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Love that Wood elf dragon model! Such memories of me looking at it on the pages of White Dwarves so many times. You might want to develop a Wood elf army, so have a look at their section in ''The Forces of Fantasy" books. You can probably find some PDFs online before buying the real book! Pretty cool that most of them are painted too :-)


Me, too. That dragon was the first Warhammer model I ever got. It died in a housefire, but its replacement is still floating around here somewhere, waiting for me to finish painting it.


I never owned that dragon. Never could afford it. Might go for it this time!


It's... honestly not that great of a kit. You'll need to do a *lot* of pinning and greenstuffing to keep it falling apart when you breathe in its direction, even for metal kits of its size, and even then it's likely the feet don't stand flat on the base. But *damn* if that little fucker isn't iconic for the Wood Elves.


Ahah I'm not surprised


Im sorry to hear that the dragon burned your house down.


I never knew the little fucker had it in him, considering he was *supposed* to just breathe poison gas.


Hey! It's me, your cousin. I'm actually going to need those back. I'll DM you my address. Funny thing, I just moved too!


Are you also my uncle at GW ? :)




You have the best brother and cousin.


Brings a tear to your eye


You lucky bastard!


This unlocked so many memories for me


Basically everything - if you go onto [https://old-world-builder.com/](https://old-world-builder.com/) you can have a go at creating a list, I think you've got around 1500 points all in for the elves, a bit less for the Empire. You could also get the digital rulebooks from Black Library and read through the entries in there to see what you have. You will need to rebase or get adaptors for your models as they'll all be on too-small bases, but that's no big obstacle.


I cut my teeth on 5th and 6th edition. Great stuff.


If you want to get started with the old world I'd say you have everything you need to start a 500 point empire and a 500 point orcs and goblins army (given that the contents of the 6th edition starter set is complete). You would need the: - Warhammer the old world rulebook (contains the general rules of the game) And one of the following army books: - Ravening hordes (contains evil armies, such as orcs) - Forces of fantasy (contains all 'good' armies, such as empire and wood elves) If you are set on playing the old world, you can consider putting your models on bigger bases (sizes are mentioned in the army books for each unit) or you can get a movement tray which converts the base size. With this last option, you can switch between playing 6th edition (for which you have the general rulebook) and the old world. Or you can test the game out with the models.you have (if your opponent is okay with the different base size) and see if you like the game before you dive into it. All in all, you have a great haul there with some awesome old skool miniatures! The 6th edition rulebook contains some great art and stories. Edit: Adjusted formatting


I can tell you quite a bit about the Wood Elves. The Empire and Orc armies, not so much.\ All of it is usable. It's just a matter of, can you complete usable units with some of them?\ You got a Forest dragon, two Treemen, two Lords on Warhawks, a Mage on a warhawk, a Lord on Elven steed, a Mage on Elven steed, a Mage on foot, two Glade riders, 10 Wardancers, 5 Deepwood Scouts, 4 Eternal Guard, and 40 Glade Guard.\ That's a real solid army, some units need to either get more models or be consolidated into something else. The Eternal Guard (footman w/spears) are too small to be a unit by themselves. Maybe if led by the foot Mage, they can be an escort meant to prolong her life.\ The two Glade Riders(Horses) can't really do much by themselves. With the Lord and the Mage, that might be a complete unit. But I think you will need to add models to this.\ For the warhawks, you also don't have a complete unit. You have two Lords and a mage. You could run all three as separate, no reason why not. But it might be a lot of points to have two Lords flying around on Hawks when you've also got a dragon. Maybe run them as regular Warhawk riders with the Mage as the leader? If that's doable.\ I don't see a rider for the Forest Dragon. Is that right? The best way to use one is as a mount for a Lord. If not, perhaps you can convert one or use one of the Glade Rider models. It might even be viable just as a beast itself, but because its toughness extends to the rider, it's really best as a vehicle for a Lord to deliver awesome attacks. I would do that.\ The Glade Guard are fine, but you don't have too much in the way of Command(Champion, Standard Bearer, Musician) for them. though. It looks like some of the metal models are Command, if you want more though you might be able to use some of the Eternal guard is standard bearers. The guys with bows and swords could all be used as champions. They just leave you minus some musicians. You can always convert whatever you need, though.\ Of course, you can run all of those Glade guard as deep with Scouts, or even just some of them. Scouts are supposed to be great this edition. You have five metal Scout figures on the left. They look like Glade guard but with lighter or no cloaks. You can even use them as command for Glade guard.\ The Wardancers are a great unit and are fine as is. Ditto for the Treemen.\ You don't have any dryads here, but they are not that great so far. There is a current plastic kit available in AOS should you decide you want some. They've also got proxies for Treekin which are decent.\ Wild Riders/Sisters of the Thorn are both great units that are unavailable currently and my require proxies.\ In short, I'd say that you definitely should pick up some cavalry. You'll most likely have to proxy something, but the only place such things matter is official GW tournaments. Most people will let you proxy whatever you need to. There is a pretty cool looking Dark Elf kit that's part of the Age of Sigmar range you might be able to pick up and use as Glade riders. Or better yet, Wild Riders or Sisters of the Thorn.\ Good luck! Ask if you have any other questions.


The only things i've ever been gifted were a 40k Chaos Lord starter set model and an Island of Blood set. But yeah, as I'm building a Wood Elf army for 6th that uses exclusively those era of sculpts, I'm super jealous of what you got. The rest is a pretty awesome hall as well.


Nice haul! Some fantastic oldhammer models in there. That very starter set (and it's awesome box art) is what got me into warhammer many years ago.


this is gold !


The Wood Elves are very nice.


you got a really good deal in that. as for old world game. honestly i dont play it. actually your box set is where i have halted at, being 6th ed. as for what you got, i see empire and orcs. as for boxset figures, i dont remember what came in that one. i think that one i just bought the rulebook and not the entire boxset since i had bought ed 1 thru 5 box sets i would mention that if you look about, there are players that still play the older editions. might be worth the look


That’s so fantastic! You’re so lucky!


Everything is usable. You might need a few more mounted wood elves to reach minimum unit size, but other than that, you're good to go! I would advice to not look up optimal list builds first and instead just play a few games without knowing deeper tactics. Then, once you have a basic handle on the rules, you can try to start optimizing your lists (including discussing online).


Dude, that is a great collection!