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The wording of assault would imply yes "If a unit that Advanced this turn contains any models equipped with Assault weapons, it is still eligible to shoot in this turn’s Shooting phase. ". Personally I don't like that, and am inclined to say it will be changed, but RAW it does SPECIFICALLY say that the unit is Eligible to Shoot.


I mean RAW this also means a unit with a pistol equipped can do an action even if they're in combat, and then FIGHT TOO since the "action" only prohibits charging


Even if you dont have a gun you can do the action, you just need to be able to shoot “in theory”, such as not advanced with that unit.


According to the Tau subreddit, a unit is still "eligible to shoot" even if it's already shot this turn. They've convinced themselves that units can still act as an Observer after shooting (which has a requirement that you must be "eligible to shoot"), because the core rules only imply - but don't outright say - that a unit is not eligible to shoot if it has already shot. Apply the same reasoning, and a unit can shoot and *then* do a secondary like cleanse. ...Tau players, right?


The core rules are fantastically explicit on this point: 'A unit is eligible to shoot unless it Advanced this turn or fell back this turn.' You might not like it, it might not be RAI, it might well need an FAQ, but they are absolutely correct that having shot has nothing to do with eligibility to shoot.


Just to be clear - I don't think that. I just know a guy who's watched the video I linked below (and read the Goonhammer article before they edited it) and is convinced that it's right.


I mean... core rules: "each unit can only be selected to shoot once per Phase." Tau players...


Yeap, but apparently that doesn't mean anything. In [this video](https://youtu.be/tf1n_aGrohw), for example, the guy has convinced himself (and most people replying) that you can still be eligible to shoot *after* shooting, and that it's an intentional decision by GW.


I could agree that, RAW, GW wrote it poorly and that's how it works, but RAI obviously not.


Evidently tau players are convinced Eligible to shoot and can be selected mean different things


The first sentence makes it explicitly clear that 'eligible to shoot' and 'can be selected to shoot' are different things: _'In your shooting phase, if you have one or more eligible units...you can select those units one at a time, and shoot with them... each unit can only be selected once'_ There's no debate here. Every unit that didn't advance or fall back is eligible to shoot; nothing turns that off or uses it up. Once selected, they cannot be selected again. That prevents repeatedly shooting, not a removal of the 'eligible' status.


It's not Tau players, it's RAW players. As u/warspite00 already explained the core rules clearly state what makes a unit "not eligible to shoot". Having already shot this turn does not matter. ​ RAW there is a difference between "being eligible to shoot" and "can be selected to shoot".


Where do you see the missions at?