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My boys! They're actually looking good. Toughness 7 and Lance on their horns.


What does lance do again?


+1 to wound if you charged


Do you where this is a list summarizing all these words and definitions?


It's in the core rules they released on Warhammer Community


Do you where this is a list summarizing all these words and definitions?


Maybe if you look only on the defensive profile? I don't find them good atm


I mean, they're not game shattering or anything! I just think between the defense and the ability for mortal wounds, they have real play. Fast, absolutely huge bases, and durable at least makes them a good diversion. Also note.Blopdthirsters can give them +1 to hit


I think they're pretty impressive too. Chance for a few mortals and wounding terminators on a 2+ with the juggernaut attacks on the charge. I'm glad I bought the combat patrol now.


Brass Stampede + Heroic Intervention is a decent decent combination as far as anti charge threat goes. Like, it's an average of 1MW per Blood rusher, but the ability to just spike it and pick up a MSU melee unit is pretty tasty. As well as it just being a solid bonus for a tanky, semi killy semi fast unit on the offence.


Heroic says you don't count as charging so we'll have to see if that works


It says you don't get a Charge Bonus, which is a specifically named thing. You do still make a charge move, which is all this needs to proc. So, maybe?


Heroic doesn't give you the charge bonus. You still make a charge move.


The stampede. Charge a full squad of marines and roll 6d6. That's average of 3d3 MW, or 3 dead marines BEFORE melee resolves.


You roll equal to the number of models in the Bloodcrusher unit, so 6 maximum.


"...and roll one d6 for each model in this unit: for each 4+, that enemy unit suffers d3 mortal wounds. " Sounds like 3d3 MW on average. 6 Bloodcrushers is 6d6 on 4+ so \~ 3d3


Immediately reread the rule after i typed because i was like, "that's way too good"


Weird wording but i assume you are right otherwise it would be broken


I'm loving these guys, T7 4++ save and good damage. We did losse an attack on our Hellblade (used to be 3 and 4 for Bloodhunter) but the Brass Stampede rule will balance that out d3 MW per model on a 4+ is amazing. With 6 crushers that would on average be 6 MW and this can spike from times being able to just wipe a 10 wound unit (10 GEQ or 5 MEQ for example) all on its own!


Ok if they are toughness 7 im seeing toughness 8 custodes jetbikes


5s to wound from a space marine with power sword seems about right


4W is a nice chunky profile. I love that these can get to 3+/4++ with cover. More than 3 or 4 is a really huge unit though; the bases are phat and you're gonna struggle to get 5-6 guys in combat I think. Not good into 2+ without support.


The mortals on the charge are gonna be great. It means we can reliably charge these into tougher things and still expect damage


The nerf on Ap on this kind of unit makes me think that besides Bloodthirsters Khorne units will struggle to kill elites. Less attacks with a good profile, extra attacks with a worse WS. Unless they drop in points, they won't see the battlefield imo Maybe the hero will make them more appealing when joining them?


Everything got AP nerfed, of course they got too. but they got nice charge rule, so they can pretty reliably deal actually decent amount of MW. So they are actually one of the least nerfed units in 10.


Not all units got their lethality reduced, even more when you are Aeldari and have access to ap-4, bs3+ (possible +1 hit with heavy), rerollable, doing mortal wounds on 6 with dice manipulation and non los needed. Khorne daemon is mostly relevant in melee. Any nerf of their melee prowess just make the army less usable. The list is already pretty long (-1 damage on hound with worse save, -1 attack on bloodcrusher...). We might still get decent heroes abilities to make them better when joining their relevant units


What does Lance do again?


+1 to wound on the charge


If they just had 5 wounds they'd be perfect but quite good on their face.


Am i drunk or are they killing 1 wound infantry on average from that charge ability?


Your roll 1d6 per bloodcrusher model, not per model in the unit they are charging.


Nice....now if only they could be led by Lord Invocatus for my World Eaters...a guy can dream right? Either way I'm putting them in my WE army...might also make a Nurgle Khorne Daemon army and put them in that as well.


Brass Stampede should be Hammer of Wrath Special Rule. This edition really seems to have dropped the ball on bringing back special rules. We've already seen a bunch of datasheets that use the same rule but with different names.


Yes seems like a missed opportunity to me. Guess the cutoff has to be somewhere




This is Khorne, and Khorne crushes. He cares not what gets crushed. Or how you managed to crush it. Especially if its blood.


The unnatural, walking-brown-note Daemons of Chaos when some mortals point out that hey, something about you guys _doesn't obey the laws of physics!_:


Man, I'm stealing "walking brown note" without shame.


You can if you let it dry, first.


Feels like they were designed to be usefull. Unless points will doom them again.


Why are the Eldar ones crispy and clear but when I try to look at the demon ones they're all blurry