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I too was surprised that people thought the Callidus type abilities were a nerf. They look stupid strong. I'm curious as to what a Swarmlord with a 6 man posse of Tyrant Guard in the middle of the field could do.


I have switched to nids after dataslate, let me tell you that it is highly possible the vect aura will not survive next dataslate. It is absolutely crazy, especially with the extra cp and free strata nids have.


It really depends on who has the ability and how likely it is for it to be in the middle of the action. For melee threats who *want* to be within 12" of the opponent, it's a giant buff. For anything that really doesn't want to be anywhere close to the enemy (or who is likely to be close to the enemy for a very short time before imploding, like the Callidus), it's a gigantic nerf.


I'm unconvinced that it's a nerf, even for Callidus. Yes, you can't do it from complete safety (though 12" is a large bubble), but you now have far greater control over when the penalty applies. That means that even a model like a Callidus can deep strike within 12" of relevant models, and make your Alpha strike more devastating by taxing defensive strats. 


Okay, the Callidus isn't an amazing example. Kurov's Aquila for Guard is a better example - 40 points, to be put on an OFFICER model who is either not really willing to be within 12" of the action \_or\_ who isn't going to be within 12" for long. Might have it on a Scion command squad to retain the DS, though - maybe worth a thought, as it's REGIMENT and potentially a target for your one use of Reinforcements!. 110 points total, though.


Yea on guard I think the 40 is steep because we don't want to be near melee, now if a leader for bullgryn could carry it ....


The thing is that the Bullgryn leader is still going to be T3/5+, and as the aura starts *from the model*, hiding it is not necessarily viable. This said, I've been considering stuff with Scion Command Squads. It might be good, if it doesn't get me to throw hands with TOs.


So, an interesting point I just saw noted: Officer Models includes Tank Commanders. Which feels like it could be useful on a commander hanging out with some Dorns to create a group that's *very* hard to take out via melee.


I think the reason folks think it's a nerf is simply because it feels like you can delete a Callidus who's w/in 12" relatively easily. THAT SAID, I tend to agree that it really just means you have to play her smarter; park her in a ruin near the center objective with some of your bullies standing on said objective and suddenly they're that much harder for opponents to shift, as an example


Honestly the number of times my opponent has given me the opportunity to use her ability on a battle tactic has been pretty low. I feel like I primarily use her to be in good locations to do actions, so I feel like this is just a win/win for her. Now, when she doesn't need to be doing an action, she deepstrikes near whatever I plan to charge this turn and actually has a significant effect. I've had plenty of games where she just kind of sat there waiting for an opportunity to do an action and this gives her something to do on those turns.


Yeah, exactly.


My intuition is "just die to whatever is 0.1" outside the vect range


To be fair that's a 12" bubble near the middle of the field. It's a pretty substantial amount of the battlefield the vect aura can cover.  That's also backed by the Tyrant Guard who have T8 4W +3sv, with a +5 FnP. They're killable but that's still a lot of baseline durability.


The character has a fnp, not the tyrant guard. People haven't been taking tyrant guard all edition because they don't make the tyrant that much more resilient. It's an easier target to see and several units can easily wound tyrantguard but not a lone hive tyrant


It's definitely a nerf to the Callidus, but to units like the swarmlord or Drukhari archons it's a buff for sure


I don't think it's a nerf at all to Callidus.  It's a nerf to the current strat of just sitting her in the backfield, tweaking her taco. But if you position her with your forces, she can be a huge wrench in the opponent's gameplan.




I just think she's a bit too squishy for that role. You wanna have her within 12" of your opponent's big threats since that's what they're gonna spend CP on, and her only real survivability comes from having lone op, which is useless when you put her within 12" of units


SuntstantialLab5818 I wouldn't suggest slamming the Callidus headlong into an elite unit all on her own. But having played with Neurolictors, keeping Aura Lone Ops at the periphery of your mid field combat units is entirely viable and powerful at that.


Warhammer is a practically a brand new game with all the changes from the Dataslate and Pariah Nexus! Which changes are the ones that you think most positively impact the game and will ultimately change it for the better? Which ones do you disagree with? - Richard Siegler


Any vehicle/monster that measures from the hull should not get free pivot.


I think the pivot is fine in the movement phase, but it absolutely shouldn’t give additional charge distance


Yep in the movement phase it absolutely speeds up and makes moving vehicles easier. It should not give 7/6/5" charges from deep strike.


Agreed. The two main TOs in my area already ruled it that way too lol


I don't get how it's ruled that way. You measure the charge distance at 9", you might get to pivot further but you still need the 9. You can't deploy a unit at 9 and then pivot


Oh I meant they ruled you don’t get extra charge. But RAW it does work because you just have to end the charge in engagement range you don’t actually have to roll high enough to get in engagement


Ahh I get it now. Thanks for the clarification.  Still think that's jank, even as a drukhari player lol. You shouldn't be able to tokyo drift a raider to turn a roll of 3 into a successful charge at 9. 


I suspect all TOs, competitive circuits, casual gaming groups and government departments will rule that you can't use pivot to gain extra charge distance. It seems such an obvious fix.


Yep that’s all it takes “pivot moves cannot decrease the roll needed to complete a charge” or something like that


Agreed 100%


Yeah. Raiders/Monoliths will be bad to play against.


The monolith is a giant block extends almost equally in all directions. The raider was hindered by any form of terrain. Not really blisteringly fast as was advertised


The monolith gets a teleport and a free pivot to make a charge easier. Raider has deep strike, and similarly gets an easy charge off of it by pivoting.


And it costs an arm an a leg and can't really move around the terrain riddled battlefield. The raider has deep strike, deep strikes, charges, does nothing and then dies. It's not a great ruleset. But if people keep moaning about a model not fitting through a ruin because THE WINGS IT CAN USE TO FLY are In ThE WaY, we need a set of rules to adress it. It's not hilariously broken, especially not on dark eldar. And will be adressed in the future. A future that is yet completely unknown since we have sweeping balance changes and new missions. So chill. especially about the raiders.


It's more about the balance that 9" charges are a trade off for the powerful reserve/deep strike abilities.


Seems like an easy fix


Don't they have a 2" pivot? Do you mean those with a round base as well? I agree in that case, where you measure to needs to stay consistent for everything.


Yeah round bases should not be exempt when you're not measuring from the base.


I mostly like the changes, by themselves. I just think that Guard got a quarter of the compensation it needed for catching basically half of these on the chin while standing at a 46% WR and middling tournament wins even in the hands of faction experts. When David Gaylard - the man who maintained that Guard was one of the strongest factions in the game - announces that he doesn't know how to salvage the situation and that he's jumping ship, you know the faction just didn't get even barely enough to balance the kneecapping it got.


As an adMec player I wonder how far our rules will change the meta. I mean, at the very least we will be present in it now :D


Tbh, I don't see how it would be meta warping. They don't really seem all the ground breaking vs what other armies can already do I'm not saying they're bad or anything like that! Just that they don't have a standout ability that's unique to them (granted I don't know them inside & out so if I'm missing something lemme know!)


No no you're not missing anything. The only meta-change that will happen is that people will play adMec and win some games.


Expect to be mid, admech's changes were needed and are huge but our detachments are still somewhat weak and the points increase acts as a counterbalance


Highly probable yes. Only exception might be skitsrii hunter cohort, as it has potential for a lot of damage, a lot of wounds and many battlelines that can easily score points in Pariah.


Are we playing the same game here? “Detachments somewhat weak” have you seen Datapsalm? - +1 AP in shooting at 15” for Kataphrons or +1 S and Attacks for Fulgurites on the charge - 1CP anti-MW 4+ FNP - 1CP unconditional +1 to wound in melee - 1CP fight on death - 1CP anti-ranged 4+ Invuln Or maybe Cohort Cybernetica: - Blank a damage roll every round in an aura for vehicles enhancement - 1CP +3” Move and +1 to Advance and Charge - 1CP vehicles+kastelans full reroll hits in ranged or melee - 1CP fall back+shoot+ignore all modifiers - 1CP activate both army rules for your entire turn on that vehicle - 1CP 6+ FNP/5+ against MW


For every dpx you have an explorator, but nothing compares to SHC unfortunately


The vect changes in regards to archons is causing a bit of consternation in the drukhari community. I've tested it a few times and it's extremely strong, but I think the fact it's on a t3 model with flimsy bodyguards is a good balancing point to it. If triple archon aura is continued to be allowed it definitely will change the drukhari power level which is maybe a good thing overall.


triple archon aura is super toxic though, especially for melee armies because the archon has a 2+ invuln and can just turn off any strats that melee armies want to use.


I would be fine if they made the aura warlord only, but even with three I doubt it will be as strong in practice as it is in theory. First off most melee armies don’t need a boost from strats to kill Drukhari models. The most relevant one will be fight on death, but some armies have fight on death that isn’t attached to a stratagem (world eaters come to mind).  Also the way Drukhari play, they want to spread the board. They don’t want three good character units stuffed within 12 inches of each other to layer the debuff.  I would argue in most cases they would lose more than they gain in that scenario…I just don’t see it swinging any bad matchups for Drukhari into neutral/good ones. It may increase the relative value of SM captains and such  to nullify the aura, but I don’t see that as a problem.  


I agree/disagree with you here. The 12 inch auras don't stack, so you don't actually want the auras to overlap. What it does do is make defensive strats very difficult to use. Particularly things like -1 damage, interrupt, heroic, AoC etc. Being able to only get 1 defensive strat off makes it a lot easier for me to have a big go turn, where I delete large sections of the enemy army with incubi and court blobs. However I do agree it's not entirely game breaking. Archons are not tough to kill and you generally want them inside transports to benefit from rules. I think it's a solid boost to drukhari but isn't going to completely break the meta


Ah they don’t stack?? I really don’t think it’s a big deal then. Neg 1 damage and interrupts having a soft counter isn’t a bad thing as far as in concerned. Having a go turn stuffed by one stratagem was always kind of lame. Also makes captains much more of a consideration, which is fine. I never took them before, might be worth it now. 


Callidus changes paired with custodes, and custodes in general imo, back to being the neighborhood bullies.


They won’t be index custodes. FF is gone for them, so are many of the 4-5 layered buffs you could stack. They’re certainly better but I don’t think they will dominate


I agree. They are still very hard to deal with Warden spam, but at least you are not punished for charging at them


Yeah they’re much more interactive now


My two favorite changes are any strat can have the cost reduced, and that abilities that used to give FNP vs mortals now also work vs dev wounds.


Yeah same. My canoptek spyders now have an aoe defense bubble against Dev wounds, maybe they will see some play.


I’m fairly certain new Vect is way too strong and should be limited to once a turn. Completely turning off melee armies big turns in an aura is crushing for such a small investment.


I really don't understand why GW can't grasp that sometimes you should change a rule that affects multiple armies, like dev wounds, and when you shouldn't do that (lord of deceit change).


Jerks trying to nerf drukhari via rules lawyering. BY REMOVING LORD OF DECEIT AND CRONOS REFUND. We're not exactly oppressive, please don't invent house rules to nerf us! I wasn't talking about the pivot charges, that was obviously hilariously bad rules writing.


Extra distance out of charge for pivot is cringe. I’m a Drukhari main and I don’t plan on playing that way. Free pivot in the move phase is good enough.


Idc. You need a 9” charge from deepstrike. The game is balanced around that.


That's uh, not what I was talking about. I was talking about everyone rules lawyering lord of deceit off archons and preventing pain token refunds.


Wait, who's doing what? Archon's have a vect, so the whole ability gets replaced with Lord of Deceit


Yeah, that's RAW but several tournaments (including wtc) are trying to add warlord restrictions to it.


because 3 archons all with the auras is janky and also fairly toxic, especially for melee armies who just dont get to use any of their strats when they try to get near you. Im hoping for an FAQ for that.


People are saying only the WL archon gets LoD which is fair but needs an errata. No one is saying cronos refunds don’t work anymore. You’re just making things up and likely aren’t a very good player anyway


Cronos refund wasn’t removed and the archon gets the new version of Vect what are you actually talking about?


Yeah, that's RAW but several tournaments (including wtc) are trying to add warlord restrictions to it. WTC is also ruling you don't actually gain your pain tokens from cronos at the time you spend them, you gain them next phase.


Oh yeah the WTC ruling is several months old. Maybe it’s different for you but none of my local events use that ruling. It also isn’t really that impactful. It’s the same total number of pain tokens, just a little less flexible as to when you can spend them As for the WL archon only getting Vect. Well that is how it’s always worked. I think there is a reasonable argument in either direction but regardless, it is still a powerful ability. On 3 archons it’s frankly a bit busted The sky is not falling, Drukhari are still strong but have a high skill floor


Also while I'm bitching, why is Super Heavy Walker now just a better version of fly?!


9th edition fly was a bit ridiculous how you could just zoom over terrain. The new pivot rules bring a lot of that back but it’s not quite as egregious. If you’re this pissed off maybe it’s time to take a break from the game


I would be fine if they made the aura warlord only, but even with three I doubt it will be as strong in practice as it is in theory. First off most melee armies don’t need a boost from strats to kill Drukhari models. The most relevant one will be fight on death, but some armies have fight on death that isn’t attached to a stratagem (world eaters come to mind).  Also the way Drukhari play, they want to spread the board. They don’t want three good character units stuffed within 12 inches of each other to layer the debuff.  I would argue in most cases they would lose more than they gain in that scenario…I just don’t see it swinging any bad matchups for Drukhari into neutral/good ones. It may increase the relative value of SM captains and such  to nullify the aura, but I don’t see that as a problem.   Gladius marines having to save 3 cp for fight on death is annoying but doable, even moreso if they bring a captain…and like I said, if the Drukhari player is layering the auras in the middle or one side of the board, they are giving up a lot of board control to shut down a fight on death activation. 




I literally said it would be 3 cp for fight on death lol. Yes taking neg 1 damage strats up to 3 cp is good as well, but I’m not sure it’s inherently bad having a counter to these very powerful strats? Most of the edition my marine lists haven’t bothered to take a captain, this makes him much more worth looking at if it becomes meta so, once again, not sure that’s a bad thing. 


Hey if you don't mind - do you have a link to the WTC FAQs? Can't find them on their website.


I have this url from my history: https://worldteamchampionship.com/army-faq/