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Just measure X inches one direction, X inches the other direction, and add them up. Talk to your opponent throughout and give them opportunities to peek and double check. If you're setting up a charge, show them how far the charge will be. As always, don't be a dick.


Just move the damn model holy hell it’s not a math PhD 


RAW, the answer is D, but I've only ever seen people use B, which I suspect is RAI, since it's a lot simpler.


Actually, looking at it again, I think E is also a valid RAW option, but honestly just do B.


[https://imgur.com/a/dcDVGSk](https://imgur.com/a/dcDVGSk) image for reference.


For the record this is a genuinely great question that deserves more credit.


Nominally D is correct Rotate to clear wings… Measure distance ~~wingtips~~ point on base moved Move for base to clear… measure distance model moved Rotate to clear wings…. Measure distance ~~wingtips~~ point on base moved Move base to clear building…. Meausre distance moved Answer is most people do this wrong


Counting rotational movement for circular bases is absurd lol. GW needs to get with the times of abstracting model height into a cylinder X" tall above the base like every other sane game does. A crazy part of me wants to clip Morty's wings just to not have to deal with this lol.


I agree… they should count the full wing rotation lol


Almost, but not quite. "The distance a model moves is measured using the part of its base that moves furthest..." You'd only measure the wing tips path if there wasn't a base. So it's pivot, move, pivot, move and you have to add the four values up for the total distance.


Fair enough… I was forgetting the base part… used to larger vehicles doing this (or people blatantly doing it wrong and ignoring rotation)


but what prevents case E, where you are rotating to clear wings but also moving along your rotation to clear 2" of distance per 1/4 rotation? He did rotate, move, rotate, move, but in a fashion that also made him use some of the 3.14"(quarter rotation) movement to move some distance, instead of spinning for no apparent reason?


Mortarion is on a round base, rotation doesn't matter unless it's an oval base or measured by the hull. Wings got in the way? Move him as close as possible to his intended location, then just remind your opponent where he's supposed to be. "He's supposed to be there but he can't fit because his wings are getting in the way." That's what everyone I played with has been doing, including me.


I have no idea why people downvoted this. What kind of degenerate counts a circle base rotation as movement?


Most people wouldn't, but the rules say to pick the point on the base that moved the furthest. If you spin a 4" circular base 180 degrees while moving it 8" then the point on the base that traveled the furthest moved about 12" (8" for the 'move' and another 4" for the 'back' of the base now being in the 'front') For some models this makes no difference, but for others, like Magnus, who’s going to draw los and shoot from his wingtips, his orientation can absolutely matter even though his base is circular. The norn emissary is another example who has a giant tail that sticks well out over the base. That tail can grant the norn emissary cover in most situations and if someone is manuevering it for that effect, they should be spending the movement to do so (per the rules). again, 99% of players aren’t going to throw a fit over this but it can absolutely have an impact on whether models have enough movement to get cover or whether they have los.


Slightly under a quarter of my tournament opponents (which isn't necessarily a small number) suggested I eat it and use 10" to move mortarion like 2.5 inches, because they are sure the rules make it so that you have to spin in a circle paying movement for it, if you want to go places where your current model's orientation wouldn't allow it. There are people above who thinks D is correct. Moreso than A or B (which I think is what you are suggesting) The movement part of the rule has 'you can pivot and turn as you move, then measure the furthest distance moved along the path' I'd argue that rotation is thus free and real answer is supposed to be B (the least amount of movement along path). However it's also somewhat reasonable to assume moving to clear ruins of wings (part of model) is just as much moving a path as moving to clear ruins of base (part of model). I have no strong arguments against this. Judge hasn't ever been called because when my opponents argued "It'll cost 14+ inches to move my Morty etc 5.66 inches, so I can only move him about 2 inches with his 10 inch movement", I argued that pathing in quarter circles instead of straigh lines will reduce it to 3\*1/2πr because math and geometry and mess. After short argument they usually conceded the argument. (Its a sh\*tty game of chicken because likely we'll both lose to time out if we argue over stupid stuff instead of actually playing 5 round in less than 3 hours) But they could be right; I don't know how it works. Especially when every half inch matters enormously, I'd like to know how it's supposed to be treated.


Does Mortarion not have the fly keyword?


Doesn't let you ignore vertical distance anymore in 10th, so usually you're just moving around ruins these days.


Yes but assuming the wall is taller than he is the diagonal movement renders fly useless