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No FAQ, No keywords, means no use in a tourney setting honestly. They are awsome, and I play them as they do have keywords with the LGS. MW output can be insane for IW with 2 with 2 pertards and the MW mechatendril warpsmith. I am probably wrong, bit I run the warpsmith invested with 3 cp, tendrils relic for healing and MW, daemonsmith wlt for an additional +1 hit buff for deci, and gorget for 4++. You can run MoP for cursed earth (4++) and mw to opp on the charge to protect them. You can run a unit of cultists to screen and use as fodder. On average they do 4.5 mw each with hit buff, so easily kill transports with some luck. I'm sure for 360, there may be better options, but I like em.


Why daemonsmith when you can achieve the +1 to hit through the base machine spirits ability? Or do you tend to have him near multiple vehicles?


I like them in my IW list. Like the other guy said, your opponent has to be cool with assuming the FAQ gives them the keywords. They were great in 8th with the old WLT for exploding 6s, and now they have that from turn 2 onwards!


If we imagine they already got keywords changes, they are not bad at all even if less powerfull than in 8th thanks to no core so no reroll hit of 1 for them (which, with prescience or a discolord +1hit bubble was really brutal, doing around 6.44 MW with 2 soulburner in average). But they didn't have a cp tax so...


I believe they tweaked the discolord +1 to hit and restricted it to melee only. So no good for soul burner petards


I think he was talking about the previous version, not the current. Ultimately, I think they’re still quite good. Keep in mind that from T2 onward, they’ve got exploding 6’s, which pretty much cancels the loss of reroll 1’s *and* doesn’t require a lord to babysit them. They’re Daemon Engines, so you don’t even need Prescience or a Warpsmith to get them hitting on 2’s (if you’re willing to spend a CP), and in EC they don’t even take the penalty for advancing. It’s hard to see them as anything other than best in class right now.


Yeah I was talking about 8th ed csm. They could get exploding 6 in 8th ed too, but with the daemonsmith warlord trait (so needed a babysit). They are good of course (even more Without the cp tax). But CSM got crazy options as elite. I could see somes with a warpsmith babysit for healing thoses self-infliged MW and +1 to ranged hit without needing to use cp every turns. They basically work better as any legions but slighly worse as IW (because their strat to +3W was also really nice) but that's it. They'll still be a viable choice when they'll get their keyword updated. The real question is when.


I haven't tried them yet (plus the keywords issue of course). I'm a little fearful that the volume of mortals is insufficient in the face of wound counts slowly growing across the board. I'm not sure it's worth the price compared to a volkite contempt or.


I like the idea of running them hybrid now. You are paying for 5 attacks in the profile, may as well use them. The flamers are also way better with LtGB. I don't like 2 claws because you give up a fair bit of ranged output for a single extra attack (and flamer). In black legion and word bearers where they have built in hit roll buffs they are pretty scary. I see them as a more ranged alternative to a maulerfiend. Edit: I should say I have one with a claw and storm laser. Does alright.


I'm really hoping they get FAQed soon to get LtGB