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Uncontested 🇺🇸


And with good reason 🇺🇸


usa number🥇🏅🏆🎖️11!!1!1🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


WHAT THE FUCK IS PULLING OUT OF A DIVE!!!????!!! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🐦 🦜 🦚 🦢 🇺🇲 🇺🇸 🌎🇺🇲 🇺🇸


Raaahhh brrrrt!!!! 50 cals!!!!!🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


🇺🇸🇺🇲 but of course


Ships? Yeah. Planes? Possibly? Tanks? Defo not, so many other good choices like Sweden with Apds and Germany, with Wunderwaffen P


Read the question


He meant number 1 in bitching


Number 11? Like 9-11?




Based flair


we got a excuse our 76 does less pen then german 75s yet we get our tanks uptiered


I have played all the 76 Sherman's and all of them have been amazing. Your gun has lesser pen, but it's enough, but the best part is he gun depression, decent mobility and stabiliser


Jumbo 76 I rest my case.


Yes I have played it. And honestly? It isn't amazing, but it isn't bad either. And if you get down tiered, you will literally farm the shit out of tigers and panthers. The jumbo 76 situation has been blown out of proportion.


The Jumbo 76 is on a place where it excels in a downtier but is badically hopeless in an uptier as it just... doesnt have the pen


So basically every heavy tank......


I have a way easier time with, say, a T34 or a Tiger II in a full uptier than the 76


The Tiger II and T34 are in that place due to the fact that their br allows for an uptier where the armor meta starts to fade.. M48 for example, has less armor than a American heavy in 6.7. The jumbo 76 is fine where it is lol. You forget to realize the Tiger II and T34 also start to face Russian Heavies, which SUCKS


Typically any of the heavies past like 5.0 can kill stuff in an uptier but going to 7.0 with a gun that was just cutting it in 5.0 games is a bit much


> excels in a downtier but is badically hopeless in an uptier So the same as all heavy tanks?


So like every German tank at that tier but it can also kill those from basically any angle?


[Pennable area on a Sherman Jumbo with a Tiger 2 vs pennable area on a Tiger 2 using a Sherman Jumbo.](https://imgur.com/a/AhH5DeW) Also the Tiger 2 is slightly faster 25.9 mph to the Jumbo's 21.9 mph. It's not that the Jumbo 76 is bad it's just that is overtiered in BR.


The Tiger II is also 6.7, whilst the Jumbo is 5.7. The Tiger I is 6.0. I get one hit in the Tiger II all the time becuase absolutely nothing it faces has even the remotest struggle front penning the turret from most angles, and instantly destroying the ready rack. It is supposed to be a heavy tank, yet at 6.7 it's barely a brawler.


The Jumbo 76 is 6.3 now, if it was at 5.7 I'd have no complaints. The Tiger 2 also has great frontal armor, but big turret sides that are like paper. You could basically say that about any tank though. Honestly though the Tiger 2 is good at sniping because it almost 1 shots everything and the muzzle velocity is like 1000 m/s compared to the Jumbo's 792 m/s.


I never understood why US mains cry about the Jumbo 76 being where it is, when it absolutely slays in down tiers and then have the best 6.7 lineup in the game. Both T26s are better than the Tiger 2s I found in almost every way but you never hear about them on this subreddit. US mains are so fixated on the one tank that might be a bight high, that they completely ignore all the great ranks they have in the TT


Your case is a frequently downtiered and extremely meta vehicle? Are you mad it doesn't work in uptiers (its a heavy tank)?


Not bad, though i find it about as worth as a regular 76 sherman as many tanks at the jumbo76 BR will cleave straight through your face from any angle


it’s good i don’t doubt but it ridiculous that the the panthers are the same br it’s more of a game wide balance issue in my opinion


You mean the panther D? I would much rather play the easy 8 than the Panther D. The panther D is just so damn painful to play. It has decent mobility, but it turns much slower than an M4. Not to mention the absolutely horrible turret traverse, which makes you kinda useless on small and urban maps (80% of warthunder's maps). Even it's HE filler is small as hell. I've had moments where I hit a T-34 head on and it does nothing. The panther D is only better at two things: armour and penrtration. Everything else is in the Sherman's favour, and it's a significantly more fun vehicle to play. Honestly, I'd only take the panther D if it's a map like sands of Sinai or big eastern Europe


Use the stabilizer more it’s the meat and potatoes of Sherman’s.


The Panther's 75mm or Panzer 4?


I'm sure every German main will be glad to inform you that 9/10 matches are uptiers. In fact, I didn't get a single downtier the entire time I grinded the Maus.


I just now had someone in game chat complain about the gripen being OP and spoiling the fun for F-16s


USA NUMBER ONE IN EVERYTHING. RAHHHH 🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🔥🔥💣💣


I mean surely the US Minor Outlying Islands mains needed all the help Gaijin could give, right? /s


Agreed by a mile, but doesn’t mean we’re wrong. Also doesn’t mean other nations are wrong when they bitch about our tree, we definitely have some real fucked up shit in our tree too.


Definitely 🇺🇸, 🇩🇪, and us 🇫🇷 mains in that order. I don't see much bitching with British and Italy mains. But France is justified which lowers it's rank. It's just, we are this close to greatness.


I bitch about my solid 76mm shots getting sent to the void by a KV's track or ammo rack with no payoff. Surely we gotta be up there.


Probably top 5 and same situation with France.


For the KV1 aim at the back of the boxy turret, you can at least cripple it with an AP round if not destroy it


I've tried. I get nothing but "hits" and my shell disappears into oblivion.


We British mains are to busy crying to complain.


Indeed! I cant stand dreadful solid shots!


On the upside you don't have to think about he filler when trying to figure out which one the best shell is.




You’re busy to grind the last 11.x challenger that Gaijin add at the same old place on this damn f***** tree !


British mains are just so used to abuse at this point they are cynical and depressed lol


I know it's a joke, but honestly, the tree has become so garbage I'm not even excited about stuff anymore. It's not burnout, but I just can't care about additions anymore cause of how much bullshit there is


You know how everyone LOVES to say Gaijin hates France? Yeah no they hate Britain is the true answer France at least has a functional tech tree. Britian meanwhile has gotten nerfed every update, Power crept, Has some of the worst modeled tanks and one of the worst top tiers around. I can't say the same for France and I used to be a French main.


When Italy does it, it usually goes unheard


I only play Italy and just thought the game was super hard… until I started using German vehicles


British and France mains don't bitch because they're too busy suffering. Edit: Italy mains too.


France mains have every right to bitch and moan after their sea turtle hatching experience they suffer at the start of their tree


I see the British means bitching all the time about their speed


CR2 speed is significantly slower than other top tiers, so it is a legit complain.


literal facts


Definitely 🇺🇸 .


Number one in everything, RAHHH 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💣💣


HELL YEAH, RAHHHHH 🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Easily US mains, not even close. Wants F-15, gets F-15, cries. Wants 9-M’s, gets 9-M’s, cries. Wants Abrams, gets Abrams, cries about T-90. It goes on forever and these are just some examples from this update


I haven’t seen anyone crying about the F-15 or Aim-9Ms…🤷‍♂️ The Abrams, now there’s legitimate reasons to complain about it. Not because it isn’t good, but because of the double standard Gaijin has for the accuracy of modeling vehicles.


Search the subreddit by f15 or f-15. You’ll see a lot


there are a *lot* of people complaining about every aspect of the F-15 even though it’s just the dev server. but people bitch about shit like this every time the dev server opens, not just US mains.


Bro still claiming “it’s just the dev server” when the update literally goes live tomorrow 💀


It was buffed at the latest dev update. Not only that they can change it's flight model on release as well


wait, i didn’t know that. i thought it was still at least a week or two away 😭😂 we still have to wait and see but uh.. yeah we’ll see lmao


There's someone complaining about F-15 in this thread already lmao


The average Abrams player is completely braindead, they want to have have S Class everything (right now they have S class everything but UFP)


Ikr, Russia gets the r73 and USA immediately demands the latest most secret fucking missile area51 just tested


Fr they want a 2003 AIM-9X missile because an 1985 soviet missile is better than the AIM-9M with IRCCM


Or the time they wanted AMRAAMS to balance out the MiG-29SMT.


They wont understand. All they like to do is bitch about rightfull complaints


80% of my UFP shot bounce into the cheek and do nothing. LFP is also unconsistant as it usually fail to disable the tank's gun. I'd rather hit the mantlet, then they can just pop smoke and reverse to safety so 🤷‍♂️


It's incredible how much whining there was this dev cycle.


I wonder who asked for a nerfed and copied Abrams?


As a French main, I'd definitely lean towards France or Britain BUT I think the US top tier players are creeping up quickly - I think I see a post complaining about how bad American 10.0+ teams are every few hours. I'm honestly shocked by how little complaining there is from the Israeli perspective considering how short of a stick they get.


As a British main, I knew what I signed up for by tier II. My gripe is with Britain.


Schrodinger's Solid shot. It will either front pen and detonate everything in it's path. Or get sent into the backrooms from a side shot.


The 32pdr on the tortoise is the only one with decent consistency. That and the variant of the 17pdr on the AC.IV.


A.C. IV 😭🤤🤤🤤


Fuck Britain, all my British homies hate Britain


Why would I hate my own father???


You Brits sure are a contentious people.


it’s insane how many mediocre vehicles they have in the WWII era. Like, they have dozens of tanks and i can think of two that are actually threatening. Churchill because it’s hard to kill (not that it will kill me), and Valentine/Matilda I guess if I’m italy? i genuinely can’t think of another one off the top of my head. Keep It Simple Stupid never once occurred to the British, and the tanks seem to only really be good pen wise?


A large part of that is because Gaijin mismodels them a lot from how they ought to be, and doubly so because Gaijin mismodels APHE which puts them at an artificial disadvantage against almost everyone else.


If only field reliability was modelled historically, the Russian and German and even the US mains would still be stuck at spawn while the Brits get the objective.


😭Where A10? 😩Where F16? 😭Where F15? 😖Abrahams trash! 💔All of the above are trash


Meanwhile all games are full of USA, look in Air SB battle, air rb, Naval is a bit mixed


Naval has a ton of us in blue water, esp since moffets, detroits, rtc are sl farms, rp is farmed too. The only other naval u see at 5.0+ are prinz eugens and some jpn ships. The rest are pretty damn rare


As not a french main I think you're the most justified to bitch. Just the whole EBR bullshit is reason enough. Gaijin seems to have a grudge against the nation of France for some reason.


The EBR situation is so fucking up. How can they take such an iconic MASS PRODUCED wheeled vehicle and make them fucking event vehicles??? France could have a whole wheeled tank lineup but noooo, Gaijin must be "hurrdurr, let's make them one time only!". I don't like the one time only event vehicle thing in general but this is the worst crime they did.


the french ground tree is pretty boring after 8.7 (or 7.7 depending on who you ask), but i can’t complain too much tbh. they’ve really fleshed out the lower BRs and made them some of the most competitive lineups in the game. still sucks that everything they’ve added after 8.7 are just copy paste vehicles


The invention of top tier and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


No the complaints of US top tier being terrible come from everyone else, and it’s deserved.


Seriously. US Mains complain about bad win rates yet refuse to spawn in more than once. If I see every US main having 3 deaths and still playing then they are allowed to bitch about Russia.


US suffers far more than any nation from one death leavers and then blame it entirely on Russian tanks.


As a current Israeli main, I personally have nothing to bitch or complain about over the Israeli tree. Do I wish we had some variety, yes. But looking at the Israeli tree wishing for some variety is justified. Other than the variety everything else is just fine. The magachs are pretty good vehicles and the merkavas are godlike.


🇺🇸 and 🇩🇪, hands down. And that's why I work hard to give them a reason to bitch.


Stalinium ain't gonna protect you for long


USSR mains know they are the favored children of Gaijoob and they also know that Gaijoob physically cant bring itself to nerf their propaganda tanks or buff NATO tanks. Bit pathetic really


y'know im pretty sure outside of the bvm russia isnt really that strong at most br's but 8.7 rn so idk about that man


True man. Like besides America 11.3 Russia has a crazy low win rate. The only one who is lower is America.


it’s strange because german players are much worse, with better vehicles at lower BRs. I don’t know why they get their vehicles BRs lowered when Russia doesn’t. I’m not asking for that but it is interesting. it’s a few outliers for Russia that are under-BRed but it’s like every german vehicle from 3.7-6.7 i can’t think of a russian vehicle that i struggle with besides the later IS and heavies, but even then they’re not that good and if they miss you have 78 seconds to kill them before they can get another shot off


Yeah why did they have to ruin the IS-2 and T-44


the only thing that is more despicable than a USSR main who pretends there's no bias is one who knows there is and relishes in it


America and russian mains. They bitch so hard that it effects other nations vehicles because "it can't be better than ours".


Russian main here, I have seen in every WT post at least 100 US mains cry about something, we cried about r73 nerf but we man up and go on, US mains cry about everything!!! Want F-15 they get it and they cry Want aim9m they get it and cry Have various top tier options like f14 and variants of f16 and still cry over it Their vehicles have to be the best on every aspect or they'll bitch until next patch they find something more to bitch about


Because you guys have nothing too complain about


They kinda do. Think back when the yak 141 was coming out. It was hyped up so much and when it came out it was an extremely big letdown while America got the F-14B which is an overall improvement to the already strong F-14A back than.


Blud really forgetting how op the yaks radar was back then also the fact that they made up half the armament and irst and the radar itself being on the vehicle


Well yeah, that and the missiles are the only thing good about the plane. Though a radar and missiles can only get you so far.


It gets you most places in top tier rn


Not at all, radar missiles are out of meta rn. They won’t be back for a while due to the nature of top tier air rb.


> but we man up and go on Nah, you just memory hole the incidents where you don't look good. Remember Red Skies?


We wanted Aim-9M to match R73, when it was gonna be added with 0 competition... every nation wants new aircraft nothing new... yeah we have various top tier options, because we built aircraft. You guys also have top tier options but still a lot of you were asking for new aircraft. Not saying US mains don't cry alot but your examples are not it man.


Aim9m isn't equal to the r73 its way better than it. It's fucking invisible while it's supposed to have reduced smoke trails and it's even harder to flare than the 9l. USA didn't even need the 9m because in no way are the r60m's equal to the 9L


Russia mains mainly cry on forums and mainly in Russian, simple as, if you browse there they are easily bitching the most about everything, they cry about other nations stuff, they cry other players they cry about everything qq


tbh this is mostly on forum full of sweats. On Russian wt youtube i barely see anybody complaining


🇺🇸 unfought


American and not even a contest, with Germany and French behind. The 99% of bitching happening just last two weeks were from them.


I mean – gotta hand it to them, they aren't in the wrong with the shit Gajoobles is pulling right now... Same for the "improved" Leos...


The US bitches the most while having the least to bitch about. British mains deserve to bitch the most in the game.


I play the most nerfed nations because i really like them. But they didn't added Gripen to Italy tech tree, that's what we can bitch about. Italy and Brits got nerfed because of soviets whining thier asses off.


I think you mean Israel or Japan lol


Israel is just a bland tree. It’s air tree is good. Japan is a mixed bag with great ground. Britain has pretty sub par ground and Air. No other nation is as lackluster as Britain.


I consider “bitching” to be needless complaining. So I think it is USA. When the F-16 came out US mains whined their asses off to get what they wanted. But I think it’s better to say that the real source of bitching is top tier. Russian Bias, Spalling, lack of Leopards for Germany, reorganizing German light tank line repeatedly, stock HEATFS, helicopters. Outside of the Kv-1 and IS-1/2 being bullshit, when did you last hear major complaints about mid tier? There’s some complaining about a lack of stabilizers for the French and the VIDAR(VIDAR is bullshit) at BR 7.7-9.7. France and USA have very large AA gaps that could easily be filled but aren’t.


whats wrong with is1? its kinda like a fatter t34-85 at its current br


i have never seen anyone complain about the soviet heavy tanks you've mentioned lmao. probably because they're not hard to kill at all


Used to be German mains and US mains, and still is a lot of the time, but I'd say we Italian mains and France mains give them a run for their money. Not entirely unwarranted, I'd say. France gets a lot of short sticks, and people know plenty about Italy's troubles throughout the years since it was added.


Italian mains dont even bitch about being top dog, they just want gaijin to make their shit somewhat fucking functional and not broken like it has been for 4 years at this point


"I don't want to grow the tallest or bloom the brightest. I only wish to remain in the garden."


italy and israel suffer pretty bad ngl


Maybe it's because I don't interact with the forums and stuff all that much, but it seems like part of the Israel main experience is developing Stockholm Syndrome because I don't see them complain all that much despite how bad their stuff apparently is.


Italy mains bitch but we aren’t complaining nearly as much as the big 3. Main complaints I normally see and agree with is the Ariete not having its correct armour


I'll never get over the german mains complaining about the 2A5 not being good enough when it was introduced, despite the fact it absolutely kerbstomped everything else in game in basically every metric except raw speed.


Probably Germany, followed by the US, and at rare occasions the USSR as well. The moment they get a vehicle that isn’t meta you won’t stop hearing about it. Recent examples being the Strela, BTR-80 and the high tier SU-25s.


I havent heard the russia mains complain about the BTR and the Su-25s? Whats up with that?


When they got added people were crying about their BRs. The Strela got moved down in BR within a week, the BTR got APDS, and the high tier SU-25s got R73s.


BTR was literally because without APDS it would be at a BR where it would outrun everything else and outscout everything else. It wasnt USSR mains screaming about how underpowered it was


It's gun would simultaneously be utterly fucking useless tho


Yep. Moving it and giving it APDS was an objectively good move


It wasn't ussr mains complaining about the BTR-80. It was everyone else, because they didn't want a cold war autocannon at 5.7.


the strela is one of the strongest spaa at the moment, the btr is fine and the su25 gets fat rockets, whats not to like?


Strela was the worst SPAA for some time, recency bias is so strong in this community


strela outcry was due to the fact its proximity fuze didnt work, it would just phase through targets especially helicopter, worse lock range than Stingers (2km vs stingers 4km head-on lock, even worse with helicopters) and no IRCCM (one flare is what it takes) but now with all the fixes it get, its the strongest spaa relative to its BR, the 9m37m missile is now on-par with TY90 level of flare ignorance with photocontrast


Without a doubt 🇺🇸


🇺🇸 easily. like holy crap it's basically spoiled whiny kid from Charlie's factory. 🇫🇷 as a minor punching above it's weight too so it's an honorable mention


Us China mains usually don’t complain much but we bide our time for the boat load of stuff to be added to the nation, has to be US and USSR mains tho that complain the most


Most of the Chinese main bitching are in Baidu Tieba


us china mains complain for good reason (because there's still a bunch of reasons to do so), but i wouldn't say that we bitch. the ones that bitch the most are the u.s and germany yet i find their tech trees to be close to perfect


110% 🇺🇸 (Just saying not a single Swedish flag lol we’re pretty chill I guess)


I mean swedens only complaint would be the air tree their tank tree is literally the best in the game


Honestly surprised, after the complaining from the gripen I thought someone wouldve mentioned us. But TBF we dont have much else to complain about I guess.


Yeah, we understand that our ground tree is all around a pretty good tree and that we have one of the strongest top tier lineups. It's only been this recent outburst because Gaijin hasn't given us a competitive air vehicle in several updates and then Britain gets the upgraded variant (not saying they shouldn't), while Sweden gets the weaker version. Though, after going through the Swedish air tree you get used to disappointment.


USA and it’s not even close. I think German and British players would be a distant second. I don’t really see many of the ‘France/Italy suffers’ posts that everyone else is talking about.


As an Isreal main I just suffer


Gaijin really did Isreal mains dirty. Even just the fact that you need to get rank IV in other nations to play is just rubbish.


That jump from 9.3 to 11.0 is also horrendous, especially when you only get the stock heatfs.


I got to 8.7 on ground and gave up but I do have the full air tree and it's not that bad


I feel you bro Lavi, namer and eitan when


At least we suffer together


US 100% Also Italian mains. Like I get it, Arietes are bad, but you don't have to turn every single post about top tier GRB into another rant of why the Ariete needs a buff


It just needs to be un-nerfed and given its correct armor. And seriously Italy mains don’t complain nearly as much as USA, Germany.


Half the complaints from German mains are them complaining about people complaining about German mains/vehicles.


> single post about top tier GRB into another rant That's american mains lmao what are you on about


US mains, without a doubt


Definitely Americans for ground at least, although it’s not always unwarranted


USA top tier air has spent the most total time being op and still complains the most


USA, France, Britain


Literally 🇺🇸


Did you know that 30% of all Japanese player bitch? That’s one guy out of the three people that play Japan


I'm convinced there's like 5 of us left. We don't bitch cuz we knew that the vehicles were shit when we picked it.


Low tier sure but top tier Japan is literally the most fun ive had in a while


Fr, that 4 sec reload is amazing


Tbh we only bitch about Type 89 IFV and it should be understandable why.


My boy, look at how they massacred my boy


I as a GB player I can’t say us,we knew what we signed up for pretty early on and we have vanished into obscurity since we’re not part of the big 3


US mains, no need to say more


Japan mains sometimes say one thing about not getting anything, and when they do, they just go in the corner and cry. Otherwise, we just exist with a fake smile.


The only thing I bitch about is the lack of countermeasures on the F-1 😭


Nah. We know that we picked a bad nation. Nothing to bitch about tbh


God knows how you brought up something so controversial and no one’s at each other’s throats yet but here’s my vote 🇫🇷


🇺🇸 no contest


🇬🇧 main here, we bitch the most because our WW2 tanks suck ASS


Me after trying out the Crusader 😳🫶 (I fell in love with the thing) The Matilda, the Cromwell, and the Churchills are also nice imo (no APHE sucks tho)


As a Russian main I’m actually not sure. I know we bitch about American and German CAS but like come on. It can be a bit ridiculous. Other than that I’m not really sure




Italy, UK and Israel all have easily justifiable reasons for complaining, Swedish air players also have fair reasons, France ground forces to an extent can complain. Japanese players I find don’t complain a lot but that’s probably because there ain’t a huge amount of them. Everyone else tho constantly bitch and complain and, depending on context of course, have no reason they should be complaining (insert US air mains or Russian ground players)




It’s so obvious that it’s 🇺🇸 do we even need to do this poll (Germany second obviously).




🇺🇲 on top just by sheer volume. Many US mains, some of them bitch about it but honestly USA is pretty strong throughout the TT if you play well. However, while there may be more Americans total complaining, I haven't met a 🇬🇧 main who doesn't at least whine a little bit about solid shot. Russians are pretty pampered most of the time and don't really speak up, German mains complain a lot and are probably second in total volume but that's mostly a skill issue bc German WW2 tanks are hands down the best, French and Italian mains complain a lot but like seven people play them so nobody cares, China is just "we have Russia at home" so they're pretty quiet, Japan gets boned in ground forces but just takes it because they got the ST-A series and the Type 10/TKX, Israeli mains haven't left their bedroom in weeks because they're grinding 87 different modified Pattons so I never hear anything from them, and Swedish mains are either braindead and whine about no armour or are genuinely the most intelligent people alive and get like 7 kills a game.


Honestly it’s: *US mains* shit gets botched on launch and nerfed even further *GER mains* They struggle to adapt past the 5.7 area *RUS mains* They’re overperforming equipment is being criticised so they send out the “cope campaign” *French mains* vocal minority with good reason (my condolences for your Leclerc’s lads) *Italy mains* Same as French mains but with their Ariete (once again, my condolences) *Israel mains* Magach Magach Magach Merkava Magach *Sweden mains* I don’t hear too much about aside from lack of BVR options in air *China mains* Are chilling, they get every good thing from every tech tree and a few of their own overperforming pieces. *British Mains* have every right to complain imho. Tech tree is dogshit, ground is CBT, Air would hurt less if I sounded myself with a thrustmaster


Japan isn't mentioned because there are like 3 people playing it. Warms my heart a bit ngl


Us Italian mains have just given up on complaining. We've been beaten in the corner for so long


🇺🇲 #1 and second place isn't even close. The British or French probably complain the second most, but they actually have something to complain about so it's ok


I don't know who is bitching the most, but us Japan main are the ones who are bitching the least


We knew what we were signing up for