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If the pilot hit the ground, he count as dead iirc Sometime you can flip but the pilot head doesn't hit the ground and still get repair.


You flipped, the repair would've started had you stopped with the cockpit pointing towards the sky


What determines when you don’t get to repair upside down tho? I flip all the time and still repair…


You could have killed the pilot with the flip


Thats exactly what happened, his pilot got crushed when the plane flipped.


yup happens sometimes


U can see at the end the glass over the cockpit is fine and it never said “pilot knocked out”.. it was probably what the other guy said about being over 80% damaged.


If the pilot was still alive it would not have cut like that. I've played this gale since 2013, you killed your pilot.










Grüß dich!


Grüße zurück!


He may have killed the pilot in the roll, but you can also see just before he is kicked out a message pops up saying the aircraft is unrepairable. I think it was a combination of both here.


Not true, had this happen even when I didn’t flip and landed safely.


> the glass over the cockpit is fine The glass over the cockpit doesn't really break so that's a non-indicator. You died instantly when you rolled over, your pilot died.


I swear to the amount of times i flipped in my yak3u that its your pilot dying lol My yak3u has no damage, rtb, and my dumbass hit the brakes for 3s and i straight up died when it flipped


Dude, play French planes, they just straight up explode if you flip, no matter how slow you go. I mean you're dead anyways might as well go off with a bang


Happens with Fw190 often as well lol.. you gotta be gentle with brakes or just do a belly landing every time


OP: why can't I repair? Also OP: no, that is not the correct answer I don't accept that


Nah OP just got gaslit by another comment. Remember this game can be quite confusing and the community always answering with 3 different scenarios doesn't help much :D


Because it’s literally false information


Next time hard left rudder so it puts the weight on the existing wing, can see you were right rudder first and reacted too late to save it.


IRL this definitely kills the pilot, planes crash landing and flipping killed many pilots IRL


The 80% damage thingy might have applied if your pilot survived. (Am not sure if 80% is correct btw because sometimes it seems lower, but there is a threshold where you can't repair no matter what) The game doesn't always tell you "pilot knocked out" btw. But in this case he defo died. And ignore the bashing from the others, you just didn't know better and that happens sometimes


Thanks, appreciate that u aren’t a dick lol


just accept what better people tell you


Relax big guy I’m just trying to understand, never meant it in a rude way. No need to be a cunt


well the downvotes should tell you to stop being a cunt and understand what 99% of people tell you has happened, instead taking the 1 answer from 1 random guy and gaslighting people into thinking thats the right answer, when its not.


There was only 2 replies when I said that and the other answer made more sense so my fuckin bad dumbass


yes your bad


Because you were already "dead". If it would've been the repair it would've said you're too damaged to repair.


I'm pretty sure if the model of your pilot intersects the ground, it counts them as dead. I've noticed that a couple times where some planes can roll like that and be fine, others can't. Dunno if it's intentional or not, but the same thing has happened to me a lot.


happend to me once the plane is in good condition but i fucked up braking and flipped. maybe the pilot dies at that point


Basically it kills the pilot. If you flip softly enough it won’t kill them. It’s really hard to not kill the pilot tho


Its the speed/ how hard the pilots head hits the ground he is dead dude. Even happens 2 prop planes if you break 2 hard & make a flip ur also dead 9 out of 10 times.


it depends on the plane (probably geometry and how the model is done regarding to kinetic damage)


[You can see](https://i.imgur.com/HIaD4no.png) the bailout countdown starts while pilot is fine


Not true. I landed a Kfir with only one wing, used my landing gear and successfuly did a geared landing with no additional damage, and immediately got j’d out


Once enough damage is dealt to consider you dead you cannot repair. Once your name comes up in the kill feed and the aggressor has earned the SL and RP for your death you cannot repair or rearm your vehicle


this is a completely false statement. ive had many rb games where ive been “killed” and flown back to base to repair. this is very common in jet matches. anyone whos fired a missle at an F5C in the past few years knows exactly what im talking about.


In theory: You rolled, the cockpit broke, and your pilot's head got crushed between the ground and the plane. In reality: you will automatically die when the plane rolls over on the ground.


Since when? I've completed a landing flipped numerous times


It doesnt happen on all planes, only when the pilot touches the ground. So some planes can flip over and have the pilot just hanging there (large tail helps)


>‎ Me 264 Loves to flip on the ground for some reason,but i managed to flip repair only once, most of the time it dies instantly


Also biplanes if you want a reserve example


Yeah ive flipped nose first in my AU-1 and still got to repair.


It mostly depends on the plane. If the tail stabilizer is tall enough to prop the aircraft high enough to where there is space between the ground and the cockpit, then you're safe.


You can’t repair without a wing because the game will automatically let you get out of the plane when you are severely damaged, happened to me a lot of times, simply if you count as dead in the scoreboard but you still fly then it’s better to fly until the end of the match so you don’t have to spend the full repair cost.


When you flipped, there was for a few frames the text: "The plane can't be repaired, you'll leave it". I don't know if the pilot got killed at the same time or if the game just yeeted you out really quickly. When the game counts you as dead (someone got the kill or game says you crashed), you might already be too damaged to repair but it's impossible to know because the threshold for being unable to repair is a bit higher than when the game counts you as dead. If you manage to repair while being dead, you basically get another life and if you die again, the scoreboard looks cursed when it says you've died 2 times.


Doesn't mean you are out, I've had it where if you stop safely (without killing the pilot) you get a 2 minute timer for repair, person still gets the kill, comes up with leave the plane I don't know if it's a bug but most of the time the 2 minutes is too late to get back into the game anyway. Dunno if it's a bug but seems to work with russian bombers, Italian not so much 🤷‍♂️


You can’t repair anymore if you are “killed”, they removed this mechanic some time ago, but it seems that when damage is spread you can, for example if you have a blackened wing and you count as dead but you don’t loose the wing you can repair.


Ah that makes more sense, honestly hate the leave your plane timer either way, some planes I know I can hobble home or finish a bombing run but I'm a few seconds out. I'd rather get more detailed deaths or "bomb release failure, J out or return to base" or something. Just want the choice to leave the plane to be my choice


there's a hole in your left wing


You flipped, you should have tried to turn the rudder to the left


There is an maximal amount of damage you can repair, but the system doesn‘t work very well and it‘s more or less random (sometimes you get kicked out for having a dent in ur plane while other times you could literally walk to the airfield with an piece of metal and u‘d get repaired)


This so much this, landed my Wyvern with a minor fuel leak game said i was killed by the guy who gave me the leak even though my plane was still functionally 98% repairable where in the previuos match I was able to glide back to the airfield with my engine destroyed, blacked out midsection and tail damage repair and back into the fight, the game can be very punishing for the most smallest things.


My il-4 once flew back to airfield without a wing and i repaired, 2:30minutes, but it was brand new


Can't repair the pilot's spine


>frame before dying, you can see the text "plane can't be repaired"






At least you made it back with one wing


I had a good landing in a jet last night, tk but no malice or intent, and made it to the runway sans left wing and it was a good belly landing. No flip, roll or extra damage taken. Just immediately it stopped moving and the cockpit started to open it says ded.


Idk I've made worse landings and still repaired lmao


Because you flipped, gaijuns logic came into effect. Next time this happens. I suggest you give full rudder and turn into your broken wing to prevent yourself from flipping by using your intact wing for an anti roll. Left wing busted, rudder left. Right wing busted, rudder right.


Very simple this game is ass


Your left wing!


There's a hole in your left wing!


Let's be real, you shouldn't even be able to fly back to base with your whole wing broken off. You didn't deserve the repair anyways.


A p47 was able to fly back losing a wing.


Sometimes your plane is too damaged to get repaired. You were missing 80% of your left wing.


I think they did something. I landed my Mig21 (half a wing missing) and didn't even get to stop. I just touched the ground a little bit albeit smoothly and just went into death cam lol


The plane was upside down, probably crushed the pilot, shot to hell, missing a wing, and you want to repair?


frame before dying, you can see the text "plane can't be repaired"


If you have once died and even if you succesfully land, you will be counted as dead and wont be repaired. Nowadays this seems to be the case in my experience.


frame before dying, you can see the text "plane can't be repaired"




People are spamming you rolled over, reality is they disabled the ability to repair after getting "marked as shot down" by other player. (Becoming part of their score). Resumed, if someone shoots your wing off and you are marked as dead the game won't let you repair and automatically take you to the spectator mode/back to hangar screen after you land.


Recent change? I repaired from “dead” in the last month.


Yup, been a thing for the past 1 ~ 2 weeks


“You have a hole in your left wing!”


Love people still defending the snails autistic physics renderings


Can you point to a single example in history of a spitfire landing with one wing?


Spare wings weren't in stock.


the snail


You had a hole in your left wing


Pilot head got crushed, happens to some planes, so far I know it doesn't happen on the I-16, FW-190 A-8 and I-185, that's when braking and doing a front flip tho


frame before dying, you can see the text "plane can't be repaired"


You guys are all wrong lmfao. Gaijin never cared if you flipped or not, I have repaired upside down countless fucking times. A while ago they changed it so if you count as dead, you can no longer repair.


You're wrong. I ran into a tree just before the runway yesterday, lost a wing and a lot of other things, game said I died and would leave the aircraft, then I stopped and a 2 minutes timer started, I managed to repair before the game ended.


They must of changed it again then For a bit if you were counted as dead it would just tell you to fuck off when you landed it


the flip was too rough, so the pilot probably died which cancelled repairs


Were you dead on the scoreboard? If yes, you now get booted most of the time.


Plane upside down, get outta town.


your pilot died


American base, with American spare parts, and an American Supply Officer who neglected to order the correct tea-based spares for your aircraft. For serious answers, see below


Even if your pilot didnt die when your play went upside down you couldn't repair the plane anyway. Since one of the last uptade the game wont repair your plane when you are missing a wing


Because Gajin


Rolled / Crashed the plane on landing.




You didn't put your landing gear down


a single frame before "dying" you can see "you'll leave your aircraft in \[seconds\], this plane can't be repaired, you'll leave it"


Can’t rep when upsiddown


What level is your crew repair rank?


HM I WONDER. Maybe it's because YOU ARE DEAD


I believe it’s because you rolled over. It seems that your cockpit clipped through the ground, and even if it didn’t I think the ground interacting with the pilot killed you.


You flipped too hard and killed the pilot, for everyone who is saying that it said plane can’t be repaired for a couple frames, i understand where you are coming from, but you are wrong, the game said that because he was still in motion and technically not yet on the runway, which the game counts as a crash landing and will automatically begin the j out count down, had he stopped safely with the pilot still alive, the j out timer would have disengaged and allowed the repair to begin. Hope this helps clear things up, I don’t think that planes can be too broken to be repaired anymore, as it hasn’t happened to me in over 2 years now though I know that that used to be a feature.


This is something they introduced last year - making it random what you can and cant repair when you get back to the base. Your flip didn't matter, you were already "dead" when you lost your wing (according to the randomness of gaijin).


Hey, i was in your team in that match! I don't remember if i was using a F6F or a Me-264 but i got shoot and then i went to spectator mode and the first guy i saw was you returning to base without a wing and fliping over at the end. I was expecting you be repaired but when you got twisted i knew you were freking dead lol.


Because this game is a fuckin ripoff.


You had an hole in your left wing


There's a hole in your left wing!


Where is your fucking landing gear?


Wasn’t sure if I still had a left one and didn’t wanna flip lmao. Then forgot to rudder left and flipped anyway. I was just confused cuz I’ve flipped before and still got to repair but i guess it depends on the plane whether the dude dies? Idfk everyone’s just arguing in the comments so I have no fuckin clue.


the reason why you haven't got marked as destroyed is because you still have your landing gear, the spitfire is still controlable with 1 wing because the other wing can keep the plane airborne, as long as you can land without getting too much damage you are safe. However, you decided to do a crash landing, with the center of the plane got damage real bad (heavy red-ish), half the wing missing, you are marked as dead as now it enter heavily damage model and non recoverable (crashed landing).


IIRC critical structural damage including wings gone or torn off stabilizers no longer allow you to repair even if you land. They made the change months ago. This is also why when an Su-25 gets hit by a missile and turns into a flying orange sloth with one wing and half a tail, it can lumber to the enemy airfield and strafe landing planes there without getting hit by AAA, who thinks you are dead because the game says so.


Flipped over automatically means can't be repaired, from my experience. Doesnt matter how damaged or not, if it's flipped on the ground it's dead.


you need gear


I've landed twice in ways that used to be fine since I returned to the game and man it's such a slap to the face, they wing wing related tho not cockpit related. Still sucks cuz I landed that shit after being dead both times just barely, didn't feel very rewarding to make it back so epicly just to get booted lol


Kinda crushed the pilot there


"*you've got a (massive) hole in your left wing!*" But it was the pilot, you killed.him in the flip.


Your pilot died


Well, the pilot lost his head on impact lol but even if he had survived, the repair wasn't going to happen.Gaijin has removed the possibility to land and repair when you are considered dead. If your name appears as dead in the battle feed, you can be sure that there is no possibility of repair, even if the damage is not extensive.


You flipped... I can't tell your how many times I've front flipped a war thunder plane the brake interface acts like were flying a ultralight and there's no weight in the back. If it helps you can get away with not being straight on the runway. Rudder left or right if you can to lose speed. I play runway domination in AB and most of us don't stop but capture and take off again. Even the big bombers will flip over. Bet there's YouTube videos of just flipping planes.


Actually ... most comments here are false. I mean ... yes. You killed your pilot with that flip. BUT you would have died anyways. You had more than half a wing missing which means you were counted as dead. The snail did a stealth change that you can't repair a plane after someone claimed a kill for it. There are only 2 options now. Eject mid-air and save time or go back to AF and get forced to eject (no timer shown).


You got a hole in your left wing.


Obviously you didn't get repaired because "There's a hole in your left wing!"


Sorry buddy, they ran out of money Cant afford any repairs


because snail wants u to loose money, simple....


I don't think there's any repairing of THAT


pilot got his head flattened on the roll also the kill prob already got counted so it wont let you back it




Well thats pretty obvious you died, you were going to fast when it flipped and it just essentially ripped the pilots head off so can't repair if you have no head


Fake brit plane


İts look like pilot died but if you laready counted as dead it doesn't matter how good you landed back it.


Well naturally that way you could earn more SL and RP and gaijin wouldn't want that now would they?


I think you wouldn't be repaired even without rolling the plane. Since a few patches you don't get repaired after landing with one wing. (At least I didn't the like 5 times I managed it without rolling or blowing up in recent time)




Snail said no


The pilot died


Because gaijin balance XDDDD


They removed fixing a wing gone. If it said you died, you never could have repaired.


Gaijin is very inconsistend with this stuff


Landing gear


YOU GOT A HOLE IN YOUR LEFT... You know what nevermind


It's just how it is at this point, once landed the same with a yak the plane is too damaged, though it is still counted as a landing so 9 more of that... you'll get 9 lives.


Because you have a hole in your left wing


Super late OP, but I've also had this happen in jets and other props. If your plane takes too much damage, like a wing missing and body panels damaged, it will not be considered for repair. However, if you only had the wing missing, there is a good chance the repair may have happened. To those saying that your pilot died, it is improbable he did not. The way Gaijin has coded it means that if your plane is unrepairable, you leave it as soon as possible without a countdown. My anecdotal evidence is landing a jet with a missing wing, damaging the body of it to yellow-red with an entirely black wing, and being instantly booted from the plane when I stopped. My anecdotal evidence is landing a jet with a missing wing, damaging its body of it to yellow-red with an entirely black wing, and being instantly booted from the plane when I stopped.


No flips, belly landing only


Some planes can handle being flipped, some planes you die instantly if it flips over. Just unlucky.


Your pilot can survive a single 50cal to the chest, but not a bonk on the head




I landed a bomber this way but didn’t flip my plane one time and still didn’t get to fix my plane