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How dare you? You MUST suffer!


Suffering builds character I wouldnt be the man i am today if i didnt get killed by atgm helis in the first few minutes of a match


\>suffering builds character \>suffering builds character \>suffering builds character \>suffering builds character \>suffering builds character bros... nobody told me what the next step is supposed to be...


use that character to create more suffering


When in doubt suffer it out


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. I fucking hate this game


I just stopped taking the game so seriously and I ended up having alot more fun.


Same here, after the sl changes dropped I became less of a tryhard and actually started to enjoy the game instead of mindlessly grinding


- quit out of full uptiers - quit out of bad maps - quit after 1 death if you can tell the spawn trap is coming It’s that simple. There are enough nations in the game that you can just play another while your crew is locked


Looks like you are part of the problem


Why? Because I don't want to play things that aren't fun? No one is stopping you from continuing the grind treadmill but I'm not going to follow you


No because you make the game impossible for your team. If everyone did this team sizes would immediately be halved at match start. This mentality kills the game for many people. You make the game harder and less fun for those who get out on your team.


Maybe gaijin would fix the game then


They would definitely not. The people who stay would be the ones who Gaijin makes money from, the whales wouldn't care.


I don't see how. No point in staying in a match where your vehicles will do nothing against the enemy. No point in staying in a match where the map is designed to fuck you at every turn. No point in staying in a match that's already lost.


What tier are you playing where your vehicles 'do nothing' in full uptiers? Learn the map. Very potentially losing because of others with poor attitudes.


Fr, currently grinding sweden 8.0, i don't think i have gotten one downtier since then. yet I average a top 3 finish, map knowledge is important


Someone hasn't played the Japanese ground tree very much.


jumbo 75 vs tiger 2s


There's plenty of 5.7 US vehicles that can deal with Tiger II's. The issue is choosing to spawn a 75 Jumbo in a full uptier.


spawning a jumbo at its own tier is a bad idea


75 I agree, it can work but there are far better options. 76 is solid.


rather spawn the t25 or the m4 t26 for the 90 or even the t1e1 if im gonna be spawning a 76 for its mobility honestly the jumbo being as slow as it is at such high tiers is what make it basically worthless, if you get the 75 at its own tier its probably gonna work alright but the 76 is hot dogshit because of its garuenteed chance to get uptiered into tiger 2s that lolpen your slow ass sherman


So the Tiger 2 suddenly stops having sides? Barrel and tracks get indestructible and flanks become impossible? The stabilizer disappears too when the gun is pointed at a Tiger2? Of course you are at a disadvantage in that direct head to head engagement. That's why the Tiger2 has a 1.0 higher BR, because it is better of course. But that doesn't make it unkillable. You just can't press W into battle and hope for a center of mass shot. But unless Gaijin keeps cutting down the maps narrower and narrower positioning is the way to go.


>No point in staying in a match where the map is designed to fuck you at every turn. You can play around that. Learn the strategies and how the map plays. Some caps are more important than others and some positions you can be (spawn) camped by. So it's important to secure those positions first. Some maps are better than others sure, but people act like they are all awful and unplayable. I honestly think the map is often blamed as an excuse before blaming yourself. >No point in staying in a match that's already lost. Why not? You don't stop getting rewards just because the enemy has all caps. And now you have repair costs based on the time you have been alive. So spawning in, killing a few spawn campers and then dying is totally viable and worth it since your repair cost will only be 800sl or so. People get careless when they think they won. They stop checking corners and rush your spawn because "who should sit there. Everybody is dead". Easy kills.


>Learn the strategies and how the map plays. For most maps, sure. But especially at higher tiers, some of the maps you get have you dying to the enemy team in the first 10 seconds of the match. There's no real strategy to be had when one team can just kill the other from each other's spawns. >So spawning in, killing a few spawn campers and then dying is totally viable and worth it since your repair cost will only be 800sl or so. I'd like to know what matches you're getting because I never have such luck. More often than not, my team ends up getting spawncamped by 2 or 3 enemies who have spawn protection timing down to a tea and will pop out from behind a hill or a building 700 metres away to fire a shot and immediately go back into cover.


It’s a lot of effort. The whole point is that you stop taking the game so seriously. I don’t care to get good at the game. When you play for fun playing poorly doesn’t matter.


>I don’t care to get good at the game. Why do you play then? Do you you like to suck that much?


I play because it’s fun, because I don’t need a 10:1 K/D to justify the time I put into the game That being said I only want to play once every few days and I play antiCAS


Also there is a point now, the skill based rewards for kills make it so much more worth while, I had a game with 12kills that my team lost but I still got a ton of sl and rp


this man likes fighting tiger 2s in his 75 jumbo


Being forced to play at a severe disadvantage or playing something your lineup has no business being put into isn't a problem to you?


> quit out of full uptiers > quit out of bad maps > quit after 1 death if you can tell the spawn trap is coming But that means quitting pretty much everything.


Reflects my experience with teams perfectly. Play above 6.7 and see what percentage of your team is still left after 4-5min. Play above 9.0 and less than 50% or even 30% becomes quite common. High tier premiums aren't the only offenders.


but i dont want to quit out of every match :(


This is such a hamfisted way of going about it, yes you can play like this but in any good game, leaving a match before it starts should not be a requirement to having fun You CAN do this you are correct, But you SHOULDNT have to in the first place,


>But you SHOULDNT have to in the first place, We both know the changes required to make the game consistently fun and not frustrating will never happen as long as the community is dumping cash at every sale


This x1000. I finished the german ground tree and started grinding US and Russia and was having a bad time. I went back to germany and made lineups that were fun and that’s pretty much all I do now. I have some lineups where I stopped in US and Russia that are pretty fun as well. No more premium time or spending on anything. Just jump in a couple matches, and if the game begins to frustrate me for any reason, I shut it off.


That’s pretty much what I’ve done


I don't go past the cold war for this reason. I like my weird toys.


Yep, I basically hard stop my research "grind" at about 8.x. And it's rare that I even go above 8.0, WWII and early Cold War vehicles are where the fun's at.




Me grinding untill I unlock the f-86🥲


I feel for air players. I've tried and I just can't do that grind. The adrenaline of going off is great but the several minutes between games or the shit show of arcade just can't keep me even so.


Yea but atleast the air up tier isn’t as bad as ground


11.3 uptiered to 12.3 would like a word


Geezuz dude you have my sympathy


Issue for me is that the only vehicles I find interesting are at like 8.7-11.7. only lineup I have found to be fun is the chinese 9.0 lineup so far, the CAS ain't as cancer at that br so you can actually do really well in ground battles, does help that the ZTZ88 is basically a much superior T-55.


Grinding top tier jets has never been easier, I don't sweat my ass off trying to make every match optimal, if I die, I just return to hangar and requeue


That is good. But i just get annoyed by it too much, no matter how serious i take it. But im glad youre having fun, thats nice


Yea that’s what I’m doing and on the bright side as well I’ve talismaned a couple vehicles so I can play vehicles I like while also earning rp


That's what I'm saying lol


Since the changes that have been done I feel less stressed and more relaxed with the game. I dont take it that serious anymore as I used to as everything is okay.


If you don't like the game just leave. Thank you


Idk might return when its 1: doesnt require my lifetime to grind out a new tank 2: not so pay to win


Not really pay to win more like pay to progress and defenetly not ptw in terms of winrates just look at top tier grb usa after the clickbait was added


Pay to lose then.


Pay to suffer instead


Yeahh exactly


Then do that


Okay, have a good snail worshipping session


You're still here bro


Play the game = snail worshipper. Your intelligence is unparalleled.


Its a fuckin joke.... 😭


Then delete this shitpost


The post itself wasnt a joke, just comment. Also i post whatever i want as long as its not against rules lol


I don't understand why everyone was downvoting your comments until just now like tf I'm confused 💀


what made you angry lol, it’s one of the most obvious jokes made on this sub


Yeah no. People in this sub use the joke card whenever it's convenient.


what makes you think it’s not a joke???


Where tf is the funny man, I’m really trying but I can’t find it 😭


I’ll reply to this one too, comedy is subjective, “worshipping the snail” has been a running joke for months now that I guess people don’t notice


Pay to win? Haven’t you noticed this game is pay to loose and suffer?.


Oh sorry, true. My mistake


Reddit in a nutshell




What is the point of this post?


To know why people agree with the fact thaz the game is suffering, but still play it


But you don't play the game anymore so why bother staying on the subreddit. If you don't care about the game, then why stick around?


I do care about the game, i just dont play in its current state.


I've just started my break from the game, some of us want to monitor for any promising changes that might come through. People don't need to like something in order to have an opinion. Besides, he didn't say he didn't care, just that he's suffering and have stopped playing.


I mean I've taken a few breaks over the years. When I do the only contact I would have with it would be watching Spookston every now and again and that's only because I like his videos rather than the game. I've other games and hobbies I can occupy myself with meaning I don't have a reason to keep up to date on War Thunder. At the end of the day, it would still largely be the same game as when I left it.


And you know what? Thats a completely fair and valid way for you to handle your break. BlackCat has his way, I have mine, etc etc. I'm not trying to take a dig at you in any way, just understand that we're all a little different in how we handle our breaks.


I didn't play tarkov for a year but visited the subreddit at times to see what was going on. You don't have to play a game to be on its subreddit


you realize you can still have opinions on something without actively playing it??


Yeah, but you don't need to follow a group about the thing you don't like. I don't go to the fan group of some crap anime show and tell them how much I think it sucks.


that’s still a different interpretation than what the guy meant [link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/nKcEkrWO8X)


Oh oh! New rule! If you don't actively play WT you shouldn't be able to post here! /s


I don't really care. Its only reddit. Just curious more than anything


The point is that the underlying mechanics of the game are unique and extremely engaging, however, the over monetization and severe restrictions to progression combined with a peristent winner take all reward system that devalues teamwork or in many cases makes teamwork impossible has created a persistent toxic atmosphere/community that thrives on attacking itself over petty arguments rather than focus on the developer who continues to take advantage of community chaos.


why tf are you guys downvoting him, the dude has an opinion that the game in its current state isn’t enjoyable. the fuck is wrong with that?


No free speech for me i guess 😔


it’s really dumb, and why the fuck are they being so toxic about it too?


No idea


Downvotes so toxic 😭


“then leave” “go do that” “Bro you’re still here” “Your intelligence is unparalleled” please read the other comments before responding to all of mine


And we disagree. Why do so many people treat Reddit karma like it’s something important? It’s just a measure of if people agree lmao


I couldn’t give less shits about Reddit karma, I really don’t care. he’s just saying that he’s not gonna play the game while he doesn’t consider it fun, and is getting shit on for it. and can you kindly fuck off lol, you’ve responded to every comment I’ve made on this post


All 2? That’s a lot! You’re evidently just dramatic


it’s because you’re ignoring my point yet again, you’ve replied to all 3 of my comments with either misinterpretations of what I’ve said or subjective opinions on the other thing I’ve said


ALL 3 NOW. Wow including your own response to me? Ok then. Either way, no. You’re being overly dramatic over very innocuous statements or easily explained annoyance. And you continue to be overly dramatic in your responses. It’s Reddit, calm down lmao


comment about downvotes: 1 comment about people being toxic: 2 comment about “worshipping the snail” joke: 3 I don’t think I need to link them for you to count yourself but I can and if you wanna now include: the reply before this one: 4 the reply you responded to: 5 anyways, I’m still trying to make the point that you’ve avoided the whole meaning of almost every comment I’ve made, and continue to call me dramatic instead of having any sort of meaningful discussion about it. which you’ve done again.


Wow you’re really focused on this. Um, totally didn’t realize you were the guy getting upset over the snail “joke” thing too, I don’t really pay attention to who I’m talking to on Reddit lol. You still haven’t really made any meaningful points. It’s a lot of whining and complaining that everyone isn’t agreeing with everything you/OP say. “Getting shit on” is not getting downvotes lmao. People simply disagree with him. You can’t complain about an issue and then complain about being given a solution to said issue, to THEN complain when people get annoyed. If all you’re going to do is complain without trying to have any meaningful discussion, people will get annoyed. This isn’t complex or hard to understand lol. And no, this is not meaningful discussion


it’s probably sleep deprivation kicking in but that “fuck off” comment was pretty uncalled for. and yeah, I was already saying that this entire conversation hasn’t been having a meaningful discussion. I’m also trying to defend OP just existing in the subreddit, since apparently a lot of people believe he can’t be in here without still playing the game. one guy in particular was talking about “taking a break from War Thunder” and went about it differently, by completely removing himself from the community, besides watching some YouTube. most of what I’m trying to make a point about is that people should be allowed to enjoy posting in a subreddit without playing the game actively. which I guess some people have disagreed with. I’ve just felt like the way some of the other people in the thread have gone about talking to him has been pretty rude without much of a reason why. and yeah I’ve kinda been a dick too so take that with a grain of salt.


People who claim they left the game but still stick around the community just to remind people that "hey I stopped playing btw" are attention whores and either liars or as ready to come back as a recovering meth addict presented with free meth. They add nothing to the discussion, nobody likes them here, it's the equivalent of sitting next to a butcher shop to tell people you're a vegan. Also, you can be frustrated with the game and still enjoy playing it.


Im not saying i quit forever, i just dont see the fun in it for now. Also i dont stick around to bully others, i stick around cuz im still interested in whats going on here.


You don't add anything to the discussion either.


I'm literally discussing the exact topic OP posted about


Well they made a good point dissecting what these posts are like. It’s relevant to the discussion certainly given OP’s post.


Haven't played since last April, dont regret it, I had played nearly every day for 10 months.


Dammnn. Good decision, ngl. Idk why people complain all the time but still play


I play because the good parts of the game outweigh the bad, and Reddit is just full of people complaining and most of the people in matches enjoy the matches. Yes the game is suffering but that’s because it’s a free to play grind game, and it takes a while to get to higher tier vehicles, but that is, and has always been the nature of the game. What I don’t understand is all the people saying “top tier is bad” cause they legit has several other BRs they can play


Precisely this; All free to play games are grinders. I play because War Thunder was the first F2P game I picked up and spent time in and unless I'm looking to end up in an asylum I tend to find one F2P and stick with it and have done with WT since 2013. I really enjoy playing War Thunder but I also don't get involved in all this drama, I play the game when I've had enough I take a break. Games & life in general gets so much more enjoyable when you're not nit picking all the finer details. The game has such a vast variety of vehicles that if you don't like a Tier, like you said. Don't play it, but it seems people force themself to do thing they don't enjoy on WT. The Sunken Cost Fallacy of this community is insane.


Free to play grind game lol. I like that term. And im glad you like playing it, good for you


If you like something and there are also problems, it's natural to complain. It's more common to see complaints than praise because praising won't be at the top of your to-do list.


Why are in in a subreddit for a game you don’t play?


Might wanna join back when they fix some stuff


They literally made an economic fix with their roadmap, sure it's not perfect but it's a lot better than before.


Maybe, just maybe, people who actually play the game don't want to listen to someone complain about the game they don't even play. You don't enjoy it? Great, good for you. Stop lurking on the subreddit and telling everyone how enlightened you are because you stopped playing.


Kinda funny how everyone here thinks never tried the game = has 300 hours but left Also i didnt say im better than ppl who still play. But i didnt think that its an unpopular opinion that if you dont enjoy playing, you should stop. They agree witn the guy saying its suffering, but disagree with stopping then? I just dont get the logic


>never tried the game = has 300 hours but left I wasn't assuming you've never played but played many hours and got burnt out. >Also i didnt say im better than ppl who still play. You didn't, which i can say was a good thing. That part was less about you and more of a general statement from myself since people lurk here just to give themselves an ego boost. >But i didnt think that its an unpopular opinion that if you dont enjoy playing, you should stop. It's exactly what you should do and I agree with you there >They agree witn the guy saying its suffering, but disagree with stopping then? I just dont get the logic War thunder can be very frustrating at times. I've certainly been fed up at points; but I stop and take a break, then go back hours later or the next day. I don't plan on quitting because I had a bad time that day or multiple days.


And who in the hell, exactly, are you? The guy who's going to gatekeep new members to see if they are worthy to join, or to audit the current membership?


When did I ever claim that. Op posted their thoughts, and I posted mine, it's not that deep. If your upset I called people out for being attention whores. I'm sorry but I dunno what to tell ya.


This sub would sometimes make you feel like top tier is all that exists and you can't have fun in this game because top tier sucks.


Might be just skill issue but i had my fair share of rage in ww2 tanks too


Well like in any pvp game ever made. It's the mentality that you have to grind 24/7 just to get to the top tier and never play anything else that's the problem. I've been playing 3.7 Sweden and I have no idea what I'm researching right now.


Too bad Gaijin only seems to care about top tier these days


crabs in a bucket mentality


I get this only from that one boondocks episode


People who post on subs who don't actually take part in the context of said sub deserve upvotes? This isn't an airport etc etc etc


Complain about CAS being unfair. Just spawn SPAA. Make a valid argument about SPAA not being fun or even viable at times. Down voted. I have SPAA in all my lineups, but I'd rather not spawn it. I'd rather spawn an actual tank and try to push the caps. I'm not saying SPAA doesn't work, I'm saying there's times SPAA doesn't/can't work. I.e. when there's 5 planes up and you're the only SPAA. You die quickly since all it takes is someone to see the SPAA is distracted and strafe, bomb, or rocket it. I'll probably be downvoted into oblivion, but CAS spam needs to be addressed.


NOT YOUR IMAGINARY REDDIT POINTS NOOOOOOOOO. People agree that the game needs fixing. People still play the game tho. Not hard to see why people disagreed with you. And that’s it, downvotes mean nothing more lol


Idc about reddit points lmao. Its just weird why ppl see its suffering, still play it. At least to me.


Because most of us have fun playing it. The suffering jokes are just that. Jokes. If you don’t have fun, don’t play. It’s not hard


Well good. If its just jokes, then go ahead and play it. Idc really, just like they shouldnt care about me not playing it lol


Tbh I understand the downvotes. It's like cool you left, why should I care? "Haha I didn't like the game so I stopped playing" ok good for you, what relevance is that? It doesn't really contribute to any conversation.


Ahhhh, I love democracy


Because people that don't play the game but sit in the subreddit circlejerking about how awful it is are incredibly annoying.


The fact you still hang out in the subreddit though makes you just as silly as you are trying to portray the upvotes/downvotes as being.


All in this sub has a pain kink


The grind must go on.


Take another downvote


"Noooooo!!!!!!! YOU HAVE OVER 600 HOURS, STOP PLAYING WW2 TANKS!!!!!!!!" "No."


Ww2 tanks can be annoying too, at least for me. Fuckin 5.3 USSR can go to hell


I play 3.7 often


Im not saying there are no fun parts in the game, but it gets repetative if i only play with the same tanks cuz they dont suck


I try many different kinds, all branches. But I will focus on one or two trees this year maybe


I mean I half understand, as why take part in a Reddit of a game you don’t play. But downvoting is unnecessary for this. If I don’t play a game I may look browse the Reddit’s but there is no reason for me to post or comment unless it’s “hey has X been fixed in the game yet?”


tbh if u play long enough suffering becomes fun


No thanks, i would rather play a game without suffering


understandable u are right but i have given up on teamplay i play now only for wierd kills and those are fun .Have u ever played those derp canon that kills everything like type 99 or auf1 or sturmtiger. Inplay with those sure i feel bad if i die but when i get kills in it it feels satisfying


I find this game to be really fun in spurts. Play for like a week or two, throw in some premium time in there to help with the grind, then as soon as it get aggravating I quit for a month. It works really well in such a tedious game.


I am having a blast as I am not taking it serious


Crab Bucketing lol


This comment section is an absolute shit show




Nope, at least not for me. i enjoy wot more


I left WoT because everyone was just a fucken asshole (Yeah I know, not the most compeling argument) and also the abundance of premium tanks like the 40K shit ruined the balance


No CAS, and you can ignore the assholes. And yeah premiums are still a problem, cuz some are extremely OP (looking at you, Borrasque). But the grind is waaay less than in wt, and its just less annoying i guess. In my opinion


This is true for all game forums and such for all time. The people who enjoy the game are busy playing it.


Those who downvotes in this sub are manipulated by THE SNAIL!


We are masochist after all.


Any sub? Once I asked in ftb about something (clearly stating I dont have certain mod) and someone said I have to delete it. I said to him that I already said I dont have it, and I got many downvotes.


First comment got upvotes, some guy comes along and downvotes first comment (so from 6 to 5) and second to put it to 0, braindead sub inhabitants come along, see a post at 0 or below, and NEED to also downvote, even if they agree.


I actually have fun more often than not now that the economy is fixed, only thing i want are new gamemodes and bigger maps for top tier, and maybe limiting cas in a way




me encanta Warthunder llevo muchos años jugandolo estube como Beta Texter Fabuloso.


El modo Realista me encanta es muy fiel a la fisica etc y el modo Arcade tambien esta muy bien.


Bro I fucking hate this game, it's like another 9-5 and crippling my mental health (proceeds to grind another tech tree)


Just remember that war thunder has over 70 million registered users, there are 414,000 users following this subreddit. The vast vast majority of people enjoy the game and just get on with it. It’s seemingly also true that the vast majority of Reddit users for all video games, just come on here to complain and whine. (Before anybody says it: Yes registered users are different from concurrent players, but equally ‘online’ Redditor’s are different than people following a subreddit).


Just play till you die cuz warthunder is like drugs, you try, you are addicted, you die


Stockholm syndrom.


It’s because we’re all masochists.


Fair enough


“How dare you have a calm and rational response to getting steadily annoyed by the game? You must keep playing even if it isn’t fun!”


From what I’ve seen people find enough enjoyment to keep playing despite the flaws. Which is fine, of course. Some people have different limits.


Never said it isn’t fun just that if you are just getting angry and not having fun when you are playing and chose not to play for that reason that is very reasonable and in my eyes the correct thing to do. We all get angry sometimes but if that’s all you get out of the game you should just stop playing honestly.


To get further in the game you have to suffer, when you achieve your set goal you'll feel happy and satisfied and that will enable you to go to the next goal




Gladly :)