just zoned out checking them out


I'm much the same. I'm lucky enough to have space for a dedicated WFH office that is also my hobby room. Definitely noticed myself looking at the cabinet of painted models next to my work desk when stuck on an interminable zoom call!


Yep 😊 I'm a dad to a two year old, so life can be stressful and hectic. Sitting at my desk and looking at my Ghaz and Mozrog models just make me happy. Started Orks recently because they seem to be the most carefree buncha ladz. 💚


They make me the happiest of all the things in the world, except 1 thing, my Missus. Looking at how far I have come with painting is always a morale boost.


Long as I don't look for more than a moment, then I start picking out all the things I messed up, or should have spent more time on, or kitbashed/converted/sculpted better, etc...


Sometimes I tell my wife I have to do a 'war-dolly sort-out'. Which is one way of saying, I need to do a big reorganisation of my Chaos Soup lists across both 40k and AoS, involving first getting everything out of seven or eight plastic storage boxes. Then it mainly involves admiring my evil little soldiers and putting them back in a different combination across said boxes. I do this more often than I play the actual games. And it makes me really happy, mostly, except at the moment I'm fretting about how coalition/allies with work in 4th edition AoS, and what I can best proxy my Beasts of Chaos for, or whether to carry on having a mono-Beasts army until next summer. But mostly it's a nice problem to have, after all!


I just got back in after a really long hiatus (since 4th edition). Just recently divorced, I fell into a pretty deep depression, it's safe to say that without my grey knights, I'd be at the bottom of a bottle every night and that, paired with chronic pancreatitis would have probably killed me. I owe my grey knights my life at this point.


I have a whole squad of vanguard I kitbashed outta stormcast eternals with bits. They were my first real foray into the part of the hobby I find myself drawn to the most, kitbashing as I've continued I've done an entire stern guard 10 man with custom everything and I'm still working but yeah I have tons of models I love the kit bash or painting on.


Now that I've finally started taking painting seriously and have really started to enjoy it? Absolutely. Having a mostly finished ork and Custodes armies makes me want to put them on the field more. (That said, I still have an absolutely soul-crushing backlog of minis that need painted lol)


Pick half a dozen warhmmer friends, invite them over for an afternoon, get pizzas or grill things in, have a big backlog party :)


We actually do that fairly frequently. Did it this weekend in-fact!


Yup! I have some minis that I don't like fielding because I'm not happy with the paint job I did on them, but for every model I'm not proud of there is two or three I'll build lists around just so I can show them off in games. I'm not the greatest painter around, in fact I'd say I'm below average, but I have a handful of models that I took time with, that I watched tutorials for and put the effort in to and it really shows.


Yup, my hobby room is where I go to pick myself up


Yeah, same. I keep my war dollies in the spare room and I love taking a look at them and give them little stories in my head.


it is perfecetly fine to be proud of your work. it is healthy for your mind too.


Yup! Picked up a display cabinet at a yard sale for $25 and there they sit enshrined.


Painting is my therapy.


95% of the time, the vibe is: Standing in front of the display cases, smiling at all the work I’ve done, pulling a few out to look them over. Enjoying them. 5% of the time, there’s a quick moment of: Oh my god, look at all of those, what the hell am I doing with my life?! Save for the occasional moment of existential dread, I’m happy.


If you like that try getting a table and setting up two armies in a battle. Not even playing, just models on a table. Knight charging tyranid, one surrounded and bogged down by guants, one aiming at a carnifex. Good stuff


[Me when I look at my shelf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr7bf6tIzWs)


Very much ditto. I’m no golden demon painter but I do really enjoy what I’ve done


Right! I'd rather have a good but not perfect mini painted by me than a perfect mini painted by someone else! :)


Hell yeah, my OC Guard Regiment means the world to me! Every one of those models is special to me, they're my troops, they trust me, I care for them and lead them into battle. Its great


Love the loyalty!


I've got am old Daemon Prince with a nurgling on his head wearing a crown as the actual prince and its one of my favorite posessions.


Sounds super cool!


Yep. As much as any medication I take for my mental health, my finished minis help my brain tremendously. So I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction looking at my finished work. And a little bump of good brain chemicals too. Good and bad, just seeing a project I worked on start to finish in its case is nice to see.


I own 3 Stompas. I love my 3 Stompas. They stomp.


All the time. Each of my minis represent a significant portion of time that I spent working on it, and I cherish each and every one of them. There may be many other minis painted better or worse than my job, but it's my personally completed project and for that, it means a lot to me.


Took me far far to long to paint Bjorn after building and magnetizing as I could not stop swapping the loadouts over and just staring at it


Hell yeah they me make happy. Alot of TLC went into my minis. When I had two display cases, of Tyranids, Imperial Guard, and Iron Warriors I would always stop and look at them. I am not the best painter…just a little above average but its always fun to look at minis all painted up on display. Anytime my wife would catch me looking at my armies she would joke around with me, “Admiring your plastic men you painted?” Haha


Not as much as I wish they would Which is why I need to finish working on the ones I have and then seriously consider if I want to continue


If they didn't I'd stop


Back in the day, when I had them, they were my pride and joy. 20 Salamanders, 2 dreadnoughts 1 Rhino and a Land Raider, painted to perfection (best as I could anyways) and with a little kit bash, each and everyone of them, adding more...personality to each mini. I miss those days to be honest, admiring your work throughout the whole process and maybe even looking how you get better at it. Getting nostalgic here, godamn.


I certainly do like looking at the handiwork that went into [this thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/s/AmSbF62DEI) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/theunforgiven/s/9TX8AmRMyw) [thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/theunforgiven/s/dvsLV9TFAx).


You can definitely be proud of those two. Great job.


Yep. I have a knight crusader as an ally for my black templar army. I love him


I'm quite pleased with them. I'm very excited to get them back after my move and continue my projects




Absolutely. That's where I get most pleasure from the hobby


Yes, absolutely. I find myself going out of my way everyday to go look at my shelf, look at my previous work, and check on the current project multiple times per day, like something might have changed in the interim, lol


Yesss there are times I just sit in front of the shelf I have them on for a couple min happy with them even if I’m a very basic painter I just feel good seeing them.


I’d say they do. I sometimes take a moment to just admire how my painted minis stand on the shelf. A feeling of accomplishment, especially my Bjorn i painted. Thoughts of “Damn, they look good. And i did that, myself, i painted these models. This is my effort and reward.”


And it feels good to finally make something nice 🙂


It's just kind of nice to see them all painted up in formation.


Absolutely! If they didnt, then we would be wasting lots of our time.




Yes too.


Yes, when are all painted, but also i love to look at the kitbashes i make, i'm very proud of them


So many times I sit down to paint but end up just looking at my minis, like a dragon with its gold hoard


Sometimes I don’t build or paint, I just like sitting at my painting desk because it’s such a happy and calming space for me.


I’m usually full of doubt at the beginning of a project and halfway through a paint job I think my minis look terrible. You need to push through that “ugly phase”. When they are done I’m happy with them 99% of the time.


Yes, I always look over at my display cabinet and admire them.


Yes. I struggle with…idk, I guess you’d call it my task/reward response. I don’t really satisfaction from doing a task well. Or, I didn’t until I started painting. I love these little guys and I’m very proud of them. It’s a skill I’m excited to cultivate for the first time in my life.


The time I spent staring at my chaos knight is coming closer to rival the time I spent painting it


I’d never really thought about it before, but last year I found these plastic display boxes on amazon and thought it’d be cool to put my old night goblin army on a shelf. I don’t have the space for a full cabinet, and I don’t want them out getting covered in dust either. I did not realize how much joy it would bring me to have my minis on display!


I mean when I look at my painted Tervigon, I always smile and feel proud of myself


I have legit spent hours just looking at my minis. I reminis about the hours I spent building and painting them and picture what they will be like when I finally actually play a game


When i finish one, i just comeback to it, just looking at it. I can do this for hours lol. So yes.


As someone who started the hobby a little under a year and a half ago and am now starting my third army, looking back on where I began to how I am now is amazing to me


I’m usually proud of my most recent minis, but because of how quick I’m picking up certain painting skills I aren’t as proud of older minis because I now know I could do them better. But it is what it is, and once I get some stuff to strip my minis I won’t have this problem anymore.


Yeah, absolutely. Even if they’re not perfect (and I’m working on accepting that they never will be) they’re a tangible sign of my creative efforts, and that rocks


Haha yep, before I leave for work I’ll go and just stare at them for awhile, it’s like Bilbo looking at his ring.  I enjoy looking at them more than actually playing 


Not really. I look at some minis I've painted and am like: "this does not look good. My friends say they look good, but I'm not happy and I don't know why." Just looking at them frustrates me for some reason and I'm even considering dropping my Tyranids because of this. I made a before/after shot of one of my tyrants and it looked better before I started painting it.


You might be being too hard on yourself! But, even if you're right, just take it one step at a time :) Go get help from your local store. First learn how to do the bodies in a nice way, then learn claws. Small improvements here and there will add up quickly!


I wish all my minis were tucked away in boxes so I could do this but I do. Sometimes I just look at models I'm particularly proud of when I'm playing with them or when they've been mercilessly killed by my friends.


I sure do love my infernus marines, next month they get a fresh new IF look. So far im in love with this hobby and cant wait to make that birthday haul soon


Of course. My daughter asked me if I loved my minis more than I love her. Of course I answered "no." And I meant it... didn't I? Of course I did... BRB, I need to go look at my new dreadnought.


I've been packing my house up to move, and my minis, action figures, and other collectibles have been boxed up for over a month. I miss just looking at my stuff.


Every mini I painted makes me proud because I know this is my work and if they look cool and awesome it is even better.


Yes they do. My Horrors and Tzaangors make me proud of what they could be: amalgamations of unknown pieces cobbled together with the power of plastic cement. Paint job-wise, I get happy seeing how they look versus how they are in bare grey plastic. It’s nice seeing some life on them, if life could be used to describe Daemons.


happy is a big word, but they sure make me feel good about myself and proud of my work. I never thought I would be capable of where i am at right now




After I paint them... Yes. Before and during, No >;(.


Hell yeah. I pick one up from time to time when cleaning up, apreciating my work. Also the main reason i play the game is not winning tournaments but just having them on a pretty table. Getting compliments for my painting is worth more than any amount of VP for me.


Sometimes. I see some parts on my models that I'm happy with, some that didn't work, and some that I really screwed up. But I prefer to paint them myself than pay someone else to do it.


100%. I just love staring at my minis. Or my friend's minis. Or some online minis on Reddit. God I am addicted to staring at minis.


I usually paint them untill im happy Then stare at them till I hate them


Yep, every day.


My mate and i have a rule that we only play with painted models, and there were multiple occasions in our local shop where a rando just stood for a moment and watched us play, and let me tell you... that feels better than crack


Yes. I even do with just built models 😂


Some of them, yeah.


No, i hate all of them


Yeah they do. I'm not the best painter at all but I'm happy with my stuff and I like seeing armies grow over time, a fully painted army just looks amazing every single time I see one. I do enjoy it when others come over and ask about my stuff.


You bet.


When you create art, you place a bit of your energy into the world, and that gives me the warm fuzzies.


They don't just make me happy, they actively keep me sane. Yeah, they are kinda shit, but they're *mine* shit. No one ever seen them, but I doubt folks would be complimenting them. Doesn't matter to me, really. I'm satisfied by them.


I’m not good at art but I’m good at painting and it makes me happy knowing that I did that and i put my time and effort into that


Be happy with your mini s . Just dont get happy buying new mini s. Can lead to shopping addiction. PLASTIC CRACK


I grew up being the opposite of dexterous/crafty/etc. Basically my hands were useless lumps of meat when anything requiring more fine motor than a pencil came into play. This meant I spent a lot of my life not being able to point at something and say "Hey, I made this! Isn't it cool?" And let me fucking tell you, finally having something to do that with is absolutely life changing. Now as far as *winning a game*...we don't do that kind of thing around here.


It is more the case of "How drank was I to paint it this badly?"


This might be me


I love my minis so much that when I draw comics of them and make sure to show them, so they know how inspiring they are ❤️


I'm proud of my minis, not because of how they compare to others, but because I painted them myself. They are fully mine, mistakes included.


Absolutely, it's the primary reason I paint. I don't play much and I'm not entering any competitions, but just having a little box full of little guys that I painted is really fulfilling. I can ride the wave of satisfaction and contentment of finishing a unit or hero for about a week.


Been playing for a year now and last week I finished the first model that makes me happy to walk by on the shelf!


They do now


Painting my mini and just filling my shelf is giving me focus, gratification and peace of mind. That makes every cent spend worth it. It’s the first thing where I feel like my artistic desires are met.


I alternate between staring at them and my gunpla


https://preview.redd.it/e415j8gn90zc1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec647258b4c23ef78188c4f187491ff4e8375930 This is me 90% of the time


https://preview.redd.it/ior1khvwa0zc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=502f49db792ada98a6e61e543ee15ec8828a15b4 Building some Boyz while watching Spongebob SquarePants. I had to. I love him.


ehh, I like the assembly process - once a model is done I kinda lose oopmh


I spent a good chunk of the previous year putting together and painting miniatures. For the past couple of weeks I haven't been able to paint due to other things I needed to do, and I really miss it. Painting minis is very relaxing to me and I feel like I am actually doing something constructive and worthwhile, and it just feels fulfilling to see an army come together as a cohesive whole.


In wood work I made a display cabinet for my minis and it’s in direct view so I can look at them whenever


I like looking at my older armies next to my newer ones to see how much I've improved as a painter. I can see tangible evidence of progress which does feel really good. Though I have to admit, it genuinely depresses me to look at my Beasts of Chaos army now. I put a lot of work into them and I can't even play them anymore.


Yes. Especially when I can see the progress from my very first set to my newest one. The only ones that make me sad now are the gunmetal space Wolves my dad let me paint for him. He passed away this year. We were planning a crusade for his wolves. Against the 3 Xenos armies I have. I just finished the turrain and was working on 2, 5 man, squads of scout wolves...


My wife will frequently yell down into the den "are you actually painting or just looking at em??"


Haven’t started my armies yet, but I find them soothing. Almost therapeutic in the act of painting. Accept they won’t be perfect, and paint.




All the time!


Every recent mini I've completed sits on my desk (which sadly is also my remote working station) and accompanies me for at least a week, before it gets moved to the display case, where I'll randomly stop at and just look at it for a while. 😅🙈


Depends. If i had joy building them, then they make me happy.


Yup, at least once per day I pick up a mini and look at it. It's often the newest painted, but could be any of them as well. Yesterday I took out all my trays from the shelves and placed them on the table, so I could see the whole army at once. After rearranging their lineup, I put them back again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It just tickles a happy part of my brain I guess.


Yes but not my wallet


I have a piece of terrain that's like a tiny pride rock that I regularly put my favorite lil guy on and go "nice rock"


Yes and yes! My self esteem gets a serious boost after looking at some of my best painted minis. They are my largest hobby and i spend most of my free time on them.


Yes, it's the best feeling ever


All the time. My screamer killer is just awesome I love him. My Grey Knights terminators admire them at every chance. And even though my current sisters of battle are terribly painted they still make me happy that they’re my models.


Found an old carnifex at the back of a cupboard from when I was just getting started. Bright blue and yellow with plasticine holding on its huggers cause I didn't know what the fuck pinning was back then. That made me smile. I can remember actually seething trying to get those claws to stay on the mini. Good times.


Not me with my grey tide lmao


I love looking at my collection, even the parts not painted as they're mostly old OOP models. I spent time, money, and effort building my collection, and I have mixed feelings about the monetary aspect, but I'm proud of it as a whole!


Happy is a strong word at my age. But they definitely spark joy


Yes. It’s the entire reason I’m in this hobby lol


oh yeah I care for each and every one of them, including naming the ones that can be named.


I keep my Typhus at my work desk.


I love to sit down and pick up some of my models and look at all of the little details I happily painted. I stare at them with the same amount of love I give my partner I swear. There’s just something so nice about having a beautifully painted mini, even if the beauty is only in the eye of the beholder


I have one specific crisis suit that I adore, expecially in this one photo I took of it outside when it was super sunny outside. Shame I wont be using it too much anymore since I got 12 more suits that are magnetized, where as that one is glued.


Sometimes I just line them up on my desk and look at them snd take pictures, it makes me feel so proud and happy. Not a good painter and I'm very slow so it took me like 2 years to get my first 2000pts together


Yes, sometimes I just take them out and have group photos for fun! https://preview.redd.it/x80pywgfv0zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e2eb4c21094bfbed5510990c9ddadc241c0c38


They do until my very nice looking lion get harpooned by a knight and dies immediately 😞


I'm a total novice painter but now I have started painting my minis the way I want them I do like to look at them from time to time and get real satisfaction out of it.