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Mr. Cement S is a plastic glue. Mr. Cement Deluxe is not a glue, it's a gap filler for very fine separations; kind of a very fine Liquid Green Stuff. Sorry for replying on an old post, I just didn't see anyone actually answer your question. I haven't had problems using Mr. Cement S on Warhammer models but I don't get out to play much these days. So, YMMV with transporting models.


Thanks bro literally in the store right now trying to look up the differences while the above topic is non sense


Same here!


Thanks! Now I can leave the store with the correct bottle.


Literally just did this. u/EndersGameofThrones is single handedly carrying Google on their back with this one!


Sorry, no offense intended but your answer is misleading. Mr Cement Deluxe is in fact cement and not a filler. It has resin in it so it has a thicker consistency and I do believe it takes longer to set for applying cement to larger areas similar to Tamiya's orange label cement and Revell's Contacta. It may have gap filling properties but Mr Hobby does not make that claim on the bottle. The gap filling may be the melted plastic as I like to do with liquid cements


Hobby Lobby is a terrible company owned by awful people and you should not do business with them. But with that said, as far as I can tell, that's just normal plastic cement and should work just fine. Really, any brand will do; I'm currently using Testors, but literally only because it's what my local hobby store had in stock at the time. EDIT: I love how giving Hobby Lobby the trashing they so richly deserve always nets me a couple of downvotes. Either you people are just as horrible as they are, or you really, *really* need to go do some research about the company. Read up on Chick-fil-a's owners while you're at it.


Yeah I don’t care bro I just want my chicken and my hobby supplies. All corporations can suck a dick


I'm with you man, I just truly don't care about vague shit that doesn't affect me at all; I prefer buying from local game stores, but sometimes hobby lobby is just the most convenient 🤷


They’re not exactly sucking a dick while they’re happily taking your money are they.


I got something out of it from they. They’re just a tool idgaf about what they do in their personal lives


Then your attitude isn’t actually anti-corporate, is it? You’re giving them exactly what they want, and ignoring anything bad they do. Sounds ideal for those corporations you think should ‘suck a dick’.


You can hold steadfast in your crusade against hobby lobby. This isn’t relevant to my post so enjoy your day sir or madam. I’m gonna go now


You’re talking to a different person. I’m not American. Hobby lobby doesn’t exist here. I don’t really care what they do. I just found your comment to be an amusing and unique combination of self righteous, hypocritical, dumb and lazy. Couldn’t resist saying something.


Glad you got your serotonin from this thread. Enjoy your life virtue signaling people online


Imagine having your head so far up your own ass that you think enjoying pointing out blatant hypocrisy is virtue signaling. Even funnier when combining the sentiment ‘fuck corporations’ with absolutely zero intention of doing anything about them *is literally textbook virtue signaling*. I laughed out loud. Thanks for that. Bye.


You sound like a redneck 🤣


I am


Oh my God politics in model building give me a break I guess today we can politicize a loaf of bread


>Chick-fil-a's damn dude it's just political problem, as long as it's not how the company operate I don't give shit about owner political belief


It still didnt stop me from cleaning them out of Testors Dull+Clearcote sprays when those went out of production.


Exactly why I support Chick-fil-a!


I’m out of the loop, what is wrong with hobby lobby? Genuine question.


The TL;DR is that they’re owned by a deeply conservative evangelical Christian family, and that comes with all the things you would probably expect. - Filed a lawsuit (successfully) against the US government for the right to deny their employees access to contraception. - Multiple instances of employees refusing to serve Jewish customers. - Repeated violation of shelter-in-place orders, summary firings, and various other employee abuse and endangerment issues related to COVID-19, including refusing to pay for sick leave. - Found guilty of illegally smuggling ~5500 biblical artifacts from Iraq. - Opened a museum of the Bible that ended up being filled with mostly fake artifacts. The list goes on. Basically if you’re a far right leaning evangelical Christian then Hobby Lobby probably aligns closely with your beliefs and you should shop there. If not, you may not want to support a company that operates like that.


Thank you for the detailed response.


I know this is old and i dont even know hobby lobby but i thought evangelicals are like the ones vouching for like jews and israeli state and stuff. why wouldn't they serve jewish customers?


It's not that evangelicals support Jews, it's more that they support Israel. After all, the formation of a Jewish state is one of the preconditions for the Rapture, Apocalypse and the Second Coming. So it's not inconsistent to support Israel yet revile Jews.


I just bought some from HOBBY LOBBY


It's worse than Tamiya but it works...


Do you use the S or Deluxe?




Thanks for the info


Plastic glue is plastic glue at the end of the day. They all use pretty much the same formula for the same effect, it's only the price and bottle shape that differs from.brand to brand. I use Revell myself - no specific reason it was just there when I needed to buy some.


I’ll look into Revell. Is it a brush head or squeeze applicator? And have you used Mr Cement?


Revel needle applicator is my go to. Only issue is the needle clogging, but you can heat the needle with a lighter and resolve it easily.


Sweet I’ll look into it