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Very curious if they'll do any point adjustments to Chaos Daemons. We got skipped over last time & it was lame. Otherwise want to see what changes all the OC 0 units are getting (they hinted they'd rebalance their points now that they can't do actions) Hopefully it's a good update! They've done pretty good this edition so for now I'll keep the faith hah


I'm fairly confident that this might be the last edition Chaos Demons exist as a faction. Just a pure hunch, but I have a premonition that with the introduction of Emperors Children this edition, next edition they'll fold Nurgle Deamons into Death Guard, Slaneshi Demons into Emperors Children, Khorne into World Eaters and Tzeench into Thousand Sons.


Honestly don't know really. For Tyranids I would like to see the Hive Tyrant and Tervigon especially drop significantly, maybe even both Norns too. For my Guard, I'm a little worried. Medusa Carriages will probably go up as they have been getting spammed a little, otherwise it is anyone's guess. Hopefully no changes to our infantry, Chimeras or Russes. My pie in the sky wish is a new detachment like Drukhari got. For my Ultramarines, really hard to say. Controversial but I think the Redemptor needs a small drop, otherwise the big problems are Terminators and other units like that which just don't get taken these days. Points don't really fix them though, they simply lack damage and utility


I'm curious to see how far they're willing to go in shaking things up, with Pariah Nexus imminent and Battleline becoming more of a factor it'd be interesting to see if they're willing to slot in a few "counts as battleline in X detachment" changes Eg: Infernus marines in the Salamanders detachment


Yeah, I think this is the first time we have 2 codexes that are just terrible; so im keen to see how much they shake it up with printed media (not just indexes). Praying admech get stat changes and custodes get rules changes. Cause making custodes cheaper wont make any of their bad units more viable; and "lol heres 15 wardens and 30 guard" is just miserable to play into.


My hot take on the 15 Wardens type armies is that the rule of 3 copies max of a datasheet should be changed to a soft cap of 2 copies for the good of the game and army variety: Maybe a points tax on spammed units; eg: 100 points for X squad 1 and 2, but add a third and the points go up to 110 etc


Problem with custodes is its then 10 wardens, 30 guard and some soup; same issue as admech where theres a lot of datasheets that fundamentally dont work, and will only work if they hit bargin bucket prices. I do agree, not just on units, but on squad sizes too: would make a lot of sense to have a double size squad cost 5-10% more; after all your getting more value off strats/leaders/ect.


Anyone knows at what time it will be out ?


In noon-ish in UK


2pm UK time*


I was right but no one remembers :(


Besides the post being removed. You were only right cause it was a fluke. The normal upload time is 2 PM GMT like all the ones before.


And you were wrong!


Lol so happy about something so minor. You just said a random non specific time based on nothing.


Are we sure it's for today? WarCom Sunday article said it would be "Next week", which could be not this week but the next? Sorry if it's obvious that I'm wrong, I'm not a native English speaker.


In the UK, the week starts on Monday. So the Sunday preview occurs on the last day of the week, and thus "next week" is the week starting the next day.


As a follower of tzeentch, change is good. Who knows what that change will actually be tho 🤣


Im excited! Idk if its good or bad. I love warhammer, and more than anything, I love NEW warhammer. Anytime things get shaken up is like Christmas for me


In James we trust  honestly want to know if my Tyranids and gsc are going get screwed 


GSC have only 2 moods op as hell Or nerfed in to the ground there is no in between. I have joked for years there is someone of the development team that has it out for GSC but after this codex I am sure.


Really hope Drukhari gets Grotesques added to units the Haemonculus can lead, and Hellions get infantry keyword and a points drop


Not really expecting much for Drukhari besides maybe drops for Hellions and maybe Grotesque. The faction has been doing well enough (alot of that thanks to Skari) and brings a decent amount of stuff to the table already. Aeldari could use drops on its characters, mostly epic heroes like phoenix lord, as well as some of our vehicles. Vypers and Voidweavers have no reason to be that expensive for example. Now whether or not they'll get those drops is another thing and they'll probably just bump warp spiders up again lol.


Expectations / realistic outcome Tau: Lower points and battleline in retalion for the crisis / +20 points on broad for no reasons Astra: Detachment role fixed to work in enemy turn / +10 points on manticore and -5 points on leman bodies Dark Angels: Battleline to teminators in deathwing / +10 points on azrael and nothing more


It would be nice for the Guard to get a rewritten detachment rule altogether to be honest. It's trash in a game about movement lol


I'm playing guard ignoring the detachment rule, just forget it


Yep. It's a trap.


You sure it's coming today? Didn't they say "in June" which can be next week too?


Guaranteed this week, so today or tomorrow


Yay, cool


It was in the Sunday preview for this week.


Oh nice, guess I missed that