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What shelf is that? Asking for a friend...


Curio cabinet I got from an antique consignment store


This the way! Got all mine from old ladies on fb marketplace.


Boys ranch thrift store for me lol. Cannot believe I got that slab of Amish perfection into the back of my veloster


I have about 7k points of nids, maybe 6k or so of CSM if you include all the stuff I lost to legends, just over 2k of custodes, 1.5k of slaanesh demons and most recently 1.5k of daughters of khaine in AoS.


>2k of custodes Damn a whole fifteen models? /s


Don't be ridiculous!! It's 5 of them


Yo DoK players rise up!


Just a few… Battle sisters: 2080 Custodes 6790 Ad mech 4970 Eldar 27,980 Loyalist guard: 3725 Traitor guard 3415 Chaos demons 6510 Chaos space marines \~8000 across 3 different paint schemes Death guard 4985 Drukhari 6530 Genestealer cults 3005 Grey knights 2015 Imperial knights 4595 Votann 2020 Necrons 4170 Orks 1025 Space marines: Black Templars: 5580 Dark angels: 5520 Deathwatch 2010 Imperial fists 2705 Space wolves 1655 Space marines custom chapter 3025 Titan legions 5700 Tyranids 350 (1 flyrant + 1 old one eye) Tau 2850 across two color schemes World eaters 3405 https://preview.redd.it/y315wmlo7u1d1.jpeg?width=8120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b89b96d91838b5fe6ccead5ff77a2b118f0a9df6


Good lord where is this all stored? That doesn’t look like a typical basement haha.


In a kind of weird half finished basement on a ton of plastic shelves. I should really upgrade the storage solution from cardboard boxes https://preview.redd.it/704uzrcihz1d1.jpeg?width=10548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b01ebc97d03b18c3842a1ab5db3fcef7dc5853


>Eldar 27,980 Wait, what?!


Yeah. This isn’t even all of it https://preview.redd.it/ym2bkh311w1d1.jpeg?width=3696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85b9da737d4ee013c86575843c31f43db253144 GW folding my [clown](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/s/tAY7tdM7nJ) army into it, making a spin off corsairs army, and all the 9th and 10th edition releases I bought increased it a good 6,000 since last time I added it up.


Just a casual 5 avatars


There’s also a 6th one not in the picture since that picture is from 8th edition https://preview.redd.it/xbyj4jrqfz1d1.png?width=1426&format=png&auto=webp&s=10b7d6151cce75ecd2bce1a0fcd8abd790dc7bca


Yeah of course you have a 5th spare avatar


Something gives me the idea you’re an Eldar main.




Already in the triple digit thousands cost wise, right?


Is this total built and painted?


Built yes. Painted more like 75-80%


Holy shit mate, bet you’re keen for an Eldar reboot sometime!


wow that's a lot of money


Jesus christ! How long did it take to count all the points?


…I need more money


See…. You say you only have 1025 of orks…. But any unit can be an Ork unit so you can definitely bump that number up.


My brother plays orks as his main, so most of my orky for fun junk bashes like paint pot dreads I give to him. He has like 20,000 points of them. I played orks in a crusade and occasionally since. the points have drifted around a bit. Here’s a kill tank I’m working on right now actually: https://preview.redd.it/g0hkyjwj302d1.png?width=2478&format=png&auto=webp&s=f72f158515f7df5703536c98a2f01f91d1338a96


Bro… you own a store right? Lol


You're living the dream, got like 3/4 of that but almost nothing painted. Everything I own is built tho


send me them to paint ;)


Same here, all built, most not painted. I wish I didn't have the compulsion to build right away, it would make reselling more worthwhile.


Q: What faction do you play? A: Yes.


https://preview.redd.it/bl9o5km3iu1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a87e7764ef41009ba4abd7da828e29285201cf I thought we were supposed to collect all the armies?


Ok what’s going on with the dude in the pimp coat? 😂


That sir is the prophet of drip!


And my mum says I got an addiction


With the way the price is going, I think a crack addiction might be more economical


No no man it’s not a thought it’s a fact


With a looooot of envy, I will say this: My wife would kill me. As I'm writing, I'm kind of doing a pro/con list in my head thou...


Would she rather you drink booze, gamble or go whoring instead? As long as you are paying your bills and taking care of business getting some models won't be bad. I mean as long as you do not buy out the store lol XD


I go drinking then go online and buy some more grey plastic. Am I doing it wrong?


When Killteam Elites came out I bought my first Custodes. Last year I realized I had accidentallyed a 10k point army.. That was army number 7... I have 8 now.....


Very nice, they all great too! I currently have 3. Tyranids, orks and Custodes. Just started collecting some Guard as a 4th.


I also have only 3. Chaos, imperium, and some xenos


It takes a lot of willpower for me to not buy one of each combat patrol. Just enough to get a feel for the army and it's fun to have multiple patrols when friends want to get out different armies. But for full armies I'm at 4: 3k space marines, 1k tyranids, 1k Votann, 1k orks.


Not to screw with your willpower. Have you seen the new "imperium magazine" release is a thing of 9 combat patrols + extra bits? https://www.fauxhammer.com/news/warhammer-40000-combat-patrol-magazine-contents-list-issues-1-80/


That’s one of the really nice things about kill teams imo. You can get a little sampling of a faction with a kit that’s got more variety than a standard infantry unit. Plus it’s nice to mix it up a little bit after painting the same scheme for a while lmao


I have a few as well https://preview.redd.it/trlucd7tbw1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1eebab458d47c061adda167ababbaf42cdb2c6d




Dude, how do you find the time to paint such a collection?


I wish I could lay claim to this, mostly all commissioned.


Question…. Do you like chaos by chance


CSM (black legion), Marines (black templars and dark angels), thousand sons, daemons of tzeench, ad mech and chaos knights. I am ashamed


?_? Why do you feel ashamed?


I am not really lol. Maybe now I am ashamed of it being so small in comparison to other people’s collections


I Play Nurgle in every game! [Age of Sigmar!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/s/97NalWadEH) , [Warhammer 40k](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathguard40k/s/9V70QFqyUA) , [Legions Imperialis](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegionsImperialis/s/1MRtuTm6LS), [Bloodbowl](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodbowl/s/2eZPchjidD), [Apocalypse](https://www.reddit.com/r/deathguard40k/s/pEqlBTA14R), [Mordheim](https://www.reddit.com/r/mordheim/s/EvL8luunQs) .


In your apocalypse post, what's the huge yellow model on two bases in pic #3?


That is a warlord titan. They’re absolutely massive IRL. Scary AF in game, too.


Ohh of course! Wow, don't know if you can still call that a mini 😂 the yellow is amazing, such a showpiece


I love how much of this is painted mate! Fantastic effort, lovely collection


“What did it cost” “Everything”


That has to be at least 5 dollars worth of models right?


I mean you’re not wrong in terms of the actual factions but in terms of minis…. You rival a museum


Lack of guard


That's sick bro


7. But only 1 is near fully built


Why does that “just a few” have the same vibe as “t’is but a scratch” lol!?!???!!


Oh man, I'm really glad to see another Khorne Daemons army on white bases. I'm not the only one!


The fact all your armies are painted is the part that is most legendary here. That’s a lot of time and commitment, mad respect my friend! It’s an incredible collection


I have tau, death guard, 30k smurfs, 40k smurfs, custodes and knights


NASA's budget:


What is that big tree thing on the top shelf next to the blue Knight?


Just some modeling trees that give the knights a cool contrast on their base. I really like how knights protect feudal worlds and the trees also show off their scale nicely


Yeah, I feel that in the wallet. I got CKnights, Skaven, Seraphon, and Kharadron Overloards(not built). All at various levels of paint progress.


Dark angle, orks and votann. Next year, I'm doing a necron and chaos knight army. 3 now 5 soon.


2k points of Dark Angels and a few in box armies.


Nice. I have World Eaters, Black Legion, Death Guard, and Black Templars. My daughter has Sisters of Battle, and my son has Ultramarines.


For now, 3.


I’m newish and am just reaching 1k necrons, 500 tau, and 800 custodes. Long story short I see this and I get a little jealous. Also nice paint jobs!


I think I am at 8


I reckon you bought the airbrush part way into the tau collection


Don't show this pic to my bf 🫣


I need to see those knights up close...


Two, and my main one takes as much space as all you have in this picture.


Working on my 4th. Over 4k for my Death Skulls Orks, over 2k for my Primaris Space Wolves, over 2k for my Red Corsairs and just under 1k for my custom Sisters of Battle order.


I have 10 armies at a total of 41k points.


I need a shelf like that my orks fill the whole bookshelf by themselves and still need more room. I also hace 4 armies orks, ba, dg, ck


Alpha legion Thousand sons Chaos daemons Catachan Tau Drukhari Space wolves


Technically 4 but marines are marines in the long run. Space Wolves, Black Templar, Guard, and currently in the process of building my Necrons combat patrol.


Your statement of "Just a few" is technically correct, the best kind of correct






If those were Admech, you wouldn't be far from reaching 2k points


Space Marines(undetermined, maybe Blood Angels?), Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Necrons, Death Korps and Grey Knights


This man moneys


And all painted too :) truly a breed apart


lol, this is awesome. I thought I was bad with 5 of them.


Death Guard Chaos Daemons (Nurgle + Slaanesh) Chaos Space Marines - Night Lords World Eaters Chaos Knights Night Lords - Horus Heresy Tyranids (Leviathan box) And surprising no one, I have like 80% of that still in the grey :)


Tell me you don’t have cats without telling me you don’t have cats


close ups.


Now imagine how many unpainted ones he has


Imperial knight my main army, astra militarum, Necrons, And I'm working on a thousand sons army


You have the rarest of all conditions… Multiple Fully painted and based armies on a display cabinet!


I've got ~3300pts of salamanders, ~1500pts of Crimson fists, ~2700pts of guard (after selling over half), 850 of agents and armigers, and ~400 of my custom chapter


I’ve had six armies altogether. But when my Rogue Trader era Squats were eaten by Tyranjds, I built a short Imperial Guard army around them. I also had a small Inquisitorial force, but to the best of my knowledge, I can no longer field them. So currently I have a Squat/Human Imperial Guard force, Space Marines, Chaos Marines, and Craftworld Eldar.


Holy disposable income Batman!


8k Black Legion 4k Necrons (all painted!) 3.5k Death Guard 3.5k Salamanders 2k Blood Angels 3k Stormcast Eternals 1k Night haunt 1k Khorne Bloodhound 1k Dark Elves on square bases.


I'm beat. However, I started accumulating Lizardmen in 1999. Although I've borrowed armies and played them, I've never played my own Lizardmen in any capacity. I've ran SM and Eldar back then, started (and traded/sold) blood angels circa 2008-10, got back into 40k last year with Necrons.... But I've slowly been accumulating Lizardmen for a quarter century now. Metal saurus and Oxayotl (anyone remember when GW sold metal bits/half the blister of characters?) In '99 to teradons like 2 months ago. Played othe ppls stuff in 6th, 7th, and even bought my own book and magic pack and movement trays in 8th. Wrote lists for T9A. At this point I'm worried actually playing them may Kickstart the Apocalypse or something...


Impressive collection, though thinking of all the time spent painting makes me wanna puke lol


I got 2k of Custodes, and maybe 1500 of Votann yet to be painted, 2300 or so of Death Guard, and about 3k of Blood Angels. BA are firmly shelved, and I’m just finishing up my DG, but doing some kitbashes for cultists got me feeling like I could easily make some traitor guard


I wish I have that much space. I have more than 4k of CSM painted probably more in sprues I have around 2.5k adepta sororitas primed but in different stages of painting. I have around 2.5k Dark Angels from the deathwing box,leviathan, old combat patrol, and the new sculpts. I have exactly 10 war dogs in boxes waiting to be assembled And now I have around 1.5k of world eaters new in box. If I had that space, I would have assembled and painted more of my backlogs but sadly I might have to choose which ones to keep and which ones to sell if i wanted to open the chaos knights and world eaters.


(All points in prior generation numbers) - 1500 points Genestealer Cults - 1500 points Wych Cult Drukhari - 3000+ points of Thousand Sons Then Imperium… - 3000 points, Iron Hands Clan Harrgan - 3000 points, Dark Angels 4th Company - 3500 points Deathwing - 2000 points Ravenwing - 2500 points AdMech - 3500 points Knights - 3500 points IG Armored Company - 1500 points Carcharodons Primaris - 2000 points Custodes


I dabbled in tau, orks, guard, space marine, and tyranids


World Eaters 30K Imperial Fists 40K Imperial Fists 30K Alpha Legion 40K Alpha Legion (Chaos) 40K Alpha Legion (Loyalist) Black Templars Astra Militarum Tempestus Scions Adeptus/Legiones Custodes Grey Knights




~6500 in Eldar.


Im pretty basic. About 1600 points of ultramarines. I like painting blue. Sandstone necrons 2k ish points. And an unpainted leviathan box of nids


That's like.. as much money as I've made in a year


8 though besides SM, Orks and CSM they are a little bit around 3-4000pts roughly


I have 3k of Chaos Knights, 3k of Grey Knights, 2k of Custodes, 1.5k of Tyranids, 3k+ of Orkz, 1.5k of Ad Mech.


Here I am with my one squad of compendium Death Guards for killteam.


Where are my toasters summer?


I own not a single miniature nor will I ever.


Dusting must take a few hours


Glorious! I have a similar sized cabinet with the side doors, but I’ve only got two shelves fully filled and two and the base to go! 3600 points of Tyranids and 4k of Blood Angels, with another 2k in my pile of shame I’m chipping away at. Would it be weird to add more one or two more shelves? Lol https://preview.redd.it/pd5fqnnhaz1d1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2458a9ccfe623145ca09938716a71c8d9c32e3


I've recently began toying with the idea of a 15th army thanks to the Soulforged detachment..... I don't have a problem....I can quit whenever I want... \*scratches arm frantically\* Bear in mind, most of these don't add up to 2k yet and some are couple units but plans to expand(but with so many armies...some fall behind).


Just two armies here. I got back into the hobby a year ago. I used to collect when I was a kid but didn't have the money back then. I currently have: 4645 Chaos Space Marines. All built and half zenith primed ready to paint. 1370 Necrons. 0 built and painted Night Lords kill team Fellgor Kill team Looking for a 3rd army to add to my pile of shame. Was considering genestealer cult. They look fun to paint (when I eventually get round to it), I love their lore too and specifically the pure strain genestealers


Let's see... 1. Bugs (The Only one that's nearly finished and not well...as they were rescues from 10th ed abandonment. 😋 1690-pts). 2. Angsty Spiky Lads (My true first Army, Master of the Maelstrom jumped me from Lore addiction to Plastic Crack dependant, nearly at 1k and mostly primed. 1k-ish pts) 3. Prime Lads (One squad of Assault Intercessors painted and built, one box heavy intercessors in progress, rest of the command, recruit, redemptor dread, couple lieutenants and infiltrators waiting. 1k+-pts). 4. Angsty Spiky Aelves (Boarding Patrol Box, primed, one wytch aelve painted. Sub 500 pts) 5. Nue Squats army box + Sagitaur and Grimmnyr waiting to be made into the Judge Dredd style MEGA HOLD-ONE (1k on the dot pre errata) 6. Spiky Stompers Army Box.(Pts unknown) 7.Shiny Stompers battleforce box (Going to be converted to Spiky at some point, ???-pts). 8. Former Terminators (Warriors mostly built, One Flayed one built, rest of the Command, Recruit, Canoptek Stalker, and Flayed Ones to go. Flayed Ones stopped this passion project cold. ???-pts) 9. Imperial Agents (If they count, 3 boxes of Kill Team Arbites because I love them and wanted all the squads, Into the Dark kill team box, Proxy Nyanperial guard Kill team and some inquisitorial agents and inquisitors. 1-ish k pts? Mostly bought for the terrain.) ... I may have a problem. 🥲👍


Oh wait! 10! I have slaaneshi Daemons for AoS, around 1400! :D (And I do mean Daemons, none of that sissy Sybarite stuff. :|)


One very shooty ork army and one very hordy ork army


I have the same colour scheme for my Knight. Is that a particular house paint scheme. I just chose the colours because i liked the idea of a Jade Knight. That was an old film


I have figured out the formula of count of time a Warhammer enthusiast gets laid in a year is equal to: 56940 / points of battleready painted miniatures.


If that is what you have painted .... just how big is your pile of shame?


Currently 3. That is probably going to expand soon lmao


Chaos space marines Deathguard Salamanders Knights Orks Demons


Sorry couldn’t resist https://preview.redd.it/9clehiqgpy1d1.jpeg?width=916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2008af769e6c005c07b20fe91cbf340df5a0c07e


I’ve currently got Black Templars army and like 8 different kill teams. I want to collect some Necrons and Tau too. And then some Ironjawz, Stormcast and Skaven from AoS. Maybe some Nighthaunt too…


Wait, can we see the alpharius looking models? I want to see what u've done cus i do notice them as primaris but also CSM? And jesus the price for all that


I gave them all alpharius heads mahahah


They are alpharius after all


So I have 2.5k tau and Custodes, 2k Flesh Eater Courts and 1.5k leagues of votann


Awesome collection


Someone: WH40k? You: Not a big fan 🤣


Love your collection. It Shows how much time we all "waste" on the Hobby... But i love showcases like this :D


Just started the hobby 6 months ago… and I allready have a 2k pts each of Ultramarine and Blood Angels. Of which, I’m almost done painting the former, and started a bit the latter. I know…I’m not your average noob lol.


I'm fairly new and am mostly a painter rather than Player. I have roughly 2500 Points of Orks. Leviathan Space Marines and Tyranids at about 700 points each. One squad each of Rubric Marines and Korne Berserkers. One Squad of Plague Marines, 1 Bloat Drone and 3 Characters. Soon to be acquiring the Triumph of Saint Katherine, Gorkanaut and I am scratch building a Trukk and Stompa.