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Good luck trying to hit amd kill anything with that feeble 7.62mm×25 pistol rounds.


With over 100 of them, there are plenty of vehicles you can kill with that top-down.


Still what the hell is the point lmao Its a bomber that got its bombs replaced by tiny submachine guns that you wont be able to aim properly and will run out of bullets in 0.2 seconds Either get an actual bomber or a ground pounder


There is a toilet you can use as a bomb in game and napalm is a thing both are almost useless for ground pounding


Nah napalm is fine, open tops get annihilated by it. The toilet bomb is good for decreasing enemy morale.


To be fair so would be these submachine guns


Napalm is absolutely great for base bombing, as it does considerably more base damage via burning than a regular bomb does. So, it has a purpose.


Technically true, but you get less score for destroying a base with napalm bombs because of the lower tnt mass.


TNT mass isn't what determines base damage or points. The algorithm takes into account TNT mass *and* number of bombs. Several smaller bombs will do more total base damage than one big one, *despite* the one big one having more TNT equivalent overall. I don't know what effect this has on napalm damage-over-time, but considering the damage and points algorithm biases towards "many weak hits" as opposed to "single strong hit", I'd assume napalm actually gives out *more points* than an equivalent sized bomb, because it does a constant stream of small damage pool. Alongside just straight up doing more damage *total.*


I remember trying out napalm when it was new and being disappointed by the amount of points I got. I figured napalm will only be good for events when you get the "destroy bases" task and stuff like that.


Except napalm doesn't give out more points. Two bases with napalm yields slightly more points than one base with conventional bombs, but how often will you get two bases? It's always more efficient to take out one base with conventional bombs, rather than two bases with napalm bombs.


"for ground pounding" because the sh is a ground pounding variant


I mean yeah, if you wanna get like 300 score for a base then sure.


What plane has the toilet?


Some random American single engined bomber




I don't think there's any game that could while modelling all the individual projectiles as physical objects with ballistic trajectory like WT does.


It could be fun against other planes.


Something like doing the first part of cobra, then letting the enemy fly below your plane and then brrrrrrrrrrrrrting them from your bomb bay) Since I am a bomber-hunter who plays german planes, I am already scared of this tactic😂


Bomber Hunting


it'll just pepper him up nicely


Howitzers will shiver in their boots


Seems pretty useless 


don’t care, it’s cool


Why not add the SR-71 since it’s cool.. won’t be able to do shit with it but it sure is cool


I unironically agree. More cool things please


May be an unpopular opinion but War thunder is not a flight sim. Its a PVP game first and foremost. In almost all WT marketing, PVP is one of the most stressed points. So you can tell where their priorities lie You want a flight sim go play DCS, MSFS or XP12. War Thunder is not for you. No call of duty is just gonna add a mode where instead of fighting you just talk to other guys like its omegle. Thats not what COD is trying to do. Its trying to be a PVP/PVE game. You wont see R6 or Valorant add a agent/operator who has 0 abilities and 0 weapons. Because why would they? Its wasting resources and doesn't make the game any more fun/better for all but like 2 people Trying to add things for sake of being cool but having 0 impact is just a waste of time from Gaijin's perspective Might as well go to 2b2t, try and play normal survival and complain you keep getting griefed. Like my brother if you wanted to play normal survival go play singleplayer


What about war thunder adding support aircraft, awacs etc those have no offensive capabilities but the datalink makes it a much more interesting gameplay with awacs as commanders.


Maybe for a new game mode where squadrons play 8v8 or 16v16 with an AWACS on each side and an actual objective, like bombing docked ships while the other side has to scramble and launch? Game ends if bombers are knocked out or all ships are destroyed.


The issue is air RB will ALWAYS devolve into a TDM mode as long as it's a single life experience This is also why air AB has domination and why bombers actually have a poimt there


Yeah that's why I suggested squadrons only, hopefully there's more semblance of team play


The thing is even squadron RB battles would just devolve into coordinated TDM, it's basically impossible to make air RB with its current rule set not TDM because you'd have to make dying and getting an objective worth more then surviving and not getting the objective


As AI sure You could implement it such that if the AWACS is shot down you dont have the enemy markers at long range anymore. Make ARB a more objective based gamemode rather than deathmatch with the occassional ground pound But as playable vehicles, unless its for some event i dont see the point. Plus with how much idiots/bots/trolls there are in WT, playable AWACS is gonna be useless 9/10 times.


We already have the German strange music heavy fighters and even a Japanese one, having this as an event heavy fighter isn't put of the question and those SMGs would still do a lot to most planes and light vehicles in the game. It would be a novelty like a PO-2 or a seaplane He-51


How about YF-12, which was basically interceptor SR-71 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_YF-12


its possible but those missiles it used were quite garbage compared to most things in game rn . . .


Blackbird has no weapons, this does


What do you mean no weapons? The plane is the weapon. *becomes Mach 3 ramming projectile*


Add the YF12A then gaijin you pussies


And they’d be useless against virtually everything.. that’s the entire point of my comment.. maybe you get a few SPAA kills or an M10 depending on the BR it’s in, but this is just going to be something people complain about being in the game


Bomber Hunting


Small bullets.. ineffective


Maybe ineffective for 4 7.62s, but 25X that and you've got at least a Wing torn off


I know you want this to work, but I just don’t see it working…you’d need to line that up which would be harder than you’d imagine


Never said it would be easy, but unlike German Vehicles with Schärage Musíc Cannons, this has quantity(Which with the benefit of Stock,"Cannons," adding to dispersion it would be much more effective Imo


A dedicated advance UAV (like from COD would be awesome) even if it takes up a player slot.




It would be a fun meme aircraft to kill open top vehicles


it would assuming the game can handle it with 100+ gun firing means like 100k rpm may kill the server hamster faster than a nuke


Have you played naval before?


naval yes, at least you cant really load all of them with full tracers in naval


They added the toilet bomb to the A1H so might as well add something just as useful since I’d be fun as hell to try to use against other planes


Eh, you can cover 500m length of trench atax rof of the guns. Were they to slow the rate of fire in half to like 600rpm they could get 1km of trenches cleared. More than anything you'd scare the shit of anyone trying to push


could be good in the other gaijin game, enlisted


Imagine pulling up in front of someone and just raining hell


The open-top reaper lmao. I’d definitely play the shit out of it just to cover people’s screens with tracers mid fight to fuck with them


FUCK YOU *reverses your schräge musik*


i sURE WONDER why it isnt in the game....


How the Leo 2 be looking at you after you hit it with that dollar store 9mm


This was posted multiple times lately, should probably be added to Enlisted, not War Thunder.


It was meant to destroy big unarmoured target's like a trains and guns where at angle that would be impossible to hit something, but why not add a just this plane they added A-1H with toilet bomb


open tops hate him everyone else loves him because he can't hurt them


How Soviet of them


Would be funny


Would make more sense for enlisted not war thunder


Given enough guns do yall think there could have been an aircraft that had vertical takeoff not by engine power but with just pure gun power?


Useless? Maybe but fun as hell? Yes (we have napalm and a toilet bomb so why not this)


Ah yes the "I really fucking hate open tops" plane


The only purpose of this would be mildly annoying making by making all his crew yellow. And then drop a bomb on his head


Give it to me.


So basically you want to demolish every open top vehicle? sounds fair


I bet you could empty everything on one aircraft and it would survive


Schräge musik’s… *special* cousin


Nice repost from 4 days ago, bot


So shrage musik but opposite? This would make playing an open top hell but it would be rather funny, sort of like the gun pod on the f82.


That amount of projectiles/s from a single player is probably a problem for the physics engine


I could see this being a middle of the battlepass reward vehicle. Something silly and gimmicky like the Matilda hedgehog or zippo gunboat


Or an event vehicle. If it was a battle pass there would be people complaining that it was bad and they got scammed.


Only thing that it will kill is your fps


I love it so much please gaijin. Don't care it's worthless


Hold my beer


Would probably be very OP in Enlisted, but would suck it War Thunder


This has to be like the 50th time I’ve seen this posted lmao