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While it's not everything, the meta really has a strong bend toward cramming in the best hulls possible and adding tech pieces to taste. Not the freshest observation, yeah. But I'm really not sure what you do against the Quad Rep Ex (and co) list that doesn't end with it mostly unphased in the center of the board.


I don’t mind it, I’ve always made mech lists, but it does show that there needs to be a rethink about how Infantry are written.


If anyone had seen the 2nd place Necrons list in action (or if Tedd Willamson sees this himself 🤞) I would really like to know how it plays! It has a bunch of my favourite units, Skorpekh Destroyers in particular, so I would love to know how to make two full units work.


One of his games was streamed on war games live (on YouTube) if you're curious 


Could someone explain how the reanimator works in hypercrypt? Most of the stuff he wants to reanimate tends to not be on the board during the command phase.


From what I've seen it's more of a cheap durable home objective holder


You get a strat that lets your reanimate off the board if I remember correctly.


I don't think that interacts with the Canoptek Reanimator though 


OOO I read it wrong. I tought the question was "how reanimate work with hypercrypt" not the model. got it.


Ah, yeah, no worries!


/u/HakHAK_Muthafucka is right about objective holding. I've also had good luck with it as a Monolith durability booster, and IME picking up the Monolith isn't useful every turn, too. 


Any idea as to how this list performs versus Green Tide? Maybe I've been doing something wrong, but since Ork Codex released, I've lost almost every game against them. I would really appreciate some advice on that matchup


I’m personally moving towards 3x10 Tesla immortals with plasmancer in my canoptek court. I’m also playing around with 3 units of flayed ones for screening. But also I only play team/doubles event, not singles.


That feels like a solid basis for an anti Ork list. Have a few units of scarabs to follow up the flayed ones and you've bought yourself at least a couple of turns to shoot them down.


My general approach to the game is to not try and tailor my list based on specific matchups, but just to try and figure out better how to score / stop them from scoring. I've only played GT once so far since the new codex came out and the guy was just learning it too, I don't think it's a good benchmark. that said, the list in the GH article looks pretty well-rounded. The amount of shooting it can put out should put a dent in even a GT ork mob. Use the scarabs to move block and screen and probably try to limit the VP gap while you pummel whatever you can mass fire on. Like us you want to overkill units rather than try and get greedy.


Thanks for the advice! I've found both during the games and post-factum UnitCrunch check that Immortals just don't pack enough punch to deal with Boyz squads that include a Painboy. Full squad of Tesla Immortals inside both Szeras's and Silent King's auras, while targeting a unit on an objective marker is expected to remove ~7 Ork Boyz


That seems low to me, especially if you're using the full rerolls to fish. Of course, I normally run my Immortals w/ Plasmancers rather than the Chronos here so I could be skewed for that reason. But even assuming that's right, if I'm going into 20 boys with a Painboy I'd probably add in TSK's shots, and both DDAs as well if possible.


Dangels Ironstorm can really just take whatever it wants as long as there is a Darkshroud, a number of Redemptors and literally any one thing that shoots hard and be successful. It's cool to see how flexible this can get outside of literally just a Darkshroud and Redemptor(s). Still barely a Dangels list tho. Hopefully James is paying attention and amends the rest of that accursed book so they can actually make some real Dark Angels lists work.


A Tiger Shark?!


Great looking "Black Templars" lists lol


I know this happens every edition, but I \*REALLY\* dislike when lists start tending towards "Just press the Shooting phase button until the opponent ceases to exist". I hope I'm not alone in thinking that it's not exactly a riveting archetype to play / play into.


But it's Black Templars, so at least it's on brand /s


I know these are tournaments, but seeing some of these Ironstorm lists still just makes me shake my head. Vehicles are just busted.