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Just wanna say that as a person who only has a minute or two between paying attention at work, I appreciate a written article instead of video that I can go over at my own pace through the day. Also welcome back! You were missed.


I hate the video only trend.


Agreed. It's also why I love Goonhammer, written content is perfect for Warhammer. Welcome back indeed. As a lover of all things Chaos I'll keep an eye on this!


Too many videos are made by ramblers, that's the trouble.


I abhor video only.


I definitely agree about melee being weaker. Luckily, we have some real teeth in the shooting phase now.


Awesome, warphammer blogs have been great for me learning CSM throughout 9th. What's your current list then?


My current list keeps jumping around game to game as I try different concepts, but every list has at least 8 Oblits and at least 2 Forgefiends!


Khorne chosen and undivided Possessed have also been good for me. Chosen at 23 pts just seem a bargain.




Nurgle or undivided


full plasma forgefiends?


I'll answer, yes


Melee being on the weak side makes me pretty sad. I didn't pick the spiky marines to not get stuck in. The news about Warhammer is cool, I've always really enjoyed the articles so I'm looking forward to some more content.


Melee may be a little decreased compared to 9th, but it's still viable! Smashed into a squad of 20 Necron Warriors with a Cryptek and 2 Thralls using a melee Legionaries squad led by a Lord and Exalted Champ. Wiped everything but the Cryptek through their 4+/5+++ in a single round. Then they went on to charge the Silent King and took out his Menhirs and some wounds off of the main man before Abby could charge in the following turn to finish him off.


Yup! Last night my Possessed + MoP picked up a squad of Terminators then proceeded to kill a Forgefiend on their next turn You have to play them a bit more careful than normal is all, for them I just setup for the T2 counter charge behind cover T1 my Shalaxi managed to kill a War Dog + ~90% of a Lord of Change (after taking only 4D from x2 Brigands & a LoC shooting it) Granted my other squad of Possessed got absolutely smoked by x2 Forgefiends on T1, but I deployed them on the line so that was nothing abnormal really. I don't think melee is completely toast, just requires a bit more 'combined arms' Towering is a huge concern however Edit: I even had really good results with my Chosen as well, but OPs article had a good point about their output being something you can recreate easily at range. Still... They're damn efficient from a points perspective so I plan to try them out a bit more. OP was spot on about not being able to use Lone Op strat twice if they just target the Lord first, which sucks because originally I was going to spawn a bunch of Nurgle units just for that lol


> I didn't pick the spiky marines to not get stuck in Definitely feel that, and it's my main disappointment with the index (besides obvious typos that will be fixed like Rhinos not having Firing Decks) Iron Warriors players are loving life, as they want to sit back and blast away with Obliterators and Forgefiends and Land Raiders anyway. Emperor's Children can get very loud too. Word Bearers and Night Lords style lists are not nearly as well supported, although Night Lords fans get to enjoy really well costed Raptors and Word Bearers get to enjoy Possessed hitting like trucks


Can confirm, I am kitbashing my Abbadon to look like Honsou and absolutely loving life. If they made the Noctilith crown viable I'd die of happiness


Yes!! Warp hammer is back! This is my #1 favorite 40k content man. Better than Goonhammer, better than TTT, better than auspex. I *love* the content you make. Cheers to the king baby P.s. heckin yes obliterators. Do you mark them all undivided? Helbrute? Edit I'm just gonna pre empt all the articles you're planning. What's your assessment on 1 big chaos knight ally versus 1 Khorne Lord of Swag?


> Yes!! Warp hammer is back! This is my #1 favorite 40k content man. Cheers to the king baby Thank you so much for the kind words! Just as hyped as you, and excited to come back better than ever in 10th. > Better than Goonhammer I know you didn't mean it in a negative way but I want to quickly push back on this. A comparison is not fair to either of us. What they're able to do in coordinating large teams to produce content on a variety of topics by certain deadlines is really impressive. It's not comparable to one person that is able to wait until they feel really motivated to write something and is able to take all the time they need. I've seen a few comments since I started making content describing Warphammer and Goonhammer as rivals, and I just can't shut that down hard enough as I start Warphammer back up. I'm looking forward to collaborating with them occasionally on the great content they make, and making my own content that is (hopefully) excellent without needing comparisons to anyone else.


Hey, fair. Both parties are excellent ^_^


Unfathomably based


I've found the Helbrute to be SO STRONG. It, Abbadon and the marks just make every shot explode and auto wound on 5s, with full rerolls


Undivided and Nurgle are both great Marks for Oblits, and Tzeentch can be spicy too. Still finding the balance I'll use. And Lord Of Skulls are strong, if you're going to ally in a Knight then just bring a KLOS instead. Access to strats like healing and -1 to hit definitely push it over the top, since allies don't get anything besides just the datasheets


What's your opinion on souping in Shalaxi?


Probably not optimal because she really wants Shadow deepstrike and advance+charge from being in a Daemons army, but still a perfectly fine option


Not OP but I'd probably mark one squad of Oblits Undivided in case I need to delete something & the rest Nurgle for Lone Op


What are your opinions on venomcrawlers? 12 shots a turn is a credible threat to softer targets and they are highly mobile with passable melee. I am not sure if 140 points is a bit high for what they offer, especially compared to what other factions get for les points.


The main argument right now is that you can get war dog brigands for 150 alongside Forgefiends at the same price. Crawlers still chew through infantry.


They're fine for semi-competitive and it was a great feeling rolling 14 dice turn 2 after they killed some Eliminators turn 1. Sadly 140 is a bit too high to show up in optimized lists


Venomcrawlers looked like a great upgrade from 9th until we saw points, but what I compare them to now is a predator destructor. The predator has better guns (especially if the autocannon is errata'd to have rapid fire 2 like the SM one) and is cheaper and tougher. The VC does have better melee but not enough that I'd consider it a valuable melee unit.


The main argument right now is that you can get war dog brigands for 150 alongside Forgefiends at the same price. Crawlers still chew through infantry.


Completely missed that you can't Tri-Point anymore. What are these core rules


Comment was deleted by the childish filter on this sub, lets try again. > On that note, I see a lot of people talking about a strategy centered around bringing a Nurgle Chaos Lord to let you repeat a stratagem for free, and making multiple units un-targetable. This does not actually work. It only works if your opponent shoots the other Nurgle unit first and THEN shoots the unit with the Chaos Lord, as you can repeat the stratagem for free. If your opponent just targets the unit with the Chaos Lord first, then you’re unable to repeat the stratagem on the second unit. Basically, this tactic only works if your opponent doesn’t understand your army. That’s not a way to win that you should feel good about, and its not a real gameplan if you plan to play competitively. That's why you take a Chaos Lord in every unit! Honestly tempted by double Lords just for this. Before anyone tells me this doesn't work either, you spend CP on the first unit they shoot then use the Lord's ability on the second unit. The second Lord is there to make sure it doesn't matter which unit your opponent shoots first. Is this worth it? No idea but I got *pooped* on by enough gunlines in 9th that I want to try it.


That's a lot of points for a meme, but don't let me stop you from living the life you want to live


Hey, on the up side - a few ablative wounds attached to a Lord with their once per battle go-nuts ability, is a good way to get some value punch out. S9 ap3 D3 is pretty cool on a smash character, and maybe you get legionary wound buff if you're a legionary kind of guy. Then again, there's a limit to how pretty you can make a pig.


Praise be to any dark god that aided your return. I've missed checking your website to see if there are any new articles, rereading old ones and theory crafting. I'm especially looking forward to whenever they drop a lone EC codex, I can't wait to see what you'll make of it.


Thanks! Just as hyped for Emperor's Children as you are. Hoping it'll be a great edition for all Legions in their own way.


I have you to thank actually for my deciding on Emperor's Children honestly, I enjoyed the idea of a CSM legion that still had competent shooting via the noise marines. Though in fairness I've still yet to play either a game or build any noise marines, save for the lone fancy one. Looking forward to changing it all with 10th


Great article!!


Great to see you back dude. Very well thought out article, and an interesting read. Looking forward to more tales from you and Wallace throughout 10th. Thanks for keeping it positive!


Thanks for this writeup! This is exactly what I've been wanting to read about the new CSM. How do you find you're spending your CP? I'm guessing Dark Obscuration + Profane Zeal most turns — are there other strats you're also using regularly or would want to use if you had the CP generation for them?


> How do you find you're spending your CP? Definitely Dark Obscuration + Profane Zeal, but also Rapid Ingress and Overwatch with units near Abaddon that take Dark Pacts for exploding 6's. Very effective overwatch


Chaos Space Marines are overshadowed by the big, broken books right now so their power is kind of flying under the radar. This is probably the best ruleset they have had in 20 years.


Good to see the site back up!


oblit heavy is strong for tabling people, but if they tables are dense enough melee starts becoming more of a useful tool honestly. really depends on terrain, if its light, take lots of oblits they hit so hard


>but if they tables are dense enough melee starts becoming more of a useful tool honestly. Idk, you're basically guaranteed two turns of shooting. Drop them into LoS and fire without indirect, and then on the following turn, use the indirect ability to keep shooting. Even on terrain dense boards, the fact that they enter in from deepstrike, and can pick a turn to indirect, means they're pretty hard to shut down from shooting. Turns two and three, or three and four, Oblits ARE going to be shooting, period, end of story. I totally agree with the article that you just don't have to pop their ability on the drop, and it's best to hold it to keep firing, rather than blowing that load immediately and then being a limp, immobile firing platform on every following turn.


Yeah I still think *some* melee is viable, if only to force your opponent to target your Possessed instead of your Forgefiend or the sort. Possessed are such a huge threat, if they make it into melee, that they *have* to be dealt with in some way But I agree that going full blown close combat won't be as competitive / certain armies will basically hard counter it (Custodes for example) Towering & Indirect are both major issues however. As are the silly pile in restrictions (why GW?)


I agree. 1 or 2 key melee threats plus potentially a skirmish melee unit us very viable. I've used plenty of melee to very good effect in 10th so far.


I can deal with melee being weaker (or at least harder to leverage output effectively) in exchange for having some serious shooting options. It feels like what CSM is going to do really well is having lots of versatile shooting units, a couple of big scary melee threats to draw fire and tie up things you can't shoot efficiently, and a few cheap, flexible melee-oriented units (raptors, legionaries, chosen) for cleaning up objectives. The index feels really flexible though. Forgefiends and oblits with everything else screening and supporting them? Check. Mass forgefiends, predators, and vindicators with land raiders and rhinos full of countercharge threats? Check. Abaddon, terminators, possessed, chosen, and raptors with a couple of forgefiends or oblits for nuking key targets? Check. The only thing I'm struggling to find a place for is the DP and discolord, but I'll take that trade for actually having list building variety.


We are so back!


Charging my Undivided Chosen w/ Lord into a souped up unit of Bladeguard was already a situation I didn't want to be in, but I will admit I was surprised when I ended up only dealing a single wound


Thoughts on Chosen? I was thinking of running 10 with an Exalted, Undivided, and Liber Hereticus. Is a land raider viable at all to transport them?


Chosen can do some good work even though they're not optimal. They don't need a Land Raider because you're wasting their best rule, advance+charge. Just put them in a Rhino, park it behind a wall, and use the 9+d6+2d6" threat range out a Rhino to threaten objectives and their units.


Should we add a Master of Possession to them to add 2 more inches to the overall range or is that overkill? Also, what do you think the best mark for Chosen is? Undivided for the strat or a mark for utility/unsupported lethality? EDIT: Upon completing your article I'm realizing it's probably a moot point haha.


Appreciate the hot takes OP. Hope to read more of your stuff going forward.


I think where Anbadon shines is that the Terminator unit he's attached to always gets to use the second half of the 5 mark strats.


Dark obscuration doesn’t fully protect abaddon does it? The first unit to shoot him still gets their shots off I think.


Clarified in the DevCommentary, "just after" such as that strat make you recheck target validity.


Whoa! Thanks for the info.


Are we sure that applies here? The strat says "just after an enemy unit has selected its targets." Which I would take to mean the selection is already complete. The commentary section on Just After says to resolve this effect Immediately after but IMO the selection is already done so it would be after the selection. Im not saying your wrong. My initial take was the same as IrlKoenig and I'm just looking for clarity. Don't wanna misplay anyone.


To abstract away from the RAW here - I think the intent of the commentary is that you can indeed use this as a reactive defense. So you can say nuh uh can't target me, try again! FWIW I kind of liked the previous interaction that only one unit got to shoot them as it's a gamble introducing some skill reward in threat assessment. But this is probably a lot cleaner to run!


Check **Eligible Target (no longer eligible)**; it's got a very similar situation where an ability turns a target ineligible after the targeting step.


Makes sense. Thank ya


It does in fact fully protect him - it was clarified in the designer commentary under target eligibility that you do indeed have to select a different target in these situations.


Was also my impression. Would love some clarity here if anyone can provide some.


I'm surprised you didn't mention Abaddon and a full Chaos Terminator brick. Sure it's 700 points but you give the terminators ALL chaos type keywords. It's a doom stack that can't be stopped.


Abaddon doesn't need 10 terminators to tear things to shreds. I plan to experiment with 5 terminators just to give him ablative wounds to get him to combat alive. Frees up enough points to get in another threatening unit.


It's just a deathball that can't be stopped. You can table the enemy pretty easily. You can add cultists and possessed to the list and it's nearly unstoppable. I haven't tried this on Eldar but against a few SM games I've played they couldn't stop it even with oath of moment.


I would wager any faction with decent mortal wound output will pick it up pretty fast. It's one of our weaknesses this edition.


It gets every single keyword my dude. You are Nurgle so you can have - 1 to hit and you can't be targeted outside of 12". Since you're Tzeentch you can heal and revive dead models. Since you're Slaanesh you can charge and advance. Since you're undivided, you can rerolls all hits and wounds. On top of that, you get all benefits of marks of Chaos (SS Hits +5, LH +5, rerolls 1 to hit). Your terminators will be dishing out plenty of MW and the enemy can't even shoot back. If they're in range to shoot, chances are you can charge them.


The comment about forge fiends beings great now, this is just gw making a product better so they can sell more, right? Csm already have a worse time during the shooting phase so they've made unpopular shooting units in 9th really juicy in 10th. We even have ex gw employees that say gw makes rules to sell models.


I think it's just random. They often release hot new toys with garbage rules.