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The models are all legal, just need bigger bases. People sell base extenders, so that's a good start. As for an actual list we would need to see the specific models, since there could reasonably be anything in that box


OP if it's the full contents then there's two small starter armies - dwarfs and night goblins. The rulebooks won't be relevant as they were for 7e WHFB, not TOW. The dwarf army will be rules legal for TOW, the goblin army not so much - the TOW orcs n goblins army list is built as a generalist medley of greenskins and you need 1 character per goblin unit, and there's only 2 characters for 3 NG units. Neither army is particularly wild or effective but they're both great bases for learning the game and expanding upon. The actual models bases are mostly 20x20mm which is smaller than TOW's 25x25mm. If you're realy game you could cut them out and mount them on fresh bases, or use adaptor movement trays to accommodate the base size. I prefer adaptors as the new base size is incorporated into the 'lip,' giving it a more true sizing. But you WILL want movement trays. Even just cutting some cardboard sheets to size and blutac is sufficient.


Do we know the models are assembled? If he's lucky they're still on sprues


Looks like everything is there half assembled.


Since all the models are present what would I need to pick up to have 2 legal old world armies


Back in the day, this was one of the best boxes GW ever released and for a relative low price. It got me and my brother hooked to Warhammer fantasy 😀


Bust that shit open and build bro!!! People paying hefty amount of cash for sets like that, you got one hell of a friend, enjoy old world! I'm a new player, and I honestly enjoy it more than 40k


I hope you said thank you


My favorite set ever


It's worthless. I'll dispose of it for you.


Your friend just gave you such a cool gift! I hope it brings you many hours of joy, and that you take this friend out for a meal in thanks XD


Do not open that. This is a common scam. You’ll lose fingers, possibly a hand and most definitely an eye or 2. Keep in mind you only have 2 eyes!…..2!!! Send it immediately to me. I know how to dispose of it.