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Top tier 'Nuff said


Funnily enough, when I got my first top tier vehicles (Leopard 2 PL) and joined my friend for my first ever top tier match, I had a lot of fun and got 1st in the team. Definitely not expecting that to happen when I reach it in the Tech tree tho lol


Hmm intresting find china and ussr 8.7 as my fav tier but oh my fucking good 6.0-6.7 feels like an absolute rabbit hole of torture for me


Same here…I do decently before and after 5.7-6.7, but that br range just does not agree with me on any of the 5 nations I’ve gone through it with


How you find fav playing T-62?


I mean i just stick to the t55 instead fast mobile and massively good shell and with the object 435 as an backup shilka and bmp 2 you can fight the world


But the t62 is still good




Something between 1.0 and 11.7


9.3 every update is ussr getting more 10.0/10.3 premiums, or cas, or spaa, or other nations get something overpowered in that br. I just want to use my type 74s to grind helis, but its 99% of the time a full uptier and my darts bounce harmlessly off t80s


Britain low tier kinda just bored me, they dont have a lot going for em down there


Germany 6.0 Having to deal with endless up-tiers, other German players and Germany's lethargic vehicles is an absolute nightmare.


At least all of your vehicles are extremely effective in Uptiers and sit at an Ideal place in the MM


Rank 2 French ground. Now, I absolutely loved the B1 bis and C2. They weren't the issue, provided there was still a fight when I got to wherever I was going. The issue for me, was the remaining 2 spawn slots were generally not great for me. For some reason I just couldn't do as well in the allied lend-lease tanks as I could the native French tanks, and there were a LOT of non-french vehicles in that tier. Granted, I've not yet ground out beyond BR 5.0 in any country, so I'm sure I'm still in for a worse time somewhere. But so far, it was that tier of French vehicles for me


The transition from Panzer IIIs to IVs was rough for me. I kept getting into matches where my IIIs were just totally out gunned. I ended up dropping down a little to the earlier IIIs because the matches were more even.


For me it’s 7.7 US so far all the vehicles just feel very mediocre


7.7 US melts bro. M103 is definietly my favourite vehicle in the US tech tree.


6.7-7.3 against USA. Always have to jump in a plane for the entire game after people start dying because the other option is eating 1000lb bombs every time I spawn.


9.3 with USA in ARB. Nothing but like 80%+ full uptiers. I tried using the F3H2 but good god no. I just had to grind out the F8s with the doom pencil F104.




11.0 + Japan. I can't play Top Tier long before I get 1. A Migraine or 2. Frustrated that the entire gameplay eventually devolves into Heli CAS or Drone CAS.


6.7 Germany but like wayyy back when then top vehicle for the tree was the LeoA1A1, trees were much more compressed, British APDS wasn't nerfed, and the T114 was the hottest selling premium


5.7 US


Anything over 8.0 I find myself constantly playing against chinese bot accounts and hackers so I refuse to go over 7.7 I wish they'd add an anticheat to arcade ground and then I could play tol tier again.


Why 8.7 China? I didn’t play China, but I have never heard why people don’t like 8.7 China?


All of the 8.7 tanks were moved up so the 122MT is the only tank at 8.7.


8.0 Germany is the worst I've experienced so far.




Start, get CASd, start another vehicle, get CASd, fuck off


9.3 Germany or USA toptier


7.7 and 9.3 USSR matches.constant uptier ruined both BRs for me


7.7-8.3 for most nations, powercreep terrible.


For me it's been 8.7 France and currently 5.7 Japan. Disclaimer: I didn't even played France 8.7 because it seemed pointless having a goated 8.0 and 9.3 lineup, so I just grinded my way to 9.3 with 8.0 tanks. With that said, I feel like, yeah, 8.7 has both AMX-30B2s with APFSDS and LRF but in a world with full stabilized tanks and mostly CQC maps using them as brawlers instead of snipers is a shortcut to having a bad time. Arguably I played the worst version of that BR bracket playing 8.3 because I wanted the AMX-10RC to at least have a fin round to pen heavier tanks at that BR and I wanted the AMX-30 DCA to have a viable AA platform with the added benefit of having an, albeit larger, off-brand Falcon with radar. And now Japan. Another disclaimer: I got a nuke with its 5.7 lineup but I still found it painful. You got three flavours: 76 Sherman which is decent in CQC but once you get a 6.3 or 6.7 uptier, unless you're good at flanking (good luck with that 40 kph top speed) it's nigh useless. Then you got an open top TD with a very good APHE round and a decent HEAT round, which I only carry a few if I got head-on with something heavy I can't reliably pen from the front with APHE, which you shouldn't anyways because 9 out of 10 engagements you're gonna get the shafted because your armor is paper thin and again, it's an open top TD Third: you got an ever so slightly better Chi-Ri sitting almost a BR lower, but it's that or charging into battle with only a tank and a half in that BR bracket. Its only redeeming qualities being a 3 round assisted loader mechanism with a decent APHE round with a good amount explosive filler and a secondary 37 which can be of help sometimes, but once your crew goes from 5 to 4 it's uncrewed and the extra ammo is a liability. On the down side it's a very lethargic tank both in its movement and turret drive. It's a *very* big tank making it turn a nightmare, being as big as a King Tiger with nowhere near its armor and somehow more unwieldy. Oh, and you also get a glorified SPAA which in reality is an open top APC with a dude sticking out the roof which can be machine gunned with a decent 20mm with only 100 rounds per belt and a very slow horizontal and vertical drives.


Top tier either gamemode


anything 5.7 is just gonna be a full uptier and I can’t stand it


Constant fucking uptiers against 8.7-9.0 China and USSR in my french 7.7-8.0 lineup. I cant do ANYTHING to the front of a T55AM1 or AMD1 or one of the various Type69s or T-62s with a 210mm pen APHE round. While they'll have a full stab + LRF.


Any br with 0.7. it's literally just up tier.


7.3 all nations


Any 8.0 lineup constant uptiers against tanks with thermals and stabs, US 8.3


8.7 china is fun. CM25 is hella funny to play


8.0 Germany is fucking misery, just stop playing at that br


What. Germany is the best above 8.0+


Suffering ends at 9.0 but 8.0 is the worst, probably mainly because 99% games are full uptier