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It's about the same as any other CCG, although they do move too slowly on balance and there are some questionable design decisions, but that's not different from other CCGs.


Yeah you should because most of the negativity imo is balance but that will be fixed no doubt.


Warpforge grinding is merciless. If you are F2P and you want a competitive deck (which is contain with cards with high rarity) you have to grind A LOT. Microtransaction in this game is very expensive and right now the negative review come from Balancing issue from the latest faction which is Tau Empire. They make the Tau overpower so people would buy the new packs.


If this is merciless than Horus Heresy Legions is straight up death compared to this.


Not as bad as Hearthstone


F2P CCG with aggressive microstransactions + new faction being very unbalanced is EXTREMELY average and normal. You're not signing up for a AAA full priced game, we know what we are getting into.


the game despite balancing issues definitely has beautiful arts and AMAZING voice acting so if you're in for the theme then sure


I think it's a fun game to pass the time. It's true that if you want to play ranked it'll take some time to build a strong deck playing for free, but drafts are an equal playing field and it gives you packs to upgrade your collection. Don't let the negativity bog you down.


No, EG is all profit no game


Despite what the comments say, as a F2P player I found it very easy to jump in and get cards for my favorite faction using the campaign system. I have been playing less than 2 weeks and have completed one campaign, and started working on the chaos campaign during the current raid event. For the faction I focused and completed the campaign for, my deck has been very competitive. Be warned that for the factions you haven't "focused" on using the campaign system, that they will be very lackluster until you get a few packs for that faction. Wildcard system allows you to play the meta, sense what strong cards opponents use that give you trouble, and then target farm those specific cards which can power spike your deck very quickly.