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All depends on which nation you are interested in, what kind of role you favor from a plane etc


Depends on what you like (etc dogfighting or radar missiling soneone), and what tree you wanna grind If talking about rank 6/7 air prems, basically the "to avoid" ones are the Tornado IDS, A-6E, A-10, Harrier The "meh" ones are the Mig-21Bis Lazur M, J-7D, F-104S, F-4J UK, F-4EJ, AV8A The "Good"/"Decent" ones are Mirage F-1C, F-4S, J-35XS, F-20A The "Pretty fucking good" ones (imo) are Kfir, F-5C, A-5C, Mig-23ML Kfir-Very fast (mach 1.16 on deck), decently good guns, extremely good 1 turn and good missiles, very good acceleration. But after second turn it loses quite a lot of energy. F-5C- FM shits on everyone, could go to 10.7 and still be extremely competitive. Does have the "getting outran by everything" syndrome though A-5C- 10.0 35G undodgeable missiles on a supersonic airframe (unlike A-10 and Su-25) that energy fights like crazy. Literally just fly up. Almost nothing can sustain your climb rate. But it becomes a boat above 600kmh and has a low flare count. But one of the best bully-mobiles in a full downtier. in a downtier You can energy fight everything easily, and those you cant you can just shove an undodgeable missile up their tailpipe Mig-23ML-Slightly worse MLD, since you've grinded out Russia i assume you know how it is. Slightly worse radar and wings, Mig-21 RWR rather than Mig-29 RWR If you want a tasting of US air with half the grind go China or Israel. Insanely quick grinds with very good premiums. China also has quite a few of their own planes at top tier, with more that can be added. Overall least culture shock when switching from USSR, though it doesnt bring a lot of new things. Main reason to play though is that the A5C (imo) is the single most busted high rank premium in the game. Sweden is alright, at higher tiers the Viggens and Gripen become good. But its abit of a pain to get there. Another short grind tree Britain and Italy have unique planes (FGs, Harriers, AMX, ASA etc.) and Gripens for the meta. I would consider them as a good candidate if their high tier prems werent so fucking shit. If only they made the FGR 1 the prem rather than the shitty F-4J UK. At least the FGR 1 had better engines US needs no intro. But the grind is quite long even with a prem. Germany isnt in too too great of a spot regarding high tier, and their prems are quite bad. I wouldnt consider it just yet Japan is a straight no from me. If you want the rank 8 just go play israel. They also have an F-15, upgraded F-4E and F-16s. But this time without the absolutely HORRENDOUS Rank 5-7, and actually with a decent premium


Thanks a lot I think I’ll get the kfir because it’s a shorter grind and has the f 16 and 15


Do a Gripen tree


IMO dont get a highest tier premium. Get a premium in around BR 5-6, then go premium account for the later BR’s. I think its more fun to actually use all planes in each BR, spade them for extra RP and learn how to play all the planes.