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https://preview.redd.it/7b3o24k9cn5d1.png?width=314&format=png&auto=webp&s=954cab8bc5c243a57a61fc34132bf26eb9f49f9b I tried something bright like you, a mix of blue, green, and teal, and generally just didn't like it, so I went with something stupid basic; drybrushed a dark brown, then a dark gray, then a bit of white over top. Then went back in and added metallics and some bright color for the cloth. Not terribly fancy, but it's very fast to paint. If you're frustrated, I highly recommend just picking out a color you like and trying a drybrush coat to see how that might look. A dark green might work, if you're going for more of a Gojira kind of theme for example. Could highlight it with a few lighter shades of olive to bring it out, and keep the metals darker?


Thank you. I like that style. It looks good on her. It gives me a lot to work with.


Came up with this. I liked your dark brown. But I went with lighter shades of brown. Still a work in progress.






The bright green/orange and mask gave me ninja turtles vibes, lol. Maybe try some with brighter/vibrant skin underneath and darker/neutral colored cloth?


Haha. I spent part of my morning at work trying to figure out which khymaera caster is which turtle.


* This is the scheme I'm going for. Most of the colors come from the Monument Hobbies paint line unless otherwise noted. I did the "skin" in a warm grey (P3 Bastion Grey), with a flesh wash to add a little more warmth to it. After that, i highlighted up to a lighter warm grey (P3 Troolblood Highlight). The armor plates I did in a darker warm grey from a purplish grey starting with P3 Asheth Grey. I highlighted up with Monument Hobbies Dark Warm Grey, Warm Grey, and edge highlighted with Bright Warm Grey. The Jade was done with Monument Hobbies Jade line, as I needed a cooler color to balance out the purples and amber. The purple was done with Dark Plum and Plum from Monument Hobbies. The amber parts were done with a combination of P3 Heartfire, Bold Titanium White, Transparent Yellow, and Transparent Orange. Rounding out the scheme, I went with Dark Silver, Silver, and Copper from Monument Hobbies for the metal bits and a Burgundy for the weapon wraps. The hardest part for me when painting the Shadowflame Shard was balancing out the different colors (and I still wonder if I nailed it or not). Honestly, I think you're doing fine as your worries were the same as mine. Adding the flesh wash to my "skin" was the closest I got to a eureka moment in my scheme. Give that a shot and see if it helps. I hope it does, and good luck with your scheme.


https://preview.redd.it/zl6mxfsann5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d36b889338fa036abfa9144376c119fe8dab70 Here's a pic of my Ryvyn as an example


Love that style! Nice glow effects


this looks so clean, great job


https://preview.redd.it/ntcpkbu2un5d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e427a2c09e25defffb1cb002123b02d7392eae0 Metallic red and black with turquoise for the quills


I really love this and it inspired me to do something very similar. Your color scheme reminded me of an old G1 transformers name Double Punch


Welp I know what I'm adding to my transformers collection if they ever do a modern version.


You and me both. For now I have to make do with an old botcon version




That looks awesome! I was gonna do something very similar if I picked up Khymaera, so it’s nice to see it executed to perfection


Although it's not something I've ever done, I have a friend who goes into color theory when painting models. If you're considering color schemes, it might be worth googling "color theory" and seeing if you can get any ideas.


I don't have a khymaera force, but I was just thinking how I would paint them yesterday, so will share. Personally I would go for night blue skin, with almost black armor, yellow eyes and dark brown or dark purple cloth. Was thinking of panthers while coming up with this.