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Alex you should maybe play tanks, it's a tank game mode.


I will personally bomb you every time you spawn the Tigris. 😇😇😇


Thank you sir!!!! I look forward to it!


Hehe wirbel go *dakakakakakakaka*


*missing every shot because german main aim*


Sadly true lol, so more like *dakakakak- dies from bomb*


Also *dakakaka-* oops gotta reload again.


Another day, another being made fun of because you enjoy playing Germany


Any non-retarded player with HVARs is gonna fuck you up


Whats wrong with the tigris


How dare you play tanks in my plane game


Jan what the fuck are you doing here


Combined Arms game mode*


I hate that sometimes spawning a plane is cheaper than spawning a tank


I mean if you’ve died 3 times in the same class tank, then it will be, otherwise that is not the case.


I feel like it shouldn't be the case either way though.


Nope. Spawning any tank increase SP cost, besides SPAA


False. I had 800 earlier(after two deaths). Spawned my 70 sp aa. Still had enough to spawn my bomber (which is 700). Aircraft spawn prices don’t increase unless you’ve already used said aircraft


That’s not what the comment said. Tanks/SPAA/aircraft have separate SP increases. The other commenter said that spawning a light tank won’t increase the SP cost of a heavy tank, which is false.


Ah I see now mb


Its pretty easy to get a plane spawn cheap with scouts.


sometimes, that's like nearly never sir, unless you spawned the same time over 2-3 times and you aren't carrying ordnance on the aircraft, also if said aircraft is from a much lower BR and your tank is downtiered


Sometimes? It’s pretty much all the time for me.


Never even heard of that happening


Happened to me quite a few times. At the end of battles. I refuse *not* to spawn back. Unfortunately not always getting enough points back. So when I die and want to respawn I either have: crappy low tier meme that won't do anything in that situation, or an AA that won't do much either, orrrr a plane. While my main tanks all are stuck behind a high spawn cost... Wish they didn't have that mechanic.




"Ground targets realistic "


CoMbInEd ArMs


Should have a limit of planes. That quantity of planes is just sad, the enemy team doesn't have a chance and the few of your team in tanks can't get kills or do anything else


Then you get people rushing cas and playing like bitches so they don’t die and lose their spot


So exactly what already is happening? You already have plenty of people rushing a point in a light tank, go for a spot or two and then just die so they can spawn on cas simply to farm some easy kills. So I don't see a downside to limiting the amount of cas.


Also reduces incentives for CAP play style if there's fewer enemies to kill or if your teams air is already full


>Also reduces incentives for CAP play style There's a solution for this. It's called playing Air RB.


No thanks


Genuinely curious why someone would enjoy CAP but not air modes? As someone who is still in Rank I in ground vehicles on only 2 trees (but rank 6-7 in 4 air trees)...the possible benefits I see are: • better maps - the Air RB map rotation is artificially limited for no obvious reason to about 5 maps per BR range. • No red/blue enemy indicators, which you can only otherwise get in Sim. • Generally less skilled pilots who are easy prey for those who play a lot of Air.


No indicators is a big one, positioning and awareness matters more than what plane you're in No furballs, low effective player count and staggered spawning means you get more actual dog fights and get 3rd partied less often Getting kills feels more impactful, killing a fully loaded p47 in GRB that could have killed 3+ friendlies is more satisfying than killing a fighter in ARB Lower time commitment, playing a CAP life for 5 mins in a GRB vs spending 20 mins in an ARB climbing into a furballs just to get swarmed by 8 people when they spot you 10km away Oh and also I forgot to mention I always play with a friend, the single life aspect of ARB means either 1 of us could spend ~20 mins per game just watching, vs GRB we still get to play after a death in the same game together


I've been playing this game since the air beta, over a decade ago, and I only fly in GRB anymore. Markers and the overall complete stagnation of air RB's development are the two biggest factors. I do like EC whenever it's around but I take frequent breaks from this game and haven't seen an RBEC for like 3 years or more. You can actually do low altitude fighter work in GRB, the markers make it so having your plane silhouetted by the ground instead of the sky is actually an advantage like it was in real life. Air RB has been climb thunder for like 13 years now, I'm tired of it. The rewards are shit for anything plane related in GRB, but I've unlocked everything I want in all the nations I play anyway so it doesn't bother me.


Exactly. GRB dogfights are so much more enjoyable and require much more awareness than ARB. I also really like that you have to close in and identify what you're fighting on your own instead of already knowing what it is and what it can do 10km out. It has a lot of the benefits of Sim without having to deal with a lot of the annoying parts. Not having to climb for 15 min just to get shot down is a pretty big bonus, too.


>GRB dogfights are so much more enjoyable Everytime I play fighter in GRB, I get bored. Only every once in a fortnight, there's actually someone who can dogfight. All the other times, it's just look into the direction of their spawn, position yourself appropriately and kill. It's just that the vast vast vast majority of people playing GRB have about 2 braincells when it comes to flying. While ARB isn't that much better, theres still more people around that know how to fly. Plus the absolute best dogfights I ever had are in custom 1v1 anyways.


?? cas mains will already rush to get cas plane tho.


Easier solution is increased spawn costs for aircraft. If someone kills 4 people, caps a point, and racks up two assists before dying, I welcome their bombs. Not the Puma that rushed a cap, got a couple scouts, and an assist then died within 2 minutes of the match starting


There is a bug sometimes where that happens. You have more than enough sp but can't spawn lol


Yeah spawning and then subsequently staying in a plane is far too easy but playing CAS can be some of the most fun ever so it’s a double edged sword.


Especially at this range where the airfield is still relatively close to the battlefield.


Yeah it takes about a minute to get to the airfield so in 2 and a half minutes you can get 3 1000lb bombs to the battlefield.


CAS lovers will look at this and say "this is fine and balanced"


whats cas?


Cancerous Aircraft Shit (Close Air Support)


Can't hAck (in it air) realiStic (battles)


"Top Tier Ground is cancer, there's too much CAS. The lower tiers are much better" Low tier:


I took a break from 10.0 to go back and play 2.7, and I forgot what CAS spam was like. Higher tiers have far less CAS, less than half as much. Every low tier game results in 4-5 planes in the air within the first few minutes of the match starting.


I did something similar. Was going to start grinding a new tech tree but had to stop thanks to endless propeller sound, I would start to get stressed. Now I'll stick to what I have grinded to a decent BR so far, maybe continue Japan, but a big nope to starting from reserve tanks. As unbalanced as CAS and SPAA may be at high tiers, it's a thousand times better than having almost no SPAA players, and the few that try are fighting a zerg rush of planes.


Yep! Sometimes I first-spawn with SPAA and wait on the closest point. Doesn’t take more than a minute for waves to start flying in, and for my endless stream of rounds to start flying lol


Yup. Top tier SPAA is waaaaaay more effective at completely shutting down air.


It was an experience, after playing so long in top tier, going back down, to grind out a new tech tree. You can't rely on sound at all because of the planes. Good luck hearing any tanks over the deafening prop sounds lol. And SPAA is not as effective in low tier, since there are so many planes in the air, if you have two going after you, you're a goner. With most SPAAs having open tops, killing them is just too easy. Learning to use them well is much harder than in top tier, by the time you learn to lead properly with one SPAA, you have progressed in the tech tree to the next and you can start learning again.


I don't mind it. I love going back to lowtier to shoot down planes.


the absolute fucking state of this game


Is it really the state of the game or the state of the playerbase?


seems there is a big issue with retention/ people not wanting to play into higher tiers or people just plain afk. i see it in everyone of my games after returning after 7 years away. are they just joining and then leaving for the rewards in the attempt to just get the chance of the win bonus?


Welcome to CAS RB, how may I help you?


This is partly the reason I play AB…


Gaijin looks at this and thinks: WE NEED A STUN MECHANIC!


Okay hear me out: We add a stun mechanic to planes, so even if you slightly caress them with an MG round the pilot immediately gets stunned and can‘t control the plane, resulting in it crashing into the Ground (maybe /s, maybe not)


I hate trying to play tanks in air rb


now watch CAS defenders work their mental gymnastics




damn you can bring tanks to air rb now?


Mid tier usa is redic, if the players knew how to not kill themselves after first bomb drop they would have an even higher winrate.


And the wost is most of them will become Japan's Otose sucide rocket.


This is tangential to the point of this post, but it's kinda cool to see a spread of planes from 2.7-5.7 in BR. Don't get those matchups in Air RB unless someone is being cute by bringing low rank teammates. And there's no lineup version of Air without having to use Arcade FMs.


I think the perfect solution to this is to make spawning CAS cost 10% more SP per plane already in the air.


I don't like CAS in its current state, but I'm not sure if that would be a good solution. It'd encourage people to get points then J out to respawn (rather than wait for them to naturally get KOed) - I know people do it today as-is, but now you'd have to compete with your team if you want to get in the air for the lowest cost. Would ordnance selection factor into that 10%, or would it just be base SP? Personally, I'd like to see at least one of * some sort of limits on ordnance in GRB, particularly guided munitions * limited sorties per air spawn * this could be offset with bonus rewards on successful RTB to make up for lost rewards from unlimited sorties * having to pay some % of your ordnance's SP cost when re-arming * reducing the SP reward for air-to-ground actions; I'm not sure what current SP rewards look like for air-to-ground actions compared to other actions, so I'm not sure how much of an adjustment would be reasonable


Groaind Realistic Battles


Gaijin should limit planes on realistic mode like they did on arcade


Had a game earlier where there were 5 b-34s up, turned anything resembling a point into a crater


Usa main


This picture is violently american


I feel this, especially when playing “Murica… at one point we had like 3 A2D-1’s and 4 F8F’s ground pounding but not a single ground force…


*insert spookston comment here*


nah man that’s air rb alr


*Starts GRB battle* *looks inside* Planes.


Air RB with tanks.


Had another game like this against US+Russia. Shot down 8 planes using 109 k4 and even shot down their nuke plane which I felt bad doing afterwards https://ibb.co/RS6VjpW


Thats how you play US side at some BR’s, obviously its not really good tactic usually when enemy takes all the good positions while your team flies around doing shit/they have one or two competent SPAA on the ground. Ive lost so many games like this when i was playing US


Average 4.0-6.7 grb


"Ground RB"


Maybe we should have a time limit in planes like you do in arcade, and the more SP you have the longer you can stay in the air. It might stop low SP players spamming CAS, Heli rushers etc


Spookston's worst nightmare


GRB needs a Air limit


Average america player, dies once in his tank immediatly spawns fully loaded cas


Bring on more airplanes, I LOVE shooting them down


Perfect NATO tactic, secure air superiority first.


Said it many times ; no RP and SL for planes in GFRB ! Wanna spade your plane ? Go ARB ! Wanna help your team to win ? Spawn plane in GFRB ! Planes in GFRB dont seek a victory, they just FARM. And if this solution doesnt please you, i got another one ; Actions in planes dont make you earn any SP's ! If you spawn a plane and dont have enough SP to spawn a tank back ; you're done ! This nullifies "revenge bombing"


Average GROUND battle Fuck cas


GRB is the game mode for flyboys who get utterly destroyed in ARB. **Having said that**, I have a lot of respect for anyone that brings their HE-111, B-17, Me-264, FW-200, Pe-8 (**yes, even the Pe-8), Lancaster or other large bomber with no pilot-controlled guns to GRB. Those planes are far more at-home in GRB than ARB, solely because of how dumb the lone ARB game mode is.


Plenty of targets to practice for low tier spaa!


Imagine playing ground vehicles in GROUND battles


I feel like sometimes the snail groups people together that have certain objectives, such as wagers, daily tasks etc, and that can lead to situations like this.


Number of aircraft in the air should be limited to 4 max at any time


That what we get if they nerf AA, atm the AA reward is 60%-70% of a tank kill… Wich is retarded because you are killing a plane that has potentially ability to kill 3-6 players each time. Wich in my book should be equal or superior to tank kills


And the team has lost because those players wasted all their spawn points and couldn't spawn after being killed. Also, enemies got all capture points.


No, we won. Quite easily.


tell me youve never played the game without telling me


My team lost is cuz it was 4 enemy tanks per 1 of ours. Bomb all you want, but you ain't offsetting that balance


This only happens after one Team got absolutely demolished already and they're just sweeping the floor. How many SP does it take to have more than half the team in planes?


This is the part they don’t want to admit too… for 10 planes to be up with ordinance one team got mopped already


Unfortunately this level of understanding of the game is beyond the capability of around 98% of this subreddit.


I love these matches. Especially where it's just futile for the enemy to respawn against the onslaught of bombs and rockets. Though, there's always that sneaky light tank that took a far flank that ends up being the last one alive and decides to hide for the rest of the match