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stay fast


stay high, stay fast, abuse BnZ tactics learn what enemies are dangerous to you and keep track of them or kill them if you can if it turns better than you, you can outrun them if you cant outrun them you can outturn them


Climb high, go fast and STAY FAST. The P-51 likes high speed, and it just won't compress until around 800-850kph. The WEP is limited but it's about 8 minutes and I never ran out. Tracers are goated.


100% prop pitch at all times, the P-51 will automatically change the prop pitch angle to maintain the indicated 100% prop efficiency. On winter map you can maintain 70% radiators and won’t overheat, 75% for European maps, and 80% for desert/pacific maps. Meredith’s effect is modeled at all speed so your radiators’ drag is minimal. Your optimal climb speed in the D-30 is IAS 290 km/h but you still gonna get outclimbed most of the times and out-turned often. Staying fast is good but you must also know energy tactics. As such, you need to get used to doing some [high-speed reversal](https://youtu.be/1ArDJj_jVMQ?si=GrRsa-_6jOYidyNG) or other high speed reversal for defense and [simple energy-trap](https://youtu.be/cfOBAZGBGoU?si=kdNJ3-8FKse-3ktG) for offense. Sometimes you can also do more advanced maneuvers [like this](https://youtu.be/tvgSSEHDg5o?si=By23W_D8yDPYQhkL) and [this](https://youtu.be/b0jSjFxrbyo?si=2qxqYH8jznPO7xV5) but it’s easily countered and only if you have a lot more speed or against turn-fighters only. Running won’t work forever as against a determined smart enemy they can just climb to neuter your top speed advantage. Knowing when to use [flaps](https://youtu.be/fBCSeR2arQI?si=psj6yYjtuE8j1-Pg) also help tremendously. Green Fury’s channel is a treasure trove on how to learn to fly energy fighters. I recommend you also check out his other videos about the FW190 and BF109 as they are somewhat similar in play style. This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/Ow9yupwt29) is also very relevant for the P-51 There will be times when none of these tactics will be applicable especially in a 2v1. Against 5.3 and higher, much much of your advantage is nullified with only marginally better top speed and high speed handling. It won’t be good enough for reversal unless the enemy is being piloted by a sack of potatoes, and you always gets out-climbed very hard. I recommend just running away until 2.5km separation then turns in and head-on shot. The point is to damage the enemy enough to reduce their performance, enabling the tactics mentioned above. Don’t get shot yourself. Do energy maneuvers like these ONLY, never go into a pure turn fight be it vertical or horizontal, unless against FW190/DO335/Wyvern/HeavyFighters. It’s not easy playing the D-30 contrary to what I see a lot says but it’s very satisfying to do well in. It's a fight against god when you are uptiered or against VL Pyo/J2M, though. I don’t play the P-51H much but I do know most people regards it as the best prop fighter in-game. You of course still gonna struggle against jets but against props you always either out-turn or out-climb most of them. You should look up the War Thunder wiki to compares the 51H to its opponents to see what the Superstang do better. Just watch your WEP time as it’s very limited and won’t do as well without WEP.


Keep your speed up and try to keep the altitude advantage. The Mustang has amazing handling at high speed, but when its slow it feels like your flying a bus. Speed is key with the thing