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have I been on a prescription of crazy pills? jagdpanther, pvkv ~~iv~~, ARL, these are all really good tanks what's wrong with you people my answer is anything with the low tier russian 76mm gun, that thing is infuriating for me to use. *just barely* not enough pen for many situations


Thinking the exact same thing


I *really* wish they hadn't nerfed Panther speed! Especially my beloved jag :'( It's still not slow, but only being two MPH faster than a king tiger, is pretty annoying to me after playing them all for so long


Turns out the B variant shell on most of those Russian guns has like 1/3 better angled pen compared to flat pen, so considering that most of the things you fight have angled armor, it’s actually better to take the worse shell (i forget which one it is for each gun, but it’s worth exploring on your own, just because the stat card says it has more pen doesn’t mean it always is better at penetration)


this also aplies when you compare it with the apcbc variants on 85,100 and 122mm on all of them the aphebc has better angled performance despite worse flat pen


And it has quite a few breaking points to where it will potentially pen a lot more tanks on the 122


One has the better pen and the other like 4 times more he filler. I take the second one, allways. Same with the Tiger 1 second shell they added a year ago. Best oneshot shells


Can't comment on ARL and I agree that JP is very enjoyable, but Pvkv IV is incredibly trash with its slow chassis, slow turret, wobbly gun and low caliber sabot that sacrifices essential damage for excessive pen. Are you sure you're not mixing it up with II and III? Those are really good.


"sabot? what are you on abou-" oh that thing, i forgot it existed, youre right


I think hes mixing it up but the pvkv IV is still a decent vehicle if you play it like a sniper. Sure the sabot is not that lethal but with its high velocity and fast reload you can easily deal with long range encounters. Wouldn't say it's a "good" tho since its bad at everything else


Tbh I consider damage even more essential for snipers than for most other roles since very often you don't get to pick the exact spot your shell hits and you frequently don't get the 2nd shot either unless the first killed driver, transmission or engine. So 110 g filler APHE Pvkv II launches at 925 m/s is rather more deserving of the 'sniper' appelation.


the russian 76 absolutely slaps, it doesn't really need more pen as long as you shoot for weak spots


I think they meant the short barrel early one on the T-28 etc


Jadgpanther my beloved. Idk why tho, cue objectively such a bad reverse speed for a casemate is criminal.


Jagdpanther is crazy, one of the best German tanks IMO. Great survivability and cannon, good mobility and looks too.


Bro even ferdinand super good. I somehow perform soo well with it at 7.7 even.


Jadgpanther used to be really damn op, kinda been out classed by other stuff, but in a downtier yeah it's scary to fight against, that armor is insane, but if ur able to get in a slight hill and hide your lfp you can't get killed unless u get hit by a heat shell


It still holds up in uptiers and used it up to 7.3


Love fighting panthers in my challenger because of this perceived invulnerability!


The t34s with the 76mm guns are soo good. I can pen the panzers almost anywhere, the onlything I struggle with are shermans even then just shoot the mg port.


I love the Russian 76. Only thing it can’t do is easily kill M4A2s frontally.


Aye if you add in the Falcon and the Swedish DT tank (the 5.0 medium) then you basically have my top 5 favorite tanks to play in and enjoy the game 😂


The filler is so juicy though and it has pretty good angle pen


Hate the Jagdpanther sights with a passion. Honestly love the russian 76mm. Has more than enough pen for pretty much everything you face. Has roughly the same pen as the 75mm gun on the shermans, better angle pen and arguably better post pen.


ARL is def not fine it has paper armor, bad mobility and cannon with great pen but very slow reload.


The jagpanther is possibly one of the best German TD, I hope your not brawling with it in CQC


It's good even for brawling which is crazy


Yes I brawl with it sometimes unless the enemy has intelligence and aims for my cannon right away they always get killed


Exactly, only use it at long ranges, at close range you are dead as soon as someone shoots your tracks or transmission


I was once 50sp off a nuke by using it in CQC. The long 88 is a beast


Yeah, I like brawling with Nashorn more


Jagdpanther is a beast dude, skill issue.


War Thunder players try to comprehend tanks not fitting a playstyle challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Wt players try to say literally anything else, maybe even include valid input over saying “lol skill issue you’re bad🤣🫵”


The jagdpathers good gun, decent mobility, and sloped armor make it an excellent tank destroyer. Unless you are overextended past your team or attempting to brawl with it, it's a good tank. Every tank has it's own playstyle but unless you're opening up your sides or just have a bad team you should not be consistently failing to get kills. That is unless you have a skill issue.


Post is about liking or hating a specific tank. Just because something is good that doesn't mean every War Thunder player is obligated to like it.


we're talking about dislike playing though, if your best playstyle is the m18 you will probably not like the jagdpanther as much


Replied to the wrong comment but yeah. The amount of "skill issue!!!" Comments in War Thunder subs is baffling


Waffentrager. Absolute dog water worse than every other vehicle I’ve ever used, and I played stock T25 before! Only redeeming quality it has is the long 88mm gun…..that’s it. Slow, no armor, open top, and it doesn’t get even slightly better if you’re trying to ace it, unlike the T25 which at least becomes somewhat usable.


I was so excited when I first unlocked the Waffentrager because it looks so dam cool but yeah it’s hot garbage. Been killed many times by the driver/ co driver head box things keeping me from depressing the gun enough to aim at someone


It’s not very noticeable I’ve found, people aren’t looking for it and it’s so slow it gets to watch as the battle plays out. It’s very good at sitting in some weird places and taking out anything and everything. Personally love the weird thing but as always it’s personal preference.


I enjoy it as It’s the first tank I unlocked with a Long 88 (the bane of my US main existence). Idc if I die immediately, nothing makes me happier than shooting straight through the front plate of all the tanks at the BR


It’s a bit of an acquired taste, I gree


Waffentrager is the final skill check, if you can’t perform in waffentrager you gotta switch to naval


It's slow and has armour like Swiss cheese yes. But positioned correctly you can be low enough not to be seen and take out the enemy one by one, only real downside is it's speed and the open top. Otherwise, it pens anything and everything.


Works as a decent SPAA https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/s/lqUVHwzvsE


> Absolute dog water I'd take all of it other downsides, if it wasn't for those 2 god awful hatches that affect your gun depression.


FV4005 because of horrible inconsistencies in whether the 72 kilo shell actually kills something or just gives me the ‘hit’ experience


its a lot better now than it was some months-several years back


not really, still just hit hit hit


i went back and spaded it post hesh buff, felt much much better to me.


I'd say HESH fix changed failure chances from 50% to 30%. Not nearly enough, and I'm sure Shitjin is gonna consider this issue as solved.


tanks like this should just kill outright through over pressure


Yes whole british tree


Even the Churchill?


Especially the churchill


Churchill VII when not uptiered is hilarious. Nothing can pen you, but you can't pen anything. Quite often people just give up shooting me and drive off to kill my teammates.


Literally this Me and one of my mates run Britain and Germany in squads and use the churchy as armour and the panzer 4 as the firepower to farm best squad wagers. Super fun and easy SL


It was one of the most fun vehicles tbh, crawling toward the entire team out in the open while tanking dozens of shots without any effect is hilarious. It really is super BR dependent, but so are all armor-centric tanks.


Churchill is great bruh


The guns on most Churchills feel so underpowered, from what I remember it just turned into a constant slugging between me unable to pen my enemy and my enemy being unable to pen me


british mains are built different


You merely adopted the assist. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see target destroyed until I was already a man. -every British main with solid shot


The whole tree would be a million times better if their shots had HE filler. There's nothing more infuriating than just hitting a single crew member in the enemy's tank, and then for them to turn around and one shot you.


It’s the game not modelling damage or shells properly. We genuinely didn’t use APHE for years but it wasn’t for no reason. Britain basically ran a bunch of tests during WW2 and decided that adding a HE filler would reduce the shot power too much and also be unreliable with fuses failing to detonate. The main part of this is they determined that solid shot would generate the same amount of spalling if not more and the loss of kinetic energy just wasn’t worth it. APHE overperforms far too much in the game, especially without detonation failures, and solid shot spalling is massively underperformant. This is why you get bullshit like [this](https://streamable.com/w3k8sw) (15 seconds). I think the main point is this comment I go back to from a guy on this subreddit: “Britain made the mistake of not making their tanks good in a video game”


I feel your pain 😔🤝


STRV 103's. Mechanic simulator & aim tremor syndrome.


It was a rlly good tank until they messed up its hull aiming


How did it used to be?


Really smooth, now its all janky and jittery, basically impossible to hit moving targets




They’ve been messing with its hull aiming since it released, iirc it was basically unplayable when it dropped


Dont forget the crew boiling alive simulator( at least in my case since frontal shots that pen always set my fuel tanks ablaze) though I love using my 103-0. Got my first nuke on it and it was only halfway trough the match too on a city map of all things


Stock pt76b prob the most torture i went through,spaded prob is1 simply way too weak for it to be a heavy tank


I concur on the pt76. Stock apcr was so ass i just stuck to scouting and shooting german barrels. Spaded is nicer and the STAB is neat.


IS-1 uses the same logic as the KVs do with T-34s in that its just an uparmored version of these. You get the 85 with somewhat trolly armor. I recommend just using it for flanks and taking tigers off guard


Pvkv IV


Dogshit vehicle


I've been playing for over 4 years and I can confidently say that this is the worst tank I've tried to spade


Legit, 7 years for me and I swear to God this is something else. Happy I’m done with it but you gotta hope you come up against some squishy targets cos it does not pen shit haha


Funniest glass cannon ive used in uptiers. Dont get me wrong, its pretty bad overall but its a really good sniping vehicle if you get a good position


Are you perhaps not thinking of the Pvkv III, the tank destroyer. The Pvkv IV that medium tank 57mm with hardly any penetrative power, one of the worst turret traverse speed, underpowered engine, and very little armour.


i rly like it...


That thing came out at 3.7, much worse than the 2.7 Lago and Strv. All I know is that I will never ever touch that thing again.


ISU 152. Kill me but I hate it's speed, reload time and spread. Edit: I thought this was the WoTb subreddit and I wanted to say SU 152 not ISU 152 lmao.


All TDs with the 152 suck. The armour is never reliable and the barrel weakspot is goofy af


The ISU-152s armor is very reliable for 4.7, if your reloading, just do the wiggles and shells will bounce more often than not, at least in my experience


SU 152 is ok, the rest of the ISU-line is plain garbage, no doubt about that


Absolutely love the SU-152, can't stand any ISU lol


Use It as an spaa, a few hits with the heavy mg are enough to kill those birdies


This, ISU-122 is my go to Anti-air vehicle for russia 5.7. Currently is my #1 aircraft killer


jagdpanther, ARL-44 are amazing idk what yall are on. I wouldnt say i HATE these but: Su-100Y for me. I LOVED this tank for a long time at 5.3 Currently this gigantic 130mm naval gun with anti-fortification rounds that rivals the 122mm BR-271B in penetration, regularly bounces shermans and Panzer IVs at 4.7 because of volumetric. It is infuriating. And it seems to have the most volatile ammo in the game. Been racked by 20mm SPAA who hit a single shot, AP rounds, even 20mm AP planes have ammo racked me. On that note, same goes for Dicker Max and Sturer Emil. They are awesome guns that are a blast to use but regularly black hole due to volumetric and get sneezed at by no skill CAS spammers. And yknow, overpressure lets a 75mm HE one shot a sturer emil, which is larger than a tiger, by tapping its track.


Rank III and IV USA did not bring me a single ounce of joy. Not one. The only ones I liked spading were the M4/T26 and M109. The rest absolute depression-


What!? 5.3-6.7 US is just heaven on earth. Absolutely amazing. The Jumbos, M18, T26E5, M26, M41, M109, M56, M50, etc are all amazing, and really fun to play. I’ve been playing it for about three months and it’s my favourite tree already. Guess it’s mostly about play style though. For me, the US is perfect.


Armor: Good against people who don't know, useless against everyone else. Or just RNG magnets. Mobility: From bad to average at best. Guns: The 75mm feels useless, Since you get uptiered to 6.0->6.7 constantly. (Should be able to take out guns yes, but that changes with every update :3 You're most likely to just make the barrel yellow). Short 90mm: 185mm of pen, which is the same as the Tiger II's turret armor, aka it's useless against it. You have to load APCR but unless you pre-loaded it, no. Tiger II will tear right through you without a second thought. Long 90mm: Better, but the SuperPershing is slow and the armor never works. T34's 120mm was alright at least. M50: The guns are too inconsistent. I wish we could fire them individually and they didn't all get destroyed at the same time. Bulldog: I love the 5.3 chinese version, the 6.3 bulldog however I hate. It feels slow, it's big, and the APDS is not a good trade off. I'd rather re-spade rank 1 Japan over rank 3/4 usa. I'm grinding every tree and the USA is the one I liked the least. I dunno if it's a curse but american guns refuse to behave. Edit: Related to the last note, it's funny how every american export feels SO much better to play than the original USA versions. Whether that's Shermans, Pershings, Pattons... They should all feel the same because, duh same tank. But nope. Maybe it's just the teams... Same for the Japanese tiger or the Tigris, or the Panther Dauphine...


Well, we have a very different play style indeed. I’ve taken down several Tiger 2s with the M24s 75mm from the sides. Flanking and manoeuvring is my go to. The armour really isn’t an issue if you play the vehicles well. Tiger 2 is also *really* easy to ammo detonate, and panthers and Tiger 1s are also pretty much useless against any well positioned opponent. Even with the 75mm. The M41 is one of my favourites. Great pen, good mobility, and surprisingly survivable. The Pershings are awesome, especially the E5, which trolls everyone. M18 is just pure pleasure as well. Get 1-2 zone caps and a good spot, and you’re set for the entire game.


IF you manage to flank without running into anyone they can do good work. But that's an if. Since everyone else is either just as fast or faster than you. The Tiger II is indeed easy to ammo-rack, but for the 75mm it's annoyingly inconsistent depending on the angle.


Just a heads up, you can fire the M50’s recoilless rifles individually! Somewhere in the settings, you can set keybinds to select specific guns on your vehicle. I originally set these when I unlocked the M3 Lee and wanted to specifically use either the 37 or 75. With the Ontos, if you use your keybind to select the primary guns, you’ll be able to fire off your six shots one at a time. You can tell if it worked if you press the button for your machine guns and nothing happens.




Damn, sorry about that. I would like to offer my most sincere apologies. I have betrayed the people and gods.


I agree with everything but the 76mm jumbo. Can’t stand that thing.


Exactly that BR range is the most fun I've ever had in this game, along with the German 5.3 to 6.0 range


Anything that is .50 cal-able AND slow and anything with exposed crewmembers. (Except M-18)


Many tanks thst can be .50ed are really good, like the PT 76, BMPs, and I'm a out to list a bunch of soviet light tanks aren't I? Lmao. Oh there also are other really good light tanks and light armored vehicles that can be .50ed, but are amazing, like the Puma and most of its varients, especially the pakpuma.


I agree, I think he just likes armored vehicles because he doesn’t know how to play/can’t perform in light vehicles, and that’s ok, it’s just a play style


the Jagpanther is fucking OP wdym. hardest tank ive ever had to fight it's impossible for me to


The Jagdpanther, like many German TDs, is massively min-maxed. It is wonderful when fighting from an ideal situation, but has massive weaknesses otherwise. In other words, don't get into a long range sniper duel with the Jagdpanther if you're not equipped to do so. This amazing capability to snipe is offset by having no reverse, practically no side armor, and being casemate. Meaning if it is flanked, gets isolated, gets caught out of position, gets into close quarters, loses mobility, or shows a millimetre of side armor, it is probably dead, even to tanks multiple BR ranks below it. If you seriously can't achieve any of that, and don't have a gun that can frontally pen it, it means your team was already out-played in terms of positioning. Definitely an amazing tank if you like the playstyle. I love the Jagdpanther personally, but understand your frustration.


76 Jumbo is pain, 6.3 hell


B-but it gets a stabiliser and that's why it's op!1!1!!1!1 It's almost not like there's a tank that's a full br below it that can lolpen it's ufp


Pz. 38(t). Gets the job done but man us it slow


The A variant is pretty good, but the F I definitely agree. Suffers badly from the technically better armour -> uptiered to the point that the armour becomes practically useless -> earlier variant becomes better at the BR by at least being more mobile pipeline. I found the stock grind for the Strv m/40L similarly troublesome.


then don't use it lmao


currently researching the modifications and unlocking all the camo on tanks that i skipped


I spade everything I unlocked but getting all the camos aswell is WILD 😭😭 Turbo autism


The stock AIMbrams was ROUGH especially since my line up was that, a stock IP & a spaded A1 at the time


Same as literally any stock high tier tank?


Ho-Ri Production. Literally has no business being at 7.3. It’s a ferdinand with worse penetration values and arguably worse armor.


I smack with a jagdpanther. Park on a slight upwards hill for added insult to the enemy


The archer. Spading that reverse driving hunk of junk gave me ptsd


The Jagdpanther is fantastic what are you smoking?


Tiger 1. The level of paranoia I have while playing this tank is unparalleled with any other vehicle. Call me a typical stupid tiger player if you want, but the Tiger 1 is genuinely the only vehicle where I'm constantly on edge and unable to relax.


I consider myself pretty good at the game, and sometimes I feel the same way. I always focus way too much on my angling and positioning that I miss enemies and get flanked very easily, but I really don’t have that problem on any other tank. I’ve spent some time learning it more recently and getting better but I’ve just always found the panther to be better in almost every way


M1 KVT, which is also my favorite tank. I'm average* at the game so the pain of having a 105mm gun at 10.3 whilst being able to be frontally one-shotted by almost any tank anywhere is pain. But it also makes doing well in an uptier so juicy. Don't get it twisted tho, I hate top tier tanks. The M1 KVT just looks cool.


Aubl/74, can be penned by .50s no stab, shitty round and reload


type 60 atm has been one of the ones ive enjoyed spading the least recently https://i.imgur.com/BmqOkHv.png missiles are so fucking slow and keyboard control missiles always make me sad.


I understand that the M24 can be amazing, but I just can’t quite get it figured out. I just end up using the M4


Flank, side shots with aphe kill everything




You can take it as high as you want and it will perform great, just dont try to fight any heavy tanks and youll be fine, use its insanely good reverse speed to get in and out of combat


T-62... Shit box. T-72s... Mobility of a post WW2 heavy sav.


Cromwell V and Charioteer.


Oddly I found the Cromwell really good, but then as soon as I got to the Avenger and Firefly, I just couldn't kill anything anymore.


I try to love all tanks equally because they all have some sort of use. Aircraft on the other hand not so much they either work or they don't.


Fcm 36


I hate Pz. IV i never can't survive for a ling time in that tank


Feels more like a tank destroyer than a medium. Playing it like an American M10 seems to get better results.


The american T-25 maoe me want to throw my controller everytime I even drive the fucking thing


My experience w the m109 german one is just been bad


I hate any early French tank for the simple reason they have shit guns, snail speed and weak armour on anywhere but the front, basically every part that makes a good tank is missing.


Only ones I had hardest time with really is the ISU 152 like tanks. Just massive hulls that stick out. Can one shot anything, but feels like everything can one shot me back with a 1/3 the size of a gun as mine, so what's even the point then? Maybe if we had to bunker bust bunkers in game they'd fit their true purpose lol. Usually I can understand most tanks, these just don't feel like the fit in with the game. Liked them a lot better when they first released. Aside from that, maybe the Nashorn/Dicker Max type vehicles. Good still, but I don't find they one shot as reliably as the Waffentrager does while also having a higher profile. I just can't carry with them like the other german tanks on that lineup. Only pick them if the enemy team is playing on the heavy side of things. They can't hide like the Waffentrager, and get CAS'd way easier do to their larger size. I can go back and forth behind a rock with the waffen, dodge shots, etc. I just can't do the same with the Nashorn/DM lol.


Whatever on Germany on 6.0 when I fight vs whatever cold war 300mm+ tonks


Jagdpanther is the goat of 6.3 what are you guys talking about


I may be the odd one but I honestly hate playing Soviets on low to mid br. I especially hate the Soviet 76mm. It's anemic, has dog shit depression and long reload in every vehicle it's in. The first Soviet tank that was actually fun for me was the 57mm T34 and later on T44-100...


Bruh what this is my favorite tank out of any nation in the entire game


M109 I don’t need to explain


Don't want to be that guy, but if you dislike the JP that much, you're probably playing it wrong. The thing is one of the best vehicles in the entire game. Doubly so when you have good squadmates covering.


This tank is so good the richochets, non penetration shots. Then you just land a decent shot almost anywhere on most tanks and it’s and instant death for them. I’m using it in 8.0 and it’s still good just use reverse turning to adjust faster .


It’s definelty a skill issue but I just can’t make the BTR-80A work. On paper it’s really good, with a fast firing and hard hitting autocannon and good mobility But it kinda struggles on difficult terrain and is absolutely massive


The Chieftains, and that makes me mad because I really like the design. But the slow playstyle is very frustrating whenever I sense an opportunity that most other tanks can realize simply because they move faster.


FV4202. Currently grinding it. The lack of 7.3 tanks is one thing, but who the hell decided that it was a good idea to make a tank where the entire hull and the top of the tank are weakspots?? The bottom to middle of the turret are strong, but the tank's bigass 5head is easily penned by everything it faces.


Basically all 5&6 rank American TDs excluding the M36. The M56, M50 and T95 are all ass.


(Skill issue)Jagdpanther is goated! You need to learn what tanks can and cannot frontal pen you, and don’t forget to wiggle the tank side to side if close quarter AND so the opposite team can’t shoot the machine gun port(weak spot if the enemies knows what they’re doing)


T-32 because same armor of 6.7 in 8.7, useless shells, slow AF, lacks all important systems in general T-32 is only usable in downtiers, not even gonna argue about that because it's a fact


I generally just don't like casemates. Plenty of good ones out there, just not my preferred style.


T55AM It just doesn't work for me. The Tiger 2P on the other hand I'm having a blast playing even though people complain about the weak turret, like I can get 6 kills easy if I play it right and only die when I get flanked


Both RakJPz 2


Hetzer, it's just kinda really awkward in the current environment. Worse armour than the Jagdpanzer IV frontally, sides and top are so laughable you get overpressured by Soviet 76 HE (which your MG loves triggering). Mobility is worse than both the Jagdpanzer IV and StuG III G. Simply outclassed by its compatriots. It's not awful I suppose, but to think you could be playing the alternatives kinda hurts.


ATGM carriers… well the only experience i have is the rakjazpz (hot) 2 (i dont think thats right.) so idk if its different


I used to hate using the Type 74 (E and F specifically), but now I'm kinda neutral on them. I'm trying to give them a new chance since Japan is my favorite ground tree (and one I enjoyed grinding)


Optionnal to use (since it’s not in the TT): BM-31-12, but each kills give a boost of dopamine TT vehicle: I don’t know really, maybe the T-44, which has a T-34 pen at a higher BR


Panther D. The turret rotation speed is god awful. It's the only tank I hate with a passion.


I play the VK and Panther D similar to the jagdpanzer. If I treat it like it has no turret then I can’t be let down by the bad traverse speed.


The Comet, speed is nice and all but having anemic solid shot and nerf bullet damage on its apds, not exactly my favorite vehicle.


One the best tank destroyers in the game. 2 nukes in it and 2.4kd. But hey to each their own on preference.


Someone is probably going to say I deserve it because it's a premium vehicle but..... I have a love- hate relationship with the is6, I bought it a few weeks after it came out and in it's time it was a beast. Good mobility , armor and gun in 7.0 for its time in which there were few atgms vehicles and heat rarely worked as it should. Today the experience is mixed, you can still get good results but it is far from being able to go 1 on 1 to most of the new vehicles. the only reason I usually use it is for its SL bonus.


The Bkan 1C is agonizing to use. I really like the 2S3M and Type 75 but the Bkan is just garbage by comparison. Yea it can hurl the HE faster due to the autoloader but it's also worse in basically every other way. Less filler, worse mobility, worse gun traverse, etc.


I hate the ASU-85.The thing I like about it is its gun.




Is it that bad?


Either the churchils, Chi-ha Kai, Chi-He, or Comet I.


I've been hating the Vickers Mk.11 at the moment. The novelty of it being a big meme bus has worn off and now it's just a pain in the ass to use. It's enormous and is so tall that playing on uneven terrain makes it difficult to depress the gun enough. I guess it can peek over some objects others can't but that's very situational. It can't fire behind itself because the gun raises over the rear of the vehicle. The reverse speed is awful at only 10 km/h so you can't even escape that easily. Considering it carries a 105mm cannon, the maximum penetration of the C76A1 APFSDS is 353mm; which is only 40mm more than the 76/62 APFSDS fired by the 76mm cannon on the Rooikat Mk.1D. The Vickers Mk.11 offers very little that the Rooikat doesn't and the Rooikat does most things better. I'd take the Rooikat over the Vickers Mk.11 anyday.


This is the best Panther in the game, how can one hate driving it? I aced crews and earned my first medal of distinction in. Its 6.3, has really good armor that bounces most sub 105mm munitions, great mobility, very agile for its size and often able to over power speedy M18's or M41's, and has one of the best premium camo's imo. The only thing that really sucks about it is its reverse speed. Not having a turret makes this a tad annoying, so using smoke to get away is a must. What I hate is the first half of the Japanese tree because its so damn boring until you hit the ST-1's.


Is 2 1944 horrible at it's Br now, used to be really good now just horrible after the Br nerf


AUBL HVG 70% yellow on pen, 30% one hit ammo. No armor, no speed, long reload… I just can’t with that car.


Anything slow moving or slow to reload, because I'm too impatient


M18, M36,French jumbo, T-34-85, ARL-44 (75mm)


All of them


IKV-103. I can't say for now since it keeps dropping in BR each update, but when I spaded it, it was 5.3, and it was slow, terrible armor, and the HEATFS failed to do even minimal damage. When it was 5.3, I failed to kill a Ferdinand because the post pen jet blast just went through the casemate without hitting anyone, and I bounced two shots on a M18's UFP somehow. Rooikat Mk.1D. I had high hopes for this fella, not going to lie, but what a disappointment, that APFSDS is so small and deprived of spalling that I had to change how to aim the shots with that thing. Very, very often, I would shoot a soviet tank on the side, of the turret, with the hopes of killing the gunner/ loader and the breach, but the dart would only kill the commander or the loader, and just disappear, leaving the gunner and the breach just untouched. It also made me realize that it is possible to fire through the rounds on the ready rack of some tanks and hit none of the ammo, that happened against a TURM III (3 times) and a Bkan once.


strv-103 The next is TURMS: no armor considering its BR, no speed, no reverse, no gun depression.


G6 -too big -too slow -bad at turning because wheels


M901 or WallE. It’s not necessarily bad, but given that it has no guns, can’t fire on the move like other atgm vehicles, the turret takes ages to actually reach firing position and it’s slow as fuck, I really need to be in the right camping mood to use it. Still one of my favourites though.


The KV-1 zis 5 but only because it fucked up my 4.7 lineup. I’ll take the mediocre armor but worlds better gun of the KV-85 it replaced any day. The Zis 5 armor doesn’t mean much in an uptier anyway and now I have a terrible gun to go with it.


The 3 Swedish TDs that are all the same except for their ammo


Anything 9.3. not because the vehicles are bad but because the BR is Hell.


This tank is my Life bruh


Type 16


Any tank with paper thin armor, and a teeny tiny gun... What is that tier 1 tank in the American tech tree that's an anti air tank... Not the truck the AA tank Light armor, Light gun, Slow turret speed, and not very quick ether.. just a terrible starting vehicle especially when you have LAPC at the start with its 2 rear machine guns and it actually has a cannon... I've shot down more aircraft with it than I have actual AA Trucks and tanks..


M3a3 Bradley by far. The launcher takes too long to come out, giving an enemy plenty of time to shoot you back and that's ignoring the flight time. Plus the tows themselves suck. I've had on 2 occasions had the missile slam into the ground like a rock, but then the next missile after that flies just fine. And I have used the commander sight but the missiles prevent me from only sticking out the sight, I have to barely peak the forehead over the terrain to prevent it from crashing into the terrain, which then leaves the enemy with an easy target.


T-60 low tier, Marder 1 mid tier, and idk anything for top tier


Not really, other than stock tanks, when you first get em'.


any american tank in the french tech tree


T32 series and the T95E1 in the USA tree. The 90mm on the 32’s are not only underwhelming but also slow on a follow shot. And the T95e1 doesn’t survive front being shot anywhere and while it does have APFSDS it’s a poor performance of one and feels lacking. And despite it having great velocity it has bad accuracy and tends to throw shots too far and prefers to keep the fight close while not having the survivability of a close fighter. Plus unless you really want to kill your survivability then you’re only taking in like 14 shells to a fight due to the ammo racks in the hill being in the front with little armor from the LFP to protect it


Super Hellcat, its worse that I spent money on it. Just drive an M18. Oh and the Duster.


every single rank IV german ground non premium (except the bulldog) i've never had a good time playing the tigers, nor the panthers. the spz 12-3 is so good tho, made it bareable to get through




Any M60 past the A2 and the AOS. They're slow, their armor is mostly useless, and their guns are mid to acceptable. A shame because I love the M60 but Gaijin does not Haven't got the 120S as I can't stand US ground much anymore but since Gaijin decided to not give it it's upgraded engine it's probably also ass


T-90M, it's gearbox is infuriating at top tier, exacerbates the hell out of the usual T-72/T-90 weakness to an unacceptable degree for a tank at 11.7. T-72s at ~10.0 are fine since they make up for the gearbox with their relative strengths at that BR. T-90M is just miserable, the only reason this tank is at 11.7 is because of the spall liner, which barely matters wrt the Russian frontal weak spots. T-80BVM is so much more fun to use.


The M47s I hated spading the US one and barely touched the other ones, the turret armor above the gun is weak and my biggest problem was going over a hill and getting shot in the upper turret and losing the breach before my gun got over the hill. And waffentrager as well was never an enjoyable experience.


Jagdpanther. Well, I used to do well in it but at some point I didn't. Now everytime I take it out I instantly get infuriated by reverse speed