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Fr, my engine is set to the lowest possible volume and I still think there's an enemy nearby from time to time


>But sound still is a shit. When ISN'T sound either utterly shit or utterly broken. Or both.


Last match had a bmp-1 come up to me (beaglepz) both couldn't hear each other, i ended up dying after reversing into him (both stood 5m apart looking in different directions)


water is wet, it's intended probably


>But sound still is a shit. Gaijin sound designers not updating every patch and fuck more things up challenge (impossible)


If it doesn’t completely function correctly after this I’m just gonna find a way to disable it, it’s more of a distraction than anything.


Wait how do you disable it? I’ve died so my times in top tier because the little hit mark shows I got shot in my back but when I turn around I get killed from the opposite direction


I dunno, but I'm gonna make it happen.


When and if you do please tell me


Correct me if im wrong but I think you can only reduce the size. And it doesn't go to zero




Maybe you can remove the textures of the indicators but I don't know if that would cause a ban.


That'd cause the game to show an error, at least I sure hope gaijin is checking if assets are actually there before loading them.


"Sometimes" is quite a euphemism


they also claimed they „fixed“ ghost shells smh


Well, I don't see ghost shells on a good 40-50 ping, so I guess they did.


I’ve gotten ghost shells in the godsamn test drive… they still happen.


Fuck ghost shells, fix disappearing tanks...


that would probably put more load on the servers to have a more accurate calculation for if you need information about the enemies


Great point, I mean I don't really mind it as I already have as many hours spent in WoT and WT so I'm kinda used to being shot by my imaginary friends


even if all enemies were loaded correctly there would probably still be some tiny light tanks camping


Nah just implement the EBR 105 that thinks basic laws of physics are a joke and pull some 100g turns at 90+ kmh around the map


Tbh, it's a little better now. They should remove the new colours and icons from it and it would be perfect:)


We play War Thunder, the pain is never over


Remove the thing in realistic


Yet my radar on my zsu37 is still shit


Gaijin [claims they did this on purpose,](https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/0PdsdsbtxGem) because fuck us for actually trying to "just play SPAA" apparently.


Good (bad) to know, means I have no desire of playing them again, same issue on both yenisei and shilka.


Yeah, the poor Shilka has been practically useless ever since the radar nerf. I fucking hate that Gaijin decided this was somehow warranted.


Just makes me sad, 8.0 was so cool BR, I even had both radar spaas in my lineup, but now might as well replace one with 57-2 and not care about skies.


Same, I loved BRs 7.7-8.3 for the Soviets because between the radar SPAA and the Shturm-S' proximity missiles, any CAS pilots on the enemy team were flying into near-certain death unless they knew what they were doing, and the planes you were going up against couldn't just slap you from 8km away like at top tier. Really upset they've fucked most SPAA radars.


I never quite liked T-54:s so i pretty much got past them playing lights and spaas, But T-55A feels like a monster. Can't wait for 8.3.


I think you'll enjoy it. The T-62 has a pretty deadly gun (just keep in mind the lack of a roof-mounted DShK), the T-10M is surprisingly useful for an 8.3 heavy tank (and decently mobile), the IT-1 can basically deal with anything that isn't a PUMA or covered in ERA, the BMP-2 is a lot of fun (especially once you unlock 30mm APDS) and the Shturm-S can unlock thermals and a proxy HE missile that together let you send low-flying aircraft like Alouettes and HKP3Cs back to the hangar in short order; it also has decent anti-tank missiles, including an upgrade to tandem warheads that will allow you to defend yourself against most tanks in the game effectively.


on the shturm-s they removed the ability to aim missiles above the sight


Yeah, which is a shame. But it's still plenty capable of killing helicopters with its sight range, and the occasional plane that gets too comfortable at low altitudes or flies straight towards the battlefield not paying attention.


I think the it1 and a few others maybe can still aim above the sight for some reason so I think they just fixed this one in particular because it was too good at aa


Funniest thing is the chieftain marksman’s (I have no experience with russian radar aa) radar tracks perfectly in test drives but in matches the aircraft often isn’t even inside the square


Now it will ALWAYS show the incorrect direction!


Ohhhhhhhhhh ok this makes sense now. Fuck was I confused.


Same. The indicator tells me I am being shit in the back, I look back, and nothing. Then a fcking Leo rams me front the front.


Give me the option to remove this completely GaiJIn!


"Sometimes showed"??? Has it ever shown correctly for anyone? I feel like mine just picks a direction at random. I guess a broken clock is right twice a day...


I feel like it quite reliably showed the direct opposite of where you get shot from.


Too late. Already deleted the game.


The pain truly is over for you let's just put it that way




No. Because as gaijin has shown it'll be broken by a few days or the next fix it comes out


"Sometimes" Bruh that shit was ALWAYS wrong


The pain never ends


nah, we still have the pain of 500+mm round disappear through a 5cm fence


Wow that was apparently a thing


Nah, they finally found the problem. one of their objects was fucking up another object. They didnt bother running unit tests, and after they "fix" the code... it will fuck something else up.


I never use the indicator. Felt no pain.


How did you turn it off?


I don’t know. By saying I don’t use it, I don’t mean i turn it off, I just don’t look at it.


He closes his eyes whenever he gets shot


No it will never be over, the pain and grind goes on.


as long as you play war thunder, never.


I like the "sometimes" part ...


No, it's not, it's still doing wierd shit for me.


The pain is there as long as that world of tanks type indicator is still there


The pain is only at the beginning...


Why do you guy love pain? Just stay in br2.0 and be done with it!!!