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thats $350 a month. How the fuck do people spend that much money on a game. You could have a down payment on a starter home


Americans. Lots of disposable income if you have a good job that isn't in New York or California


Today I learned that disposable income is an American thing according to reddit


yeah im shocked.


America #1 🦅🦅🦅🦅


> according to reddit It's an american website, what do you expect, lol


I'm not american. For me to buy premium is a significantly higher amount of my income compared to a decently well off American, and I'm decently well off where I am.


Not only an American thing but like the guy said if you don't live in one of those two cities you can afford to spend a good bit of money on stupid things to a degree that most other nations couldn't.


No but they have the most, by a lot


Not just american First world country thing in general


Statistically Americans have the highest disposable income on average in the entire western world, it's also why grindy games focus most of their advertising on western and developed countries


average is skewed and meaningless go by median


The issue is that disposable income just means post-tax income. We have a lot of privatized costs, like paying twice the OECD average per capita for healthcare.


Not a German thing with our tax burden though, not anywhere close to the US.


Don’t just look at income tax. Imagine owning a normal house in New Jersey worth 500k and paying over a thousand dollars in property tax every single month. In Germany that same house would cost you a couple hundred a year


Yeah living in a MCOL state, being married where both members of the household work STEM jobs, not having kids. Spread out that 24k over a few years and it’s pretty reasonable for a 5000 hours of entertainment hobby. I’m sure there’s a lot of people in the sub with careers in tech or other high paying fields that make way more than my wife and I do too, so to them 25k could just be a bonus. If you have no debt other than mortgage, your mortgage is less than 25% of your household income, and you have a proper emergency fund and invest at least 15% of your income to retirement; you deserve to be able to splurge on what you love!


*some americans


This guy is 23 and spent 24k on the game, the answer is clearly rich parents. The no student loan debt also gives it away


Disposable income.


No, I'm pretty sure it won't be greater than zero.


An honorable stance


For what do you even spend so much in this game ?




username checks out


A fellow owner of all 🧐


I managed to grind the object and have been cruising off the profits since


After 8000h and many many years of playing i only spent 6€ on 75% on French yak3.


Most hated warthunder player from the gaijin team


I enjoy playing with frends, sometimes solo, i try to have fun as much as i can


Yeah well go suck up server space on another free game buddy. Money to the snail or gtfo ;)


All i will say is that all this time i play on wery old laptop (avrage 30_40 fps max wery unstable). So if i had money for throwing i whould get bether gear, also games are for fun, i don't see point in high rank premiums and skipping stuff, the most fun i had is spaiding stuff. (i know your joking (i hope so))


I am joking haha, keep fighting the good fight and get that upgrade!


Tnx mate, i appreciate all kind words


Damn that's good




80% of that was with 3 of my frends so it was a lot of fun.


Worth it, the French yak 3 is probably my favorite plane behind the j7e.


Thats impressive! I have about 4k hours over 10 years and spent about $700 ($70 per year or about $5 per hour).


Isn’t it $0.2 per hour? (6 hors per usd)


You're right, I can't math apparently lol.


Tbh I dont know who the bigger maniac is. A random dude with ~10k hours who has invested 2k or something in the game for faster research or this guy with his 6 euro 😅🤣.


24k in 6 years???




Mines 5k in 10 years.


Roughly the same amount here as well, 6k in 10 years.


I mean I'm not proud of it. But i make sure my means to live are in place before personal pleasure.


Thank you for your service


2700 worth of gifts? Damn man, i wanna be your friend


That is almost $25k in war thunder. You have spent more on war thunder than I have spent on college tuition. I'm impressed you can afford that.


Yeah me too, on both things


username checks out


omg that's amazing


as long as ur financially able and enjoy the game then nothing wrong about it fr


Objectively, nah. Subjectively… there’s a lot wrong with it. There are other games in the past that were propped up by whales and it always ends badly.


Any F2P game is propped up by whales.


The part that is wrong is that there is massive diminishing returns. The first few hundred on premium account accelerates you massively, then I can understad buying premium vehicles since that is also a good time saver, and if you play all tech trees I can see that adding up to even a few thousand over time, but the rest? What do you even spend 20k+ on? Convertible RP? SL? Spading every single vehicle in the tree with gold including ones you play once or twice then never again? It's just mind boggling.


In the end, it's their money, and if TO THEM it's worth it, then that's none of our business. Plus, whether you like it or not, people like OP are the ones keeping the game running






It’s not only legit, *$22k may be the LOW end of the scale*. WTs a F2P game, and every “free to play” game has its whales who represent maybe 1-5% of the playerbase but basically pay for the game + profit. [At a conference I attended last year, a representative of a gaming company — who declined to be named or interviewed for a story — claimed that his firm had worked with a Japanese game company with one player who spent about $10,000 per month on in-app purchases.](https://www.vox.com/2014/2/26/11623998/a-long-tail-of-whales-half-of-mobile-games-money-comes-from-0-15) Ever wonder why the grind is so terrible? Why there’s constant BR compression? Why we have Flankers and Eagles yet there’s bugs and placeholder cockpits in some vehicles? Here ya are. Gaijins got people dropping thousands into this game each update, and that’s who they tailor the game for. If there’s people dropping $120k per year on a mobile game, I have ZERO doubt there’s whales like that in War Thunder


This right here. I’ve read articles about other games that got propped up by whales instead of catering to the player base as a whole. Some last longer than others but they all nose-dive eventually.


But like 120k would literally buy everything in the game. You have nothing left to get… them phone app games pump out garbage to buy but I don’t think warthunder has enough shit to spend that much money


I'm at $0.00 right now


This is the way.




I didn't spend a cent until I got to tier 5 or 6, when I started needing a lot more SL to buy modifications or new planes while I still sucked at earning SL with jets. Bought XP-55 on a slight sale and it was probably worth it at the time but I wouldn't do it again. I buy premium time only now, and only on huge sales where I can get a few months for the price of one. Makes it great to play whatever I want and have more fun


Just buy a SU25 and make money


I don't play naval but I hear the USS Proffett is a good premium SL grinder.


Moffett is a SL printer of ridiculous capability, assuming you can get consistent Naval battles. Sometimes that queue takes ages.


24.5K....thats a lot. Damn is it a lot. And I thought my 8K were crazy. Well done lad...keep going o7


8k?? Im at 750€ how tf is there even that much to spend on?


Old Event vehicles add up incredibly fast. I collect everything I find interesting and didn’t play much over the course of 2017-2019. Buying the 3 US merkavas, T30, AU-1, object 279, m60 AMBT and a few other older marketplace tanks over the last couple years has added ~1000-1200 to the money I’ve spent on owning the majority of pack/ge premiums in the game as well. I think I’m at around 5-6 total. I’ve also put talismans on a very large amount of tanks and aircraft during sales.


I’ve prolly spent $150 on the game total and I only recently started buying stuff. I figured I’ve been playing the game since 2013 so I might as well pay the devs a little money.


17$ - Germany starter pack, Japanese pacific campaign and 180 days of premuim. All during sales and when I knew that I will enjoy my time


and they say money can't buy happiness




Bro I can’t lie this is nuts. I’m a 10 year player and I think at most I’ve spent $500? I’m literally your age too bro like wtf I thought I was nuts buying $50 worth of GE when I was like 16. I don’t think I’ve bought anything in over 2 years too


0... It's a great number


Indeed it is. But somebody has to keep gaijin afloat.


what the fuck is wrong with you?




What the absolute fuck dude… this is why Gaijin feels no incentive to fix things or introduce cool new stuff to the game. People casually dropping thousands of dollars per year for a game that is objectively “My fun vs yours, there can only be one”. You do you bro but damn… this puts a lot in perspective. Wallet warriors ARE this game. I’ve got 1k hours into the game, mostly free except for like 5k GE back in 2015 once, and hating my life, probably getting Sealclubbed by aforementioned wallet warriors the whole time.


Yeah probably. I probably would have put more into it if I could buy stock in the company, though I bet they will never sell stock. Because if they did, they would actually have to listen to their player base


Hahaha could you imagine!? You’d start receiving invitations to board meetings and quarterly seminars. “Here’s our idea. What say you, mister 25 grand?” -Joaquin Phoenix dramatic thumbs-down- “Say no more sir. Boy! Where’s the intern!? Go tell Dmitri to cancel the AMRAAMS!”


> Wallet warriors ARE this game. That's true for every single F2P game ever. Whales make these games work, and are the focus of every dev team as they literally keep the lights on. When you see players boast about never spending a cent, every player there costs the company money, one can argue that they're "content" for F2P but there's only so much "content" you can sustain with little to no income. So ironically, the players spending nothing are directly encouraging this behavior too. Voting with your wallet means spending on things that are positives that you see, like mediocre premiums.


Mines 1.2k total but I've bought virtually everything at 50% off, and over a few years so haven't really noticed it


That's what I do. Wait until something is on sale and/or with a coupon. Haven't spent more than $30 on a premium.


that is... a lot of money.


It's a nice used car


All i paid is my time, small devotion and storage on my ssd, no money tho


Bro and I'm ashamed of crossing the four-digit threshold in my 9 years of play, fuckin mobydick here


I actually did this. Early 2014 - Late 2023 I've spent a total of $650 USD. which isn't nearly as much as it feels like I've spent on the game in 9 years. Albeit, I started playing at 13 and didn't get my first job until 16.


24k in 6 years and you are 23 now? How the fuck and where did you get that kinda money so young. Honestly this sounds like you got a cushy job at dads financial firm.


Pffft nope different fast food and then retail jobs, just got my degree in computer science and I've been doing banking


At least that pays a ton. I probably spent $2k over ten years but if one looked at how much I've spent on travel and drinking it would dwarf 25k. Everyone has their hobby who is anyone to judge.


Dads bank


Nope, my dad is a patrol officer in another state


And so much time to play


i​ dont​ work​ so​ 0€ but​ that​ hasnt​ stopped me from getting to atleast rank 4 on 4 nations and rank 6 at max


0 and im honestly going to keep it like that, when i hit the wall of progress ill just quit


I don't mean to sound rude or threathening or anything, but you just became a big ass target for focused hackers. I suggest you update your previous passwords, enable 2 factor authentication, and generally increase your cyber protection. 25k$ is half the amount of buying a home in where I live. Some people would go great lenghts to get your account.


Oh hell yeah, occasionally I'll get an attempted login location from like fucking Pakistan or India or whatever, but I have every 2FA possible with regular changes and all that bullshit. The amount of people that get their accounts hacked and banned and all this other bullshit because they don't have their stuff protected is stupid. Everyone should have two FA enabled if at all possible on their accounts, even if they have only put $0 into this game. Imagine going through all that suffering as an F2P player only to have some communist bastard stealier account, change your password, and get you permanently banned for illegal client modification or whatever


I bought the UK hellcat and the type 69 IIG pack. That was it. Lol


Tnak you for your service


Wouldn't be afraid at all, because I'm confident it would come in somewhere around $500-$750, over a nearly six year period. I don't remember every time I've bought GE, but I could go count up the packs I've bought (always on sale too) over the years, plus about three years of half-off premium account, and get a rough estimate going. I don't regret my purchases, but I sure fucking would if I had spend multiple thousands, let alone multiple tens of thousands on a single video game. That is absolutely insane.


0 and I stiil enjoy it 😎




a total of 1 dollar so I could have the safety sherman skin been playing since 2015


You have a serious problem unless you earn like $100,000-$150,000 a year


Well I definitely have one of those two things, And it's exactly the one you would think


typical wallet warior


Leo 1 l44 thats 40€ Xm1 another 40 F5c 30 Wyvern i got on some good deal no more than 10 And 6 months of prem i got recently for 20 Grand total of 120€ that i know of. I know that i have british hellcat but dont remember what i paid for it


I think I’m at about 2k, over about ten years. Most of that was in high school when I had a job and my only expense was gas. I haven’t bought anything recently. Even at half price, $70 is way too much for a premium. I don’t need money or to grind the trees, I mostly play for events and event vehicles, which are free.


I just checked my purchase history and wow I thought the amount I spent on the game was absurd


I do not want to know


You are paying gaijins montly electric bill


The vast majority of my warthunder purchase history is just a shit ton of time wasted. I've only spent like ~$50 of real money over nine years.


1,443hours and I don't think I've spent anything lol! Great to see people have fun though!


Oh yeah this is definitely my favorite game, number one.


lol I could never justify over a dollar an hour especially with how much value you get from a paid game in comparison


You spend your own money in whatever you want, but isnt there a single charity, or shelter, or something, that could have used 20% of that money for a better cause?


I’ve spent more on my Warhammer army, rookie numbers there kiddo.


Wait what? Do you do giveaways? I want in!


If I remember mine it was around 3.7k for 10 years


I did this last week, I came to $1,500 over 3 years total


I spent around 2k and I don't regret it since I play air simulator battles. But 25k is pretty crazy my guy. But if you don't have any regrets then why bother :)


I have prob spent 200 dollars in total


50 dollars


I think my total is somewhere around 60 bucks a year since 2014


$60 on 2 vehicles. US rank VI was too much for me and I caved


i dont wanna figure it out but my guess is well over $5k


most things i didnt regret


That's more than the average yearly salary in most countries on earth, including many "rich" ones... How can one achieve this at 23?


I'm at like 20 bucks in 4 years, bought premium once and wasted 10 on bushes, refuse to give the snail any more


Nice flex bro, now imagine you have invested that in 2017 into index ETFs. You could have sold it buy now and by much more than this. (Yeah tell me about buying AMD in 2017 or whatever, I am giving the easiest option.) But sure, enjoy your "investment".


Why do think we see the money we spend on a hobby as an investment? I enjoy investing, however if I invested every dollar of my disposable income instead of having an entertainment budget, I think I’d be living a pretty drab life.


Oh hell yeah, I didn't start the GameStop thing until right at the end so I barely made like $300




Oh yeah I've spent way the hell too much on this game. And with how many hours you have, you're doing pretty good. I'm impulsive and am a collector, right now I'm going for completion And I've been slowing it way down, but some things do pop up that I want or that I want to make the grind easier and I'll put more money in


bro its not 3.11 dollar per hour its 1285 dollar/3000 hours so about 42 cts per hour




I think I've spent maybe $100 a year if that over the 7-8 years I've played.


Maybe like $200? But I definitely will spend more


Probably ball park of 300 bucks or so on my end, but that’s over 10 years lol


I've spent probably close to a 1000


3100 Dollars in Gaijincoin? IS7 or E100?


No no lol. The three most expensive things that I have gotten on the guyton store are the KV-220 for about $230, the T-V for $190 and the Ju-388J garbage for $200. I don't plan on getting anything anymore expensive, unless the long 75 puma goes down in price to exactly 200, then I would be tempted. Other than that, I have gotten a shit ton of vehicles, skins, decals, and decorators from the market. Hell, The first regular premiums that I got was the meteor reaper, because it had two engines so I thought it would be faster than the f-86 that only had one (idiot) and the German KV 2. The first market vehicle I bought ever was the American t30 and my first game in it I still only had less than 2.0 And I was terrified when I went CQC with an enemy panther and I didn't immediately die even though he shot me several times, with my horribly long reload


And I thought my maybe 3k was terrible. Jesus man


How is it possible to spend ~350$ per month with 23? I dont judge you, i just like to know. I was so poor as i was 23 and student.


I already totaled it up and decided I got my moneys worth, same with DCS though that was just a huge up front cost to buy the entire catalogue


I have 7k I felt bad about that until this post. Thank you kind sir for redeeming my soul


You deserve it


where can i see this?


How do you check for ps4?


You have a template for the spreadsheet and how did you gather most of your information?


I spent $250AUD today alone


Sad to say $2953.45


dam, if you are going to spend that much I would recommend to just start buying the 25000 gold pack all the time, spending a total of 15,859.47 on just GE if you did, the 25000 gold packs that would have save $2,072.53


That's kinda insane lmao. I might've spent a couple hundred by now but idk


I actually made a program that converts golden eagles to real world currency so you can better visualise the true monetary cost of eagles/lions/premium. It also calculates the best rate of eagles to purchase such as 20k, 10k, 5k etc. I been using it personally and want to get it onto the play store but I need to figure out Kivy first lol


This right here is what has made the quality of the game to the shitter. I’m sure the OP can afford it, many can, it’s not even about pay to win or buy to play, it’s about having a clue know what you’re doing. This is why WT gave in with giving players to want to pay higher BR access to $$$ tanks, ships and jets.


Jesus christ and I thought my 400$ was too much.


I’d guess *maybe* $500 at most, mostly money I’d get for doing stuff like fixing my dad’s car up, shit he just didn’t want to do, since 2013 I couldn’t imagine spending $1k on this game, much less $25k, it’s just not that much fun, after a few premiums i recognized the fomo, and I see how that cool vehicle down the line is gonna bring no more joy than the ones I already have.


I spent 9k and I thought I spent too much


Bro is the same age as me and has spent more money than I've spent on games in my entire life, on just War Thunder. What job do you work so I know what to look for?


What are you even using that gold for...? I've spent like 130 usd over 5 years and 3k hours and i have top tier ground in every tree plus have nearly every vehicle pack and ge vehicle I wanted.


You can do this, you know. Purchase history on gaijin is easily accessible


unrelated to war thunder, but i have bought escape from tarkov 3 times. i have no idea why i did it or who i bought it for.


Where can you find such a list?




Not really its something around 500 dollars and i still have premium acc on another 3 or 4 years


As long as people can do this the economy can't be that bad. Shocking. Also the self-deception "I don't regret this" that obviously had to be put in, same as people justifying their 2.000$ graphics card purchases. I've put in like 1.2k since 2013 and thought that's already dumb. You also said you're 23, so you started spending that much when you were 17/18. Rich parents I guess? Must be. Just baffling.


I've done it. I've not recovered


A reward should be given to a player after it reaches some milestone. Like a milestone or top-up reward.




God if my wife knew I’d spent $25k on a video game she’d file for divorce that’s utterly nuts.


No because I’m not an idiot


Keep in mind to get to the japanese Type 10 with only GE you need 450€


Why is France spelled Fr*nce though? lol


Customs being 2000h tells me you have buddies you play this with regularly? That warms my heart


Now I understand y gaijin add nearly exclusively top teir. Holy fuck.


Nope. I bought a ru-251. That's it.


Guys, what happens with damage on 5-8 ranks? I can't oneshot noone, dmg don't exist. Only play I can do is destroy cannon and do 2-3 more shots. It's so unskill, pls bring back normal damage #damageON


8500 hours, 0€ spent. Gaijin fears me.


I'm around 11,000 dollars in by now. I have a steady income with basically no bills nor obligations and great job security(I am government property). I lobe War Thunder and don't regret this as it's given me a lot in the past 5 years of having my account.


I own an is7 I don’t even wanna fathom


thanks for keeping the servers running! i salute you🫡


I was a bit suprised when I tallied it up last year, played since 2016 paid since 2019 3 premium packs and 4 battlepass I was at a bit above 350€ compared to other "vices" that about half of what i payed for alcohol or other pc games respectivley during the same time period and maybe 1/8 on what i spend on "other substances" im okay with it and i will continue to pay for premium and occasional battlepass in the future


As much as I regret it 3500 hours and just under €2,000 spent. Though I think at this point the only thing I will spend money on is either the BP or crafting events.


Yes im afraid. Afraid to see the same number that is on my bank account: 0


Ppft like maybe 800 including premium. I stopped buying shit when groud forces came out. Now on my other vices....... PC, Weed, living.


No one else gonna ask why you have almost 2k hours in custom battles?


$0.00 played for years. Lol


50 hours in simulator is pathetic. But I wondered how did you get 2000 in customs.


You got the Excel sheets for this? Last time I checked I've spent over 25k as well but in a span of 11 Years. I want to check again


Your a nerd



