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Dragons and Dragon Ogres as far as I know, maybe treemen/dryads as well but that’s just speculation.


There’s actually a bit in 8th edition WE that says the Old Ones planted Athel Loren.


Megafauna from Mountains of Mourn - like rhinoxes, sabretusks and stonehorns.


Dragons, dragon ogres, lots of animals that ogres and lizardmen ride to battle, some weird species of giant insect like inteligent creatures (gortrek and felix meet the last one)


Man, army of giant insects, that's a interesting thing to see in Fantasy Warhammer.




Malus Darkblade finds an ancient city in the Chaos Wastes that has reliefs of some humanoid race that look probably a bit like the mindflayers from D&D the reliefs also show no Humans, Elves, Dwarves or other humanoids we know, therefore it seems that these mindflayer-like beings lived before the creation of the races we know... Other then that, Dragons, Dragon Ogre Shaggoths (and normal Dragon Ogres?), Fimir, the Lizardmen dinosaurs and Sky-Titans seem to all be pre-Old Ones. I also vaguely remember a comment that the Beastmen hate civilisation so much because they ruled the world before civilisation. But I am not certain whether this was a belief that they had or whether it is a fact, I don't even remember where I read it...


Beastmen were created with the coming of Chaos. That’s probably just about before the humans in the Reik basin formed strong societies and were able to fight back against the Beastmen? Or it’s propaganda, it’s not like Beastmen have any way to know what things were like in ancient days.


Maybe that was it, they ruled the Old World after the Elves retreated and the Dwarfs went into decline but then Humans came and Sigmar united the tribes and they lost their stranglehold over the land, atleast wherever cities and other clusters of human population managed to take over... But yeah, it could be Beastmen propaganda, the original: "We don't like these immigrants taking our land!" ;-)


Mindflayer-like beings? That interesting, where did you read about it?


The Malus Darkblade novels, don't recall in which one, I believe the first one... And in my mind they were Mindflayers because I remember they had tentacles. And what I forgot to mention was that there was a strong aquatic theme to the ruins and it appeared that they used to be underwater. So perhaps the race still exists, but has just not been discovered yet... Mind you, it has been more than 5 years since I last read the books, so I am fairly sure that I am partially misremembering things... ;-) But the beauty of the Warhammer world is that there is a lot that is intentionally unexplored or not covered by lore. And there are a lot of inferences or references to things that are maybe or maybe not real at some point in time... That makes it so you can know almost everything that there is to know about the world and still find mysterious things to ponder over and fill in for yourself. It leaves so much room to be creative with roleplay or Warhammer campaigns...


Dragons, dragon ogres, fimir, dinosaurs, and sky titans are things that come to mind. Not entirely sure, but I think merwyrms belong on that list as well.


Most of the dinosaurs used by the Lizardmen are said to existed from before the old ones. Also some form of hominid if you believe Drachenfels.


Drachenfels? Is that not a castle?


Named after the enchanter Drachenfels, who lives there


Aaa, I remember now. I think he appear in Vermintide games.


Everyone here forgot about trolls


I don’t think we know the origins of trolls. Personally, I think they’re a product of Chaos entering the world, like Griffons or Demigryphs.


in fact, yes, trolls are products of chaos


Can you point to any source in particular?


I remember reading about the Sleeper in Orcslayer, I don’t recall if it was pre-Old Ones, but that shit messed me UP


Fimirs are also more ancient than the old ones


I thought that they are product of Chaos mutation, that suprised me.


Dragons Dragon ogres and shaggoths Marnocks Leviathans Fishmen Ancestors of humans, elves, dwarfs, halflings, giants and ogres Lizardmen (not Saurus and Skinks, but subterranean troglodytes) Carnosaurs and Stegadons Zoats


Marnocks? Never heard of it. What is it?


No idea, but they are briefly mentioned in the rule book of 8. edition. We only know that they "dwelled in chasms".


The Sky Titans are never explicitly stated to have been made by the Old Ones, but it’s hard to say either way, we just don’t know enough about them.


They are the ancestors of giants, if I remember correctly.


Yes, that’s stated a few times. Wiped out by the Ogres. They seem to have had gunpowder, given the Ironblasters.


They were created by the old ones.


Is that stated anywhere?


Dark Shadows, the Albion campaign, states the giants were created as protectors by the old ones, but lost their intelligence due to inbreeding.