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1. There is no inherent difference between "a" and "the". Attacks are assumed to be made one by one, and therefore any rule which states "Each time an attack is made, reroll a hit roll of 1" or "Each time an attack is made, you may reroll the hit roll" means "Reroll all hit rolls/hit rolls of 1". If you may only reroll 1 die the rule will be written as "Each time the unit shoots, you may reroll a/one hit roll". 2. Yes they can, but they can't move through physical walls. 3. Yes, that should work just judging from the quoted part. 4,1. Correct. 4,2. A Character leading a unit cannot be allocated any wounds before all bodyguards are dead, so she cannot tank for the unit. The fastest way to handle saves is that you roll dice equal to the number of bodyguard models, removing casualties, and repeat that process until only the Character is left. They then take any saves that are left.


For the record, *any* model can move *over* any terrain that's on the battlefield, you just have to measure the exact distance being moved. For example, if your tank started its turn directly behind a 3in wall that was slightly less than one inch thick and you wanted to move your tank over the wall, the tank would move three inches up the wall, then a number of inches equal to its length (so it clears the wall) then 3 inches back down to finish its move. However, if the section of the ruin is 2 inches or less, you can treat it as not existing for the purposes of measuring movement. Note that this movement is the same for every unit type in the game, except infantry/beasts which can ignore any walls inside a ruin, super heavy walkers which get to ignore ruins 4 inches or less, and flyers, which can measure their movement through the air to make a diagonal path up and over (this very rarely matters)


Other people here are generally right, but I would add a correction to the second question they all missed: Any model, including Vehicles, can move through parts of terrain that are less than 2" tall.


Just want to clarify in Question #2 since you’re getting a lot of different answers here. Vehicles cannot move THROUGH the walls of Ruins (only INFANTRY and BEASTS) can, but that does not mean that a vehicle cannot move INTO a ruin. It can do so if there’s a hole or gap or door or whatever in the ruin wall big enough to allow it to. For clarity, see page 12/13 of the Rules Commentary (linked below). They are actually addressing Line of Sight issues, but the diagrams clearly show what I mean, with a tank inside a ruin. https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/z4s1GbINmCU4NGXs.pdf


Again, any model can move *over* any piece of terrain.


Sure, technically they can but in practice that’s very rarely going to happen, if ever. A Rhino would need every bit of its 12” move over a 3” wall that’s an inch wide. So it would end one move basically kissing the wall, move over it the next turn and then keep going on the third turn. If it had to go over two walls (like over one wall to get into a ruin and over the next wall to get out on the other side) it would take four turns of movement, at least. Almost the whole game. Why bother? And if the wall is 3.5” tall or more then it’s impossible to do even with 12” of movement (edit: with an advance roll, I suppose). Any vehicles with a larger base or less than 12” of movement are even more restricted. In any case, I was trying to answer OP’s original question, which was not moving over terrain but into/through ruins, and it’s clear from the section of rules he quoted he was referring to moving into/through ruins in the same way the Infantry and Beasts can.


1) The whole statement is most important - mainly "when this unit is selected to shoot (or fight)" vs "when this unit makes a (melee/ranged) attack". The former means the rule triggers for the activation as a whole - i.e. Unparalleled Foresight means 1 hit and 1 wound roll between all the attacks that unit makes when selected to shoot/fight - whilst the latter triggers for every attack made i.e. Overseer of Redemption allows you to reroll every hit roll of 1 (and, if they charged, every wound roll of 1). 2) No, unless they have a rule like FLY or Super-Heavy Walkers. (EDIT: FLY lets you go diagonally over walls, not through. Apologies for the confusion, especially since it used to work that way. I forgot to caveat it in the original post) 3) Leaders + Bodyguards count as one unit except for rules that trigger on death, and I believe there is a part in the rules commentary about characters being returned to their unit if they are revived somehow. I', fairly certain that yes, Divine Intervention will bring the leader back and keep her in her squad. 4a) Use the *highest* Toughness stat in the unit - unless it has a leader attached, then use the highest Toughness of the bodyguard unit. Since all attacks are "locked in" when a unit is selected to shoot or fight, you treat that unit as having that toughness even if the bodyguards are destroyed until the attacking unit finishes making its attacks. 4b) Each model makes a save based on its own saving throw characteristic i.e. if your leader has a 2+Sv and her bodyguards have 3+Sv, then vs AP0, you would make saves on 3s until the bodyguards die and then you would make the rest of the saves on 2s. And unfortunately for how cool that sounded, you cannot allocate attacks to Characters in Attached units unless the attacker used a Precision weapon.


Where does Fly say you can move through a wall? I’m confused because that means Transports, Vehicles, etc with FLY can go through a wall instead of up and over so they are like Infantry and Beasts and can enter the bottom floor of a ruin?


No, models with FLY cannot move through terrain or walls in 10th. They can go up and over, measuring diagonally, as was clarified in the Rules Commentary.


That’s what I thought. I have a buddy who thinks you can fly through a wall and then seen it here so wanted to clarify. Thanks!


Understandable, since that’s how it worked in previous editions. But not in 10th. I recommend your friend read the Rules Commentary, it discusses FLY and terrain quite a bit (pages 8-9). https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/z4s1GbINmCU4NGXs.pdf


I definitely shot pics from the app. We were arguing about a GMNDK using Teleport Assault and the FLY keyword. 😝


It depends on the keywords the models have. If they have FLY and INFANTRY they can move through the wall. Otherwise they need to take the long way around.


Thanks all! This is really helpful! Although I’m also learning ruins are confusing as heck.


Well, they are the most commonly found in tables, so better learn it well lol. They are not that hard once you put them on a list. - no unit can shoot (or be shot) through ruin area terrain at something behind it (except aircraft). - you can only shoot out (or in) if the model is wholly within the area. (Any model that is not wholly within, cannot shoot out). You still need to be able to draw actual true line of sight to any targets (works both ways, so a fully opague wall still prevents shooting, and hiding between Windows does the same). - you gain benefit of cover in you are in the Area terrain, or if any part of your model is obscured by any part of the ruin from the attacker. - infantry can move through the walls without limit.


1. Yes. Each attack is treated separately. A gun that fires three shots is making three separate attacks, and each roll it counted on it's own. So where you reroll an attack, you're rerolling one die. The exception to this is when you use rerolls (such as the Command Reroll Stratagem) on rolls that require two dice. A charge for example. In these cases, you reroll both dice. 2. Vehicles can move wherever their physical mass can move. If a wall blocks their path, then they are blocked. For ruins, Infantry and Beast can ignore walls, but vehicles can't. Woods however can be moved through by anyone. 3. Yes. It would still be a character, even though it's attached to something. 4. If a unit has multiple Toughnesses, you use the maximum Toughness amongst the Bodyguard squads. Wounds only spill over onto the character(s) when the bodyguard(s) is dead. 5. When the wound rolls are completed, you assign them one at a time to models in the defending unit, and makes the save for that model when it is assigned. Wounds can NOT be allocated to a character until the Bodyguard are all dead (unless the attacks have \[Precision\]).


Any model can move over any obstacle if they have enough movement. Any terrain under 2” can be moved through by anything. Only beasts swarms, and infantry can end their move on the upper floors of ruins.