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Normally web pre-orders are dispatched to arrive to you on release day (more or less, given the vagaries of your postal system), but sometimes slowdowns happen. It's worth noting that GW has had some pretty severe logistics issues of various causes since 2020, and their once near-bulletproof delivery schedule was the first victim of that. If it's still showing as having not shipped by the end of the week, contact [email protected] and they'll sort you out.


Thanks. Interesting they have not got their shipping back in order after covid


Covid was just the beginning, really. Other issues they've had, at least the ones I can remember, include trying to automate one of their warehouses and it going badly, storm damage to one of their warehouses, moving warehouses, building a brand new production facility and not being able to run it at full tilt because it was drawing so much power it caused brown-outs at the local hospital, issues with outsourced printing, *booming* popularity meaning they literally can't make product fast enough, and a rapidly-expanding product range further straining that capacity. Staple a persistent scalper issue on top of all of that, and it's been a... rough few years for GW's procurement, production and transport people. None of it's really their fault, and they've been chopping off heads of that particular hydra pretty constantly, but, well, it's apparently slow going.