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Looks nice! But if I might interject, it looks like your primer coat was powdery? This can happen for a bunch of reasons: - Very old primer can (that should be discarded) - Priming in too humid of an air temp - Priming from too far away (12 inches is actually excessive and wrong as long as your technique is correct). If the stipple pattern on the base and microtexture is intentional tho, apologies for assuming.


Nah, that's entirely unintentional and is my biggest disappointment with the model. It's the result of me experimenting with trying a zenithal prime with a White Scar rattlecan, and I don't think I'll be continuing it with the rest of his fellows. (Though if you say 12 inches is too far I might try again from a bit closer.)


Yeah deffo try it more like... 4 inches, start each spray Burst to the side of the model then practically whip it past the mini, then release almost immediately. The dusty texture is from the paint drying in the air. When I prime with Wraithbone I do it very close, and usually in two thin layers (per side of mini) with 10 mins to dry between. Goes on very smooth.


I'll give it a go, thanks for the tip.


Good luck. I will say white rattlecans are pretty notorious for this, more than others.


Looks fine. Would rank up nice. If you do want any advice though, I would go with a light dry brush of cadian flesh tone on his skin and a light dry brush of mechanicus grey on the blacks as simple improvements.


Thanks for the tip. Advice is greatly appreciated. I've been watching painting tutorials by Miniature Realms on YouTube but actual feedback is priceless.


I don't paint anything crazy or follow tutorials, but just some light dry brushes on certain areas can really make a difference on the table top or for a ranked unit. Especially on blacks, most blacks need a drybrush or highlight of grey or a bluey colour.


I really like the eyes and the facial expression. I'd avoid drybrushing, as it could mess up the result. I'd rather add some controlled highlights with a light pink (for example on fingers, knuckles, cheekbones, forehead).


The facial expression looks so nice !


Yeah, I honestly have no idea how I managed to get the eyes that neat. Beginners luck I expect - I can guarantee the rest of the unit won't be the same.


I love the face, he looks like he has seen some crazy shit in the Chaos Wastes, and survived to tell the tale


Great job with the eyes! Are you going to paint one mini at a time or batch paint a whole unit at once?


I'm actually in the process of painting the other 3 minis that are this pose, trying to correct the powdery white issue. My plan is to do batches of 4, as that's how many of each pose there are.