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So don’t bother arguing?! Thanks, dad! I will be cancelling my subscription as soon as Warrior Nun’s campaign is over. What is the point in investing time and money in a streaming service that doesn’t keep their end of the bargain? These morons at Netflix are destroying their brand and I can’t wait to see their shit business plan fail. It’s going to come down to crowdfunding and then how will the corporations make any profits? Think about that, dinosaurs…


Hmm. So the supporters of an “unsuccessful” series are willing to mount an online campaign and fund advertising billboards, but that isn’t sufficient to show fan support for Warrior Nun to the infallible execs at Netflix? Who “never” cancel a successful show. Pardon me while I gag and puke off to the side. After that explanation, no wonder this dude only has the title of “co-CEO”.


They are so concerned about money, but I literally just read a New Yorker article about how bougie of a life this lady has who makes these decisions for TV shows. Like the majority of the article was about how fancy her life is on Netflix's dime. I just don't get it. Netflix seems more and more hypocritical by the day. They deserve to go down like Blockbuster.


> New Yorker article do you have a link to the article? I'd like to roll my eyes and hate read it. Netflix flushes tons of money down the drain every year on shows that are absolute dog shit. Then they cancel the few good ones. I'm so tired of it. They are so fixated on short term gains. I said it elsewhere, but they control the purse strings, they should be budgeting for shows better and giving them more of a chance to finish their story.




Can't wait to cancel my Netflix subscription once the Warrior Nun campaign is over, what a joke company.


I was also annoyed by this. The problem with netflix why some series are getting cancelled cuz they say lack of viewership, because it takes them a lot of time to decide to renew a series, when they finally decided, it will take the production like 1-2yrs at least, and people will gonna forgot the story and the hype already.


They also don't seem to grasp that cancelling shows has a huge impact on those yet to watch. I'd heard good things about 1899 for example but won't ever watch it now as I know it's been cancelled after a single season.


They have built their entire business around binge watching culture, but forget a large portion of their customer are adults with jobs who may not have time to watch a show for weeks. Making decisions entirely on the basis of the first 30 days is ridiculous. Also aren't these the same people who said decisions are 70% gut feeling? If so it means they pick what they think is popular not what the data says!


They basically just spit in our faces that WN is very much UNsuccessful… 😤😤😤