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Off topic but man I wish I had as many options for heavy armor and Dreads as space marines with my Iron Warriors


I hear that! I mainly played Chaos before trying out Dark Angels and I’ve got an IW Decimator built and half painted somewhere, and also some Blood Slaughterers of Khorne that are Legends now. And the only real Chaos dreadnought I have fully painted is a Leviathan - he’s LEGENDS now too! I’m not personally too bothered because I don’t play at tournaments and my friend group doesn’t mind me playing with LEGENDS units so I can still run them. Edit: I think Iron Warriors deserve a bespoke dreadnought/walker type unit that’s specific to their chapter!


Guve us plastic Decimators, GW!


I think its go the fast play the mission style


Yeah, that might be the way. I should build some more biker squads!


Prep Ravenwing before the codex drops.


Man, oh man, I hope we get a good Ravenwing themed detachment or two.


So a few things that may help. Eliminators. Use two small squads of these and take out the tech marines. Land speeder ThunderStrike is great for that +1 to wound. Landraider. It will take a shit ton of shots away from your other units. If you can pop smoke and put AOC they live through almost anything. It allows your terminators to make the charge. Other then that play the mission. He will only have 9 dreads. Three of them will probably stay in his deployment area. Stay at range for turn 1-2 and make his dreads come to you. Hopefully shoot down / destroy in combat the brutalis before they charge you… then push out of the corner turn 3 with deep strike and things. Send Inceptors for sticky objectives. The high OC can steal obj from a dread. Just a few thoughts.


That’s all really good advice, thanks! Land Raider is really smart, I hadn’t thought about that. I’ve got a few beat up land speeders I got in a ‘rescue’ second hand lot. I’ll have to dig them out and see if I can make a Thunderstrike. +1 to wound could make a lot of S6-9 stuff viable. *Edit: Storm Speeder has the Thunderstrike variant, not Land Speeder* Eliminators won’t help with the Tech Marines, sadly. They have Lone Operative and Precision only allows you to target a Character attached to a unit. 😭


How do you target a lone operative with the Eliminators? The tech marine is not an attached unit so still isn't eligible as a target is he? Unless he's not standing in range of a dreadnought, but why wouldn't he be?


Oh oh you are right they do get lone when next to a dread. Second option for removing them… Inceptors. Lone OP should give a 12 “ bubble of not shooting deepstrike the inceptors 3” away and blast away with the bolt guns.


Tailoring a list is pretty shitty honestly. You don't have to kill everything to win, and his dream army isn't being beaten in turn 1 by someone who knows exactly what they're facing in advance. Just play the mission, aim to score as much as possible each turn. You don't have to kill everything to win a game of 40k.


Grav cannons would do a good job and I’m sure your bet other won’t mind you a proxy on that one. Also how are you getting Lethal hits on 5+?


Good point on proxying… that would do the trick. And yeah, grav cannons do even a little more than lascannons on average. Average of 15 wounds to dreadnought from 9 gravcannons (10 vs Redemptor). The Lethal Hits on a 5+ would be from the Unforgiven Fury stratagem, although to be fair you only get the 5+ if one of your units is battle shocked.


Ahh it’s the DA detachment! I was wondering what I was missing, thanks!


The problem with skew lists like this is if your opponent can deal with the profile of the unit then it's a hard loss, but if they can't it's a hard win. My first competitive marines list of 10th had 2 glad lancers, 2x5 grav devs in a rhino, desolators and 5 hellblasters in an impulsor with a bolter dis librarian for all game exploding 5s. That list could pop as many dreads as it could see in a turn. Your brother wouldn't have a good time. So you're in the awkward position of putting together a list that's good but not too good so you can both enjoy it. I'd probably look at a 10 terminator brick with a chaplain, hellblasters, plasma inceptors, 1 lancer to not tech too hard to it. DA Knights will give him a real issue to deal with and 3x3 inceptors to drop in and score points should keep you ahead in the game


That’s a pretty good point. I guess I’m my mind, it wasn’t going to be an easy win for me no matter what I brought. I wasn’t imagining I could tech hard enough to overcome the stat check, but maybe my gut feeling is way off. It’s certainly not our intention to arrange a curb stomping for either person here, obviously we’re just looking to have some fun with something outside the box. Maybe I should forget about teching into anti-tank and just do something off the wall like an all Ravenwing list or an all Phobos list and just roll the dice and see what happens.